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Is it true the Kabbha was a Hindu temple?

Surya Deva

Well-Known Member
dear suraj i will tell you something about the prophet Muhammed (saws).
he unlike many of us today didn't know how to write or read. he never spoke nothing but the truth and he always spoke the words Allah. if your claims are true about Islam being created from Judo-Christian theology then why did prophets Musa (as) and Isa (as) (Moses and Jesus) both say to their people that a new prophet of Allah will be chosen who will not speak of himself but will speak of me.

and by the way heres another question for you to answer:
you have claimed that your religion is old but not as old as man itself right. i want to know this first before i make my question.
do hindus go to heaven after death or not (muslims will go to heaven after death but not untill the day of resoruction) (christians also beleive that they will go to heaven so do the jews)

Jesus never said such a thing. I think you should post this in the Christian forum and see what kind of response you get.

Surya Deva

Well-Known Member
Before, the muslims came in India, we know how good the situation of india is today we have 80% hindus despite the fact that muslims ruled india as emperors for more than a thousand years if our religion had to be spread with the sword today we wont have any Hindus left in India. the Hindus are a living proof that we did not use the sword to convert. My great Grand father was a hindu who forced him to convert. Maybe Usama bin Lden forced him. the Taj mahal and the Red Fort, you are so proud of is a living proof of our exsistence which you hold it up with high regards.

There are 80% of HIndus today, there were not 80% Hindus in the past. If you combined the population of Pakistan today with the population of Muslims in India you would get a near 50% split of Hindus and Muslims. Now, bear in mind that is statistically significant in a county which before Muslim invasions was 100% Hindu.

It is well known to historians how brutal the masscres of Hindus were under the Mughals. Hindus simply refused to convert to Islam, so they were forced through the most barbaric ways possible. Fortunately, due to Hindu opposition by Hindu kingsdoms and clans like Rajputs, Muslims could not establish Islamic homogenity.

Another reason that they allowed other religions to exist was because of the Jizya tax that they extorted from them. It was a large source of revenue for them. Akbar abolished this to win fabour with the people, but after him it was reinstated.

It is well known to the world that Islam is not a tolerant religion. I have just recently had a death threat given to me on RF itself by a Muslim member(who still is allowed to post on this forum) I have never had a death threat from anybody before in my life. I have debated religion with many people and never have I been threatened for it. On this site several Muslim members are posting things like, "destroy your idols"
In Muslim countries, minority religions are not even allowed to exist.

There is no question about it Islam is the most intolerant religion in the world. It is fundamentalist to its core. I know of no other religion which in its scripture gives very detailed terms on sharing booty, imposing religious tax on non-believers and giving injunctions to kill them, and laying out doctrines for ransom.

Islam is a very naughty religion :D
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Surya Deva

Well-Known Member
I hate to burst the bubble of Muslims here. The Pagans of Arabia did not accept your religion, they were forced into it. Your own historical records show clearly how many battles were fought with the Pagans and boast of the murders of Pagans who did not accept Islam.


Veteran Member
I hate to burst the bubble of Muslims here. The Pagans of Arabia did not accept your religion, they were forced into it. Your own historical records show clearly how many battles were fought with the Pagans and boast of the murders of Pagans who did not accept Islam.

they were pagans who attacked Muslims. Muslims did not attack them.



Veteran Member
ja i can be a jew if i wish, i can convert?

i doubt that. as i know it you gotta be born from Jewish mother. therefor they call non-Jewish people 'gentile'. once born gentile, always gentile.



Active Member
Dear Suraj

You still didnt answer my question which Muslim army is forcing non-muslims to convert.
plus which terrorist gave cat stevens a death threat to change his name to Yusuf Islam. why did the british reporter Yuvone ridley after being captured by the so called terrorist " Taliban " or Al Qaeda" why did she went back to UK and converted to Islam. my question is that because more people are converting to Islam than Hinduism " I have heard of Hindus converting to Islam but i have never heard of any Muslim converting to a Hindu, why do you think it is that.

First of all, i dont beleive that any religion can be forced on any people down their throats.
The best reply to the misconception that Islam was spread by the sword is given by the noted historian De Lacy O’Leary in the book "Islam at the cross road" (Page 8):
"History makes it clear however, that the legend of fanatical Muslims sweeping through the world and forcing Islam at the point of the sword upon conquered races is one of the most fantastically absurd myth that historians have ever repeated."

by saying that we forced Islam on you, you have just insulted your Hindu forefathers, if someone comes and force another religion upon us muslims i can tell you no one will convert to the oppressor, thats what muslims are still doing the west wants us to get indoctrined by thier form of religion and we say bring it on.

