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Is there any reason to reject the science of evolution, other than religious beliefs?

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Evolutionary biology and social Darwinism are different things. One is science, the other is a philosophical construct.
If by social Darwinism you mean something like eugenics, then I agree. But the term is also used to refer to the idea that some social construct like businesses and religions persist while others disappear - metaphor for biological survival versus death/extinction. The latter is based in observation, which is also empiricism like biological evolutionary theory.
No scientific methodology has anything to do with atheism, agnosticism or theism.
OK, but critical thought, which includes skepticism and empiricism, say that only justified position regarding gods, the existence of which can neither be confirmed nor disconfirmed, is agnostic atheism
I have found the theory of evolution to be unsupportable in the details, that is, the postulates that cannot be corroborated by direct observation. Such as the idea that fish evolved to be humans.
That's because you've never learned the science and have an uninformed opinion. Of course you lack corroboration. That comes with education.

You don't seem to be aware that people can have informed opinions and that it's possible for such people to have a correct opinion and know that they're correct and that you are in the dark.

You don't know the details of the theory. Your posting affirms that. The theory is correct beyond reasonable doubt, but you're free to doubt it using faith instead of reason. When you do and post uniformed opinions to those who know that you are incorrect, you should expect to be corrected. It's not OK to mislead others.

I've explained this to you, but you've never commented in response nor modified your behavior, which I understand to mean that you either enjoy being told that you're uninformed and incorrect, can't understand what you are being told, or are martyring yourself for an imagined audience of one.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
You don't know the details of the theory. Your posting affirms that. The theory is correct beyond reasonable doubt, but you're free to doubt it using faith instead of reason. When you do and post uniformed opinions to those who know that you are incorrect, you should expect to be corrected. It's not OK to mislead others.

I've explained this to you, but you've never commented in response nor modified your behavior, which I understand to mean that you either enjoy being told that you're uninformed and incorrect, can't understand what you are being told, or are martyring yourself for an imagined audience of one.
I can read the details, so can you. The details of science as scientists look at the composition and motion within a body is not evolution.


Veteran Member
I rejected theism and evolution as a young atheist in school. Then, many years later became a believer in the Bible. I still reject organized religion, and think the evolution/creation debate is nonsensical on a few different levels.
I find Jesus rejected the organized religion of his day - Matthew 15:9; Mark 7:7; Matthew chapter 23
Even in Isaiah's day there was ?organized religion? - Isaiah 29:13
So, there are two (2) kinds of righteousness: the hypocritical kind and the true righteousness kind
The hypocritical religious leaders were organized in their own traditional religious ideas
Whereas, Jesus was organized by his logical reasoning on the old Hebrew Scriptures explaining and expounding them for us
While under the Mosaic Law Jesus was like 'an organized fence around the Law protecting it ' whereas the religious leaders made the Law weak by having their traditions as standing above the Law
So, it would be wrong to set aside what Jesus organized, such as his New Commandment - John 13:34-35 - to have the same organized self-sacrificing love for other as Jesus has
In other words, we are now to love neighbor MORE than self, more than the old Golden Rule of Leviticus 19:18
So, we want to reject falsely-organized religion as Jesus did, but Not reject what Jesus organized for us


Well-Known Member
All such is news of the obvious though it does serve to undecline that what you referred to as "good and sufficient" reason is in fact anything but.
I'm not sure what your argument is; do you even have one?

I don't like having to resort to asking this, but at this point I see no other option: do you understand what is and isn't science?

Here's a hint at one thing that is not science: appeal to authority (well, maybe not a hint, just a straightforward example).


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
I see no empirical evidence that mindless mechanisms can build the integrated structures we find in living things.

Where’s the evidence, without resorting to philosophy?


Well-Known Member
Guess I'm showing my age . The saying of having one's 'ears ticked' means: tell people what they want to hear - 2nd Tim. 4:3-4
Paying attention to misleading statements rather then accept what Jesus taught as inspired aka Scripture - 1st Tim. 4:1
Such people don't want to hear Bible Truth but want to hear what they desire
Such apostate thinking was foretold by Jesus - Matt. 13:24-25,38
Since the first century (Acts 20:29-30) such apostasy has grown and spread - 2nd Thess. 2:3,8
The theory of evolution affects how people view or don't view God with evolution's message do what you want to do
False clergy teach their religious lies, customs and traditions as gospel truth when Not found in Scripture - Matt. 15:9
Ok, then yes, it's what I thought it meant, but it seems like you're about to go in circles, and you've essentially ignored some of my questions.

