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Is it true the Kabbha was a Hindu temple?

what a Muslim would/should do when he finds a drawing of a Prophet is to burn that paper. that's what i would do if i had one in my hands right now. other than that, God would punish those who knowingly caused societies hatred and fear.

It was printed as a joke, nothing serious. I understand that you do not appreciate your Prophet Muhammed being depicted as such a vile character, but it really is not that bad.


I want Khilafah back
This ought to refresh the your memory...

Read some of the placquards... Seems the situation is like this:

Also, i am not stupid... You are obviously totally ignoring what I said, or you are just being a compelete. The whole "kid" thing doesent work. If i know i dont understand something due to my age, i will not post.

ok first i'll ask you to please remove that second image, ok. now do't take it as a joke, i'm being serious. please remove it, i'm asking nicely.


Veteran Member
It was printed as a joke, nothing serious. I understand that you do not appreciate your Prophet Muhammed being depicted as such a vile character, but it really is not that bad.

honesty, loyalty and self-confidence. there are many more things that i like to see in people but these three what makes man 'noble' regardless what path they follow.

let me give you an example to explain what i am talking about. gossip is considered as sin in Islam. in our teachings gossip is described as 'eating flesh of your dead friend'. when we gossip, person we talk about could not give an answer to what we're saying. they do not have chance to respond or defend themselves. people usually say things that they could not say in the face. so they talk behind. that is not noble because it is dishonest, disloyal and weak. those people who made cartons of Prophet are not any different. it is easier for them to mock one unique man that all Muslims care, love and respect so much when they are away from Muslim nations. they could never be honest and loyal to themselves which makes them weak. they would become completely new person in front of me, for example. just like those who gossip from behind people but when they are face to face they smile and say nothing. this is my personal point of view about people who mock values of others trusting the distance they have between.

the other point i would like to make, sweet friend, is that we should not mock. specially if it is attacking values of people and insulting their morals. i would consider that free speech if one said he does not believe Mohammad (PBUH) was a Prophet. but insulting him is not about disbelief in him. people of this globe would never have the same belief all together. so one of the main 'must' of world peace is to show respect the other. if not, there could not be peace and no peace at all. question here is ' can i be the one who'd bring peace to this world?' those men who mock Prophet by making cartoons can never say 'yes' as they only added more hatred to hatred and served Satan and evil of this world just to gain money and little bit of fame. they sold piece of peace for that. i said before, i'd say again, i see nothing noble in that.

as simple as it is



I want Khilafah back
honesty, loyalty and self-confidence. there are many more things that i like to see in people but these three what makes man 'noble' regardless what path they follow.

let me give you an example to explain what i am talking about. gossip is considered as sin in Islam. in our teachings gossip is described as 'eating flesh of your dead friend'. when we gossip, person we talk about could not give an answer to what we're saying. they do not have chance to respond or defend themselves. people usually say things that they could not say in the face. so they talk behind. that is not noble because it is dishonest, disloyal and weak. those people who made cartons of Prophet are not any different. it is easier for them to mock one unique man that all Muslims care, love and respect so much when they are away from Muslim nations. they could never be honest and loyal to themselves which makes them weak. they would become completely new person in front of me, for example. just like those who gossip from behind people but when they are face to face they smile and say nothing. this is my personal point of view about people who mock values of others trusting the distance they have between.

the other point i would like to make, sweet friend, is that we should not mock. specially if it is attacking values of people and insulting their morals. i would consider that free speech if one said he does not believe Mohammad (PBUH) was a Prophet. but insulting him is not about disbelief in him. people of this globe would never have the same belief all together. so one of the main 'must' of world peace is to show respect the other. if not, there could not be peace and no peace at all. question here is ' can i be the one who'd bring peace to this world?' those men who mock Prophet by making cartoons can never say 'yes' as they only added more hatred to hatred and served Satan and evil of this world just to gain money and little bit of fame. they sold piece of peace for that. i said before, i'd say again, i see nothing noble in that.
as simple as it is

good reply.
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Immobile Wanderer
... those people who made cartons of Prophet are not any different. it is easier for them to mock one unique man that all Muslims care, love and respect so much when they are away from Muslim nations.
The cartoons depicted a link between terrorism and Mohammad, which is fairly obvious to many people but not Muslims. This is similar to Muslims justifying 54 year old recently-widowed Mohammad marrying a 9 year old child while many would think it only reveals the lack of character in a person supposedly chosen by none less than God to be the role model of humanity.

To dismiss different view points as insults is unfair.


Veteran Member
The cartoons depicted a link between terrorism and Mohammad, which is fairly obvious to many people but not Muslims. This is similar to Muslims justifying 54 year old recently-widowed Mohammad marrying a 9 year old child while many would think it only reveals the lack of character in a person supposedly chosen by none less than God to be the role model of humanity.

