It is obvious that you are not a mathematician. The binary operation of addition is much more than a definition and your little example is wrong because it is only partially true (incomplete) and does not show that you understand the discipline of mathematics.
Likewise many do not understand the discipline of G-d but even worse they do not want to know or understand the simplicity of G-d. Thus we are fallen and flawed. Many are so flawed that they do not even desire to be one with G-d. Because being one with G-d will require that we also become G-d but many hate G-d and refuse to even consider being like him. G-d will not force anyone to be like him only those that love him will he make disciples and discipline them in the rigors of G-dliness. And only those that labor with all their heart, might, mind and strength will succeed at such a divine destiny.
In other words, you didn't understand anything he said?