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Is prostitution "immoral"?


How much do you think they should be paid? (hourly rate)

Whatever customers are willing to pay for their services.
As in any other business,
some professionals will 'command' a higher fee than others.

It's a free market society we live in.

It's better to have a smaller loyal (repeat business) clientele
who appreciate and value your services and professionalism
and pay you what you're worth
than it is to sell yourSelf short.
(in an attempt to 'entice' 'everyone')

This is true in general businesswise,
not just as regards the topic at hand.
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Well-Known Member
what should the standard 'going rate' be on average though?

what do you think would be a fair price?

Me Myself

Back to my username
what should the standard 'going rate' be on average though?

what do you think would be a fair price?

It should be subjected to regular standards of work by hours or others of the legalities of the country (provided they are good laws).

The idea is that they can make enough to pay the bills at least, as any job should do.


Well-Known Member
what I am trying to guage here is how you think prostitution compares with other jobs in the wage scale.

should it be better recompensed than a teacher, waitress, doctor or bus driver for example?


what I am trying to guage here is how you think prostitution compares with other jobs in the wage scale.

should it be better recompensed than a teacher, waitress, doctor or bus driver for example?

I think FREE MARKET should determine the price.

If individual clients are willing to pay it,
go ahead and charge it. you know?

If not, you're going to have to lower your prices,
or upgrage your services,
if you want any clients.

The rate you charge has to take into account
all of the expenses incurred,
and what people are willing to pay for your services.
The more professionally 'posh' your services are,
the more 'posh' your clientele will generally be willing to pay for.
You always have to keep in mind the economy of the area
where you are working.

Better to work in areas where there is more money.
why? there's more money.
But then, you must DELIVER something quality/desirable enough
that those with the money
will want to have it enough to pay for it.


what I am trying to guage here is how you think prostitution compares with other jobs in the wage scale.

should it be better recompensed than a teacher, waitress, doctor or bus driver for example?

If you think your waitress is fabulous,
and you have the cash
there is no one stopping you from tipping generously.

You may even then become a regular repeat customer,
assuming the food and drink are also to your liking.

A waitress in a small town luncheonette
is not going to make anywhere near what a waitress makes
in an expensive, posh, four star gourmet restaurant.

To understand why?
Read my previous post.
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Jehovah our God is One
Men who are raped are also traumatized because the abuse to their bodies is equally psychologically disturbing.

Your assumption that this is due to a unique quality of women is wrong. I'd argue that most people - men and women - cannot disconnect emotions from sex to the extent that it makes prostitution a healthy choice. But we're not talking about something that most women will do, we're talking about some women.

i think the fact that men use pornography to the degree that they do shows they are not emotionally connected to sex as women are. You cannot be emotionally connected to a picture, so what keeps them coming back to pornography? It is not the women themselves, it is act alone.

and if you consider that one night stands are fairly common place among men, you have to admit that they are having sex purely for sexual reasons...not because they are emotionally involved with the women.


Admiral Obvious
i think the fact that men use pornography to the degree that they do shows they are not emotionally connected to sex as women are. You cannot be emotionally connected to a picture, so what keeps them coming back to pornography? It is not the women themselves, it is act alone.

and if you consider that one night stands are fairly common place among men, you have to admit that they are having sex purely for sexual reasons...not because they are emotionally involved with the women.
one wonders why you completely ignore the women in the one night stands.....

Do you perhaps think that women do not venture out looking for one night stands?


Jehovah our God is One
one wonders why you completely ignore the women in the one night stands.....

Do you perhaps think that women do not venture out looking for one night stands?

no. I think they genuinely think/hope that the guy might stick around and something serious might come of it.


Admiral Obvious
no. I think they genuinely think/hope that the guy might stick around and something serious might come of it.
So it is your thought that there has never in all the history of human kind ever been a woman who went looking for a one night stand just for the sake of a one night stand?
That every single woman who ever went looking for a one night stand has always secretly, if not openly, want their one night stand to become more than a one night stand?
Do you think this even of those woman who after their one night stand return home to their husband and children?


Well-Known Member
what does the Bible say about the male customers of prostitutes?

I only seem to remember the prostitutes themselves being condemned - right, wrong?


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
As long as all parties involved - including other sexual partners of the prostitute AND the customer - understand and accept the risks, then I wouldn't go so far as to say it's not WRONG - but it's not as wrong as sneaking around going to a prostitute and not telling your partner that you're doing so.

I don't think it should be illegal. As a libertarian, there'a a lot I might think is personally wrong, that I wouldn't disallow.

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
Artists are often as emotionally connected to their art as people are to their bodies. In fact, selling one's art often feels like selling one's body; when it's defiled and degraded it's psychologically and emotionally disturbing. But when it's handled right, and gloriously used, it's a triumph.

I suspect prostitution could be similar. In a society where prostitution is kept underground, it becomes defiled and degraded. But what if we were to treat it appropriately and with respect? Would it be a triumph to the men and women who want their bodies to be gloriously used?


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
This debate is also contextual (like most things). I don't know if anyone has mentioned, but for most of history, a woman has not had access to sufficient contraceptives. A lot of prostitutes had babies and while some had to grow up in poverty and social shame, others were killed after birth.

Nothing moral about that lifestyle. But that was a lot different to some modern situations.

I do maintain though that it is a terrible job and very potentially harmful.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Well this were reality and your opinion just don't meet up. The Swedish Model is prevailing in many parts of the world, and that means protect the prostitute and punish the "john"
While I wholeheartedly agree that the women need protection I also believe education rather than prohibition and punishment is key for both parties.
After the Julian Assange (known for being a guest voice on The Simpsons) debacle, I wouldn't look to Sweden
for moral guidance. I detect a disturbing theme in your posts.....women must be restricted against their own
will for their own good....if there is a crime, then men involved are guilty, & women just lose their innocence.
To all feminists who think liberation comes from the heavy hand of government regulation & prosecution for
victimless "crimes", be careful what you wish for. The list of crimes will grow until you might fear a sneeze.
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