But because he was illiterate he could not read the bible and therefore he could not find specific answers to the questions asked of him in the Bible.
Don't be so naïve, paarsurrey!
You have heard of storytellers, bards and oral tradition, haven't you?
You can tell stories without books.
You can learn and memorise stories without books.
Muhammad didn't need to have a book to know about it.
Many Christians and Jews never learn to read back then, but stories can be passed down from person to person or to an entire audience. It's called "oral tradition". And many of stories were can be told without books. And not everyone can afford the education to read and write, and books were expensive.
Jews have long history of oral tradition.
Muhammad may not be able to read, but he has ears and he could listen to stories. Muhammad was neither deaf, nor stupid. And there have been Jews living in the the Arabian peninsula for centuries before Muhammad became a prophet, so I am quite sure that he could hear and learn them without reading them.
A large numbers of Christian missionaries travelling around everywhere, didn't carry books with them, but could recite stories from what they heard from memory.
And when Muhammad was younger he had travelled to Byzantine Syria with his uncle, who was trader. Muhammad wasn't so isolated that he didn't met a single Christian or Jew.
Are you telling me that Muhammad is stupid or deaf that he can't learn from spoken words? How did Muhammad learn his uncle's merchant trade, if not by listening?
You are making excuses as if illiterate mean "unlearned" or "stupidity".
The two greatest masterpieces of Greek literature -
The Iliad and
The Odyssey, were passed down, from master bard to apprentice bard, recited from memory, from mouth to ear, before they were written down. And these epic poems were sung and performed to audiences.
The evidences that epic poems attributed to Homer were originally from oral tradition before writing down the tradition, come from the verses. Verses are often used in illiterate societies because verses were easier to transmit from person to person than from prose in oral tradition. And the Iliad and Odyssey were told in hexameter verses.
Can you learn from what I have told you? Or are you going to repeat making excuses that Muhammad couldn't learn biblical stories by "listening"?
Muhammad didn't need to memorise what he learn, word for word. The beauty of oral tradition is that story can be modified, refined or embellished more.