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Is it wrong to advocate homosexuality as a sin?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Didn´t know that. Out of curiosity, happen to know what makes it different from the ordinary Bible?
Wish I could say yes, because I am very curious about it myself. My brother use to be aquantinces with a white supremisist, and we had to go to his appartment for something, and I just happened to notice it sitting on his book shelf. If I remember correctly, it is still a "christian" bible, but with whatever differences to adapt to a white supremicist mentallity.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I live in an area that has a KKK clan still just a few miles north of me. Every Christian I know would tell you we do not associate ourselves with the clan in anyway. I do not consider them Christian at all, even though they may consider themselves that.
I too live in an area where the Klan is still very active, and racism is a part of normal, everyday life for a few neighboring cities. (One of these cities is so racist, the welcoming sign use to say "Where the sun better not rise on your black ***." And the over 95% of the population in this city is white.) But yes, the Klan is drivin by the feeling that they are doing God's will.
You may not associate with them, but they themselves feel they are very Christian. Hitler even was Catholic, and believed he was doing God's divine will.


Done here.
What you say may very well be true (I honestly don't know I separate myself from that filth entirely). I live in an area that has a KKK clan still just a few miles north of me. Every Christian I know would tell you we do not associate ourselves with the clan in anyway. I do not consider them Christian at all, even though they may consider themselves that. Just because a group of racist interpret the Bible in a racist way does not make the rest of Christianity racist. Therefore reforming Christianity will do absolutely no good. Because the clan would still be racist and continue its racist actions, until we find a way to stop the clan itself. The past is the past people may have had the same views as the KKK years and years ago. But I assure you the majority of Christians today do not share those same views of racism, and it upsets me that you would insinuate that.

As for the anti-gay crowd, it is the same. Reforming sins in religion would change nothing. They fear because they do not understand. They would find other than religious reasons to keep on fearing/hating until they figure out there is nothing to fear. Our enemy here is fear and ignorance, not religion.
What you aren't getting is that Christianity has been reformed, and that's why you're now able to regard groups like the Klan with such loathing, and even to consider them non-Christians. Religious racism still exists, and may always still exist, but it is no longer a mainstream and socially-acceptable religious viewpoint.

One of the things that motivates many anti-gay crusaders is the fear that their own religious bigotry will likewise be marginalized and will cease to be socially acceptable. They are fighting not just for their right to speak their opinion -- nobody's trying to take that away -- but for the purity of their religion, in which anti-gay bigotry is seen as indispensable, and they're fighting to keep anti-gay bigotry socially acceptable, too, which is one of the reasons they stoop to barefaced lies and demonization of gay people. They know very well what can happen; some of the older ones are the same people who lost the battle for segregation.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
It has everything to do with religion. Racist Christians turn to the Bible to justify their views just as homophobic Christians do. The Klan is an explicitly Christian group, and eighty years ago there were plenty of Protestant clergy in its ranks. Thomas Dixon, the author of The Clansman -- the book on which the infamous movie The Birth of a Nation was based -- was a Baptist minister who wrote novels depicting the supposed evils of "race mixing" and socialism. His brother, A.C. Dixon -- also a Baptist minister -- was the first editor of The Fundamentals. Fundamentalist Christianity is an anti-modern movement, and part of its early anti-modernism was racism.
You wouldn't happen to know how much the Klan relied on the Bible to support its position, would you (for example, declaring that other races bore the "Curse of Ham")?

The Klan is not just anti-black and anti-gay. It is also anti-Semitic and anti-Catholic. It is, along with the Christian Identity / militia movement, one of the last remnants of a religious viewpoint that was once common in the United States and that supported its bigotry by referring to the Bible.
Not just the United States. The whole reason we have publicly-funded Catholic schools in Canada is that they were originally introduced as a response to the Protestant and quite anti-Catholic school system that was in place at Confederation.

