Skanky Old Mongrel!
Yeah.....so here we have an incident where a massive amount of funds was being transported without any prior arrangement which is what is advised.Some background info....
ij.orgOpinion | It'll take more than a Supreme Court case to end police abuse of property rights
Arbitrary state actions are exactly what the courts should be checking, and the Timbs decision provides a way to challenge many such abuses.www.nbcnews.com
One case, as requested....
Veteran’s Case To Hold Officers Responsible For Robbing His Savings Can Finally Move Forward
A Marine veteran had his life savings taken from him without being charged with any crimes. Thanks to a recent state supreme court decision, his effort to hold officers accountable can move forward again.www.forbes.com
And you want to nail this case (which looks like it will be resolved) on to a Presidential candidates door.
I don't think so.