'secular religion' can be when one looks in a mirror and sees his god, worship of things other than God
I'm not religious, so this explanation is meaningless to me; that expression still sounds self-contradictory to me.

How do fossils support evolution
There are plenty of sources online that answer your question; here are just a few examples:

, after all fossils are part of creation
Creation of what, Creationism creation, or do you mean something else?


Well-Known Member
I see no empirical evidence that mindless mechanisms can build the integrated structures we find in living things.

Where’s the evidence, without resorting to philosophy?
Why? Although it may be related to the thread topic in some round-about way or what-not, his thread isn't about asserting such a claim.

Please explain what you mean by "mindless" - are you trying to suggest that atoms or subatomic particles are not mindless? Are you trying to suggest that amino acids are not mindless? How about proteins, hormones, enzymes, etc? What about things like viruses, bacteria, protista?

Personally, I do have curiosity about organisms, organic chemicals, other types of molecules, or even atoms & subatomic particles having some sort of a mind, such as whether there's a point in some sort of complexity in an organism, chemical, etc. or between them that serves as some sort of threshold between having and not having a mind.

Do you have an argument about how any of this pertains to any reason for rejecting the science of evolution? It would be nice to know what sort of connection between the two is that you're trying to make.

Do you see empirical evidence that "mindless mechanisms" can build solar systems, or am I not being fair by asking this?


Active Member
I have found the theory of evolution to be unsupportable in the details, that is, the postulates that cannot be corroborated by direct observation. Such as the idea that fish evolved to be humans.
If tetrapods (including humans) didn't evolve from Devonian lobe-finned fish, what did they evolve from?


Active Member
Guess I'm showing my age . The saying of having one's 'ears ticked' means: tell people what they want to hear - 2nd Tim. 4:3-4
Paying attention to misleading statements rather then accept what Jesus taught as inspired aka Scripture - 1st Tim. 4:1
Such people don't want to hear Bible Truth but want to hear what they desire
Such apostate thinking was foretold by Jesus - Matt. 13:24-25,38
Since the first century (Acts 20:29-30) such apostasy has grown and spread - 2nd Thess. 2:3,8
The theory of evolution affects how people view or don't view God with evolution's message do what you want to do
False clergy teach their religious lies, customs and traditions as gospel truth when Not found in Scripture - Matt. 15:9
'secular religion' can be when one looks in a mirror and sees his god, worship of things other than God
How do fossils support evolution, after all fossils are part of creation
First, your post shows that your only reasons for rejecting the science of evolution are religious ones. This answers the question in the OP.

Second, are you not falling into the same trap as the people you condemn? You want to hear what you desire, that is, what you regard as Bible Truth, and that desire makes you reject scientific theories, supported by compelling evidence, that contradict your version of Bible Truth.


Veteran Member
Here is how I look at it now, because when I was younger I did not believe in God or understand the Bible. Now I see the Bible as God's way of communicating with mankind. So when Jesus spoke of the prayer often referred to as the Lord's Prayer, he taught his disciples to pray for the Kingdom of God and the sanctification of God's name. Why do you think that is so?
I used to say that prayer every morning as a child. I believed at the time I had to ask for God's guidance each day. I would be lying if I claimed to understand why Jesus taught his followers to pray this way.


Veteran Member
I'm not sure what your argument is; do you even have one?

I don't like having to resort to asking this, but at this point I see no other option: do you understand what is and isn't science?

Here's a hint at one thing that is not science: appeal to authority (well, maybe not a hint, just a straightforward example).

Ok less subtle
Your idea of "good and sufficient" is as
again shown above neither good nor sufficient.

I thought I could point that w/o
hitting you over the head with it.
Last edited:


Veteran Member
Why? Although it may be related to the thread topic in some round-about way or what-not, his thread isn't about asserting such a claim.

Please explain what you mean by "mindless" - are you trying to suggest that atoms or subatomic particles are not mindless? Are you trying to suggest that amino acids are not mindless? How about proteins, hormones, enzymes, etc? What about things like viruses, bacteria, protista?

Personally, I do have curiosity about organisms, organic chemicals, other types of molecules, or even atoms & subatomic particles having some sort of a mind, such as whether there's a point in some sort of complexity in an organism, chemical, etc. or between them that serves as some sort of threshold between having and not having a mind.

Do you have an argument about how any of this pertains to any reason for rejecting the science of evolution? It would be nice to know what sort of connection between the two is that you're trying to make.

