Guess what? Christendom indulged in similar denialism in earlier times; and some strands of Christianity haven't got out of the habit. Remind me how close the USA came to succumbing to a swivel-eyed Christian heresy/idolatry only recently. The GOP is arguably still in it's grip.
Everyone is aware, or should be aware, of the crimes Christianity committed in the name of "god".
Somewhere along the strands of time most all of Christianity matured past that kind of exclusivity to commit murder disguised
as purifying a particular religion, most notably the Roman Catholic church.
Eventually educated leaders rebeled against the crimes of the almighty "church".
Perhaps the same must happen in the islamic world?
I'm old enough to recall crimes, murders, descrimination, against homosexuals and people of color.
In time tolerance, then acceptance, was the rule and attitudes and minds changed.
To say acceptance and tolerance has been abolished in the Christian ccommunity would be a fairy tale.
There are however, some Christian movements that have ablolished such thinking.
Well, perhaps one movement in particular. One that digs, and digs, into Christian literature to really understand what
the God named Jehovah stands for and impliment His words into thinking, and behavior.
One young group that I beleive sees no color, cultural, racial, or ethnic origins, only brother and sisters.
If one must compare a religious group to other religious groups then consider:
When was the last time anyone was aware of a Christian group whose literature promotes killing any other group in the name of a god?
What Christian groups promotes mass murder by suicide?
Does the Christian bible permit, promote, lying in the name of a god?
Commit murder for insulting Jesus?
I could go on ad nauseum but to what effect?
Dredging up the crimes of Christendom in centuries past is a weak argument in the face of the killing, intolerance, promotion of hatred, in todays world. However I must say that forgetting the
crimes of the past only serves to permit such to happen again.
Can anyone describe any other modern religion that encourages murder by suicide by rewarding the actor
with an immediate flight to heaven to dwell with god and partake of virgins whose sole puprose is to sexually
service the suicidal murderer or the islamic fighter that dies in the cause of promoting islam into world
Yes indeed there are certain fundalmentalists in Christendom that hate homosexuals, might lynch people of color, but I
know of NO groups claiming to be Christian that promotes such sin in todays world.
I'm sure someone can/will site individual examples of a Christian gone mad with murderous intent but
are there 40 to 60 thousand soldiers like ISIS openly murdering, burning groups of people alive, in the name of a god?
I don't know of any group of Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists, Pagans, Folk religions, Santerians, that desire world
dominance at the point of the sword.
Not even Baptists.