Eternal, by definition, is that which lasts forever; without beginning and without end.
Jesus was born. We know this because his birth is celebrated on this day every year by Christians worldwide.
I've also heard it said that Jesus is eternal. Is this possible? If His beginning is celebrated each year, he obviously has a beginning. So how is it possible that Jesus is eternal?
O earth born as rock fused in space womb.
Earths gases born in space womb cooling pressures.
Fused earth crystalline said science.
Earths gases cold clear belonging to rock..
The space womb eternal always forever a law only. The mother of God coldest. Man's wisdom acknowledged natural.
You can misuse the one meaning of any word by choice.
Man said the eternal space womb law is the saviour inheritance of all highest greatest bodies within it.
What eternal law was first taught as.
Theist men misquote mind used abused the knowledge what is eternal.
As bio life on earth. After ice age.
Animal bio red celled ironstone stability.
Stable status. Non nuclear theisms.
Nuclear theory outlawed...Jesus reference. Why men sacrificed life on earth.
As no machine owns eternal law.
As a machine is gained by artificial choice human alchemical satanisms.
Also already notified aware taught reason.
To theme eternal in science wants to get it attack it convert it destroy it.
The warning men owned no intention of honouring law of eternal.
Men taught CH gas spirit is not contained.
It's not held in a gold or silver or metal or jewel of earth. Container.
They said eternal life was held in clay.
As clay owns biologies minerals locked within it. A humans scientific teaching explanation only. Space law womb the eternal owned clays existence. As clay is one whole substance.
As only living humans define clay. Or teach clay owns the minerals of bio life versus alchemist dust scientists.
Life they said biology came from clay owning minerals into water not dusts as minerals. A human scientific argument review only. Comparisons.
Theism arguments were every status. By human men versus human men of machine satanic thesis star sciences are for the machine.
They pretended a star thesis was about biology lying.
A star in eternal law is only a star.
A human in eternal law a human.
If a monkey was a human god it's life body is healthiest highest first. As a human is healthier higher than the highest greatest life form a monkey.
Satanists tried to claim the sickest monkey life owned human life.
Gods eternal law says a sick monkey today is the same as a sick monkey of the past.