To dismiss different view points as insults is unfair.

there is no proof for her age.

this is not about different views. thoughts are here and there and they could be expressed and discussed. since Islam forbids picturing Mohammad (PBUH) and this is very well known by those cartoon artists, drawing a face for him is an insult to believers of Islam. don't get me wrong here please. we can eat in the same restaurant. i can have pasta and you can eat pork. that would not be an insult to Islam.



there is no proof for her age.

this is not about different views. thoughts are here and there and they could be expressed and discussed. since Islam forbids picturing Mohammad (PBUH) and this is very well known by those cartoon artists, drawing a face for him is an insult to believers of Islam. don't get me wrong here please. we can eat in the same restaurant. i can have pasta and you can eat pork. that would not be an insult to Islam.


hi Lava it may be a sin for a muslim to draw a picture of Muhammed, but does that mean a non muslim cannot draw a picture of Muhammed without Pain of death. for example would you dictate to me that it is a crime for me to do so and i should be punished. why would god worry about a picture? why would Mohammed?

why would the all knowing ,all powerful,all merciful god decree that its a sin to draw a picture, it makes little sense.

If its a matter of faith and you say god says so then theres really no argument, but it puzzles me this.


Immobile Wanderer
we can eat in the same restaurant. i can have pasta and you can eat pork. that would not be an insult to Islam.
The freedom to have pasta and pork in the same restaurant - do restaurants in Muslim countries allow this freedom?


Veteran Member
hi Lava it may be a sin for a muslim to draw a picture of Muhammed, but does that mean a non muslim cannot draw a picture of Muhammed without Pain of death. for example would you dictate to me that it is a crime for me to do so and i should be punished. why would god worry about a picture? why would Mohammed?

we are alone. if you draw that picture, you are responsible of your action. no, i would not dictate you.

why would the all knowing ,all powerful,all merciful god decree that its a sin to draw a picture, it makes little sense.
there is only one Mohammad (PBUH). he has one unique face like anybody else. none of the drawings could reflect him. there are some old Islamic drawings that includes Prophet. here is one for you (illustration of Prophet at miraj);


as you see, artist did not 'make up' a face for him. since he is not here for us to see his face, each would imagine his face differently. so God forbids us to draw his face. same with other Prophets.

If its a matter of faith and you say god says so then theres really no argument, but it puzzles me this.
ha ha so i shall picture you puzzled :D you know, if there were cameras back then that would not be a sin to have his photograph. if God let us draw his face then maybe each person would have a different image in his name. i hope this helps you to see why.



Immobile Wanderer
my nation does.
I am not surprised. Turkey, though a Muslim majority country, has not quite been an Islamic one from the Shariat point of view ever since Mustafa Kamal Attaturk. He did not subscribe to the view that accepting Islam had also to mean accepting Arab culture and therefore he attempted to clear Turkey of Arab influence. In the process I think the role of Islam also became understated in Turkey's polity. Today I understand a party which is not so shy of Islam is in power, though the Military is not always amused. Moreover, Turkey wants EU membership badly, so they have to display the European milieu. In short, I don't think Turkey qualifies as an Islamic country. What I had in mind was an archetypal Islamic country - Saudi Arabia for instance.


Veteran Member
I am not surprised. Turkey, though a Muslim majority country, has not quite been an Islamic one from the Shariat point of view ever since Mustafa Kamal Attaturk. He did not subscribe to the view that accepting Islam had also to mean accepting Arab culture and therefore he attempted to clear Turkey of Arab influence. In the process I think the role of Islam also became understated in Turkey's polity. Today I understand a party which is not so shy of Islam is in power, though the Military is not always amused. Moreover, Turkey wants EU membership badly, so they have to display the European milieu. In short, I don't think Turkey qualifies as an Islamic country. What I had in mind was an archetypal Islamic country - Saudi Arabia for instance.

i must say, your information about Turkey is not right enough.

i assumed you meant somewhere like Saudi Arabia. never been there but know people who' been there. they say that people make their own alcohol at home but noone drinks outside. i don't know about how it is like with eating pork. a traditional Turkish restaurant would not sell pork. but a international hotel would and big supermarkets sell pork meet.

so we are not Islamic nation huh? hehehe we are! we are Islamic nation with evolving democracy. they abuse name of Mustafa Kemal to prevent evolution for better and healhtier. we can talk about it if you wish. Many people misinformed about Ataturk. it is sad, but true.



Immobile Wanderer
Many people misinformed about Ataturk. it is sad, but true.
Wasn't the main change that Ataturk brought to Turkey the heightened consciousness among the people of Turkish nationalism, which was earlier subsumed under a pan-Islamic identity with the Caliph and Arabic culture?


