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Is homosexuality a choice?

Thats not my point, you stated one is simply attracted and another is having sex. Both are gay, you never said the second doesn't like men. you said he is having sex with them. You may want to be a little clearer..... Besides anyone who has sex with the same sex, regardless of the reason is at minimum bi-sexual....

they were two different questions, i was clear on both. dont be so defensive.
I am not being defensive, all I am saying is that you didn't say that one of them (the one having sex) was not attracted to men. Sorry I was confused by it, ......:sorry1:

because it wasn't a part of the original question.

moving along,
so you dont consider it possible for a heterosexual person to have homosexual sex, you feel like having homosexual sex makes a person homosexual ( or "at minimum bisexual"). then can closet homosexuals who have heterosexual sex consider themselves homosexual?


Active Member
because it wasn't a part of the original question.

moving along,
so you dont consider it possible for a heterosexual person to have homosexual sex, you feel like having homosexual sex makes a person homosexual ( or "at minimum bisexual"). then can closet homosexuals who have heterosexual sex consider themselves homosexual?
God what a dull subject this is becoming...

It's quite simple, there are three ways of looking at this, I'll explain your question in all of them. As a basis, the definition of sexuality: sexual and romantic feelings for someone. So it's not just sex, you perv...

There are three kinds of sexuality, straight, bi and gay (or: hetero-, bi- and homosexual). If someone is bisexual, he or she might have a preference for one or the other gender, but isn't that picky. If someone has sex who is either gay or straight with someone whose gender you wouldn't expect noting their orientation ( gay with opposite gender and straight with same gender), they might just be experimenting, doing it for lust or money or they might lie or be unsure about their orientation. A closet homosexual is a homosexual - your question is redundant.

The spectrum of sexuality applies, on the left is straight, on the right is gay. It is near impossible to be at either of the extremes, so basically everyone is a little gay. The labels only apply if people feel like labelling themselves or looking at a persons position plotted out on the spectrum, whichever label is closest, may apply. Though someone who is 70% gay might still identify as bisexual - so there is wiggle room.

Heterosexual ........... Bisexual .............Homosexual

Heterosexuality is how God or nature (or other Higher Power) intended. All deviations are postnatal and range from naughty to the extremest form of evil. This claim would imply homosexuality and bisexuality (as well as paedophilia, necrophilia and bestiality) are diseases or the work of the devil. Clearly only pure heterosexuality is the norm, any wandering into any other form of sexuality would be bad. Bisexuality can't exist and you are immediately homosexual when you've had homosexual contact - the same goes for the other three. Basically there is no wiggle room here and all deviation from straightness is criminal.


Jesus 4 Profit.... =)~
because it wasn't a part of the original question.

moving along,
so you dont consider it possible for a heterosexual person to have homosexual sex, you feel like having homosexual sex makes a person homosexual ( or "at minimum bisexual"). then can closet homosexuals who have heterosexual sex consider themselves homosexual?
First of all a heteroesexual man will not have sex with another man, unless it's for desperation. Such as drug addiction, which changes the chemistry of the brain anyways, so that would be a moot point.

If a male, under no influence that could alter his own decision has sex wiht another man, then yes at minimum he is bi. I will not have sex with a woman for money, I will not kill for money, I will not jump off a bridge for money. So therefor I am not striaght, or bisexual, I am not a murderer and I don't like bridge jumping. Nothing including money will change that because my sexuality is strictly gay.....

They are homosexual closet cases, they are definitely not straight, they are having sex with women out of pressure or they are bi and like women as well. Which is sad, but does not make them straight, maybe bi-sexual if they do like girls after being with men. However someone who is only attracted to men is gay, period ... That is where their atttraction lies.

If a male, under no influence that could alter his own decision has sex wiht another man, then yes at minimum he is bi. I will not have sex with a woman for money, I will not kill for money, I will not jump off a bridge for money. So therefor I am not striaght, or bisexual, I am not a murderer and I don't like bridge jumping. Nothing including money will change that because my sexuality is strictly gay.....

says the one who argued that fear and coercion take the place of free will.
What does that have to do with someone making a choice to have sex with a man. I was argueing something different and proved my point IN THAT THREAD!!!!:D

i dont understand why if a gay man has sex with a man, he's a homosexual and if a hetero man has sex with a man (even if he's not attracted to him), he's a homosexual. yet if a hetero man has sex with a woman, he's heterosexual. and a gay man has sex with a woman (even if he's not attracted to her), he's still homosexual. then if a gay man never has sex with anyone, he's still a homosexual.

i've always been under the impression that homosexuality was more involved with attraction, than action.
The spectrum of sexuality applies, on the left is straight, on the right is gay. It is near impossible to be at either of the extremes, so basically everyone is a little gay. The labels only apply if people feel like labelling themselves or looking at a persons position plotted out on the spectrum, whichever label is closest, may apply. Though someone who is 70% gay might still identify as bisexual - so there is wiggle room.

Heterosexual ........... Bisexual .............Homosexual

this seems to be much more accurate than the binary system of homo/hetero, and fits more consistently with the data.


Jesus 4 Profit.... =)~
i dont understand why if a gay man has sex with a man, he's a homosexual and if a hetero man has sex with a man (even if he's not attracted to him), he's a homosexual. yet if a hetero man has sex with a woman, he's heterosexual. and a gay man has sex with a woman (even if he's not attracted to her), he's still homosexual. then if a gay man never has sex with anyone, he's still a homosexual.

i've always been under the impression that homosexuality was more involved with attraction, than action.
Let me try to elaborate, no straight men is going to have sex with another man. Not for money not for fame, it's juts not in the cards. He has to have an attraction to them. Men can't just get hard, like women can fake it. So the guy needs to be turned on for them to have sex, correct? Then he is bi, I have tons of straight friends. they would never ever have sex with men.