Do you see empirical evidence that "mindless mechanisms" can build solar systems, or am I not being fair by asking this?
Our friend is a practitioner of post and scoot.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
I see no empirical evidence that mindless mechanisms can build the integrated structures we find in living things.
Howdy, Hockeycowboy. If it's not personal, what does that name mean to you? Are you a cowboy? Do you play hockey?

Regarding your comment, it happens every day. The mindless mechanisms have names like ribosomes, mitochondria, and enzymes. They manufacture new cells mindlessly.

You probably mean that the first of these mindless machines - the first cells - could not have assembled themselves, but if so, what's your reason for concluding that? There seem to be only two logical possibilities: intelligent design for the first life in the universe (or the first life on earth if you prefer) or blind, naturalistic mechanisms. How did you rule one of those in and the other out? It seems like a hunch or intuition.

I also have a hunch, but that doesn't allow me to rule either of these possibilities in or out. They both remain on my list for candidate causes of the first life. I can order them, however, according to the principle of parsimony. If I invoke an intelligent designer to explain why cells exist because I see them as too complex to exist undesigned, then I have to apply the same thinking to it. How did it come to exist? Presumably, such an entity is even more complex than a cell. This just makes my explanation more complex, not less, and provides an answer for why cells exist, but not for why gods exist.
I can read the details, so can you.
Yes, you can, but my comment was that you don't know them. Your posting reveals that. You seem to be unaware of it.

I guess you have no interest in discussing the material I provided you on the Dunning-Kruger effect. That's too bad. There was the possibility of an insight there for you. I'd love to see you progress from that initial peak of unjustified self-confidence to the valley that comes with early enlightenment.

The first step in enlightenment is getting a more accurate sense of what one knows compared to what others can know. That causes the initial loss of confidence in one's understanding - knowing that you don't know and never did even before being aware of that. This is the stage at which one recognizes the possibility and value of expertise, and knows enough to seek it

Then from this valley, one can then proceed to the second phase of enlightenment: education, wherein his confidence goes back uphill as he achieves competence, and perhaps on to expertise himself.

If you'd like to revisit this and perhaps discuss it, you can find it here. I exhort you to consider that. Don't be afraid to learn. Nothing here challenges your faith or is incompatible with your creationist worldview. It's only about knowledge: those who have it and know it, those that don't have it but recognize that others do, and those unaware that expertise is possible and who inaccurately estimate their own level of understanding.

If you recall Bush II's Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, he once stated, "... there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we don't know we don't know." He was ridiculed for it, but he's correct. And those three categories are similar to what we're discussing here, but instead of answers, we're talking about people, what they know, and what they know about their relative degree of knowledge.
The details of science as scientists look at the composition and motion within a body is not evolution.
Correct. That's physics.

Evolution is at the level of biology. From physics we get chemistry, geology, and astronomy. From chemistry we get biochemistry, and biology. From biology we get evolution science, medicine and psychology (mental states and behavior). And the study of human behavior is the basis of a variety of social sciences. This is a sort of hierarchy of sciences from physical sciences to life sciences to social sciences.

For completeness's sake, we have the non-empirical "sciences" mathematics, logic, and philosophy. They are pure reason.
'secular religion' can be when one looks in a mirror and sees his god, worship of things other than God
I'm an atheistic humanist. I have no god or religion, and I don't engage in worship of gods or anything else.

You do, which apparently causes you to see atheists as having gods and religions and worshiping themselves or money or whatever. There are other ways of thinking and engaging the world.
How do fossils support evolution
They are evidence of life in the past and how much of it was different. They were among the first evidence that Darwin used to formulate his theory, which predicted that man would find more fossils and that some would be intermediate between other known forms.
fossils are part of creation
Creation is a loaded word. It implies a creator. We don't know that nature was created. I prefer to call it nature, or reality.


Active Member
Guess I'm showing my age . The saying of having one's 'ears ticked' means: tell people what they want to hear - 2nd Tim. 4:3-4
Paying attention to misleading statements rather then accept what Jesus taught as inspired aka Scripture - 1st Tim. 4:1
Such people don't want to hear Bible Truth but want to hear what they desire
Such apostate thinking was foretold by Jesus - Matt. 13:24-25,38
Since the first century (Acts 20:29-30) such apostasy has grown and spread - 2nd Thess. 2:3,8
The theory of evolution affects how people view or don't view God with evolution's message do what you want to do
False clergy teach their religious lies, customs and traditions as gospel truth when Not found in Scripture - Matt. 15:9
'secular religion' can be when one looks in a mirror and sees his god, worship of things other than God
How do fossils support evolution, after all fossils are part of creation
evolutionary biology is a scientific methodology, and no scientific methodology has anything to do with atheism, agnosticism or theism. One should not conflate philosophical naturalism with methodological naturalism.