And until even the 20s or 30s, you could still see "Gentiles Only" signs in some public parks in Toronto, and the Orange Lodge still had major influence on the provincial government of Ontario... for all intents and purposes, it was impossible to be elected to office if you were Catholic.


Done here.
Wish I could say yes, because I am very curious about it myself. My brother use to be aquantinces with a white supremisist, and we had to go to his appartment for something, and I just happened to notice it sitting on his book shelf. If I remember correctly, it is still a "christian" bible, but with whatever differences to adapt to a white supremicist mentallity.
Some groups may have a special Bible, but no special Bible is needed. My uncle was a member of the Klan and was also an ardent proponent of the King James Version, and you can find racism all through any Bible if that's what you're looking for.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
What you aren't getting is that Christianity has been reformed, and that's why you're now able to regard groups like the Klan with such loathing, and even to consider them non-Christians. Religious racism still exists, and may always still exist, but it is no longer a mainstream and socially-acceptable religious viewpoint.

Christianity was not reformed. No where in the Bible does it tell us to hate black people (except the white supremacist bible or whatever? /rolls eyes). Case in point if Christianity was responsible for all racism years and years ago how come Christians in the north helped to free slaves? Why would they even bother if they was racist as well? 100 years ago people were more racist (in the south) than they are now, that is the way it was. Christianity did not change, the people changed over the years.


Intentionally Blank
Some info about the Klan:

After a period of relative quiet, Ku Klux Klan activity has spiked noticeably upwards in 2006, as Klan groups have attempted to exploit fears in America over gay marriage, perceived “assaults” on Christianity, crime and especially immigration... Whereas many neo-Nazis and racist skinheads may be atheists or pagan, Klan groups tend to be overwhelmingly Christian (often adhering to the racist and anti-Semitic Christian Identity sect), reflecting the Klan’s more traditional origins [ADL]

from The Knights Party (klan) website right now:
The truth is we don't know for sure how it will happen, but the Bible tells us that it will happen and no one should doubt it. We know that except for the time when our people were organized into a nation in ancient Israel of Biblical time - God has seldom used military might to win. Before any military might was used - such as in the American Revolution or in the forcing of King John to sign the Magna Carta, God used soul stirring to bring people to the point where they were willing to stand for their beliefs. This is why Pastor Robb continually points out our Christian duty and the necessity of witnessing to others.
more from the klan website:
We envision an America once again guided by Biblical principles and laws. Whose laws better to follow than those of the creator of our universe? Who has a more perfect knowledge of good and evil, of right and wrong, of pain and pleasure than our creator Jesus Christ? Does it not make sense to then heed his advice and the advice of Biblical scholars inspired by God thousands of years ago?

We envision an America where children aren't criticized in school for being Christians, but rather are taught the wisdom, virtues, values, and morals of Christianity - a necessary ingredient in a civilized society.

We envision an America in which our children are not confronted by anti-white and anti-Christian propaganda, where they are not confronted with the "joys" of homosexuality or race mixing, but rather the condemnation of these behaviors by God. We envision an America in which these anti-Christian behaviors are punished and serve as additional deterrents to anyone toying with the satanic notion of race mixing or homosexuality. We envision an America where our children can be raised in a wholesome environment.

Here's a group called the Traditional Christian Knights of of the Ku Klux Klan:
We of the Traditional Christian Knights of the Ku Klux Klan are a Fraternal, Benevolent, Law-abiding white rights organization. We do not engage in any illegal activity, nor are we a hate group. We are simply a group of white men and women who wish to promote unity among other white Christians,

Today the KKK has been greatly weakened as their views have become more and more radical. They consider themselves a Christian organization and base their doctrines upon their own reading of the Bible. Their theology is strongly influenced by Christian Reconstructionism - they hope to "reconstruct" the United States along biblical (primarily Old Testament) lines and to establish a white-dominated theocracy.