Now if a man is having sex with women and not attracted to them, he is gay but obviously going against his feelings due to something. he may be practicing hetero sex acts, but at heart he is gay. just denying it.....
Let me try to elaborate, no straight men is going to have sex with another man. Not for money not for fame, it's juts not in the cards. He has to have an attraction to them. Men can't just get hard, like women can fake it. So the guy needs to be turned on for them to have sex, correct? Then he is bi, I have tons of straight friends. they would never ever have sex with men.

Now if a man is having sex with women and not attracted to them, he is gay but obviously going against his feelings due to something. he may be practicing hetero sex acts, but at heart he is gay. just denying it.....

so it's possible for a man to achieve an erection to have sex with a female that he's not attracted to. yet it's impossible for a man to achieve an erection to have sex with a male he's not attracted to. that's your argument?


Jesus 4 Profit.... =)~
so it's possible for a man to achieve an erection to have sex with a female that he's not attracted to. yet it's impossible for a man to achieve an erection to have sex with a male he's not attracted to. that's your argument?
It's a weird weird world when your gay and pressured to do things you don't like huh :D


Well-Known Member
When young people reach puberty, their sexual "desires" are not a choice, but their sexual "actions" are a choice. As some homosexuals have said, if sexual desires were a choice, they would have chosen to have heterosexual desires so they would not be discriminated against.

According to the majority of experts, including the American Psychiatric Association, it is not known what causes sexual desires. The obvious possibilities are nature, nurture, or a combination of both.

Even some conservative Christian experts who oppose homosexuality have admitted that the "success rate" of reparative therapy is only about 30%, and that it is most effective with religious homosexuals.

No God has publically stated in person that he opposes homosexuality, and no God has explained why he created homosexuality in over 1500 species of animals and birds, including the bonobo primate species, which is 100% bi-sexual.


New Member
I think you personally can answer that question for yourself. If you believe that being homosexual is a choice, then you have the desicion to be one? Basically saying, you are going against what God created, therefore it is a sin? No, if God created everything, he created homosexuals as well, he created the idea of homosexuality. Being heterosexual is definately more common than being homosexual, and that's the way people are brought up by what society states is normal. If you are religious and do believe in God, and if God wants you to believe that homosexuality is a sin and going against His creation, can you or can you not be gay?


Jesus 4 Profit.... =)~
so a gay man can do something he "doesn't like" and still perform, but the minute a straight man tries to do something he "doesn't like" he goes limp?
Your not making the connection. Straight men have the option, gay men sometimes do not. Again that has something to do with their options. I had sex with women in high school, out of public perception. I was not straight/bi I was performing..... and no I could not stay hard either......

Find me a straight man who will have sex with a man and I will find you a bisexual liar......:D
Your not making the connection. Straight men have the option, gay men sometimes do not. Again that has something to do with their options. I had sex with women in high school, out of public perception. I was not gay I was performing..... and no I could not stay hard either......

Find me a straight man who will have sex with a man and I will find you a bisexual liar......:D

you're trying to make a special pleading connection that is not there.
you're also using the argument from incredulity and personal experience to discuss something that is simply logical. i dont care if you dont believe that a straight man would ever have sex with another man for reasons beyond sexual attraction, it is possible and therefore worth discussing.


Jesus 4 Profit.... =)~
you're trying to make a special pleading connection that is not there.
you're also using the argument from incredulity and personal experience to discuss something that is simply logical. i dont care if you dont believe that a straight man would ever have sex with another man for reasons beyond sexual attraction, it is possible and therefore worth discussing.
It is NOT possible, and you cannot prove otherwise.

Gay men are sometimes forced into hetero relationships, it makes them gay. Pressure from else where makes them go against their desires out of acceptence.

Again NO FULLY STRAIGHT MAN WOULD HAVE SEX WITH ANOTHER MAN. It does not happen unless there is an attraction...... :D

ps. where do YOU get YOUR evidence from? Are you a gay/bisexual man. Oh no, so you really could never understand....:rollseyes:
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I'm ready to believe
A great many people assume that homosexual acts and homosexuality are the same thing.

They are not.

Homosexuality, like the other two major sexual identity catagories, involves much more than mere sex, Gays, like straights, seek the same things from a relationship. Friendship, trust, companionship, mutual support... indeed anything any hetero looks for in a committed relationship is sought by gays too.

Yes, intimacy is a small part of that equation, but it is not the end-all some people belive it to be.

As far as your hetero friend, if he bumps ugly with another guy for just experimentation or whatever, but feels nothing past the personal and instant gratification of sex, he is still a hetero.

Yes, I think you bring up a very good point. If my friend were to engage in gay sex just to prove his point that being gay is a choice, this, alone, would not force me to conclude that he is bisexual. There has to be a personal desire to want to be intimately involved with a person of the same sex for a person to be gay or bisexual in my opinion. Thinking on it, this just reaffirms my belief that being gay is not a choice. If being gay were a choice; that would mean that every person could and would intimately desire a man or a woman; the persons gender would no longer even be a player.


Done here.
It is NOT possible, and you cannot prove otherwise.

Gay men are sometimes forced into hetero relationships, it makes them gay. Pressure from else where makes them go against their desires out of acceptence.

Again NO FULLY STRAIGHT MAN WOULD HAVE SEX WITH ANOTHER MAN. It does not happen unless there is an attraction...... :D
People have sex for all kinds of reasons besides attraction. Money. A place to stay. Fear. Coercion. I'm not saying those are good reasons, but they happen.

I do think that most people are at least potentially bisexual, but seriously, anybody can have sex with somebody he's not attracted to -- even straight guys. It happens all the time.