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Is prostitution "immoral"?


Is prostitution "immoral" to you, and why or why not?

Well . .If you ask me, its a woman's right to be a prostitute/porn star if its her profession.

However, if lawfully-wedded in marriage then sex -(fornication & illicit sex)- outside of marriage is no-no.
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Well-Known Member
from link:
so do you actually agree with this paragraph taken from the linked article?

this sounds pretty totalitarian to me - since when does buying sex off a consensual prostitute entitle one to jail time or be put on a sex-offenders register?

how about the sex-workers - would they be locked up too and named and shamed?

as I asked before, what can these women do for money if they have no customers?

Well look at what you quoted.

Both sex buyers and non-sex buyers agreed that the most effective deterrent to buying sex would be to be placed on a registry of sex offenders.Spending time in jail was considered an effective deterrent by 80% of sex buyers and 83% of non-sex buyers. Educational programs were considered the least effective deterrent by both groups of men.

It's the men who say punishment is the most effective deterrent. Personally because of my religious values I believe education is the key. You education both the "johns" and the prostitutes.


Well-Known Member
what do millions of other women do for work?

at the lower end of the scale there are many women who do not have the skills or ability to be employed in a regular job and sex-work may be the only realistic way of earning money for them.

so what can these women do?

saying , 'get educated' is too easy a brush-off as that is easier said than done and still does not guarantee a job.


Well-Known Member
It's the men who say punishment is the most effective deterrent. Personally because of my religious values I believe education is the key. You education both the "johns" and the prostitutes.

perhaps some of the men on that particular survey agreed with this but I imagine this would be a highly unusual stance out in the general population.

I really doubt there would be a high level support for this kind of law were it to be introduced.

I think that link seems fairly biased.


Well-Known Member
surely freedom of choice is the name of the game here.

A sex-worker can carry out her business as can the customer as long as it is all consensual and no harm done.

slightly immoral for both parties, I agree, but can it really be legislated against?


Jehovah our God is One
at the lower end of the scale there are many women who do not have the skills or ability to be employed in a regular job and sex-work may be the only realistic way of earning money for them.

i just sensed a sudden rise in my temperature! :areyoucra

Did you really just say that sex-work is the only realistic way for many women to earn money???

I cannot believe you just said that. That is the type of thinking that sparked the feminist movement in the first place. :facepalm:


Well-Known Member
perhaps some of the men on that particular survey agreed with this but I imagine this would be a highly unusual stance out in the general population.

I really doubt there would be a high level support for this kind of law were it to be introduced.

I think that link seems fairly biased.

Well this were reality and your opinion just don't meet up. The Swedish Model is prevailing in many parts of the world, and that means protect the prostitute and punish the "john"

While I wholeheartedly agree that the women need protection I also believe education rather than prohibition and punishment is key for both parties.


Well-Known Member
well the Swedish model may work in Sweden but where else?

how about in the 3rd World for instance?

and also, if a woman is out working on the streets selling something why does she not get prosecuted too?


Well-Known Member
Did you really just say that sex-work is the only realistic way for many women to earn money???

I cannot believe you just said that. That is the type of thinking that sparked the feminist movement in the first place. :facepalm:

It is just looking at the practicalities of the issue head on here.

I am sure many of these women have been working the streets for some years, possibly have substance or alcohol problems, little in the way of qualifications and resume and perhaps would find it hard to fit into a regular job.

do you agree here?

I am not supporting sex-work by saying this but it is just the reality out there in the Wilderness.

what kind of job opportunites do you think these women really have?


I've never known anyone who knows anything about the sex industry who glamorizes it. The people who see it from a spectators perspective only see the beautiful women all dressed up with makeup and high heels 'playing a role'

but the reality is far different. I was really sad for one lady who told me that she used to scrub her body every night...literally scrubbed her self down.
I work with women who hooked to buy drugs. I got them post-prison. I'm absolutely aware of how horrible it can be. I am simply arguing that this is not how it MUST be or how it ALWAYS is. I think this is a very important point that is being ignored.

If your position is that it is NEVER anything but horrible for any woman, there are sex-workers - current and past- who would disagree with you. That does not belittle the experiences of the women you have seen and who I see daily. It does, however, mean that those are not the entire experience AND that it is possible for a way to make prostitution a safe option for women who freely choose it and never something that they are forced into due to poverty, addiction or other people.
Well . .If you ask me, its a woman's right to be a prostitute/porn star if its her profession.

However, if lawfully-wedded in marriage then sex -(fornication & illicit sex)- outside of marriage is no-no.
Tell that to my boyfriend, his wife gives him permission. Isn't fornication used to refer to any sexual act outside of a marriage, not just breaking the vows of a marriage?

and why should 'exotic' be equated with 'nudity'?

are you saying Mr Revoltingest that a woman can only be exotic if she is nude?
It's the colloquial term for stripper - with the potential for some alternatives to meaning- but it certainly doesn't refer to the lady who does zumba for fun.

I'd love a response to my previous post to you, btw.


Jehovah our God is One
It is just looking at the practicalities of the issue head on here.

I am sure many of these women have been working the streets for some years, possibly have substance or alcohol problems, little in the way of qualifications and resume and perhaps would find it hard to fit into a regular job.

do you agree here?

No i dont agree. being a prostitute does not mean you will only ever be good at being a prostitute. or 'once a prostitute always a prostitute' Sheesh.

If they continue to remain dependent on drugs, then they will find it very hard to get out of the industry. but this doesnt mean that they cannot clean up their lives and get off drugs and alcohol. It doesnt mean they can never learn anything new or develop other skills. They have the potential to be whatever they put their mind to. Sadly they may not think they are good for anything else because they are often abused so much that they think very little of themselves. But i have seen some turn their lives around, so I know they can if they want to.

I am not supporting sex-work by saying this but it is just the reality out there in the Wilderness.

what kind of job opportunites do you think these women really have?

whatever they want to do. They would be better off working at a supermarket or mcdonalds though then working on the street.


Prostitution is a dangerous field,
and sex SHOULD be an art form.

Ideally prostitutes should be professionalls
on the top of their game. (lol)
Seriously though,
art form and protective measures, a must.

And for their professionalism
combined with the level of risk they take,
in conjunction with the high desire for the service they offer
they should be paid VERY VERY well.

Drug addicts shouldn't be out 'on the street' humping johns
any more than alchaholic amature stunt riders should be out on the street
jumping cars.


Prostitution is a dangerous field,
and sex SHOULD be an art form.

Ideally prostitutes should be professionalls
on the top of their game. (lol)
Seriously though,
art form and protective measures, a must.

And for their professionalism
combined with the level of risk they take,
in conjunction with the high desire for the service they offer
they should be paid VERY VERY well.

Drug addicts shouldn't be out 'on the street' humping johns
any more than alchaholic amature stunt riders should be out on the street
jumping cars.

Actually, neither professional stunt riders nor professional prostitutes
should be out on the streets.
They should have a safe, appropriately equipt 'arena' (place of business)
where people go to see them.