Active Member
If by social Darwinism you mean something like eugenics, then I agree. But the term is also used to refer to the idea that some social construct like businesses and religions persist while others disappear - metaphor for biological survival versus death/extinction. The latter is based in observation, which is also empiricism like biological evolutionary theory.

OK, but critical thought, which includes skepticism and empiricism, say that only justified position regarding gods, the existence of which can neither be confirmed nor disconfirmed, is agnostic atheism

That's because you've never learned the science and have an uninformed opinion. Of course you lack corroboration. That comes with education.

You don't seem to be aware that people can have informed opinions and that it's possible for such people to have a correct opinion and know that they're correct and that you are in the dark.

You don't know the details of the theory. Your posting affirms that. The theory is correct beyond reasonable doubt, but you're free to doubt it using faith instead of reason. When you do and post uniformed opinions to those who know that you are incorrect, you should expect to be corrected. It's not OK to mislead others.

I've explained this to you, but you've never commented in response nor modified your behavior, which I understand to mean that you either enjoy being told that you're uninformed and incorrect, can't understand what you are being told, or are martyring yourself for an imagined audience of one.
There is a often fallacious conflation of philosophical naturalism with methodological naturalism, inability to differentiate means one does not know what science even is. Doing field work for decades on various crews in my career finding Pleistocene aquifers were agnostics Anglicans Baptists atheists Mormons etc. all with the same scientific education. They were there to work, religion or lack of it never came up. Alluvial disposition rates, U.S.G.S. graphs detailing stratigraphic layering as well as soil horizons all core to the job. The methodology remained the same no matter the beliefs of the field workers. Now if one rejected the scientific timeline or ,tangentially evolution such a career would be impossible, simply off limits


Veteran Member
I'm not religious, so this explanation is meaningless to me; that expression still sounds self-contradictory to me......................................
Creation of what, Creationism creation, or do you mean something else?
Creation was first of the invisible spirit realm of existence
Then, the creation of the material physical realm came into existence
Not creationism
ALL of the six (6) creative days are time periods of unknown lengths or even of differing lengths of time
Fossils did Not create themselves. Fossil records do Not prove fossils were Not created
Even if God were to use some sort of evolution in some lower life forms He did Not do that where mankind aka human life is concerned
God fashioned or formed Man from the already existing created ground - Genesis 2:7 - No evolution involved with human life

Whatever a person puts as ' first priority in one's life' that is: worship ( whether a person considers oneself as religious or not )


Veteran Member
evolutionary biology is a scientific methodology,.................................................................................
In Scripture, where human life is concerned, we find the method The Creator used was to form or fashion man from the already existing ground - Gen. 2:7
Man did Not come to life until after The Creator breathed the ' breath of life ' into life-less Adam, then Man became a living person


Veteran Member
I used to say that prayer every morning as a child. I believed at the time I had to ask for God's guidance each day. I would be lying if I claimed to understand why Jesus taught his followers to pray this way.
As Jeremiah 10:23 wrote it does Not belong to man to direct his step
Our imperfect hearts (Jer. 17:9 ) is like having a traitor within us because the heart motivates us to do something and after we do it the heart gives us all the reasons why we should Not have done what we did in the first place
Look at mankind's l-o-n-g history and say man was successful because he had guidance, or rather the opposite of guidance ______
Has BIG business, BIG political been successful if Not why Not, could it be because they lacked God's thinking on matters ______
God's guidance is found between the pages of Genesis to Revelation, so praying for God's guidance is connected to: Scripture
Since the Bible is Not written in ABC order we need to research Scripture by topic or subject arrangement into order to see God's guidance


Memorable member
There are religious believers who are going to be set in their ways & if that means rejecting the science of evolution, then it's probably a lost cause. I don't think there's any point in trying to change their minds, so I'm not interested in that.

I am, however, interested in finding out if there's a reason not based in any way on religious beliefs for rejecting the science of evolution. Is there any other reason?
There are also religious science believers, who, despite the mountain of evidence, accept science as an infallible sort of deity. It never occurs to them that, like everything in the world, science is corrupted by money and politics.


Veteran Member
There are also religious science believers, who, despite the mountain of evidence, accept science as an infallible sort of deity. It never occurs to them that, like everything in the world, science is corrupted by money and politics.
Of course you've no examples of these people..

Anyone who might actually think science
infallible is a complete idiot.

Why even mention such ( theoretical) people?

The TOPIC of the thread and post you responded to got no answer from you.