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Is There Really Something Wrong with You?


It is obvious that you are not a mathematician. The binary operation of addition is much more than a definition and your little example is wrong because it is only partially true (incomplete) and does not show that you understand the discipline of mathematics.

Likewise many do not understand the discipline of G-d but even worse they do not want to know or understand the simplicity of G-d. Thus we are fallen and flawed. Many are so flawed that they do not even desire to be one with G-d. Because being one with G-d will require that we also become G-d but many hate G-d and refuse to even consider being like him. G-d will not force anyone to be like him – only those that love him will he make disciples and discipline them in the rigors of G-dliness. And only those that labor with all their heart, might, mind and strength will succeed at such a divine destiny.


In other words, you didn't understand anything he said? :)


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Yes, there is something wrong with us. God created the first couple as perfect humans, and blessed them with an abundance of beauty, vibrant health, good food, and a delightful purpose to fill the earth by procreation and care for it.
Because they sinned against God, they lost his blessing and had to fend for themselves. By drawing away from the source of life, and making their own wrong decisions, they gradually succumbed to death.
The Bible tells us they passed sin on to their descendants. We thus become enslaved to sin and death from the moment we are conceived. (Romans 5:12) We have an inborn tendency to do what is bad. And this can make us miserable. Still, God does not leave us without hope. Romans 8:20,21 says "For the creation was subjected to futility, not by its own will but through him that subjected it, on the basis of hope that the creation itself also will be set free from enslavement to corruption and have the glorious freedom of the children of God."
Striving to be perfect today is like trying to run a marathon with a huge rock chained to our leg. Inborn imperfections and weaknesses will not permit us to be what we want to be, however hard we may strive.
Our hope for perfection comes from God, who promised creation will be set free from sin and death. Only our life giver can provide us again what Adam lost, everlasting life in human perfection.


Well-Known Member
Many have been taught all their lives that there is something wrong with them. Since childhood they have been taught they are sinners, flawed and imperfect in the eyes of God. They have been taught they can't make it on their own that they are destined for a fiery pit for all their failures, sins, and imperfections. The solution religion offers is that God forgives and says it's all OK. Of course, they must believe.

Being told one is imperfect and flawed drives one to attain perfection. People fight and fight everyday to be perfect. Failure is deemed as the shame, flaw, sin that God and mankind cannot stand. People fear failure to the point where they take no action just to avoid it. Frozen from action to avoid the judgment and shame from others. We dare not show our imperfections!!

Is there really something wrong with you???? One must ask: Why would God create imperfection??? That does not seem like the actions of a Perfect Being, now does it?? Could it be that there is nothing wrong with you and it's just mankind who wants you to believe there is??? After all, if you don't have the problem, you don't need them to find the solution,thereby guiding you to their will.

OK! OK! Let's take a few steps back to get a bigger picture. Everything about God always adds up. This will as well. Did God create the imperfection that is us???? Let's THINK! What does it take to be perfect?? One could build a machine that makes widgets. It could be designed to manufacture a perfect widget. Making a free thinking, free acting person would take a lot more. The increased variables would make perfection much harder to come by. This free thinking person would have to have knowledge of both good and bad, success and failure in order to determine the perfect answer every time. ISN'T THAT WHAT WE ARE DOING EVERYDAY IN LIFE???? We are perfection in creation. We just aren't through being created yet! It takes a long learning process to understand it all. This must include good, evil, happy, sad, success, failure, and all aspects of life. God is creating perfection in us. He's not through doing it.

We should not cast such things as failure aside. It is part of the great process of perfection. Remember, no matter what anyone says bad about you, it won't matter unless you value it. We are the ones who choose what we deem important in our lives not someone else. You cannot be the person you are today without the past failures, successes, adversity, and interaction with others. Never run from who you are, a child of God on the great road to perfection.

If you ever feel like you don't fit in or are out of place in this world, know that you are exactly who those around you need in their lives. How could we ever learn from each other if we were all alike???? Share that which is special about yourself with others. If they grumble and groan, chuckle knowing they must be having a few growing pains. We all do from time to time.

God does not see His children as evil, sinning, flawed, beings. God sees the beauty in us all. He knows we are wonderful works of art!! Each one unique and special working toward the perfection that we really are. God is never going to do without His children. That's why you are eternal. God loves you very much. BE WHO YOU MUST!!!! IT'S A PART OF THE PLAN!!!!

When God created man, He created them perfect, Gen 1:31, Deut 32:4,5. When Adam and Eve decided to disobey God they became imperfect, and this caused man to die, Rom 5:12.
When God purposes anything it will always come true, Isa 55:11, so God sent His son to be a Ransom Sacrifice for mankind. Man was at first perfect, and Jesus became a perfect man, and gave his life as a sacrifice so we could gain back what Adam lost, Rom 5:13-19, John 1:29, 3:16,17, Matt 20:28, Acts 13:38,39.
Jesus gave his perfect life for us, so we do not die because of sin we commit any longer, we die because of the imperfection we inherited from Adam, Heb 10:12-18.
The real truth is: we are not evolving to a higher form of life, we are degenerating. All evidence points to that fact!!! Our language for one thing, Wars another, Greed another, 2Tim 3:1-5.
We are actually eyewitnesses to everything that Jesus said to look for, just before he will set up The Kingdom of God on earth, Consider, when you have the time The chapters of Matt 24, Mark 13 AND LUKE 21.
Immediately after Jesus sets up the Kingdom, all who live through the Great Tribulation, Rev 7:14,the resurrected ones, John 5:28,29, Acts 24:15, will begin to work for perfection, all this during the Thousand Year Judgement Day, and helped toward that goal by Jesus and the Kings and Priests that will rule with him, Rev 20:3-6. Other scrolls will be opened that will help us to gain everlasting life, Rev 20:12. All who will not obey will finally end up in the Lake of Fire, Rev 20:14,15.
God's original purpose was to have this earth filled with perfect people, living forever, Isa 45:18, Ps 37:29. God's purpose never fails, Isa 55:11.


