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Is the hijab unnecessary?


Well-Known Member
If you asked me, I don't know what's up with the black thing, I knew that lady 'A'isha used to wear yellowish dress. Maybe it could be related to a hadith describing women as black crows or something when the verse of the hijab was prescribed, so they try to interpret this as they (the believer women at that time) wore black Esdal or 'Abaya...something like this.

I don't think it has much to do with this hadith but they took it from women in Saudi Arabia and the gulf.
I personally disagree with putting women in these huge black tents and covering even their eyes, making it hard to see.
There are more practical forms of the hijab and actually the niqab. (I also don't agree with covering woman's face, but it's up to her).

Out of interest, do you think that Western clothes, or a combination of Western clothes can also be seen as "modest" from this Islamic standpoint, providing that they all meet the 4 points you mentioned?

Also, how come Men don't have to wear it?



He he he, sorry kai I was a little rude but your question deserved this. (Did I really say sorry :facepalm:) LOL!

thats ok i forgive you, ha ha, but remember sometimes people ask questions because they need the answer not to attack or ridicule. and dont think everyone is as well educated as you! ( and that doesnt mean me lol)


Quran & Sunnah
Out of interest, do you think that Western clothes, or a combination of Western clothes can also be seen as "modest" from this Islamic standpoint, providing that they all meet the 4 points you mentioned?

Whatever kind of clothes, western or non-western, that meet the requirements of Hijab then there is no problem at all in wearing it.


Grumpy Old Man
If a woman wears a miniskirt or hot pants by FREE choice in Tehran or Kahbul or the Swat valley PK today as they did 20 years ago, how long would they live?

Today is Beslams 5th aniversery, happy Islam to you all.



Well-Known Member
Out of interest, do you think that Western clothes, or a combination of Western clothes can also be seen as "modest" from this Islamic standpoint, providing that they all meet the 4 points you mentioned?
The style doesn't matter as long as they meet the requirements. Muslim women across the globe wear hijab in their local traditional clothes and in modern styles.


If a woman wears a miniskirt or hot pants by FREE choice in Tehran or Kahbul or the Swat valley PK today as they did 20 years ago, how long would they live?

Today is Beslams 5th aniversery, happy Islam to you all.

In the the Bible 1 Corrinthians chapter 11 it's mentioned:
"If a woman does not cover her head, she should have her hair cut off; and if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut or shaved off, she should cover her head"
THe Noble Quran has no similar teachings.
Most of Muslim Women will is to wear hijab,sadly,many Muslim women across the world don't ware hijab,Notably Many Muslim First ladies and female Ministers of the govrenments of the Muslim world,Including these Arab first ladies.

Wife of former palestinan presedent Yasir Arafatt.

wife of Egyptian presedent Mubark,Islam is egypt's state religion

Wife of Bashar Al-asad of Syria
Even if we agree with you for the sake of argument that muslim do whatever you claim they do to the unvaild,can you tell me what does that have to do with Islam? does the Quran or hadith tell Muslims do such things for those who don't wear hijab?
You can not take some black sheep acts (to the unvaild) and present it as if it's Islam's teachings,it's not the way to judge a religion.
Why don't the christian people shave the hair of the uncoverd as their Bible command ? why are they busy depressing Muslim women who believe in their scriptures and religion unlike them (They totally disbelieve in the Bible its teaching,"science" and contradictions.),and force them to ware what they don't want to wear ? As in France and other countries,total violation of such simple human rights .
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Well-Known Member
Have any of you Muslims ever wondered why God didn't give you flaps of skin that automatically cover these "unmodest" parts of your body?

Seriously though, I don't see anything rude or not modest about how those three First Ladies were dressed. What's so wrong about it and why?

Also, how come Men don't have to wear the Hijab, or even Niqab?

Also, why in Saudi Arabia are Women forced to wear the Niqab, when it's not even prescribed in the Koran?

Perfect Circle

Just Browsing
If a woman wears a miniskirt or hot pants by FREE choice in Tehran or Kahbul or the Swat valley PK today as they did 20 years ago, how long would they live?

Today is Beslams 5th aniversery, happy Islam to you all.


You got a lot of grump in ya old man...


New Member
Have any of you Muslims ever wondered why God didn't give you flaps of skin that automatically cover these "unmodest" parts of your body?

Seriously though, I don't see anything rude or not modest about how those three First Ladies were dressed. What's so wrong about it and why?

