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Is it better to be a believer or an athiest?


I've never been a big fan of Pascal's Wager, simply because it seems like a philosophical loophole that tries to eliminate the need to have faith at all.

The way I see it, is that death is real. If you are an atheist, you are forced to believe that death is the end. So an atheist has no way of dealing with it.

I can't imagine there are many people that intentionally die an atheist.


Done here.
The way I see it, is that death is real. If you are an atheist, you are forced to believe that death is the end. So an atheist has no way of dealing with it.
Since atheists do deal with it, often with great grace, you're obviously mistaken.

I can't imagine there are many people that intentionally die an atheist.
Your imagination needs work. Of course there are. How would you will yourself to believe some fantasy just for insurance or assurance, anyway?

Tolstoy wasn't exactly an atheist, but he didn't believe in the survival of the self after death, and what he said on his deathbed when urged to repent and be reconciled to the Church is still the best answer: "Even in the valley of the shadow of death, two and two do not make six."


Well-Known Member
Fine. Disbelieve me. See you on your deathbed.

I bet you have a WWJD bracelet on. Are you from Texas? This is the same thing I have heard from Christian co-workers. It is such an outstanding threat!!! Threaten non-beleivers with everlasting torment in a lake of fire.

Ahh, well, you convinced me. Where do you attend church? I will be there Sunday. We are supposed to tithe 10% of gross, not net, right?

If you cannot see your own hypocracy, then I question how you were able to turn on the computer you typed the above drivel on. Nice representation of your faith padnah.



Done here.
This is the same thing I have heard from Christian co-workers. It is such an outstanding threat!!! Threaten non-beleivers with everlasting torment in a lake of fire.
If there were a god and a hell, hell would gape for believers who considered god a means to an end, and for those who encouraged others to do likewise.


Look, Mdm. That's not a threat. That's an acceptance of a disagreement. My faith believes in heaven and hell. I'm sorry if that threatens you somehow.

If someone claims that they can look at death without fear and I respond by saying 'see you on your deathbed', that's not a threat. That's an acceptance of disagreement. They claim that death isn't a problem, so how am I threatening them?

Your comment, however was the vicious one. You didn't even make a point, you just attacked me with about five different generalizations. You're not going to win many arguments if you automatically assume that you are on righteous ground.

To summarize, if my comment came off that way, it was not my intention. Your intention, however, was obvious.


Well-Known Member
See you on your deathbed is not a threat? Hmm. I guess you got this bridge too, huh? Sad that you can't smell your own bs.



Done here.
If someone claims that they can look at death without fear and I respond by saying 'see you on your deathbed', that's not a threat. That's an acceptance of disagreement. They claim that death isn't a problem, so how am I threatening them?
Nobody said that death isn't a problem, just that you were wrong in your assertion that atheists have no way to deal with death.

For the record, though, I didn't take "see you on your deathbed" as a threat. I took it as a sneering assertion that when push comes to shove, I'll agree with you -- the presumptuous sort of thing a certain type of believer resorts to when he has nothing intelligent to say.


Well-Known Member
As an atheist, I can tell you that I deal with death by viewing it as exactly the same thing as before I was conceived. There were billions of years before I was conceived, and my non-existence then never bothered me a bit, so I don't see why I should be bothered about my non-existence after I die.

Tomspug, is that a good way of dealing with it? I hope you see now that your claim is wrong. Atheists can and do deal with the concept of their own death. And they do it quite well.


This is what I thought of a while ago....and then a couple of days back, I got to know that someone came up with this like 300 years ago....

So assuming that a Person A strongly believes in god.. If god doesn't exist, he wont lose anything..and if he does, A's soul goes to heaven which is a good thing...

A person B is athiestic. If god exists, he'll be punished for not believing in god (according to the Bible...and other religious texts...but correct me if I'm wrong).. And if god doesn't exist, he doesn't gain anything anyway...

Worst Case: neutral...After death...he'll cease to exist..
Best Case: He goes to heaven

Worst Case: torture in hell
Best Case: neutral...ceases to exit...

This is just a statiscal way to look at it, assuming that the probability of god existing is not equal to 0.

C: God made the bible to test our credulity, as the ability to reason is the greatest gift he gave to mankind. All people who abandon their reason in favor of what they want to believe are considered unfit and burn forever in hell. So..

Theist goes to hell
Atheist goes to heaven.

There are of course countless scenarios you can come up with, amazing the limitless possibilities you can come up with when tangible evidence is no longer a concern.


Well-Known Member
C: God made the bible to test our credulity, as the ability to reason is the greatest gift he gave to mankind. All people who abandon their reason in favor of what they want to believe are considered unfit and burn forever in hell. So..

Theist goes to hell
Atheist goes to heaven.

There are of course countless scenarios you can come up with, amazing the limitless possibilities you can come up with when tangible evidence is no longer a concern.

Indeed, if God gave us the ability to reason as a way to gain and verify knowledge, then the fact that this gift needs to be ignored to embrace religion indicates that God wants to remain hidden, or that he doesn't exist. In either case, atheism is the safer option.


Well-Known Member
Indeed, if God gave us the ability to reason as a way to gain and verify knowledge, then the fact that this gift needs to be ignored to embrace religion indicates that God wants to remain hidden, or that he doesn't exist. In either case, atheism is the safer option.

And even if it is not the "safer" option (and since I live in Texas surrounded by YEC, Literalist types, I might have to argue against it being truly "safer"), it at least is an intellectually honest option that fits with all available data.



Born Again,Spirit Filled
Not sure what we are all doing discussing this subject in this sub-forum but hey, I had to speak..

Roli, many christians would not be happy with some of the things you have said.

This kind of talk does more to push people away than anything, despite all the good things you have said. We all make 'errors' and 'miscalculations'. Do you think God will allow something as important as eternal life to be lost due to human technical error? People who don't fully understand won't be condemned just because they believe christians are delusional, and you need to stop judging them.

Roli, there was a time when you yourself did not believe, and you had to have something of a basic understanding of what had been done for you by Jesus and why he had to do it - all before you could really believe it. Only God knows whether others have enough basic understanding in order to make a decision to accept. You do not. Everyone will get a chance to understand, either in this life or the next, because "God does not show favouritism".

Please elaborate as to what those things could be that would incite opposition or outrage of any true born again believer and one will quickly know whether one is truely christian or merely religious

Please define your word christian and by the way, the one who you speak on behalf of may or may not even be Christian.

Tell me if you understand what it was that provoked the religious leaders in Jesus' day to conspire to kill him, I mean the people alone tried often to stone him, but it was'nt his time yet.
What could it have been that invoked such hostility from the people ,his jewish people and so called professors of the faith.
I mean if he was always preaching love, love, love and feel good messages ,would'nt they have received him with open arms, ....no it was his harsh realities of hell, judgement, holding the religious accountable for their self righteousness, parading around in their fancy garments ,open prayers where all could see how spirituaL they are, he preached some strong words that caused them to want to kill him 10 times over.

By the way, since I was 12 and heard the message ,I was convicted of the possibility I was in disobediendce with God and I gave my heart at that age, but immediately turned on God and rebelled for 20 yrs , why...? I wanted to live life and have fun and not be restrained by any tenants of the faith ,but the irony of it all is, I was only running from something I could never escape, that was conviction of sin in my CONSCIENCE.I personally did'nt need emperical evidence of his existence, or some bolt of lightening ,I knew inside, creation screamed of his handiwork, but continued to chose not to embrace it.

And although God shows no favortism , justice he will show , you can't just pull that scripture out of your hat and exclude the insurmountable times him,Jesus, Paul, John and Peter, the prophets all talk about impending judgement, punishment etc.
for those who remain ungodly,unrighteous, wicked unholy.

I'm not trying to be harsh here ,just informitive of what Jesus actually taught on the subjects you and many others want to exclude,It would do you some good to do a word study on judgement ,sin, the second death, the book of life, who's name is not found in is cast into the lake of fire, harsh put the words of Jesus and John

It seems like so many pick out all the nice fuzzy scriptures of love, peace and joy and cling to them and hurl them around as if they are some prelude to a feel good party of Jesus and all the sinners being happily united in heaven.
Not a biblical view of it at all.
Is it you don't want to read the verses where Jesus speaks of hell ,punishment, judgement, or is it you don't know where any are.

2Pe 2:4For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast [them] down to hell, and delivered [them] into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;
2Pe 2:9The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished:
Here he distinguishes he will sentence those certain one's to hell

Reading scripture in context concerning favoritism would be more beneficial I think:
Act 10:34 Then Peter began to speak: “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right. (Conditional promise here based on who God accepts)

Please read the context before and after the verse you pull from your hat and it will paint a totally different picture and give your readers a clearer view of what that particular verse refers to. Not a private interpreation which produces a new doctrine

Here Paul is speaking of the Jew and the gentile, that there will be no favor because your a jew or vise versa
Rom 2:8 -10 But for those who are self‑seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger.There will be trouble and distress for every human being who does evil: first for the Jew, then for the Gentilebut glory, honor and peace for everyone who does good: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile
Rom 2:11 For God does not show favoritism.All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law

(What is Paul saying it does'nt matter who you are God will judge you regardless)

Paul talking about slaves and masters and how God looks at them equally
Eph 6:9 And masters, treat your slaves in the same way. Do not threaten them, since you know that he who is both their Master and yours is in heaven, and there is no favoritism with him

Paul talking about slaves and masters and the motive of why one works
Col 3:23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men,
since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.
Anyone who does wrong will be repaid for his wrong, and there is no favoritism.


Well-Known Member
My problem with Pascal's wager is not being a hypocrite (as that could make me fit in better) but ok, say I go to church, temple, mosque, whatever, I go through the motions, sing the songs, give the money, read the books do whatever the clergy tells me to do and be a good ________insert religion here. I'm still damed because even though I go through the motions I don't believe because believing means to contradict rationality and logic. Try to understand this and I know it may be hard for many of you, I do not and I can not believe in anything that to me defies logic, science and reason, I know you have arguments how my thinking is flawed and you could show me the way but that defies logic and rational thinking in my mind and I will not waver or change that idea even if you don't believe it. One reason Buddhists do not convert is because we understand this basic principle, people believe what they believe and if their happy with that bravo good for you.


Not your average Mormon
I'm sitting here reading this thread and listening to the TV in the background. Some lady just said, "I want to say I don't believe in God, but I'm afraid He'll hear me." That's why I think it's better to be a believer. (Not that I could be an atheist if I tried.)


It is better to be intellectually honest.
thats what i think there are to many paths to salvation so it may come down to pure luck that you picked or were born into the right one ,in those circunstances i have to be intellectually honest and say i couldnt lie about it i just didnt beleive , whether it Hinduism or paganism ,christianity or islam to confusing .