Listen Suraj I thought you would have a little knowledge about our regions, but it seems ok, in Pakstan the comunity whoose ancestors were Hindus are in a very minortiy, we have more families that migrated from different parts of the world families from Arabia, Persia, Afghanistan, Turkey

I am sorry about the death threat, but i can tell you if you put your trust in God you will find these threats more of a joke. If someone give me a death threat I ll laugh at him.

Surya Deva

Well-Known Member

I will allow you and .Lava to believe what you want.

I have discussed Islam and Mohammed to death on this forum. I have already proven Islam spread through terror, violence and forced conversion. I have proven Mohammed was far from a holy man, but a cult-leader of a murderous band of criminals. This is recorded in your Hadiths itself, which gleely reports how Mohammed murdered men, women and children or had them murdered.

Anyway you guys can continue to live in ignorance, but this history is widely published and available online for anyone to read. Your religion is not respected, I am sorry to burst your bubble. Today you are associated with terror and people are losing their paitence with you. You are not responsible enough to deal with your issues - then don't worry - the world is and will deal with it.

All it takes is for Muslims to come out and own up to the terror in their religion and actively do something about it. By continuely to pretend there is no terror in their religion, they are doing themselves no favours. Look at what is happening to Muslims today in USA, UK, INDIA, CHINA. Wake up and smell the coffee and the stench of resentment .
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i doubt that. as i know it you gotta be born from Jewish mother. therefor they call non-Jewish people 'gentile'. once born gentile, always gentile.


ja ja i can be a jew if i want....so there:)

Judaism is not a missionary faith and so doesn't actively try to convert people (in many countries anti-Jewish laws prohibited this for centuries).
Despite this, the modern Jewish community increasingly welcomes would-be converts.
BBC - Religion & Ethics - Converting to Judaism


Active Member
Dear Suraj didnt answered my question why did the british historian said it was a myth that islam was spread on terror. You have not been able to proof anything. i dont even know what sources are you using.

how did you forgot the absurdity about Sita being captured for 11 years, look every Indian and every Pakistani know that why do we kidnap a woman and she was no ordinay woman was she, she was Lord Rames wife and Lord Rame was the 7 reincarnation of God, that means any tom, dick and harry like Ravan and kidnap Gods wife and keep her for 11 years. dont tell me he kidnaped her to pray to her as a devi. why do men in our regions capture women to have sex with him, to rape them, simple as that. just imagine God being reoncarnated to earth to save mankind and someone just kidnaps his wife for 11 years. and Rame needed the help of another Monkey God to save his wife. Dude when your Lord Rame couldnt save his wife, when i am in need how will he save me. these stories are good only when you are reading them, you have these unique problems solve them,
Dear Suraj didnt answered my question why did the british historian said it was a myth that islam was spread on terror. You have not been able to proof anything. i dont even know what sources are you using.

how did you forgot the absurdity about Sita being captured for 11 years, look every Indian and every Pakistani know that why do we kidnap a woman and she was no ordinay woman was she, she was Lord Rames wife and Lord Rame was the 7 reincarnation of God, that means any tom, dick and harry like Ravan and kidnap Gods wife and keep her for 11 years. dont tell me he kidnaped her to pray to her as a devi. why do men in our regions capture women to have sex with him, to rape them, simple as that. just imagine God being reoncarnated to earth to save mankind and someone just kidnaps his wife for 11 years. and Rame needed the help of another Monkey God to save his wife. Dude when your Lord Rame couldnt save his wife, when i am in need how will he save me. these stories are good only when you are reading them, you have these unique problems solve them,
Sita had to be captured for a reason. That reason was to eliminate Ravan. Ram could not simply wage war against him because he was a bad man, he needed a reason. Sita was captured, he led an army, destroyed Ravan and rescued Sita.

Hanuman was a great devotee, and ideal devotee, he would do anything for his Lord. His existence is an example for people today on how to worship God, not everything is so literal.

Surya Deva

Well-Known Member
On the Ramayana(which has come up randomly) This history being represented using narratives. I don't take it literally. The idea Lord Rama was an incarnation of god is Puranic. In Hinduism the the idea of avatars simply means somebody who is considered to be like god, it does not actually mean they are god.

I accept all god-men like Krishna, Lord Rama, Buddha, Guru Nanak and Jesus to be great and highly evolved souls.


