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Is it wrong to advocate homosexuality as a sin?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
:D:D what's irrational is believing that animals can turn into people, especially imaginary animals. :D But people who can't think for themselves believe anything that's popular which is of course, how myths become popular.;)

Come on, Carico. You can troll better than that. Your efforts to date should embarrass you.


Liebe ist für alle da
:D:D what's irrational is believing that animals can turn into people, especially imaginary animals. :D But people who can't think for themselves believe anything that's popular which is of course, how myths become popular.;)
Really, all you do here is show how you are completely ignorant of what Evolution is.


Well-Known Member
I think it is wrong to advocate homosexuality as a sin. I think it supports and contributes to prejudice against and ignorance of homosexuality. I think spreading the idea, that homosexuality is a sin, is harmful to many, especially gay youths (who are not worldly enough to see past the nonsense).

I want to know what other think about this.

Now, to be clear, I am not questioning the right to spread this nonsense. I understand freedom of expression and its importance. But just because something is lawful that does not mean it is right.

It seems to many people that homosexuality is not wrong, that it is just another LIFESTYLE. As time goes on more and more people are accepting Homosexuality as acceptable. One thing that people seem to forget or disregard is the fact that man has not right to judge whethher something is rifgt or wrong. Judgement belongs to the Almighty Creator of Heaven and earth, and all that is in them.
The Bible tells us clearly what God's view of Homosexuality is. Consider Lev 18:22, and Lev 20:13. This is what the Hebrew Scriptures say. Has God changed?? NO HE HAS NOT!!! Consider Mal 3:6.
Does God reveal this same condemnation in the Christian Greek Scriptures????
Consider Rom 1:26-28,32. 1Cor 6:9-11, 1Tim 1:9,10, Jude 7.
Notice that each time Homosexuality is mentioned, it is mentioned right along with the most vile of sins. Did you also notice that there will be NO homosexuals in God's Kingdom??? That Kingdom is very near, in fact it is the Kingdom we all pray for, when we pray the LORD"S PRAYER. Be careful of what you pray for, Amos 5:18.


Intentionally Blank
One can't prove that the world is round to a blind man but that doesn't at all mean that it can't be proven that the world is round. ;)
You can't PROVE it to anyone but you can provide ample evidence of it to anyone, sighted or blind. So I think your problem isn't my sight, but your lack of evidence. Tell you what, you provide the evidence, then we'll decide what the problem is.

Considering that you have to make up a history of your imagination and claim that nothing in the universe is ordered in order to deny God, then that proves that one has to be irrational to deny God.;)
A now you'll lay out the steps in this argument.

Nevertheless, God doesn't cater to irrational people. His laws are crystal clear and you know where to find them. So you're without excuse. Sorry. ;)
They are? His laws are crystal clear? Really. For example: picking up sticks on Saturday: in or out? How about genocide: O.K. or not? Divorce? Lesbianism? Eating shrimp?

I'm guessing you're still referring to the Bible, as my experience is that people with your posting style (a list of unsupported assertions couples with the assumptions they should be recognized as accepted truth) usually are. How did you come to pick that particular holy text above all others? Did you make a complete review of the literature first or just pick that one randomly without studying the alternatives? Or were you perhaps taught that one as a young child?

What on earth do I need an excuse for?

Now would you like to answer the questions I asked you or do you prefer to remain discredited?


Intentionally Blank
I noticed that you didn't include the rest of my post. So I think you understood it very well or you would have included my statements on what is irrational. Their exclusion was thus deliberate which means that you did understand my post. ;)

Well so far you've demonstrated an utter lack of rational discourse. That's why we're confused. Rational discourse would include things like evidence and logic.


Intentionally Blank
So then I take it you think that one should make up a history of his imagination which would mean that history is a figment of people's imagination. Is that correct? :D
NO, what makes you think that?
If so, then that's the definition of a delusion. ;) But then delusional people always think they're rational. One needs medication to see that his beliefs have to be documented in outside reality in order to be considered sane. So you need to try medication. ;)
So thinking you're rational is evidence of your delusion then?