Here's a Klan church group, the Church of the Fiery Cross. They are way into Bible study, and say things like:

We have arrived at a very climatic period in the history of our race for we are the people who constitute the Kingdom of God. We are the Household God established in the world. We are the White nations of the earth. We are the nations of God's Kingdom. And the spiritual center of that institution is the Church (the called out ones.) A great and powerful race stream makes this possible. This is the White race stream. And the destruction of that race stream means the destruction of God's Kingdom. A wipe-out by mongrelizing of that race would destroy that spiritual stream and haul down forever the resistance to the power of darkness and the forces of Luciferianism.

I could give tons more, but you get the idea.


Intentionally Blank
In brief, Enoch, it may not be the same Christianity as you espouse, and you may not agree with their interpretation of Christianity, but it's clearly a branch of Christianity. Until fairly recently, it was a mainstream view of white Christianity in the U.S.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Christianity did not change, the people changed over the years.
Christianity has indeed changed. In the beginning, it was law that sermons were conducted in Latin, and you had to give the church your entire life savings just to look at, or even own if you was very rich, an alleged artifact to be saved.
And then there was the English translation, which there is not a single book that has been translated that is 100% accurate. And then after the translations came deciding what books to include in the Bible, and which ones to omit.
Today even, all you have to do is go to a Bible store and see just how many versions of the Bible there are to realize that Christianity does indeed change. Another difference, the Catholic Bible has the Sola Scriptura, but lacks Duetaronomy, which is a book that the church I last went to frequently turned to.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Christianity has indeed changed. In the beginning, it was law that sermons were conducted in Latin, and you had to give the church your entire life savings just to look at, or even own if you was very rich, an alleged artifact to be saved.
And then there was the English translation, which there is not a single book that has been translated that is 100% accurate. And then after the translations came deciding what books to include in the Bible, and which ones to omit.
Today even, all you have to do is go to a Bible store and see just how many versions of the Bible there are to realize that Christianity does indeed change. Another difference, the Catholic Bible has the Sola Scriptura, but lacks Duetaronomy, which is a book that the church I last went to frequently turned to.
Dear God!
I think it is wrong to advocate homosexuality as a sin. I think it supports and contributes to prejudice against and ignorance of homosexuality. I think spreading the idea, that homosexuality is a sin, is harmful to many, especially gay youths (who are not worldly enough to see past the nonsense).

I want to know what other think about this.

Now, to be clear, I am not questioning the right to spread this nonsense. I understand freedom of expression and its importance. But just because something is lawful that does not mean it is right.

I am a married heterosexual male. I suppose I am heterosexual because that is how my brain circuits are wired and that is a combination of genes and secondary biological factors most of which we do not know.

I think that it is as wrong...and ignorant...to call homosexuality a sin as it is to call brown pigmented skin, tall stature, smooth complexion, or dislike of asparagus a sin. All are biological. Hatred is pathological.

The Catholic Bibles I always encountered had Deuteronomy? Why would a Catholic school have Protestant Bibles?

The catholics love Deuteronomy if I had a cent for every time I heard this at mass I would have more €7

"You shall not add to the word which I command you, nor take from it; that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you."


Vile Atheist

Loud and Obnoxious
The catholics love Deuteronomy if I had a cent for every time I heard this at mass I would have more €7

"You shall not add to the word which I command you, nor take from it; that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you."

I thought so. Weird. :confused:


Well-Known Member
It's hilarious that most homophobic religious folks that outrightly speak out and act out against homosexuality oppose the same amendment that allows for them to actively believe in their religions in the first place.


Done here.
Christianity was not reformed.
Christianity has been so thoroughly reformed, and that in my lifetime, that you can no longer even recognize the religious arguments in favor of racism and segregation as religious arguments. A couple of generations ago, nobody had such difficulty, even if they disagreed with the religious arguments.

No where in the Bible does it tell us to hate black people (except the white supremacist bible or whatever? /rolls eyes).
Of course not, and racists and segregationists would be the first to tell you that they didn't hate black people. They just wanted to uphold traditional values and God's will. They loved black people, of course, just as Christian homophobes today claim to love gay people. Defying the will of God and encouraging black people to get above their divinely-appointed station in life would not have been a loving act, in their view, just as Christian homophobes today believe it would not be a loving act to encourage gay people in their "sinful" behavior.

