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Is there Free Will in Heaven?

The most dangerous people on the planet are those who believe that their most merciful creator has prepared a place for them should they fail of unimaginable suffering.
Are they sure who is keeping score? I would certainly want to know my score. If you believe this and are not sure where you stand you must find out how to hit a home run.
I know of two religions that guaranty paradise by a single act.
Christianity: You must die and be born again of the Holy Spirit.
Islam: You must die in battle against the unbelievers to insure yourself and the family you choose will be granted access to paradise


Well-Known Member
This isn't true within Christianity. Fallen angels (demons or devils) as Christians prefer to call them chose to disobey God. So in Christianity angels do have free choice. Perhaps this belief is different in Islam.

However, if in your theology angels are perfect because they can only obey God then humans are imperfect because they have free choice. God then chose to make humans imperfect; he chose to allow evil.

God created human beings with a predisposition to both good and evil instincts. However the evil instincts are for the sake of self-interest, protection and survival.

God made us love wealth for example to motivate us to work and make a living, and thereby in the process making this world a better world. When this instinct turns into greed, that's when the human soul falls into evil, as greed can make some people steal, others commit fraud, ... etc. To counter-balance all those negatives instincts, God gave us His Guidance on what to do and what not to do in order not to misuse our human instincts.

And He gave us the free will to follow His Guidance and live a balanced happy life (here and in the Hereafter), or disobey His Guidance and live an unhappy life in both worlds.

It's up to each person to choose


Rogue Theologian
Dude, how can you not see that you are blatantly contradicting yourself????
GOd is never wrong, but sometimes he repents from doing evil??? Why would he repent if his actions were not wrong?

Not at all.

Let's say you need your butt kicked.
Every body knows it.
No one would get in the way as it comes down on you.

But then...someone speaks on your behalf.

The pending evil deed doesn't happen.
That doesn't mean God was wrong.

Such is the report.


Well-Known Member
Thief said:
Not at all.

Let's say you need your butt kicked.
Every body knows it.
No one would get in the way as it comes down on you.

But then...someone speaks on your behalf.

The pending evil deed doesn't happen.
That doesn't mean God was wrong.

Such is the report.
To change one's mind is to say "I thought I was right before, but I wasn't so I will take this new position because I think IT is right."


Rogue Theologian
To change one's mind is to say "I thought I was right before, but I wasn't so I will take this new position because I think IT is right."

I don't mind that you make up possible quotes....
But this one doesn't help.

Changing your mind because someone did ask...doesn't mean you were wrong.
His asking for leniency....is not a point of correction.


Rogue Theologian
Let me open this up to everyone. Can you fool God?

Grossly off topic....
But if you could...then your freewill in heaven depends on making God appear foolish?

Sounds like a foolish effort.
What happens when God finds out about your deception?


1) Is there evil in heaven?
Yes there is free will in heaven, and no there is no free will in heaven. The free will in heaven exist in that we can interact with others who have gone on before us. The reason why there really is no free will in heaven is because God's love is so over powering that you have no choice but to succumb to His will.

2) If not, then does that mean there's no free will in heaven either?
We have free will on earth. You would not have made this post if you did not choose to do it.

3) If there is free will and no evil in heaven, then why didn't God just make things like that on Earth to begin with?
Because we are here to learn. You question is like saying why didn't God make every human being the same race. There would be no learning about love hate forgiveness if we were all the same race. Slaves were bought to the United States in ships where they were neck deep in human waste for six weeks at a time, And now we have a Black president. We've come a long way, but we still have a ways to go, because now that we do have a Black president, the tea party people believe that they should try to take the country back; as if it has gone somewhere. It'll be forty more years before the racist mindset dies off, because most of these people who believe in this manner will be dead. Our hope is in the younger generation. I know I've gotten off the subject somewhat, but I needed to make a point about learning.

Since we're going off topic here, let me just state that the majority of tea party people don't give a crap that the President is black, they are ticked off that the government is spending their country into a black hole and is basically no longer representing the people or the Constitution. There's plenty of black people at Tea parties too, not just a bunch of racist rednecks.
Okay,back on topic-
How about this-Maybe once you get to heaven,sin is no longer an issue. Maybe you can just do what you want and it's fine. The test is over,you've made the grade so now you get to do whatever you want. I going to assume that we will transcend any evil or negativity in our nature,therefore we will no longer want to hurt or harm anyone else. That being the case, you could pretty much do as you please. I figure this would make heaven "fair" for just about everyone,as everybody could do whatever they enjoyed and not have to worry if it's good or bad anymore.


Active Member
Let me open this up to everyone. Can you fool God?

Theists think they can fool god every day, they are only believing in him because it will get them in to heaven, they are trying to trick him in to thinking they actually believe in him. Considering he doesn't exist and all.