Great, outside reality, my favorite. Now I'm waiting for you to show that your particular God has some relationship to it. Any time now.


Intentionally Blank
You can find him in the Evolution section of the science category in a thread entitled "The Darwin Delusion." :)

I don't know to whom you're referring, but are you asserting that the Theory of Evolution, one of the best supported, most robust, scientifically accepted theories in the history of science, is incorrect? If so, please repair to one of the many current threads where we're discussing it and defend that hilarious assertion, completely divorced from the evidence and any attempt at rational thought.


Intentionally Blank
:D:D what's irrational is believing that animals can turn into people, especially imaginary animals. :D
What's irrational is thinking that people aren't animals.
But people who can't think for themselves believe anything that's popular which is of course, how myths become popular.;)
Myths such as the Genesis Creation Myth? Yes, it is quite popular, and many people who are unable to think for themselves believe it. Those of us who do use the scientific method and are able to figure out for ourselves what actually happened.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
It seems to many people that homosexuality is not wrong, that it is just another LIFESTYLE. As time goes on more and more people are accepting Homosexuality as acceptable. One thing that people seem to forget or disregard is the fact that man has not right to judge whethher something is rifgt or wrong. Judgement belongs to the Almighty Creator of Heaven and earth, and all that is in them.
The Bible tells us clearly what God's view of Homosexuality is. Consider Lev 18:22, and Lev 20:13. This is what the Hebrew Scriptures say. Has God changed?? NO HE HAS NOT!!! Consider Mal 3:6.
Does God reveal this same condemnation in the Christian Greek Scriptures????
Consider Rom 1:26-28,32. 1Cor 6:9-11, 1Tim 1:9,10, Jude 7.
Notice that each time Homosexuality is mentioned, it is mentioned right along with the most vile of sins. Did you also notice that there will be NO homosexuals in God's Kingdom??? That Kingdom is very near, in fact it is the Kingdom we all pray for, when we pray the LORD"S PRAYER. Be careful of what you pray for, Amos 5:18.

Cool, now all you have to do is tell me that you don't eat shellfish, and that you oppose anyone else eating shellfish. Otherwise, you're completely inconsistent.


Active Member
It seems to many people that homosexuality is not wrong, that it is just another LIFESTYLE. As time goes on more and more people are accepting Homosexuality as acceptable. One thing that people seem to forget or disregard is the fact that man has not right to judge whethher something is rifgt or wrong. Judgement belongs to the Almighty Creator of Heaven and earth, and all that is in them.
The Bible tells us clearly what God's view of Homosexuality is. Consider Lev 18:22, and Lev 20:13. This is what the Hebrew Scriptures say. Has God changed?? NO HE HAS NOT!!! Consider Mal 3:6.
Does God reveal this same condemnation in the Christian Greek Scriptures????
Consider Rom 1:26-28,32. 1Cor 6:9-11, 1Tim 1:9,10, Jude 7.
Notice that each time Homosexuality is mentioned, it is mentioned right along with the most vile of sins. Did you also notice that there will be NO homosexuals in God's Kingdom??? That Kingdom is very near, in fact it is the Kingdom we all pray for, when we pray the LORD"S PRAYER. Be careful of what you pray for, Amos 5:18.
Where your reasoning goes seriously wrong is when you assume that quoting the bible proves anything about what a god wants. All we really know for sure about God is that god is a word and that many people think that there is a supreme being called god. All we really know for sure about what this supposed god wants is that some people say god wants one thing and another group says god wants just the opposite. The bible was written by people and it has all hallmarks of a human product: contradictions, failed prophecies, errors and it reflects the knowledge limitations of the human beings who wrote it. Sure, the bible takes a dim vew of sex between people of the same gender. So what? Just because those people thought it was wrong that doesn't mean we have to believe the same thing. Humans don't have the right to say what's right or wrong. I submit that that is the only way we have ever had any codes of ethics and morals: when people decided what to include in them..