Case in point if Christianity was responsible for all racism years and years ago how come Christians in the north helped to free slaves? Why would they even bother if they was racist as well?
Nobody said that Christianity was responsible for all racism, and I specifically said that there have been Christian clergy on both sides of all these issues. Your great-grandchildren, if they are Christians, will no doubt claim teaching that homosexuality is a sin is un-Christian, and will point to clergy like Sojourner as evidence that there had never been any religious basis for homophobia. In fact, if history is any indication, they will likely claim that Christians led the way in liberating gay people.

100 years ago people were more racist (in the south) than they are now, that is the way it was. Christianity did not change, the people changed over the years.
Right. And then Christianity changed. When racism became socially unacceptable, religious racism was abandoned (except for a few hardline groups like the Klan). There are still Christian clergy who are racists, but they tend to lie about it, and they don't usually attempt to defend racism as a religious belief. This change has been so thorough that people like you can't even see that it ever was considered a religious belief. It was, though, and good Christian white people who believed they loved their black neighbors were shocked at the very idea of sharing a swimming pool or a lunch counter with black people, and believed that God disapproved of such "race mixing" as heartily as they did. When such views came to be widely seen as the irrational bigotry they were, most Christian leaders were astute enough to drop them as religious teachings. This wasn't 100 years ago; it was still happening when I was in high school. You really don't understand how much things have changed, or how fast.

You wouldn't happen to know how much the Klan relied on the Bible to support its position, would you (for example, declaring that other races bore the "Curse of Ham")?
Biblical arguments for racism and segregation are fairly numerous. They're not just used by the Klan, and not just in the past, either. Most of them seem like nonsense to most people today, but most of the arguments against gay people are nonsense, too, and that doesn't stop anybody.

I grew up hearing that the mark of Cain was black skin, and also that the curse of Ham fell on all his descendants -- who include Africans, according to the Bible. Those were the two main ones, though there were many others. (I even remember people saying that God created white people, but black people evolved from apes. That isn't something you can find in the Bible, but it used to be a more common belief than seems possible now.)

Genesis 1.24: And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. Clearly, God wants people to produce offspring only with their own kind, and used to be hard for most white people (and still is for many) to imagine that black people were of the same "kind."

Genesis 11.7-8: Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech. So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth ... God himself separated the races and put them all on their own separate continents. Race mixing is in clear disobedience to his will.

A white co-worker of mine who married a black man was told by her mother that the marriage violated Leviticus 19.19:
Ye shall keep my statutes. Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind; thou shalt not sow thy field with two kinds of seed; neither shall there come upon thee a garment of two kinds of stuff mingled together.
You could go on and on. You could write a book showing how the Bible teaches racial segregation, and a number of such books were written.

Most Christians today would say that Leviticus 19.19 clearly has nothing to do with interracial marriage. Some of the scriptural passages used today to condemn gay people clearly have nothing whatever to do with gay people, either, but you'll never convince homophobic Christians of that. Believers see what they want to see in the Bible, and when a monkey looks in, as somebody said, no apostle can look out.
Shadow Wolf said:
Christianity has indeed changed. In the beginning, it was law that sermons were conducted in Latin, and you had to give the church your entire life savings just to look at, or even own if you was very rich, an alleged artefact to be saved.

Originally, there was no such cult as Christianity. The first followers of Jesus of Nazareth or Yeshua ben Pacheria did not deify Jesus. They regarded him as a great prophet, teacher, or possibly a political messiah. They were called Nazerites, Ebionites, and a variety of other names because they clearly regarded Jesus /Yeshua as fully human and not a deity. The gospels clearly distinguish between Jesus and God.

