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Is it true the Kabbha was a Hindu temple?

Surya Deva

Well-Known Member
There are two arguments:

The bridge is man-made
The bridge is natural

It's not thouasands of years old, it is more than a million years old. If it is man-made then we have to accept the Ramayana is a historical event that took place 1 million years ago, which also means that it was a high technology culture. That will mean rewriting history completely, and before we go doing that, we need proof that it is man-made. Until then we have to accept it is natural and its description in the Ramayana is mere coincidental.


Well-Known Member

Your theories on where Hinduism was, when, would be more interesting if you presented some arguments, quotations, examples or links. What archeological finds suggest that Hinduism once was prominent outside the Subcontinent? What Hindu effigies are/were found inside the Ka'ba? etc.

It would be interesting to see if you can find any examples, preferably from other persons than the infamous extreme nationalist P.N. Oak...


Immobile Wanderer
Yes. Not made, but evolving from natural geological processes seems to be the more credible explanation for it.
Could a bridge not have been made upon a natural geological process? That the bridge down the centuries has sunk into the ocean is a fact. But the widespread Hindu belief that there existed a bridge at the same location that has become controversial today is undisputed. And from this belief is born today's consternation among many Hindus that a canal through the Palk Straits would violate the sanctity of the once extant bridge. (Many are opposing the construction of a canal there also for other reasons like environmental, occupation of the fishermen, even destruction of a natural tsunami barrier.) However, what may settle the issue may not be evidence produced that a bridge actually existed, but widespread Hindu belief that it existed. Trampling over beliefs cannot but be a strict no no in so hoary a nation as India - though of late this appears to be happening more and more due to the politics of courting of various 'vote-banks'.


Active Member
well Moses did a better job by making the water to stand tall while he walk through it safely and however Lord Ram had to throw stones into the sea for how many years to reach Lanka.


New Member
A rock falls out of the sky and someone thinks it is a gift from Allah. Rocks come down all the time. Are they all gifts from Allah? And why would Allah send us a rock? Does he think we need one?

Herm, it seems that you've misunderstood..Hajarul Aswad is not only a rock. It was a stone gives by Allah taken from heaven. Actually, the rock is even whiter than milk (symbolize of its scaredness) then becomes darker when many of sinful muslim touch it.
He not send the rock to be used or what. He send the rock to show that most of us full with sins and need to make redemption for all of the sins. As a reminder for muslim.
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New Member
Talking about bearing witness, you, as a Muslim, proclaim that you bear witness that Allah is the only God and Mohammad is the last prophet. On what basis do you do this?

Simply, what can I explain, I proclaim that I bear witness that Allah is the only God. If there is two God or more, it can be equal as a ship with two captain and the ship will sink. Even a husband and a wife has fought to guide a family, so do if God is two or more. If there is two God, this universe simply collapse because of different thought, grip and many more.

I bear Mohammad is the last prophet as Mohammad is the one who bring the right thought; Islam. Islam is the way of life. Everything decided by Islam; Islam rules and etc; are the guide for human to own a better life. But, a Muslim also has been examined by Allah with many obstacles to know how strong they are, how strong their belief. And the heaven is the immortal reward.
Simply, what can I explain, I proclaim that I bear witness that Allah is the only God. If there is two God or more, it can be equal as a ship with two captain and the ship will sink. Even a husband and a wife has fought to guide a family, so do if God is two or more. If there is two God, this universe simply collapse because of different thought, grip and many more.

I bear Mohammad is the last prophet as Mohammad is the one who bring the right thought; Islam. Islam is the way of life. Everything decided by Islam; Islam rules and etc; are the guide for human to own a better life. But, a Muslim also has been examined by Allah with many obstacles to know how strong they are, how strong their belief. And the heaven is the immortal reward.

I disagree. In fact, i dont think Allah exists. I dont think Muhammed was a particularly amazing man. Everything is decided by Islam is not true. Prove it.

Prove your claims...


New Member
I disagree. In fact, i dont think Allah exists. I dont think Muhammed was a particularly amazing man. Everything is decided by Islam is not true. Prove it.

