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Is homosexuality a choice?


Stripling Warrior
Premortality? This a new kind of guff to me. What evidence can you provide that there is many such thing?

This sounds to me to be just another excuse for bigotry.
Ask an LDS missionary about this new kind of guff. I havn't the time or inclination to start so far down the Biblical totem pole so that you can hear what you will probably only scoff at anyway - it's a pearls before swine thing. Now, go ahead, claim I just called you a swine :rolleyes:


Stripling Warrior
Evandr you need to get educated about homosexuality and actually meet some homosexuals and talk to them about this stuff. I'll be glad to answer any questions you have.

I am very well versed in homosexuality, personally they can be as loving and wonderfull as any. I have family members that are homosexual and for whom I care a great deal as well as a boss for which I have a great deal of respect. That does not mean that I have to accept, either personally or with regard to our social and governmental statutes, the homosexual lifestyle. I cannot promote it because of my devotion to the commandments of God and I will not stand by silently because of what I understand about the long-term ramifications of such a lifestyle for both the individual and the society that embraces it.


Stripling Warrior
Intersex - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The various forms of intersex show that human sexual development is a thoroughly physiological phenomenon. In some of those cases the apparent sex of the individual is of such an indeterminate state how can the person be qualified as homosexual or heterosexual in regards to sexuality.

Ask God anything and, if sufficiantly humble an answer and/or solution will be had that can be understood.


Well-Known Member
Ask God anything and, if sufficiantly humble an answer and/or solution will be had that can be understood.

I'm an atheist.

Or do you mean that those people who are intersex should ask God? What if an intersex person with CAIS, an XY female, marries a male? In some legal districts that is a heterosexual union but in others a homosexual union. And vice versa if the same person were to marry a female.

Do you understand the quandary in relying on older, traditional views of sexual identity?


Stripling Warrior
I'm an atheist.

Or do you mean that those people who are intersex should ask God? What if an intersex person with CAIS, an XY female, marries a male? In some legal districts that is a heterosexual union but in others a homosexual union. And vice versa if the same person were to marry a female.

Do you understand the quandary in relying on older, traditional views of sexual identity?

Life has its difficult questions and unusual cases but so what; those are not your circumstances and therefore you are not justified in them. Using that to ignore or, worst yet, justify foolishness on behalf of the overwhelming vast majority who have not the need to face such questions with regard to themselves is akin to mindlessly grasping at straws.

Mankind can and does mutate just about everything it touches, religion by decree and the physical world by action. Physical deformity is causal in mortality and has nothing to do with the commandments of God with regard to gender pair matching. The reality is that life, trial, growth, and progression does not begin with mortal conception nor does it end with death. No one is held accountable for not being able to conform to commandments that they are incapable of conforming too and those whom you speak about will have opportunity to choose and justice done to them as we all will. The bottom line is that pointing to others to justify yourself doesn't work. When you stand before God to be judged you will not stand there as anyone’s spouse or son or friend; you will not stand as a rich man or a poor man, a scholar or a dummy; you will stand there as a son of God stripped of all your excuses for sin. I firmly believe that in that instance, if you are not worthy of the atoning intervention of Christ on your behalf then...well...lets just say you will not be a happy camper.


Stripling Warrior
I'm an atheist.
Being an athiest does not invalidate my answer, it simply means that you have a long way to go to be humble enough to get the answer you might be looking for.
Or do you mean that those people who are intersex should ask God?
Well DUH - YES! why not, if there is a question and they really want to do what is right then who better to ask?
Do you understand the quandary in relying on older, traditional views of sexual identity?
There is no quandry that our Heavenly Father cannot sort out, we just have to have a little faith and do as He asks.


being gay is not a disease just as drug addiction is not a disease! you are not born gay. its a decision just like deciding to do drugs. get it? G-D did not stutter when he told man not to lie with another man as if he were a woman! its an abomination and they will be put to death( souls destroyed by YA)! women are so beautiful. such a blessing from our LORD and still they choose to BE SODOMITES! I dont hate anyone and the ALMIGHTY is the only real judge but i hope that answered your question? SHALOM


Well-Known Member
According to my religious friend, being gay is one’s own personal choice. He is of the opinion that since God, according to the bible, has made homosexuality a sin; he would not have allowed people to be born gay.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but if he believes that being gay is a choice, doesn’t that mean he is capable of engaging in a homosexual affair at any time? He says he is heterosexual, but if he has a choice in his sexuality, wouldn’t this make him bi-sexual?
You know what really bugs me about the Bible? The Book of Job - by far the oldest - has been depreciated. Job answers all the questions. God is beyond understanding; and how is the concept of beyond understanding forwarded as understanding? Through comparisons to the natural world. The Bible is a book of the prophets of god; and a prophet is context-dependent, temporarily and culturally. Which means - god has not made homosexuality a sin - cultural context provided said declaration. Does homosexuality exist in nature? Yes. Is homosexuality a choice? No.