Also, how come Men don't have to wear the Hijab, or even Niqab?

Also, why in Saudi Arabia are Women forced to wear the Niqab, when it's not even prescribed in the Koran?

Saudis make up their own rules and make other people follow it.


Grumpy Old Man
In the the Bible 1 Corrinthians chapter 11 it's mentioned:
"If a woman does not cover her head, she should have her hair cut off; and if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut or shaved off, she should cover her head"
THe Noble Quran has no similar teachings.
Most of Muslim Women will is to wear hijab,sadly,many Muslim women across the world don't ware hijab,Notably Many Muslim First ladies and female Ministers of the govrenments of the Muslim world,Including these Arab first ladies.

Wife of former palestinan presedent Yasir Arafatt.

wife of Egyptian presedent Mubark,Islam is egypt's state religion

Wife of Bashar Al-asad of Syria
Even if we agree with you for the sake of argument that muslim do whatever you claim they do to the unvaild,can you tell me what does that have to do with Islam? does the Quran or hadith tell Muslims do such things for those who don't wear hijab?
You can not take some black sheep acts (to the unvaild) and present it as if it's Islam's teachings,it's not the way to judge a religion.
Why don't the christian people shave the hair of the uncoverd as their Bible command ? why are they busy depressing Muslim women who believe in their scriptures and religion unlike them (They totally disbelieve in the Bible its teaching,"science" and contradictions.),and force them to ware what they don't want to wear ? As in France and other countries,total violation of such simple human rights .

I am Australian therefore secular and atheist both Islam and christianity both appear like heathen pagan ceremonies to me. so quotes from the bible and quoran do not govern social thinking here thankfully.

I am quite happy for christains to be bald and ugly and muslims to hide in hessian bags, if that turns them on, but dont ask me or my children to follow such ridiculous neolithic customs.

The photos you show are perfect examples of what I believe are conservative respectful dress in the western style. But if any of these women were to walk alone through a village, with out an army of armed guards surrounding her, in Tehran or the Swat Valley or in Afghanistan. How long would they live?

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Layers of loose cotton clothing prevent the evaporation of sweat and hold moisture on the skin preventing dryness. It also makes it more difficult for mosquitoes to bite you.

The most fatal type of skin cancer is on the scalp and neck. Face and hands exposed to the sun is enough to obtain vitamin D. I don't know any Muslim women with hip replacements - I know plenty of non-Muslim, non-covering women with osteoporosis.

The biggest problem with vitamin D deficiency is among children who use sunscreen.

A piece of fabric is only a rag if it is exclusively used for cleaning.

People in this country ( USA ) covered their heads ( men with a hat, women with a scarf or hat ) through the 1950's. If one criticizes women covering their hair ( which is healthier - the sun and wind dry it excessively ), one is criticizing their own ancestors.


Which is a result of the male dominated societies before the advent of Islam. Women have varying ranges of freedoms in Muslim nations, it is only important to signify geography. Although there does seem to be a resurgence of some progressive changes.


Which is that women should cover themselves up except for the face and the hands
Hmm do you have any quotes for this? I always thought Hijab is a vague term that implies that women should dress and behave modestly and appropriateley. The verses in the Qu'ran do not specifically state that everything but hands and face should be covered (to my knowledge). Hijab always invoked a life style in my mind.


Grumpy Old Man
I am sure the hijab is an excellent mozzie repellant and sunscreen alternative. My point is does a woman have FREE CHOICE whether she wears it or NOT because in the last 20 years all I have see are cultures retreat from the modern era to something approaching 5000BCE. This to me is an appalling sign of mass brain washing, and a slur against the freedoms once held by islam. It also drags human kind back centuries, and as a result thousands of our children will die through war, because of the cultural gulf it is creating.



Agreed. The only way to repress this female repression is through an increased funding of educating women. I think it would be natural after women became a necessary part of a country's economy, representing the educated elite, that human rights would naturally follow. I point to Jordan and Iran, both have very high cases of literacy. In the case of Iran, hardliners like the Ayatollah seem to pose a barrier to these transformations the women still are treated in a comparative lax manner (i.e most Iranian women aren't covered head to toe)


Covering up is healthy for men and women. The less we cover , the more sickness we have.

Women in modern society are "forced" to uncover, dye their hair, wear make-up, get plastic surgery, wear girdles, etc. in order to be socially accepted, find a job, find a husband, etc.