According to the gospels, Jesus believed he was "sent" by God. He believed he was doing "God's" work. He believed his message was that of God not his (Jesus') message. Jesus believed that he was not GOOD, only God was GOOD. Paul talked about God AND (beside HIM) the Lord Jesus. A Lord was not necessarily a God. Lords were officials subordinate to Kings.

If we throw out the fake gospel, Revelation, the real Bible shows that Jesus was human, and God was God (and never the twain may meet). They were separate individuals. Christians did not occur until the Pagan Romans who followed Jesus, performed apotheosis (deification) of Jesus into a god. Initially the newly deified god was endorsed by Paul and taught in more detail by Bishop Arius. This gave the name of the first Christians as Arians. There was a hierarchy of God, Jesus the lesser god, and the Holy Spirit a messenger god (derived from the Zoroastrian Spenta Maingu, the Farsi name of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is not a Jewish belief.

All of this had nothing to do with the real Jesus who would have condemned it as blasphemy and idolatry. Arianism was the vast majority of Christians in the 2nd and 3rd Centuries. In the late 3rd and early 4th century a new heresy developed by Tertullian (who invented the Trinity) and Athanasius who formulated the complex but irrational concept of the Holy Trinity. It was clearly a false religion if viewed from the mind of Jesus.

While most Roman Christians were still Arian Christians, the mother (St. Helena) of Flavius Valerius Constantinus (Emperor Constantine) called a synod at Nicaea for all bishops. His troops surrounded and entered the building. They made it clear that Constantine wanted the majority Arian Christianity declared Heretical while legalising Trinitarian Christianity, the newest and most distant from Jesus of Nazareth, the official Roman approved Christianity.

Following this, Roman imperial troops began a massive persecution of Arian Christians, the true Jesus followers, the Mandaeans, Maronites, and others. TThey were nearly exterminated. The Arian Christians only survived for a few centuries in the Teutonic nations north of the Roman Empire (Franks, Alemanni, Saxons, Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Asding Vandals, Siling Vandals (Suevi), Marcomani, Gepids, Lombards, Burgundians, and some of the Slavs of the western Balkans.

After elimination of rival and more legitimate Christian groups, Emperor Theodosius I turned the power of government on extermination of Pagans who tried to be quite and survive. Theodosius I had his crony Bishop St. Cyril send fanatical homicidal monks to ravage the Great Library of Alexandria. Why? The Great Library contained Greek science describing a global shaped Earth, a very old Earth, a heliocentric solar system, matter being composed of tiny invisible particles called ATOMS. All of those truths were condemned as Heresy because Trinitarians accepted a flat Earth at the centre of the universe only 4000 years old, and stars being merely little lanterns in a crystal sphere a few hundred metres above the Earth. Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake by Trinitarians because he proposed stars were distant suns with thousands of other worlds.

We must accept the fact that Orthodox Catholic Protestant Trinitarian Christianity is false and dogmatically irrational. I fail to understand how seemingly non-comatose people can believe in it.

[Christian quote] Then there was the English translation, which there is not a single book that has been translated that is 100% accurate. Then after the translators and dogmatists began deciding what books to include in the Bible, and which ones to omit the official Bible was published.[/quote].

English is a mongrel language that did not exist until the 15th Century. It is a mix of Saxon, Danish, Cymric (real Briton), Norman French, and some Norse influences. It was idiotic to use such a base language to translate a bible. It should have been preserved in Latin, Greek, and Old Slavonic. However, even those translations were selected from many tens of gospels rejected by the Trinity Church. Yet they screwed it up. The Trinitarians published the four gospels that clearly show that Jesus was not god and never thought he was God. "Father remove this cup from my hand.” God why hast though forsaken me." Jesus was a human being, a very great and wise human being, whose teachings were discarded by the Catholic Church (Protestant and Orthodox) while all emphasis was directed at the apotheosis of human Jesus into a NEW GOD.

[Christian quote]Today even, all you have to do is go to a Bible store and see just how many versions of the Bible there are to realize that Christianity does indeed change.[/quote]

In addition, all of it is a chaotic Pagan Cult using Jesus as a New God in an Egyptian like Trinity. Christianity is PAGAN.