Active Member
Thanks to God almighty that you dont associate partners with Him, my freind don said sita had to be taken so does it means that God used Sita as a bait like a shrimp on a hook. if it was a decree of God to destroy Ravan, he had to be a bad person and this reason is enought to wage war against him not to let an enemy keep your wife for 11 years just imagine what Ravan could have done with her, or might have and you Hindus call her Devi, I dont think this is quite the approriate behavior of any person today especially in sub continent region. if you say they are godilike which i would say you mean more of a prophet-saint personalities right. if they are our example naturally Sita is an example for Hindu women, i wonder is this your teaching that if you want to wage a war on a different kingdon first let them capture your wife and after 11 years reclaim back everything.
Thanks to God almighty that you dont associate partners with Him, my freind don said sita had to be taken so does it means that God used Sita as a bait like a shrimp on a hook. if it was a decree of God to destroy Ravan, he had to be a bad person and this reason is enought to wage war against him not to let an enemy keep your wife for 11 years just imagine what Ravan could have done with her, or might have and you Hindus call her Devi, I dont think this is quite the approriate behavior of any person today especially in sub continent region. if you say they are godilike which i would say you mean more of a prophet-saint personalities right. if they are our example naturally Sita is an example for Hindu women, i wonder is this your teaching that if you want to wage a war on a different kingdon first let them capture your wife and after 11 years reclaim back everything.

There was an imbalance between good and evil. It NEEDED to be restored. It was done. Sita Maa felt no pain. It was a leela.

Why must you be so difficult? Your just being annoying bro.


Active Member
of course i am being anoying when i am taking away the ground your are standing on of course you will feel annoyed, imbalance of good and evil and bechare Sita paid the price for 11 years

Surya Deva

Well-Known Member
Well Rama did not marry a 7 year old ;)

Like I said Lord Rama was not god, he was a god-realised man. He is considered maryada purushotam, the ideal man. He was noble, pure and heroic. His wife was captured by Ravana, by deceiving Rama by sending him out to hunt deer that Sita wanted. The deer was a ploy to get Rama away from Sita, so Ravana could kidnap her. Rama left Lakshman to protect Sita, but when Sita ordererd Lakshman to go and find Rama when they heard his cry(which was another ploy set up by Ravana) Lakshman left by drawing a magic circle around Sita that would protect her. Then Ravana appeared in the guise of a begger and lured her out of the magic circle and abducted her.

When Lord Rama and Lakshman returned they found she was missing. So they searched for her, and came a humanoid ape species who lived in the forest that had seen Ravana abduct Sita. Thus began the struggle of Rama to rescue his wife from Sita by waging war on Ravana, building a bridge from India to Sri Lanka and finally slaying Ravana and rescuing her.

Meanwhile in Sri Lanka, the story goes that Ravana did not even touch Sita, much less rape her. He wanted to win her loyalty and love for him. So he kept her in his palace as a queen, but she never yeilded to him.

Sita is celebrated in Hindu ethos as the ideal woman. She was the epitome of purity, paitence and loyalty to her spouse. The relationship of Sita and Rama is considered one of the most sacred and loving relationships.

But one only has to read the story to realise that it is myth. It is most likely a real historical event, but it has been presented in the form of story and narrative. Although they did recently find a 1.5 million year old bridge like structure between India and Srilanka which has an unnatural manmade-like curve. That is a bit uncanny!
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But one only has to read the story to realise that it is myth. It is most likely a real historical event, but it has been presented in the form of story and narrative. Although they did recently find a 1.5 million year old bridge like structure between India and Srilanka which has an unnatural manmade-like curve. That is a bit uncanny!

A lot of peopel would tell you different! Especially after NASA caught up with India and found a bridge. Despite Indians knowing it was there for a LONG time, it was only "recently" dicovered.


Veteran Member
A lot of peopel would tell you different! Especially after NASA caught up with India and found a bridge. Despite Indians knowing it was there for a LONG time, it was only "recently" dicovered.

could you please -perhaps- pm me about that bridge? you had my whole attention :)



Immobile Wanderer
could you please -perhaps- pm me about that bridge? you had my whole attention :)
The bridge being spoken of is the bridge believed to have been constructed thousands of years ago for Rama and his army to cross over from the southern tip of India to Sri Lanka to rescue Rama's wife from the Kingdom of Ravana who had kidnapped her. There is a big controversy in India today over the bridge because the Indian government wants to build a canal across the straits separating India and Sri Lanka to shorten the time required for ships to move from the western coast of India to her eastern coast, but which canal if built many fear would obliterate the remnants of the millenniums old bridge which constitutes the earliest remnants of a man-made object extant in the world today.