Well-Known Member
When God created man, He created them perfect, Gen 1:31, Deut 32:4,5. When Adam and Eve decided to disobey God they became imperfect, and this caused man to die, Rom 5:12.
When God purposes anything it will always come true, Isa 55:11, so God sent His son to be a Ransom Sacrifice for mankind. Man was at first perfect, and Jesus became a perfect man, and gave his life as a sacrifice so we could gain back what Adam lost, Rom 5:13-19, John 1:29, 3:16,17, Matt 20:28, Acts 13:38,39.
Jesus gave his perfect life for us, so we do not die because of sin we commit any longer, we die because of the imperfection we inherited from Adam, Heb 10:12-18.
The real truth is: we are not evolving to a higher form of life, we are degenerating. All evidence points to that fact!!! Our language for one thing, Wars another, Greed another, 2Tim 3:1-5.
We are actually eyewitnesses to everything that Jesus said to look for, just before he will set up The Kingdom of God on earth, Consider, when you have the time The chapters of Matt 24, Mark 13 AND LUKE 21.
Immediately after Jesus sets up the Kingdom, all who live through the Great Tribulation, Rev 7:14,the resurrected ones, John 5:28,29, Acts 24:15, will begin to work for perfection, all this during the Thousand Year Judgement Day, and helped toward that goal by Jesus and the Kings and Priests that will rule with him, Rev 20:3-6. Other scrolls will be opened that will help us to gain everlasting life, Rev 20:12. All who will not obey will finally end up in the Lake of Fire, Rev 20:14,15.
God's original purpose was to have this earth filled with perfect people, living forever, Isa 45:18, Ps 37:29. God's purpose never fails, Isa 55:11.
If they can't find something wrong with you, then you don't need them. Don't believe the stories. Does that really sound like a God that can create universes?? Stop thinking there is something wrong with you. Stop letting it hold you back from who you really are. Be free.


non-existential luminary
It is obvious that you are not a mathematician. The binary operation of addition is much more than a definition and your little example is wrong because it is only partially true (incomplete) and does not show that you understand the discipline of mathematics.

Likewise many do not understand the discipline of G-d but even worse they do not want to know or understand the simplicity of G-d. Thus we are fallen and flawed. Many are so flawed that they do not even desire to be one with G-d. Because being one with G-d will require that we also become G-d but many hate G-d and refuse to even consider being like him. G-d will not force anyone to be like him – only those that love him will he make disciples and discipline them in the rigors of G-dliness. And only those that labor with all their heart, might, mind and strength will succeed at such a divine destiny.

you would know, wouldn't you. ;)
however, it is not so obvious to me whether you have ever been throughly exposed to math at all.
Mathematics is the study of quantity, structure, space, and change. Mathematicians seek out patterns, formulate new conjectures, and establish truth by rigorous deduction from appropriately chosen axioms and definitions.
What can i say? Mathematics, by definition, is only an assumption.
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What can i say? Mathematics, by definition, is only an assumption.

And that becomes even more apparent when you consider that particle physics and quantum mechanics has been reduced to mere probability functions. Evidently, chaos is the fundamental law that rules all of reality when you attempt to mathematically define existence at its most fundamental level. One of the only things that appears to have any effect on the randomness is conscious thought. For example, people have been shown to create certain particles by doing nothing more than thinking of them. Personally, I believe discoveries like that give a lot of credence to notions of reality having no apriori existence without the mind's prior interpretation.


Agnostic Pantheist
Many have been taught all their lives that there is something wrong with them. Since childhood they have been taught they are sinners, flawed and imperfect in the eyes of God. They have been taught they can't make it on their own that they are destined for a fiery pit for all their failures, sins, and imperfections. The solution religion offers is that God forgives and says it's all OK. Of course, they must believe.

"They had forgotten the first lesson, that we are to be powerful, beautiful, and without regret."



Well-Known Member
Yes, laws that are assumed to be true. What I mean by "defining me" is defining my existance. If you believe that your thoughts constitute existance, than i exist simply by the fact that i cross your mind. otherwise, I am just your delusion and do not "physically exist" outside your own perseptions. gravity is expected (depending on whether the conditions are correct), but it is not certain.
edit: actually i was wrong. the only thing we can be certain of, is that we can be certain of nothing else.
Seems like you are certain about all this. I have my doubts of your certainty.


I used to think that this was really possible, and I guess maybe it is .. but that is going to be a matter of perspective, and if one's range of view is limited, there is the blind-spot to the massive amount of unnecessary suffering going on in the world due to makind's general egotistical behaviour <--- THAT IS NOT THE FAULT OF THE CREATOR OF LIFE WHO DID GIVE THEM THE CHOICE, AND NEITHER IS IT THE CHOSEN FAULT OF EVERYONE SUFFERING IN VERY CERTAIN WAYS! I was given the choice between life or death. (I am convinced I have chosen both, and it would make sense considering certain questions I was asking myself ... and then to see here lately how naive I was in trying to answering them prior) At this point, and not to sound pessimestic for I still am thinking, but it seems that if I were to really be free to do what I wanted right now, I would be killed. Don't think that is dramatic because after all, it happens. But I have reason to hold to hope, at least if so to mourn what is lost, and to continue lovingly tending to the most precious seed granted to us of the Creator of *Life* (for what ever purpose it has been put w/in me to keep until (???), it is my comfort and my joy, in a way, to be doing such :) ).