[Christian quote] Another difference, the Catholic Bible has the Sola Scriptura, but lacks Deuteronomy, which is a book that the church I last went to frequently turned to.[/quote]

Those are trivial and meaningless changes. The most corrupting change in the Catholic Bible was the deliberate deification (apotheosis) of the Human Jesus so that the teachings and wisdom of Jesus could be ignored and forgotten. Jesus' teachings threatened the power of the political authorities in ancient Rome. Rome had to stop him. It did so not by the crucifixion but by deifying him so it could make his words meaningless.

[devis = ombre Wolf] Christianisme a en effet changé. Au début, il était droit sermons ont été menées en Latin, et vous donner de l'église vos économies de toute vie juste à regarder, ou même propre si vous a été très riche, un patrimoine présumée d'être enregistré. [/quote]

À l'origine, il y n'avait aucune telle culte comme le christianisme. Les premiers disciples de Jésus de Nazareth ou Yeshua ben Pacheria n'ont pas deify de Jésus. Ils ont considéré lui un grand prophète, enseignant ou éventuellement un Messie politique. Ils ont été appelées Nazerites, Ébionisme et une variété d'autres noms parce qu'ils clairement considéré /Yeshua Jésus comme pleinement humain et non une déité. Les évangiles distinguer clairement de Jésus et de Dieu.

Selon les évangiles, Jésus a estimé qu'il a été "envoyé" par Dieu. Il croyait qu'il faisait travail "De Dieu". Il croyait que son message est celle du messages des Dieu pas son (Jésus). Jésus a estimé qu'il n'était pas bon, seul Dieu était bonne. Paul parlé Dieu et (à côté A) le Seigneur Jésus. Un Seigneur n'était pas nécessairement un Dieu. Seigneurs étaient subordonnés aux rois de fonctionnaires.

Si nous jeter de l'Évangile factice, révélation, la véritable Bible montre que Jésus était humain et Dieu était Dieu (et jamais le twain peut répondre). Ils étaient des personnes séparées. Chrétiens ne se produit pas jusqu'à ce que les Romains Pagan qui ont suivi Jésus, effectué apothéose (deification) de Jésus en un Dieu. Au départ le Dieu nouvellement deified a été approuvé par Paul et enseigné plus en détail par Mgr ARIUS. Cela a donné le nom des premiers chrétiens comme Ariens. Il y avait une hiérarchie de Dieu, Jésus le moindre Dieu et de l'esprit Saint un Dieu de messager (dérivé de la zoroastrien Spenta Maingu, le Farsi nom de l'esprit Saint. L'esprit Saint n'est pas une croyance juive.

Tout cela n'avait à voir avec la véritable Jésus qui serait ont condamné comme blasphème et l'idolâtrie rien. L'Arianisme était la grande majorité des chrétiens dans les 2e et 3e siècles. À la fin 3e et au début du 4e siècle mis au point une hérésie nouvelle par Tertullien (qui a inventé la Trinité) et Athanase qui a formulé le concept complexe mais irrationnel de la Sainte Trinité. Il était clairement une fausse religion si vu de l'esprit de Jésus.

Alors que la plupart des chrétiens roman étaient encore Arian chrétiens, la mère (Sainte-Hélène) de Flavius Valerius Constantinus (empereur Constantin) appelée un synode à Nicée pour tous les évêques. Ses troupes entourent et entrée du bâtiment. Ils a précisé que Constantin voulait que la majorité christianisme Arian déclaré Heretical lors de la légalisation christianisme trinitaire, la plus récente et plus éloignée de Jésus de Nazareth, le roman officiel approuvé christianisme.

