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Is Harris Really Worth Voting For?


Well-Known Member
It was because of bird flu and egg prices.

"Cal-Maine Foods, the largest egg producer in the United States, reported revenue doubled and profit surged 718% last quarter because of sharply higher egg prices"

but they were selling significantly less eggs, so how did the gross profit increase so much? Not the classical supply and demand is it?


Well-Known Member
It was because of bird flu and egg prices.

"Cal-Maine Foods, the largest egg producer in the United States, reported revenue doubled and profit surged 718% last quarter because of sharply higher egg prices"

but they were selling significantly less eggs, so how did the gross profit increase so much? Not the classical supply and demand is it?
If it wasn't for the debate and the public seeing how Biden's mentality was failing, you dems would still be stuck with Biden.
might even be true to a degree, you should be glad we dodged the bullet. :)


Well-Known Member
Yep. You are born with the right to vote. Just have to wait until you are old enough.

Yep. No one is born with a right to drive. Its a priveledge that when you are old enough you have to earn and pay for.
So what is your objection to anybody voting? Oh, they didn't have the privilege of being born here, it certainly wasn't their right to be born here or not. LOL

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
If it wasn't for the debate exposing to the public how Biden's mentality was failing, you dems would still be stuck with Biden.
Might-have-beens will get you nowhere. In the coming election there is no Biden problem.

But there is a very very large Trump problem ─ rapist, fraudster, narcissist, incompetent, with a decaying brain ─ it must be that pretty hair-dye that gets 'em in.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
No one I've seen is making that argument.
I've asked.
Then you haven't been looking and listening.
Companies can argue with each over medication rights all the time.
Do you acknowledge that the US government has funded medication research?

Here, it would typically cost about $10,000 in legal
fees to sue to get the money back. So many poor
people lose their life savings (if let's say they're
going to buy a used car for cash) because they
can't afford to fight Uncle Sam. Cops know this,
which makes the populace easy pick'ns.
No......I don't believe that.
Exactly how much is being carried in your hypothetical case?
If a person is carrying more than a certain amount of cash but can show why they are carrying it, I'll bet that they can carry on to their destination with it.

You mention that 'so many people lose their life savings', so please give me one case for review.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
Here, it would typically cost about $10,000 in legal
fees to sue to get the money back. So many poor
people lose their life savings (if let's say they're
going to buy a used car for cash) because they
can't afford to fight Uncle Sam. Cops know this,
which makes the populace easy pick'ns.

YOU ARE ALLOWED TO CARRY AS MUCH CASH AS YOU WANT OUT OF AND INTO THE UNITED STATES. To summarize up front: no, you are not restricted to traveling with sums of $10,000 or less. In fact, you could travel with a checked bag stuffed to the brim with cash — as long as you declare the amount beforehand.11 Dec 2023

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Well-Known Member
Either way, you're trying to make a case of
profit gouging with insufficient info.
Large auto companies sometimes have
unprofitable years. Then they make a
billion or so the next year. That's an
infinite increase, but it's not price gouging.
Come one....let's see a more thorough
analysis to back up your claim.
Why? You will just deny anything and everything you don't like and hurl a few insults while you are doing it.


Well-Known Member
It was because of bird flu and egg prices.

"Cal-Maine Foods, the largest egg producer in the United States, reported revenue doubled and profit surged 718% last quarter because of sharply higher egg prices"

The avian flue strain issue started in April Their profits have been up for months before hand. And those profits stayed even with the sale of fewer eggs.

and what will you claim is the cause of to 450% increase in profits reported by Kraft Heinz? A failure of the Jell-o crop?

Or General Mills record profits? Maybe fallout from the litigation from the Count Chocula sex scandal?


Well-Known Member
So ... even if your claims were true, and in fact they're wild Trump-like exaggerations, you'd rather have a known rapist and convicted fraudster with a visibly decaying brain in the Oval Office?

I could scarcely disagree more.
Yes! Thats how bad the (D) party is!


Veteran Member
I had the misfortune of turning on my radio this morning.
I heard coverage of the DNC convention.
No voice for Palestinians allowed.
Harris parroted the Biden lament about misery in Gaza.
Harris parroted the Biden code phrase for allowing the
genocide to continue...."Israel has the right to self defense".
Both advocate widespread price controls.
Both favor government seizing private assets.

It's beginning to appear that she's just a clone of Biden.
But a DEI version. (They repeatedly make a big deal about
her sex & race....& how presidential her pantsuits are.)
Regardless of how bad she might.... she certainly has a loooooooong way to go to be even worse then Trump.

I feel sorry for Americans. How did it end up this way....
Having to vote for someone perceived as bad, only to avoid something even worse.

Some serious reform is in order... Time to do away with the electoral college and the two-party system.
Off course the problem is that such reforms should have to be done by the very people who want to keep it in place, since they hold all the power.

It's a sad state of affairs. I wheep for the future.


colors your eyes with what's not there

Is Harris Really Worth Voting For?​

Conservative judge J. Michael Luttig has the definitive answer to your question.