Prove your claims...

Ok.I will explain if your want me to do so. Let say, I'm slapping you right now. Do you feel hurt? Of course, you will say, yes, right? OK, now, the pain that you feel. Do you can see the pain? Isn't, right? You cannot see the pain, but you just feel the pain. So do the existence of Allah. You, me and any one else cannot see Allah but we can feel it.

Ok,now, about Muhammad. Do you know that Muhammad didn't know how to read and how to write? But, why he can produce Al-Quran given by God. Logically, our little sister or brother can't write or read if they had not been taught to do so.. But, why can Muhammad do it? That's showing he is pretty amazing man and why he has been called as an amazing man? Because He's the one, chosen by Allah to spread the Islam and Allah has given him the mukjizat (something that no one in the world will get except him) so that human will believe what he has spread. If Allah didn't give him the mukjizat, the miracle, I don't know what will happen to Islam. Thanks to Allah and He knows everything.
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Its only a Label
It is obvious that most of the responds belong to either muslims or followers of Sanatan Dharma.
Whatever may be the claims of both regards to the stone at Kabba, we must all understand that it signifies the ONE god that humans even before any organised religion was formed have understood.
Humans must understand that we are humans first and so all brothers and sisters from the same root and all are BEINGS.
The concept of God is created by humans and that is ONE and all others claims of anyone being the first or last can only be stories to read and understand its hidden meanings.
Each Being of any form is potentially a buddha as it comes from the same place.
Kindly understand that all differences between individual comes from the MIND and that is the reason that humans are different from other beings. All beings live in harmony with existence except humans for the same reason. This mind makes humans live as if in hell though living in heaven because the MIND is the Satan that makes humans keep away from living in harmony.
The only way individuals can start living in harmony and in heaven is just by looking INWARDS. The rest will happen on its own. When every individual does that, it is for sure none will go hungry, there will be no differences, no wars, etc.
More can be said but for NOW.
Love & rgds


New Member
The concept of God is created by humans and that is ONE and all others claims of anyone being the first or last can only be stories to read and understand its hidden meanings.

I agree with zenzero for this part. We are all human being and have different thought. I believe every religion taught its follower to be good and respect each others's belief. The point is WE ARE HUMAN AND WE HAVE A DIFFERENT OPINION, THOUGHT, etc. What we have to do is respect others belief and there will be nothing to argue about. Thanks zenzero. :)
Ok.I will explain if your want me to do so. Let say, I'm slapping you right now. Do you feel hurt? Of course, you will say, yes, right? OK, now, the pain that you feel. Do you can see the pain? Isn't, right? You cannot see the pain, but you just feel the pain. So do the existence of Allah. You, me and any one else cannot see Allah but we can feel it.

Ok,now, about Muhammad. Do you know that Muhammad didn't know how to read and how to write? But, why he can produce Al-Quran given by God. Logically, our little sister or brother can't write or read if they had not been taught to do so.. But, why can Muhammad do it? That's showing he is pretty amazing man and why he has been called as an amazing man? Because He's the one, chosen by Allah to spread the Islam and Allah has given him the mukjizat (something that no one in the world will get except him) so that human will believe what he has spread. If Allah didn't give him the mukjizat, the miracle, I don't know what will happen to Islam. Thanks to Allah and He knows everything.
I dont feel Allah. Never have. Nothing yet. Still nothing.

Yes i did know that. I suppose that may be something, but a physical miracle is nothing compared to a compassionate character.
He may have spread Islam, but that is just for MUSLIMS. I FULLY understand how important he is full for Islam, but for the general population he is not all that important. Say to a Hindu (such as myself) he is not that important.


Lord of the Badgers
Ok,now, about Muhammad. Do you know that Muhammad didn't know how to read and how to write? But, why he can produce Al-Quran given by God. Logically, our little sister or brother can't write or read if they had not been taught to do so.. But, why can Muhammad do it?
Hate to point out the obvious, but he didn't. Muhammad recited the Qur'an, his followers recorded and/or memorised it. Muhammad didn't need to read or write, only speak.