Suite à cela, troupes impériales romaines a commencé une persécution massive des chrétiens Arian, les vraies disciples de Jésus, le Mandaeans, Maronites et d'autres. TThey ont été exterminées près. Les chrétiens Arian seulement survécu pendant quelques siècles dans les nations teutoniques au nord de l'Empire romain (francs, Alemanni, Saxons, Ostrogoths, Wisigoths, Vandales Asding, Siling Vandales (Suevi), Marcomani, Gépides, Lombard, Burgondes et certains des slaves des Balkans occidentaux.

Après que l'élimination de rival et plus légitime groupes chrétiens, empereur Théodose j'allumé le pouvoir du gouvernement extermination des païens qui ont essayé d'être tout à fait et de survivre. Théodose, j'ai eu son sauvage Bishop St. Cyril envoyer fanatiques moines meurtrier de ravage la grande bibliothèque d'Alexandrie. Pourquoi ? La grande bibliothèque contenait science grecque décrivant une terre mis en forme globale, une très vieille terre, un système solaire héliocentrique, étant composé de minuscules particules invisibles appelées ATOMES d'importance. Tous ces vérités ont été condamnés comme une hérésie car les Trinitaires acceptent une terre plate au centre de l'univers uniquement les 4000 ans et les étoiles étant simplement peu lanternes dans une sphère de cristal de quelques centaines de mètres au-dessus de la terre. Giordano Bruno a été gravé en le jeu par les Trinitaires parce qu'il a proposé étoiles étaient soleils lointains avec des milliers d'autres mondes.

Nous devons accepter le fait qu'orthodoxe catholique Protestant Trinitaire Christianisme est faux et dogmatiquement irrationnel. Je ne comprends pas comment apparemment personnes non comateux peut croire en elle.

[Chrétienne devis] Puis il y avait la traduction anglaise, qui y n'est pas un livre unique qui a été traduit c'est 100 % exactes. Puis après les traducteurs et les dogmatists a commencé à décider ce que des livres à inclure dans la Bible, et celles d'omettre la Bible officielle qui a été publié. [/ cite].

L'anglais est une langue mongrel qui n'existe pas jusqu'au XVe siècle. C'est un mélange de Saxon, danois, Cymric (véritable britannique), Norman français et certaines influences scandinave. C'est idiot d'utiliser un langage de base pour traduire une bible. Il devrait ont été conservé en Latin, grec et Vieux slave. Cependant, même ces traductions ont été sélectionnées de plusieurs dizaines de Évangiles rejetés par l'église Trinity. Pourtant ils vissés. Les Trinitaires publié les quatre Évangiles qui montrent clairement que Jésus n'était pas Dieu et que jamais pensé qu'il était Dieu. « Père supprimer cette tasse de ma main ”. Dieu pourquoi as réprouvé bien que moi. » Jésus était un être humain, un être humain très grand et sage, dont enseignements ont été rejetés par l'Église catholique (protestantes et orthodoxes) pendant tout l'accent a été dirigée contre l'apothéose de Jésus humain dans un nouveau Dieu.

[Chrétienne devis]Aujourd'hui même, tout ce que vous avez à faire est d'aller à un magasin de la Bible et voir seulement combien de versions de la Bible, il n'y est à réaliser que christianisme ne fait effectivement changent. [/ cite] en outre, tout c'est un culte païen chaotique utilisant Jésus comme un nouveau Dieu dans un égyptien comme Trinité. Christianisme est PAÏEN.

[Chrétienne devis] Une autre différence, la Bible catholique a la Scriptura Sola, mais manque Deutéronome, qui est un livre qui l'église je durent se rendit à souvent tourné vers. [/ cite] ce sont ces changements triviales et dénuée de sens. Le changement plus corrupting dans la Bible catholique était la deification délibérée (apothéose) de Jésus humaine afin que les enseignements et la sagesse de Jésus pouvaient être ignorées et oubliés. Les enseignements de Jésus a menacé le pouvoir des autorités politiques dans la Rome antique. Rome devait cesser de lui. Il l'a donc pas par la crucifixion mais par lui deifying donc il pourrait faire ses mots dénuée de sens.
