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Is it better to be a believer or an athiest?


Well-Known Member
thats what i think there are to many paths to salvation so it may come down to pure luck that you picked or were born into the right one

If salvation means being "saved" from the very god who alleges to save you, then the path to salvation leads away from that god, as quickly as possible.


Well-Known Member
thats what i think there are to many paths to salvation so it may come down to pure luck that you picked or were born into the right one ,in those circunstances i have to be intellectually honest and say i couldnt lie about it i just didnt beleive , whether it Hinduism or paganism ,christianity or islam to confusing .

So religion amounts to nothing more than a lottery?
This is what I thought of a while ago....and then a couple of days back, I got to know that someone came up with this like 300 years ago....

So assuming that a Person A strongly believes in god.. If god doesn't exist, he wont lose anything..and if he does, A's soul goes to heaven which is a good thing...

A person B is athiestic. If god exists, he'll be punished for not believing in god (according to the Bible...and other religious texts...but correct me if I'm wrong).. And if god doesn't exist, he doesn't gain anything anyway...

Worst Case: neutral...After death...he'll cease to exist..
Best Case: He goes to heaven

Worst Case: torture in hell
Best Case: neutral...ceases to exit...

This is just a statiscal way to look at it, assuming that the probability of god existing is not equal to 0.

Hinduism is a merciful religon, seems like more then most, no-one goes to hell, this just adds to karma, which is not a hindu creation, natural force.


I am Who I am
I say its better to be a "knower." Its better to know yourself and do some introspection to come to your own beliefs and conclusion when it comes to choosing between Atheism or Theism. You see though the problem is with western dogma, IMO tells us to believe not to know and understand to put trust into what your experience tell you rather than putting your trust in something that has been institutionalized.

And I feel both Atheism and Modern type Theism has us BELIEVING in (No)God. When I would rather come to my own conclusions on such a difficult matter. Many People, Many ways to get back to God so therefore many perspectives on God.


Born Again,Spirit Filled
Many will never know until the day they close there eyes in this life
So if we all stand before God on judgement day as the bible says, and are judged for every sin, thought word or deed, than I guess those who trusted Christ as Savior and Lord and are declared righteous will be in a better position then the atheist and unbelievers


Many will never know until the day they close there eyes in this life
So if we all stand before God on judgement day as the bible says, and are judged for every sin, thought word or deed, than I guess those who trusted Christ as Savior and Lord and are declared righteous will be in a better position then the atheist and unbelievers

On the other hand, I live a simple life. I am a nice person and never did really stupid things. If God doesn't want me only because he didn't show himself enough and gave me free will, I don't even want him to be my friend.


While fiction can be loads of fun, gods and devils generally cause more harm than good and should be avoided whenever possible.



New Member
I discussed this premise at exchistian.net while ago
There are intellectual evidences prove existence of God.
But I think no need to such proof to prove him because of an irresistible probable.
Three matters will happen at the end of our life. Tow of them are decisive and the other is probable:
1-Believers and unbelievers will die "definitely".
2-If God doesn't exist; both believers and unbelievers are in the same boat "definitely".
3-If God probably exists, then I have a simple question:
What the hell do unbelievers do?
A simple answer please

one of them answerd:
as to your question... I'll answer the wager with a question Kamal... what if you've picked the wrong god? OK, I don't worship ANY god, but you've made your choice... what will that God do to you for picking the WRONG god? Hmm? Me, if there's a god, I'm maybe screwed, but I've not gone worshipping another god... You've chosen a God to sell... if you've chosen the wrong god, then you're just making it worse... not only have you worshipped the wrong god, but you've sold him to other people... oooh... now if I were that god I'd be more angry with you than me, since I'm just stupid, and never saw there was a god... but you KNEW there was a god and then went off with the wrong one... oh boy... you're in deep ****... no 72 virgins...

then i said:
Your answer is acceptable if I've picketed the wrong God deliberately.
But my dear
According to my religion thoughts, hereafter punishments and remunerations based on intents not on our deeds. So if I was honest in my claim, I've done my duty and result is not important.

Please note to this sections of holy Quran:

Those who believe and perform honorable deeds [will find] we never assign any soul more than it can cope with. Those will become inhabitants of the Garden; they will live in it for ever. 7:24

We only assign a soul something it can cope with. Before Us lies a Book which speaks up for Truth; they will not be dealt with unjustly.23: 26

more at exchristain.net froum- the lion's den- Bahahi faith


I like logic.
I haven't read the rest of the forum because it's like 14 pages, but to answer the question, "Do we have a choice?" Can you really decide which one you are? Either you do or you don't. Simple.


Really? So you chose atheism?

Atheism is not a belief, but a lack of theistic belief. So in a sense, yes, by choosing not to believe in theism, I chose to be an atheist.

You could simply change your mind and become a devout Christian?

Sure. If I was given a sufficient reason (evidence, for example) to hold theistic beliefs, then I could easily change my mind.



Well-Known Member
Sure. If I was given a sufficient reason (evidence, for example) to hold theistic beliefs, then I could easily change my mind.

The urge to know is less a drive to be in contact with reality than to find a satisfactory way of living in the human community. To “know” means to live in a space of shared perceptions, values and meanings. The “open mind” is not owing to a lack of bias, but the sifting of information that takes place as a community debates the merits of “respectable” biases.

However, there are two things to take note of:
  1. The great minds of history are more speculative than the average and often come under attack for it.
  2. They also tend to be more rigidly committed.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
Atheism is not a belief, but a lack of theistic belief. So in a sense, yes, by choosing not to believe in theism, I chose to be an atheist.

Sure. If I was given a sufficient reason (evidence, for example) to hold theistic beliefs, then I could easily change my mind.

You missed my point completely. You need sufficient reason to believe. Without it, you can't just choose to. I certainly didn't choose to believe in God, I was convinced. It's not the same thing.