Active Member
Where your reasoning goes seriously wrong is when you assume that quoting the bible proves anything about what a god wants. All we really know for sure about God is that god is a word and that many people think that there is a supreme being called god. All we really know for sure about what this supposed god wants is that some people say god wants one thing and another group says god wants just the opposite. The bible was written by people and it has all hallmarks of a human product: contradictions, failed prophecies, errors and it reflects the knowledge limitations of the human beings who wrote it. Sure, the bible takes a dim vew of sex between people of the same gender. So what? Just because those people thought it was wrong that doesn't mean we have to believe the same thing. Humans don't have the right to say what's right or wrong. I submit that that is the only way we have ever had any codes of ethics and morals: when people decided what to include in them..

Wrong. Even if you deliberately ignore the bible, or change God's Word into the opposite, we know by the biological make-up of males and females that they were created to be sexually attracted to each other to produce offspring. That means that sexual relations between humans and animals, people of the same gender, between adults and young children, or any other sexual relationship is un-natural and thus a perversion. And nothing can change that. You can't alter the laws of nature without serious consequences to nature itself.


You can't alter the laws of nature without serious consequences to nature itself.
Just what consequences would nature suffer if two people engage in an activity that is guaranteed to result in non-production? I suppose that if they were one of say ten people on the planet then you might have a point. In this environment, however, your point is completely lost. Much in the same way that certain foods were forbidden in a time when humans didn't know how to prepare it properly. At the time, the rule was helpful. Today? Not so much.


Guardian of Asgaard
Wrong. Even if you deliberately ignore the bible, or change God's Word into the opposite, we know by the biological make-up of males and females that they were created to be sexually attracted to each other to produce offspring. That means that sexual relations between humans and animals, people of the same gender, between adults and young children, or any other sexual relationship is un-natural and thus a perversion. And nothing can change that. You can't alter the laws of nature without serious consequences to nature itself.

Im pretty sure people don't choose to be gay, because then they have to put up with bible bashing ignorant fools like you who think their orientation is a crime against nature.

You're wrong. Prove to me that homosexuals aren't born gay.


Active Member
Just what consequences would nature suffer if two people engage in an activity that is guaranteed to result in non-production? I suppose that if they were one of say ten people on the planet then you might have a point. In this environment, however, your point is completely lost. Much in the same way that certain foods were forbidden in a time when humans didn't know how to prepare it properly. At the time, the rule was helpful. Today? Not so much.

What good would it do to tell you when you'd just ignore them? :confused: Nevertheless, they're still there and include but are not limited to the folllowing:

1) Lust becomes the supreme value in same-sex relationships. They don't care what God, their families or anyone else thinks of it, they just want to act on their lust

2) Same-sex relationships promote families where no one is related to each other

3) Same sex relationships only have one gender as a role model for their children

4) Children in same-sex marriages don't know what a wife or husband is or does

5) Children in same-sex marriages don't know what a mother or father is or does

6) Children in same sex marriages are given permission to act on their lust, no matter what it is, as long as they find a partner who likes what they like. So it inhibits self-discipline and encourages acting out

7) Same-sex marriages encourage children to use others as objects of their sexual desires rather than thinking about what's best for their partners

8) Same-sex marriages inhibits future populations

for starters. But again, those who don't care about the affects that same-sex relationships have on children won't see anything wrong with homosexuality since LUST is the highest value of those who support homosexuality. that's actually an adolescent maturity level that thinks with its hormones rather than its heart or brain.

The above doesn't even address the biblical and spiritual reasons against homosexuality which are far too advanced for people who have no values higher than bodily gratification which is the highest level that animals are capable of. So I won't even get into them here.
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1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Wow... you really don't understand people, do you?

A few things in the prejudiced noise of your post jumped out at me:
3) Same sex relationships only have one gender as a role model for their children
Role models are people, not genders.

