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Is There Proof God Exists????

Kriya Yogi

Dharma and Love for God
Then causality no longer applies. Causes are no longer guaranteed to precede their events. Paradoxes may be possible, so be careful. :D

Also, I'm surprised that you haven't bought this week's winning lottery ticket yet.

Well that is why a God Realized master cannot perform miracles without God's permission. They can interupt the natrual flow of cause and effect in people's lives. I think I'm understanding you right on this?

I myself am not God Realized and if I were winning the lottery might not be my concern.


Superabacus Mystic
Well that is why a God Realized master cannot perform miracles without God's permission. They can interupt the natrual flow of cause and effect in people's lives. I think I'm understanding you right on this?
Somewhat. My point is that once you say that you can interpret a signal faster than light, or view the future, you've broken the assumption that causes come before their events. Once you've done that, predicting the universe in any way (even as simple as "the ball will fall to the ground") is rendered nonsensical.

Kriya Yogi

Dharma and Love for God
Somewhat. My point is that once you say that you can interpret a signal faster than light, or view the future, you've broken the assumption that causes come before their events. Once you've done that, predicting the universe in any way (even as simple as "the ball will fall to the ground") is rendered nonsensical.

Yes this is true if I understand you fully. It gives indication that destiny is already predestined for everyone and seen by God. This is a tough pill to swallow for many but I believe in Karma.


Superabacus Mystic
One potential problem with that: God is included in the predestination, and would probably behave much like Dr. Manhatten. :D

Kriya Yogi

Dharma and Love for God
One potential problem with that: God is included in the predestination, and would probably behave much like Dr. Manhatten. :D

Well really each individual creates their own predestination based on their present choices and level of spirituality or consciousness. In this way God doesn't decide your own life, you do. By your present actions you are affecting your near or far future. That's why no good deed will go unrewarded and no evil action will go without consequence. Unless you find God and remove your consciousness from ego wherein all karma effects you.
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Empirical Curmudgeon
No I just know it wouldn't work. A true God Realized soul would say it comes no where near the true experience. I guarantee it.

How can you guarantee it if it hasn't been tested?

See, here is the problem: You (and many theists with you) for some reason thinks that something is true just because you experience it as true. That does not logically follow. People have been, and are being, blinded by delusion and superstition, for as long as we've been around. Your brain messes with you ALL THE TIME without you being aware of it and it can produce the most convincing emotions and impressions. After all, it's your brain that interprets what you sense in the first place. The only way to truly know what is real and not is through independent evidence, and even then you have to make the assumption that observed reality is real.

It is good enough for the individual and that is all that matters.

I'm sure there are plenty of people on any number of psychiatric institutions that agree with you.

I'm just saying that there are things in the world that will be known as scientific to the public in the future. Just as gravity was scientific and existed before we studied it. The same goes for certain types of meditation revealing God's presence.

No. They are not the same. One is supported by tons of independent observable evidence and the other is supported by...you.

Believe what you want. With this perception then you might as well discount all your memories and your rational thoughts for they could be delusional too.

I am open to the fact that they might be. I was hospitalized some months ago and put in an artificial coma and as I was coming out I had some very strange experiences that I know cannot have taken place. It was just my brain playing tricks on me due to the heavy medication.

Well this just means it will be accepted universally as true because the scientific community deemed it as science. One day God realization will become part of that scientific list. Until then Yogi's who have used the techniques and have found God will know before the general public does.

And when they have proper scientific evidence for that THEN you can call it science. Until then it's pseudoscience at best.

If it did, that would be quite a feat and that machine would be widely desired. To the point of causing wars. The state I'm talking about is heavenly and is the freeing of your soul into spirit. You become immersed with all of creation and its blissful and more beautiful beyond any comprehension, so if that machine could reproduce Heaven or God Realization then it would be the most sought after product right now I guarantee that for sure.

You are still not answering the question.

IF the God Helmet could, through physical manipulation of your brain, reproduce the exact same experience, would you then admit that God Realization, as you call it, is a delusion?

A simple yes or no will suffice.


Active Member
Is There Proof God Exists????

Go outside and look towards the stars in the sky and just comtemplate what you are seeing. Then consider our own solar system. The distance the earth is from the sun, the distance of the moon from the earth, the spacing of the rest of the planets from each other, the gas giants with their massive gravitational pull that most certainly has kept earth from being struck with more asteroids than it already has.

Consider the gas mixture on our planet that makes life possible. You do know that any unbalance of those gases would make advanced life impossible, right?

All of creation, all of it is set in place in PERFECT harmony. No way it could have happened just by chance, no way. Look at the stars and meditate on that.


Well-Known Member
Is There Proof God Exists????

All of creation, all of it is set in place in PERFECT harmony. No way it could have happened just by chance, no way. Look at the stars and meditate on that.

Silly puddle.

The Allegory of the Puddle...

In the Allegory of the Puddle, one must imagine a hole in the ground. Inside this hole, a puddle forms. As the puddle reaches its maturity it thinks to itself, "This hole was made just for me and I am meant to be here." However, obviously, the puddle was merely created in the shape of the hole that it ended up in and, when the puddle starts evaporating, it still clings to the idea that it was meant for that hole in the ground, despite the fact that it is clearly disappearing. Stupid puddles.

Midnight Pete

Well-Known Member
The Allegory of the Puddle...

In the Allegory of the Puddle, one must imagine a hole in the ground. Inside this hole, a puddle forms. As the puddle reaches its maturity it thinks to itself, "This hole was made just for me and I am meant to be here." However, obviously, the puddle was merely created in the shape of the hole that it ended up in and, when the puddle starts evaporating, it still clings to the idea that it was meant for that hole in the ground, despite the fact that it is clearly disappearing. Stupid puddles.

This makes no sense at all.


Active Member
Silly puddle.

The Allegory of the Puddle...

In the Allegory of the Puddle, one must imagine a hole in the ground. Inside this hole, a puddle forms. As the puddle reaches its maturity it thinks to itself, "This hole was made just for me and I am meant to be here." However, obviously, the puddle was merely created in the shape of the hole that it ended up in and, when the puddle starts evaporating, it still clings to the idea that it was meant for that hole in the ground, despite the fact that it is clearly disappearing. Stupid puddles.

I don't get that either, but at least the response wasn't as harsh as I thought it would be. But it's early yet.


Well-Known Member
All of creation, all of it is set in place in PERFECT harmony. No way it could have happened just by chance, no way. Look at the stars and meditate on that.

Instead god happened by chance and then set everything in motion. :beach:

Honestly... the idea that you think either god did it or it came about by chance is a bit silly.

Carl Sagan said:
Ten or twenty billion years ago, something happened - the Big Bang, the event that began our universe. Why it happened is the greatest mystery we know. That it happened is reasonably clear.


Active Member
Instead god happened by chance and then set everything in motion. :beach:

Honestly... the idea that you think either god did it or it came about by chance is a bit silly.

So, you believe that the entire universe and life as we know it is due to and remains one big mass confusion, or are you afraid to admit that what a believer says makes sense?


Well-Known Member
So, you believe that the entire universe and life as we know it is due to and remains one big mass confusion, or are you afraid to admit that what a believer says makes sense?

What makes sense to you is proposing an answer you overheard or read in a holy book somewhere?


Active Member
As opposed to what?

As opposed to saying, "I do not know how all this started. No one does. But I do KNOW that science has been very effective in showing us how things work. And I KNOW that making up myths to cover my ignorance is counter-productive.

And I KNOW that the belief in supernatural religion has been used many times to justify the most atrocious acts. And I KNOW there is NO evidence for any supernatural being or event. So I am unconvinced that any such being(s) or events(s) did or do exist. Nor do I see any evidence that believing in such beings has any worthwhile purpose.

So I don't.:)