I will unhesitatingly vote for the Democratic Party’s candidate for the Presidency of the United States, Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris.
In voting for Vice President Harris, I assume that her public policy views are vastly different from my own, but I am indifferent in this election as to her policy views on any issues other than America’s Democracy, the Constitution, and the Rule of Law, as I believe all Americans should be.

He has never before endorsed or voted for a Democratic candidate. He cites Trump's Jan 6 a stake through the heart of American democracy. He says in part:
America’s Democracy and Rule of Law are the defining features of our Nation. It is America’s Democracy, Constitution, and Rule of Law that have made America the envy of the world and the beacon of democracy and freedom for the world for almost 250 years.​
This presidential election is a test of Americans’ commitment to America’s Democracy, the Constitution, and the Rule of Law. It is so because the former president and the Republican Party have shamefully made it so.​
The often lofty, at times even noble, policy differences that have been the hallmark of American Politics and partisan debate for almost a quarter of a millennium pale in comparison to the foundational national policy issues of America’s Democracy, Constitution, and Rule of Law. American Democracy, the Constitution, and the Rule of Law are the stakes — the only real stakes — in the upcoming election.. Having made them so, these foundational issues of our times cannot now be wished away by the former president and his Republican Party, as they would have it. And they must not be wished away by the American People.​

Judge Luttig's statement in full:


We Never Know

No Slack
Might-have-beens will get you nowhere. In the coming election there is no Biden problem.

Its not a might have been, its you would have.
Good thing the public was exposed to it.

You on the left talk about honesty, why cant youns be honest and admit if not for the debate you would still be pushing Biden?

But there is a very very large Trump problem ─ rapist, fraudster, narcissist, incompetent, with a decaying brain ─ it must be that pretty hair-dye that gets 'em in.
He is a sexual offender and convicted felon.
He is a narcissist IMO, but he is more competent than who you tried to push for president.
Again good thing for the debate or you would still be pushing him lol

We Never Know

No Slack
The avian flue strain issue started in April Their profits have been up for months before hand. And those profits stayed even with the sale of fewer eggs.
Provided you the link.
and what will you claim is the cause of to 450% increase in profits reported by Kraft Heinz? A failure of the Jell-o crop? Or General Mills record profits?
You posted about Cal-Maine Foods.
If you want to change to other companies, post links so we can see if there is a reason.

Maybe fallout from the litigation from the Count Chocula sex scandal?
Or you can just continue on with your crazy childish antics


Well-Known Member
No....I'm discussing how both parties are making a big deal of it.
Magas do it to demonize her.
Dems do it to sell her.

Do you believe that it's wrong to observe this obsession
that each side has, & to broach the topic?
"Magas do it to demonize her."

Can you show me an example of what you're referring to with this statement?

We Never Know

No Slack
and what are they trying to make her exactly?
Why is she being pushed as "First Black Female Asian American?

There has already been a black president so "black" is irrelevant.

Why not "First Biracial Female"

Or "First Asian American Female"

Or just "First Female"


Veteran Member
Why is she being pushed as "First Black Female Asian American?
Because it breaks the pattern of candidates being white men. It surely is a sore spot for more conservtive folks.

Why do you ask this question? Is there a problem pointing out the reality of her gender and heritage?
There has already been a black president so "black" is irrelevant.
So, check this box, let's get back to white men being president?
Why not "First Biracial Female"
There's no problem with that, just less detailed. You could suggest one half is white, just like Obama, so a bit of a less sore spot for racists.
Or "First Asian American Female"

Or just "First Female"
Those still apply. Of course our MAGA frineds will be critical of just referring to one category, and suggest some nefarious reason for not including all the categories. After all we sane voters refer to Trump in most all of hs categories: criminal, fraudster, liar, rapist, traitor, insurrectionist, national security risk, disturbed, old, mentally unfit, etc.


LHP Mercuræn Feminist Heretic Bully ☿
Premium Member
Why is she being pushed as "First Black Female Asian American?

There has already been a black president so "black" is irrelevant.

Why not "First Biracial Female"

Or "First Asian American Female"

Or just "First Female"
Hillary was the first female presidential candidate from a major party. She also won the popular vote.

We Never Know

No Slack
Because it breaks the pattern of candidates being white men. It surely is a sore spot for more conservtive folks.

Why do you ask this question? Is there a problem pointing out the reality of her gender and heritage?

She is of Asian heritage too. More so in fact being her mom was Asian and she gets more DNA(mitochondrial DNA) from her mother
So, check this box, let's get back to white men being president?
Never suggested that. Why do you?
There's no problem with that, just less detailed. You could suggest one half is white, just like Obama, so a bit of a less sore spot for racists.

Those still apply. Of course our MAGA frineds will be critical of just referring to one category, and suggest some nefarious reason for not including all the categories. After all we sane voters refer to Trump in most all of hs categories: criminal, fraudster, liar, rapist, traitor, insurrectionist, national security risk, disturbed, old, mentally unfit, etc.
None of that changes what I said.

Why don't you just admit they are playing the race card hoping for an advantage.