Yes I believe it endorsed taking unruly or disrespectful children to the edge of town and stoning them to death, again that along with murdering someone for unmarried sex, does not suggest to me it is a good metric for morality. Then there is its endorsement of slavery of course. Not indentured servitude, please don't waste my time, Exodus 21 endorses buying and selling and punishing human slaves.
So much for innocence of the unborn, another anti-choicer argument unravels in their own rationale.
Yes I understand the desperate rationalisations apologists use to try and justify genocide, I find them repugnant of course, which again is why I don't find the bible a sound metric for morality. Though the reasoning is of course absurd, since such a deity would have limitless choices, and still thought indiscriminate mass murder was the best option, even pregnant women. Again the anti-choice argument that an embryo, foetus or balstocyst is "innocent" is directly contradicted by this rationale, in its desperate attempt to justify genocide.