Jeez. Some people need an instruction manual for their instruction manual. ;)

Oh, no. The choice is whether one chooses to be sexual. I could choose all manner of sexuality; but I do not define myself by sexuality.


Well-Known Member
Life has its difficult questions and unusual cases but so what; those are not your circumstances and therefore you are not justified in them. Using that to ignore or, worst yet, justify foolishness on behalf of the overwhelming vast majority who have not the need to face such questions with regard to themselves is akin to mindlessly grasping at straws.

Mankind can and does mutate just about everything it touches, religion by decree and the physical world by action. Physical deformity is causal in mortality and has nothing to do with the commandments of God with regard to gender pair matching. The reality is that life, trial, growth, and progression does not begin with mortal conception nor does it end with death. No one is held accountable for not being able to conform to commandments that they are incapable of conforming too and those whom you speak about will have opportunity to choose and justice done to them as we all will. The bottom line is that pointing to others to justify yourself doesn't work. When you stand before God to be judged you will not stand there as anyone’s spouse or son or friend; you will not stand as a rich man or a poor man, a scholar or a dummy; you will stand there as a son of God stripped of all your excuses for sin. I firmly believe that in that instance, if you are not worthy of the atoning intervention of Christ on your behalf then...well...lets just say you will not be a happy camper.

Being an athiest does not invalidate my answer, it simply means that you have a long way to go to be humble enough to get the answer you might be looking for.
Well DUH - YES! why not, if there is a question and they really want to do what is right then who better to ask?
There is no quandry that our Heavenly Father cannot sort out, we just have to have a little faith and do as He asks.

Proselytizing does not answer my question.


Active Member
Nobody chooses their sexual orientation. All God's children whether gay, lesbian, bi, transgendered and straight are created in God's image and God doesn't create garbage.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
being gay is not a disease just as drug addiction is not a disease! you are not born gay. its a decision just like deciding to do drugs. get it?

Comparing who you're attracted to with drug addiction is a stretch. And how would you know we're not born gay? Are you gay and suddenly made a decision not to be? If so, this is not our problem

women are so beautiful. such a blessing from our LORD and still they choose to BE SODOMITES!

The Bible actually doesn't define Sodomy as homosexuality. Read the book of Ezekiel


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Are the foods and music we like or dislike a matter of choice?

You're going to hell unless you like Christian Rock. God is very concerned with these things, you see. And with sexual orientations too. For the lord thy god has way too much time on his hands.


Not your average Mormon
Well, I never chose to be heterosexual, so I have to assume that I was no different from anybody else in this regard. When I was just five years old, I had a huge crush on a six-year-old boy. I was doing what came natural. Nobody had told me I was supposed to think he was "cute."


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Well, I never chose to be heterosexual, so I have to assume that I was no different from anybody else in this regard. When I was just five years old, I had a huge crush on a six-year-old boy. I was doing what came natural. Nobody had told me I was supposed to think he was "cute."

You're going to hell, too, Jezebel! But I mean that in the nicest way possible.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
Well, I never chose to be heterosexual, so I have to assume that I was no different from anybody else in this regard. When I was just five years old, I had a huge crush on a six-year-old boy. I was doing what came natural. Nobody had told me I was supposed to think he was "cute."

Well everyone told me I was "supposed to" like the opposite sex, but despite all that telling, it didn't work out that way.


Not your average Mormon
Comparing who you're attracted to with drug addiction is a stretch. And how would you know we're not born gay? Are you gay and suddenly made a decision not to be?
I've already stated that I don't believe either heterosexuality or homosexuality is a choice, so I just remind you of that before continuing. When I read your screen name I had to wonder what you feel you have to be proud of. I was born heterosexual, female, blue-eyed, blond, with a medium build. It would never even occur to me to be proud of something I had no control over. Maybe you could explain to me why you are proud to be homosexual and whatever else beyond your control you are proud of. It just doesn't make any sense to me.