Sky. God did not give us right and wrong, because right and wrong do not exist to our whole race. Right and wrong is different for every person, and therefore god can not have created it, or we would all feel the same right? They did not grow into savages, they grew into animals, which if we peel back all our thoughts and feelings, that is what we are.
I understand of course that your disbelief in God plays no part in your relativistic mindset.
Do you see how absurd that line of reasoning is that says, right and wrong are different for each of us.I'm sure that would change if it happened to you.
If I raped your sister, killed your mother,stole every posession you owned then burned down your house,would that be wrong, keeping in mind it those things were'nt wrong for you prior to me doing them to you.
If I teach children that we are animals, there is no right and wrong and that you do what makes you feel good, then we end up with a society that is as ours is today.
Immoral, ammoral savage like barbarians,not having any ability to discern what the boundaries are
You think you know right and wrong because of god, but you dont. You know right and wrong from what you have read about this supposed all mighty creator. Yeah, the holy books have many lessons all of us could do with thinking about now and again, but without it we would still have right and wrong.
You know stealing,lying,murder,rape,are wrong, your conscience tells you this, not someonelse
For me to eat ham is fine by me, but for a jew it is wrong. See what I mean?
This is a ceremonial law that the jews were told to obey, God tells us what animals not to eat for health reasons. Pork is not the cleanest or healthiest animal in the world to eat, in case you did'nt know that already