OK then can we say the world and earth and use them in the same sentence, sometimes?
Can we also say world and earth to mean two different things? Certainly.
So sometimes similar is the same.
---The Earth is round
---The World is round
Similar words meaning the same thing.
---Bag up some of that Earth for our studies.
---Bag up some of the World for our studies.
Similar words do not mean the same thing.
---Cow stores reserve already digested food in stomache B, cow later chews reserved food
---Rabbit stores reserve already digested food in butt, rabit later chews reserved food
This link is from a skeptic of the whole rabbit chewing cud thing but has a lot of cool stuff to say about it. It seems independent of religious view at first glance, if you are intrested.
The Skeptical Review Online - Print Edition - 1990-2002
Anyway, I hope you forgive me if I insulted you. Was not my intenetions.