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Is the evolutionary doctrine a racist doctrine?

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
getting off the race question for a moment, I did some research about the evolution of humans, and interestingly, here's what I found: "Many of the features of A. anamensis are ape-like. It had a pronounced snout and its brain would have been similar in size to that of a chimpanzee." So then my question: despite protests of some, there's quite a difference between the mental capacity of a chimpanzee and that of a normal human. Now if anyone wants to argue with that, ok, can't stop them, but -- it doesn't make sense that someone might not admit the difference of mental capability. In one sense chimpanzees might be more intelligent than "homo sapiens." They don't argue about these things. :)
Chimpanzees think differently than we do. Some of our mental abilities are superior. Some of theirs are superior. For example young chimpanzees are very fast at pattern recognition. They would beat you in a contest. They would be me in a contest:



Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Chimpanzees think differently than we do. Some of our mental abilities are superior. Some of theirs are superior. For example young chimpanzees are very fast at pattern recognition. They would beat you in a contest. They would be me in a contest:

I'll tell you this -- I couldn't swing from tree to tree. And those figurative branches -- that UCA again -- :) I enjoy looking at them sometimes. I don't think they're handsome though. Can't speak for others.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Chimpanzees think differently than we do. Some of our mental abilities are superior. Some of theirs are superior. For example young chimpanzees are very fast at pattern recognition. They would beat you in a contest. They would be me in a contest:

We don't all think alike. Obviously. Some "mental capacities" of ants and bees are obviously different than those of human beings. So? Bees and ants are necessary for continuance of life. Humans may not be. Oh yes, chimpanzees did not invent nuclear weapons. (Back to death and destruction by evolution and humans again...)

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I'll tell you this -- I couldn't swing from tree to tree. And those figurative branches -- that UCA again -- :) I enjoy looking at them sometimes. I don't think they're handsome though. Can't speak for others.
Speciation does that. It is almost certainly instinctual. Remember, the ancestor that you share with chimps was neither human nor chimp. You would not have liked them either.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Speciation does that. It is almost certainly instinctual. Remember, the ancestor that you share with chimps was neither human nor chimp. You would not have liked them either.
Now, now, now -- SZ -- have a good evening. Oh, and lest I not forget -- chimps did not invent nuclear weapons. Interesting that men did that. Choosing right from wrong in that sense. Bye again...rather a qualitative difference. But if you don't think so, that's the way it goes.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Good night as some might contemplate the future of disaster by nuclear war foretold by scientists and eventual death by the process of evolution. Just to let you know, however, I have a hope and assurance this will not happen. There ya go and have a good evening. Enjoy yourselves as you contemplate the future. I'm glad I have the hope I have. That God has given me and others as well.


Well-Known Member
Sleep tightGood night as some might contemplate the future of disaster by nuclear war foretold by scientists and eventual death by the process of evolution. Just to let you know, however, I have a hope and assurance this will not happen. There ya go and have a good evening. Enjoy yourselves as you contemplate the future. I'm glad I have the hope I have. That God has given me and others as well.
Sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
Sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite.
I wonder what the creationist position is on bed bug reproduction. They employ a mechanism known as traumatic insemination. I wonder how that fits into a an argument from ignorance "everything is too beautiful for me to understand how it could come about by natural mechanisms"?


Well-Known Member
I wonder what the creationist position is on bed bug reproduction. They employ a mechanism known as traumatic insemination. I wonder how that fits into a an argument from ignorance "everything is too beautiful for me to understand how it could come about by natural mechanisms"?
God's will or God is good and loving in some order.
ETA, I forgot the fall.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Now, now, now -- SZ -- have a good evening. Oh, and lest I not forget -- chimps did not invent nuclear weapons. Interesting that men did that. Choosing right from wrong in that sense. Bye again...rather a qualitative difference. But if you don't think so, that's the way it goes.
I am just trying to help you to learn. I know that you do not want to claim that your own God is a liar on purpose.

Esteban X

Active Member
getting off the race question for a moment, I did some research about the evolution of humans, and interestingly, here's what I found: "Many of the features of A. anamensis are ape-like. It had a pronounced snout and its brain would have been similar in size to that of a chimpanzee." So then my question: despite protests of some, there's quite a difference between the mental capacity of a chimpanzee and that of a normal human. Now if anyone wants to argue with that, ok, can't stop them, but -- it doesn't make sense that someone might not admit the difference of mental capability. In one sense chimpanzees might be more intelligent than "homo sapiens." They don't argue about these things. :)
What's your source for that quote? Because describing something as "ape-like" is problematic since humans are apes.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
What's your source for that quote? Because describing something as "ape-like" is problematic since humans are apes.
Probably a popular science source. They often get such matters wrong. Not on purpose, but there can be pressure from the publishers not to state the obvious.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
The first evidence of dugout canoes is 6,000 BC.

Human evidence in Australia, according to archaeologists, is 40,000 BC way before evidence of the most simplest of canoes and those canoes probably wouldn’t attempt to reach a land they don’t even know exists.

The options that we have is IMV:

1) There was only one continent
2) Waterline was so low you could just walk
3) Different apes (or other species) became men
According to Wikipedia the oldest canoe humanity currently knows of is;
"Constructed between 8200 and 7600 BC, and found in the Netherlands, the Pesse canoe may be one of the oldest known canoe."

Indigenous Australians made bark canoes, according to Wikipedia (same article),

"Because of the porosity of the bark, they did not last too long (about two years[18]"

So one would reasonably expect most if not all bark canoes to have well and truly rotted away after 40,000 years given they last about 2 years in my view.


Χριστός ἀνέστη
Many, of course, interpret the Creation time frame in terms of symbolic meaning today to make things force fit science, or in reference to eons of time.
So , that means we must accept literally the 'Garden of Eden' ?

We don't force anything , Science deals with facts and evidence , Scriptute deals with faith.
You trying to make that neccessary oposite is quite another thing to discuss.

Unfortunately the intent of the authors of the Pentateuch, the authors of the New Testament, and the Church Fathers is that it is literal
This is hillarious.
Stick to geology please..
Parabels are literal , are you reading what you wrote?

, A stretch of the Biblical text in plain reading can go more than less than ~10,000 years.
Which is literal interpretation of the Bible , and no verse in the Bible covers the whole timeline of life on Earth.
Where are the dinosaurs in the Bible?

So , your whole concept requires the reader to reject faith and accept evidence on literal interpretation.
'Forced to accept literal' is your answer in short...