The Lost One
budha3 said:
Yes there is free will in heaven, and no there is no free will in heaven. The free will in heaven exist in that we can interact with others who have gone on before us. The reason why there really is no free will in heaven is because God's love is so over powering that you have no choice but to succumb to His will.
That's sound more like autocratic tyrant to me...not something worth worshiping and heaven doesn't sound like a place I want to be.


Well-Known Member
I don't mind that you make up possible quotes....
But this one doesn't help.
I did not misquote you...nor did I...make anything up.
Changing your mind because someone did ask...doesn't mean you were wrong.
His asking for leniency....is not a point of correction.
The motivation for changing one's mind is not relevant. In the example you gave (it was that God wanted to kick my ***, an example that says WAY more about you than it does about God) God will either take an action or he will not. Unless BOTH actions are correct, then God was wrong when he held one of those positions.


Well-Known Member
Grossly off topic....
But if you could...then your freewill in heaven depends on making God appear foolish?

Sounds like a foolish effort.
What happens when God finds out about your deception?
Interesting response. I have a question for you though. Can you fool God?


Rogue Theologian
I did not misquote you...nor did I...make anything up.

The motivation for changing one's mind is not relevant. In the example you gave (it was that God wanted to kick my ***, an example that says WAY more about you than it does about God) God will either take an action or he will not. Unless BOTH actions are correct, then God was wrong when he held one of those positions.

Nay again....
Who DID you quote?....wasn't me.....

And the paraphrased example given actually comes from the bible.
I put you in place of the object....worthy of God's wrath....
thinking maybe a smaller...more immediate viewpoint ....might help.

Maybe not.


Well-Known Member
Nay again....
Who DID you quote?....wasn't me.....
:facepalm:....it was...:facepalm:...not a quotation...:facepalm:...it was a way to indicate...:facepalm:...what if someone said "this".
And the paraphrased example given actually comes from the bible.

Yes, the Bible has many instances that prove that God is not perfect OR all-knowing, yet it also has passages that claim he IS perfect and all-knowing. How..do you...reconcile...this inconsistency?


Rogue Theologian
:facepalm:....it was...:facepalm:...not a quotation...:facepalm:...it was a way to indicate...:facepalm:...what if someone said "this".

Yes, the Bible has many instances that prove that God is not perfect OR all-knowing, yet it also has passages that claim he IS perfect and all-knowing. How..do you...reconcile...this inconsistency?

The same way you would do.
Today....thou shalt not kill.
Tomorrow...you might change your mind.

Changing your mind is a quality of free will.


Well-Known Member
The same way you would do.
Today....thou shalt not kill.
Tomorrow...you might change your mind.

Changing your mind is a quality of free will.
but "A" and "Not A" cannot both be correct. (Not quoting anyone here. Just offering up examples.) Would you agree?


Rogue Theologian
but "A" and "Not A" cannot both be correct. (Not quoting anyone here. Just offering up examples.) Would you agree?

When confronted by a situation, and not able to circumvent, you must deal with the situation.

Freewill provides your ability to respond.
Today you refrain, because you are free to do so.
Come and go as you please....say what you want to.
Tomorrow, that task at hand will need your attention.
But you remain free to decide what to do about it.

Perhaps some consideration to a lack of freewill....

Lack of imagination...no ability to see possible solutions....no response.(duh)
Lack of knowledge....imaginations works, but the details of response are missing.(duh)
Emotional drive....untethered it will override what you should have done.(duh)

Freewill is a collection of abilities.
If you possess the willfulness to proceed...then you 'will'.

If not...you 'will' need assistance.
Your 'will' goes as far as you think and feel....first.
Then it goes as far as the reach of your hand.
Then it is often compromised by your fellow man.
(A corruption to dominate all things.)

Still through out all of these conditions...
You want to do as you please...say what you care to.
And if you find yourself unable...haven't you lost some freedom?


Superabacus Mystic
Perhaps some consideration to a lack of freewill....

Lack of imagination...no ability to see possible solutions....no response.(duh)
Lack of knowledge....imaginations works, but the details of response are missing.(duh)
Emotional drive....untethered it will override what you should have done.(duh)
No. Lack of free will implies none of these things. Computers have basic problem-solving (hence imaginative) and knowledge facilities, and surely you would not say they have free will?


Rogue Theologian
No. Lack of free will implies none of these things. Computers have basic problem-solving (hence imaginative) and knowledge facilities, and surely you would not say they have free will?

And knowing the difference between something living, as compared to something ...not....needed to be clarified first?


Well-Known Member
Beaudreaux said:
but "A" and "Not A" cannot both be correct. (Not quoting anyone here. Just offering up examples.) Would you agree?

Wow. That is the fundament axiom behind logic. If you are unable to assert even that something is equal to itself, then there is little you can say that makes any sense at all. Your position is the very definition of illogical. Best of luck to you, friend.