4) Children in same-sex marriages don't know what a wife or husband is or does

5) Children in same-sex marriages don't know what a mother or father is or does

8) Same-sex marriages inhibits future populations
Exactly how do they do that? How does it "inhibit future populations" to allow same-sex couples to marry? How would unmarried same-sex couples promote "future populations"?


What good would it do to tell you when you'd just ignore them?
Why would I do that? That would be silly of me. I came here for a discussion.

1) Lust becomes the supreme value in same-sex relationships. They don't care what God, their families or anyone else thinks of it, they just want to act on their lust
Actually, this has nothing to do with homosexuality. That is a reality in heterosexual relationship at this very moment and is why, among other things, the divorce rate among those who identify themselves as "Christians" has topped 60%. Homosexuality like heterosexuality can fall prey to the same problems but it can also protray a truly loving monogomous relationship. Depends on the people involved. I do know that by shunning them from the church you are guaranteeing that they have fewer places where they can exercise in meaningful worship which also helps strengthen relationships.

2) Same-sex relationships promote families where no one is related to each other
3) Same sex relationships only have one gender as a role model for their children
4) Children in same-sex marriages don't know what a wife or husband is or does
5) Children in same-sex marriages don't know what a mother or father is or does
Clearly you don't have very many gay friends. You seem to think that being gay means becoming a mindless animal. This is not true.

Nor is it true that the children of gay people grow up to be gay themselves any more than having hetero parents keeps one from being gay. I would recommend that you befriend these people that you abhor and you will find that things are not as you imagine them to be.

6) Children in same sex marriages are given permission to act on their lust, no matter what it is, as long as they find a partner who likes what they like. So it inhibits self-discipline and encourages acting out
7) Same-sex marriages encourage children to use others as objects of their sexual desires rather than thinking about what's best for their partners
Again, you seem to think that being gay means becoming a mindless, horny animal and no more. Gay parents want what every good parent wants for their children - a good education, a meaningful career, and meaningful relationships. Indeed, it is the couples who build families who are least likely to promote irresponsible and wreckless behaviour.

8) Same-sex marriages inhibits future populations
It is not likely that the human race is going to go extinct any time soon. And there are plenty of us heteros out there doing our bit. My wife and I have five kids and two grandkids thus far. And somehow, we have managed to stay married despite the fact that there are gay people in our community.

But again, those who don't care about the affects that same-sex relationships have on children won't see anything wrong with homosexuality since LUST is the highest value of those who support homosexuality. that's actually an adolescent maturity level that thinks with its hormones rather than its heart or brain.
As for my children, I would far rather that they see people as people. We are an interracial family (and there are still people today who are adamant against that as you are against homosexuality) who respects the rights of others, believes the best about others (until proven otherwise) and who know that what happens in the bedroom between people is their concern and not a reason to despise them. Seems to me that my kids have a pretty healthy view of the world and all of them are very hetero. So, I guess we are living proof that your imagination does not match reality.

As for the issue of lust... unless you have lived in a bomb shelter since the early 1960s you have to admit that lust is not a problem restricted to homosexuals. Watched any TV lately? Seen any commercials? Been to any movies?

I rest my case.


Active Member
Wow... you really don't understand people, do you?

A few things in the prejudiced noise of your post jumped out at me:

Role models are people, not genders.


Exactly how do they do that? How does it "inhibit future populations" to allow same-sex couples to marry? How would unmarried same-sex couples promote "future populations"?

Because people of the same gender cannot breed together, which is obvious.:rolleyes: It also encourages homosexuality in the children of same-sex marriages which will increase the homosexual population enormously in future generations. People will be nothing more than animals who have no constraints about their sexual appetites. That is already happening to an alarming degree in today's world with pornography all over the internet, movies, and televisions. Lust is more important than love. Unfortunately, most people don't know the difference between lust and love so neither will their children. :eek: