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Is it true the Kabbha was a Hindu temple?

Surya Deva

Well-Known Member
I.e. covered in ornate carvings of devas rather than just being a plain box?

Are there any other Hindu temples that are a simple box shape without sculpture decorating them?

The point is though that before the Kabba was captured by the Muslims it was very ornate and full of idols like a Hindu temple.

Surya Deva

Well-Known Member
I do personally think the evidence is conclusive. A summary

1. Arabia was ruled by a famous Indian king Vikramaditya 165 years before Mohammed according to Arabic literature. There is an inscription in the Qutumb Minar Complex that Vikramaditya was married to an Arabian princess.

2. Arabia or Arabasthan is actually a Sanskrit name, Aravasthan, meaning land of horses. Many of the place names in Arabia are also Sanskrit which strongly suggest Indian occupation. Indian records support that parts of Arabia were under Indian rule. Makka-Medini itself is Sanskrit, meaning land of fire worship

3. Mohammed uncle who was a chief priest of the Kabba who was a Shiva Worshipper(Shiva was their family deity) and this corrobrated by his poem where he praises Lord Shiva.

4. The trade and contact between India and Arabia was very strong, and it is known that Indians tribes lived in Arabia and had powerful positions. During Mohammed's life and times he was gifted a jar of pickles by a local Indian king. India's powerful influence in Arabia can be seen from the fact that the Arabians would affectionately call their daughters Hinda, called mathematics Hindisa, and Arabians poets glorified India.

5. Many of the main Arabic deities are etymologically traceable to Hindu deities. Allah being one of them(a form of Durga) and Mannat being none other than Soma Nath(Moon god).

6. Now archeological evidence has emerged of Hindu temples in Pre-Islamic Arabia which survived destruction by the Muslims.

Surya Deva

Well-Known Member
But how many Hindu Temples are cube shaped, aren't most eloganted pyramids?

Hindu temples come in all shapes and sizes. The architecture is based on the place and time. There are some elongated pyramid type temples found in Arabia too I believe.


Active Member
Dude, your telling me that Arabia was ruled by a Hindu King this sounds like the biggest joke ever you know i used to be proud that i am a rajpoot and our ancesters were warriors around the regions in Rajasthan and have fought and died in the Marwar plains (the land of death) later some of my other Muslim friends argued back (to my Muslim brothers: Please note that at that time i was young and didnt have enough knowledge of Islam, please forgive my arrogance at that time)they argued that the indian Kings didnt conquered anything except India, The most famous kings like Asoka and Prithiviraj Chauhan what did they conquered. comparred to the Muslim Kings. and yeah then most of the time i used to change the topic and say yeah but our rajpoot kings must have enjoyed fine girls, luxerious lives, and oppressing thier own people and stuff and we all agreed that is the only thing they were capable of.


I want Khilafah back
dear Suraj
i don't know how much you know about islam and i don't know wether you have heard the words "Prophet Muhammed (saws) is the seal of all the prophets" if you know what those words mean then you too will know what i mean. our religion was given the name Islam at the time of prophet Muhammed (saws) but thats not the time when our religion started because all the prophets that were chosen before prophet Muhammed (saws) for example the father of human kind prophet Adem (as), prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) (as), prophet Musa (Moses) (as), prophet Isa (Jesus) (as) and the seal of all those prophets or the prophethood in this world was completed by prophet Muhammed (saws). so you can clearly see that all these prophets were chosen by Allah and none of them ever said to its people worship this or worship that they all said " i am a slave of god, worship Allah". as for the other religions like i have before they are misinterpretations by people of little knowledge or no knowledge at all. prophet Isa (Jesus) (as) never said to his people 'I am god worship me" nor did he say "I am the son of god, worship me" the words that he said are as follows "i am a slave of god,worship Allah" and if you know about his life then you would know that he was around 3 days old when he said those words and he was chosen as a prophet of miracles with the will and permission of Allah the Almighty and that was the very first miracle that he performed with the permission of Allah. but because of the missinterpretations of some people a new religion was created called Christianity.

Surya Deva

Well-Known Member
The Rajputs were a particular linage in relatively recent times. The linage of Hindu kings that ruled Arabia start from king Vikramaditya around 400-500AD, who had a huge empire. I think no matter how ridiculous you find that Arabia was under Hindu rule, the evidence and facts is clearly pointing to it.

One historical blunder which is being rectified today is the assumption that Indian rule did not expand into the west. We know that it extended as far as Japan in the East, but it is assumed they did not go westwards. I think this is not admitted by Western historians because they do not want to concede a non-white group having colonised Europe. The evidence is staggering though, Indian rule did expand well into Europe and it certainly did cover Arabia. The remains of that can be seen through the common linage of Aryans. Why wouldn't the most advanced and wealthiest country(India) then not to have influence on the rest of the world? Why would Arabia have Sanskrit place names and a pantheon of Hindu deities, and why would the famous poets of Arabia glorify Hinduism and India?

The historical records are overwhelmingly indicating that Hinduism was spread far and wide around the world and Indians have colonised much of the world. One time Sanskrit enjoyed the same popularity and status as English does today.

Surya Deva

Well-Known Member

I can see why you would believe in that history. But myself, not being Muslim and being impartial cannot accept that history because it is contradictive. Islam says it is not a religion. Fair enough. But history says otherwise. History says Islam began around 600AD and was founded by Mohammed. History shows us that Islam was a syncretic religion which mixes Judo-Christian theology with Pagan(Hindu) ritualism. It was not a new religion per se, rather it was the victory of a particular sect or cult of Pagan worshippers who worshipped Allah as the supreme deity. They made the erstwhile polytheistic culture, monothestic, by conquering all the other cults. A similar thing happened in India(except not to the same extent) sects or cults that worshipped different gods, would often be at conflict with each other(this can be seen reflected in the Puranas) So I do agree that Islam is not a new religion, it really is just reformed Paganism.


Active Member
so why did the arabs changed now they got fed up of 360 gods so they replaced them, yes you can say that pagan arabs and hindus were both idol worshippers the only common thing, i dont think if Lord Shivas Penis was worshipped by any Arab women,


I want Khilafah back

islam is not a religion formed from other religions it it the other way around. liken ive said before and i say again prophet Isa (Jesus) (as) said to his people " I am a slave of god, worship Allah" but the people like that john guy chanded the wording around and tolled the people that Isa (as) is a son of god because he was created without a father. then tell me this you know very well that the fisrt human that was created which was prophet Adem (as) was created without a father nor a mother but simply by Allah the Almighty an his wife was created from his ribb by the will of Allah (xh). now as for history many uneducated people can say what they want but that doesn't mean we have to believe it. all the western countries say that humans have evolved from monkeys they say that we can prove this from our history but have you ever wandered that some people have been turned into monkeys by Allah Almighty for not obeying His orders. why is it so simple to say that humans evolved from monkey and is very hard to accept the fact that some human have been turned into monkey by the Almighty

Surya Deva

Well-Known Member

Like I said as I am not Muslim I do not accept its authority. As far as history is concerned Jesus never said "worship Allah" and the stories of Adam and Eve predate Islam by a millenia. An impartial researcher would just say that Mohammed lifted Judo-Christian theology to create his religion and took credit for it. Something that is known as plagiarism today.

Surya Deva

Well-Known Member

The Pagans did not become fed up of 360 gods. Rather they were forced by the sword to stop worshipping them, and worship only Allah as interpreted by Mohammed, whilst accepting him as prophet.


I want Khilafah back

Like I said as I am not Muslim I do not accept its authority. As far as history is concerned Jesus never said "worship Allah" and the stories of Adam and Eve predate Islam by a millenia. An impartial researcher would just say that Mohammed lifted Judo-Christian theology to create his religion and took credit for it. Something that is known as plagiarism today.

dear suraj i will tell you something about the prophet Muhammed (saws).
he unlike many of us today didn't know how to write or read. he never spoke nothing but the truth and he always spoke the words Allah. if your claims are true about Islam being created from Judo-Christian theology then why did prophets Musa (as) and Isa (as) (Moses and Jesus) both say to their people that a new prophet of Allah will be chosen who will not speak of himself but will speak of me.

and by the way heres another question for you to answer:
you have claimed that your religion is old but not as old as man itself right. i want to know this first before i make my question.
do hindus go to heaven after death or not (muslims will go to heaven after death but not untill the day of resoruction) (christians also beleive that they will go to heaven so do the jews)


I want Khilafah back

The Pagans did not become fed up of 360 gods. Rather they were forced by the sword to stop worshipping them, and worship only Allah as interpreted by Mohammed, whilst accepting him as prophet.

we as muslims cannot force people into islam because then we would not be muslims.
as for the time of prophet Muhammed (saws) no people that lived in Mecca during the time of ignorance were they forced to become muslims. after the muslims became the super power and rulers in this world with the will, the name and permission of Allah the non muslim leaders of Mecca went to the prophet (saws) and said to him to come to Mecca because the Meccans have accepted Islam. they went there and all the idols were broken to peices and thrown away. and if you still believe that we convert people by force then why are there non muslims in muslim countries such as Egypt or Iraq


Active Member
Dear Suraj

Before, the muslims came in India, we know how good the situation of india is today we have 80% hindus despite the fact that muslims ruled india as emperors for more than a thousand years if our religion had to be spread with the sword today we wont have any Hindus left in India. the Hindus are a living proof that we did not use the sword to convert. My great Grand father was a hindu who forced him to convert. Maybe Usama bin Lden forced him. the Taj mahal and the Red Fort, you are so proud of is a living proof of our exsistence which you hold it up with high regards.

I am sure if Muhammad one man can make the whole Arabia muslim, what could an army of Mughals, Muslim Rajpoots,could have done they would have done a much cleaner job, in forcing evryone by the sword. Your Mothers, Sisters, had to be burned alive with thier dead husbands, burned alive can you beleive that.

If there were any oppressors in India the biggest of them were Brahmans, who made some Kshatriyas, Vaishayas, Sudras, and even achoots (untouchables) the whole Hindus cannot even sit at a same table to eat food together. you had different temples for different castes. comparred to you the locals at that time we were still civilised. no wonder many Hindu Kings submitted to muslim rule.


Active Member

I forgot to mention one very important point, one way to find out which religion is the true one is no matter how many swords you use against them they will never forsake thier religion, today all of the weapons no matter destructive, psychologic, media and everything, every weapon is used against us yet we are the fastest growing religion today and as a whole where ever we meet you we will always tell you worship one God



I forgot to mention one very important point, one way to find out which religion is the true one is no matter how many swords you use against them they will never forsake thier religion,
today all of the weapons no matter destructive, psychologic, media and everything, every weapon is used against us yet we are the fastest growing religion today and as a whole where ever we meet you we will always tell you worship one God

you could say the same about Jews couldnt you