Veteran Member
Wasn't the main change that Ataturk brought to Turkey the heightened consciousness among the people of Turkish nationalism, which was earlier subsumed under a pan-Islamic identity with the Caliph and Arabic culture?

this is what some people want us to believe but thank God we know him better than that.



Hostis humani generis
well it's no according to the shiks it's according to Allah. muslim women cannot go out half naked, i've toled you before.
Unfortunately, Allah does not exist.

again it is not the sheiks who forbid the hand shkae with the opposite gender, it is Allah.
But does he exist? Prove it.

in islam anything that would lead to sin is forbiden.
Shaking hands, what could that lead to?
example: if one drinks alcohol one could start a fight, say things that they aren't sopposed to, won't have control over themself, won't be able to help someone in need because they cant orientate themself and cant stay up straight. alcohol is forbiden because it leads to sin that one wouldn't normally do.
I don't drink, so I don't care. Why not drunkenness as a sin, as opposed to alcohol though?

same thing with that gender hand shakes. it could lead to sin which one would not do if they were appart from srange ( not just strange but even close/furmiliar ones) women.
So now you're telling me I can't hug my sister?
in islam men are men and women are women, it is forbiden to mix, but some people don't obey that law, when in fact it is for their good.
No it isn't. It's backwards.
if a man listens to women conversations he too will become like a woman, he may look like a man but thats only on the outside.
it is forbiden for men to sit with women and listen to their conversations because that too may lead to a man becoming "homo", you probably think thats not true bu it is.
Proof? That's a pile of steaming dung, sorry. I happen to have grown up around mainly female members of my family, and I'm strongly straight. I have a wife and two children. My oldest is 2 years old, and it's her birthday today. :D
heres a question for you if you think that this the above statemsnt is wrong: can you stay away from home when other women come there? can you not listen to their conversations, can you not shake their hands? can you not talk to your wife is she or you start talking about other people.
Could I? Yes. Would I? No. I happen to love my mother, my sister, my wife.. why would I want to follow a backwards deity who's so oppressive? I enjoy talking with my family, after all. My family also includes cousins.

However, I must thank you. You've helped me on my spiritual journey, and saved me a lot of wasted effort: truth is not in Islam. Allah does not exist, and if he did, he's closer to an Asura. So, thanks for helping me. :clap2:
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Active Member
Dear Odion

Why dont you prove to us that Allah doesnt exsist, since the discussion is about Hinduism and Islam in this topic, Hindus and muslims we dont need to prove God to each other we are both beleivers in God,


Hostis humani generis
Dear Odion

Why dont you prove to us that Allah doesnt exsist,
You prove to me he does exist; the reason I doubt that he exists is because of how human the faith is and how restricting it is. Such a deity who would control everything down to a tee is too controlling to be realistic, and ifAllah does exist, Allah is an asura.

since the discussion is about Hinduism and Islam in this topic, Hindus and muslims we dont need to prove God to each other we are both beleivers in God,
Oh, I'm a believer in God :yes: just not the Muslim one. :no:
Unfortunately, as we have seen from other threads, you and a few of your friends just like to insult the Hindu faith and will ask questions to respond back impolitely.


Active Member
of course God has to control every single thing, if he leaves any loop holes the devil can get in, we can see how the devil is misleading people in western nations like America.

no, then unfortunatley i have to apologoise that if the Hindus felt offended i was just asking questions from my point of view, if they felt that the ground benealth them is shaking because of my questions i cant say anything.

You are the one who deserves to be insulted you are a beliver of God and you are telling me to proof that God almighty exsists, we can see who is the wicked one. anyone can ask anything about islam no one felt offended here why should anyone, every religion deserves to be questioned.

I am very interested to know which religion you belong to and i will take up the responsiblity of proving it wrong, please tell me which religion do you belong to,


Hostis humani generis
of course God has to control every single thing, if he leaves any loop holes the devil can get in, we can see how the devil is misleading people in western nations like America.
Or, how the devil is controlling Muslim nations like Iran and Saudi Arabia.

no, then unfortunatley i have to apologoise that if the Hindus felt offended i was just asking questions from my point of view, if they felt that the ground benealth them is shaking because of my questions i cant say anything.
Not at all, just notice at how you say things.

You are the one who deserves to be insulted
How mature.. :slap:
you are a beliver of God and you are telling me to proof that God almighty exsists,
No, prove ALLAH exists. Prove that Muhammad really spoke with the god who you claim is the one true God.
we can see who is the wicked one.
Not me, that's for sure.
anyone can ask anything about islam no one felt offended here why should anyone, every religion deserves to be questioned.
Yes it does, I agree with you here.

I am very interested to know which religion you belong to and i will take up the responsiblity of proving it wrong, please tell me which religion do you belong to,
I don't belong to any religion, I'm a seeker. I'm looking for God. Good look with proving that a spiritual search is wrong. :puppy: