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Is There Really Something Wrong with You?


Well-Known Member
Many have been taught all their lives that there is something wrong with them. Since childhood they have been taught they are sinners, flawed and imperfect in the eyes of God. They have been taught they can't make it on their own that they are destined for a fiery pit for all their failures, sins, and imperfections. The solution religion offers is that God forgives and says it's all OK. Of course, they must believe.

Being told one is imperfect and flawed drives one to attain perfection. People fight and fight everyday to be perfect. Failure is deemed as the shame, flaw, sin that God and mankind cannot stand. People fear failure to the point where they take no action just to avoid it. Frozen from action to avoid the judgment and shame from others. We dare not show our imperfections!!

Is there really something wrong with you???? One must ask: Why would God create imperfection??? That does not seem like the actions of a Perfect Being, now does it?? Could it be that there is nothing wrong with you and it's just mankind who wants you to believe there is??? After all, if you don't have the problem, you don't need them to find the solution,thereby guiding you to their will.

OK! OK! Let's take a few steps back to get a bigger picture. Everything about God always adds up. This will as well. Did God create the imperfection that is us???? Let's THINK! What does it take to be perfect?? One could build a machine that makes widgets. It could be designed to manufacture a perfect widget. Making a free thinking, free acting person would take a lot more. The increased variables would make perfection much harder to come by. This free thinking person would have to have knowledge of both good and bad, success and failure in order to determine the perfect answer every time. ISN'T THAT WHAT WE ARE DOING EVERYDAY IN LIFE???? We are perfection in creation. We just aren't through being created yet! It takes a long learning process to understand it all. This must include good, evil, happy, sad, success, failure, and all aspects of life. God is creating perfection in us. He's not through doing it.

We should not cast such things as failure aside. It is part of the great process of perfection. Remember, no matter what anyone says bad about you, it won't matter unless you value it. We are the ones who choose what we deem important in our lives not someone else. You cannot be the person you are today without the past failures, successes, adversity, and interaction with others. Never run from who you are, a child of God on the great road to perfection.

If you ever feel like you don't fit in or are out of place in this world, know that you are exactly who those around you need in their lives. How could we ever learn from each other if we were all alike???? Share that which is special about yourself with others. If they grumble and groan, chuckle knowing they must be having a few growing pains. We all do from time to time.

God does not see His children as evil, sinning, flawed, beings. God sees the beauty in us all. He knows we are wonderful works of art!! Each one unique and special working toward the perfection that we really are. God is never going to do without His children. That's why you are eternal. God loves you very much. BE WHO YOU MUST!!!! IT'S A PART OF THE PLAN!!!!

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
I believe what you're referring to is the doctrine of original sin. I never bought into it myself. I think people were made to be good. The- god don't make no junk- approach. However, there was debate about the subject in the Episcopal Church, the church I grew up in. The church doesn't teach original sin, but some of the high church folks still believe in it.


Premium Member
My take on it is somewhat copied from what Buddhists believe (at least I think it is, you can correct me if I am wrong). We are slaves to our flesh- we need to eat, we have a desire for sex, we like having fun, etc. It is very easy to overindulge in these things. Most people don't like overindulging because it can have consequences that can be negative. Some of those people use their faith/religion to bring these desires under control.
That is how I see "sin".


Well-Known Member
What is the original sin? While human kind remained obedient to his evolving indwelling animal spirit and followed instinctively, he remained an animal, knowing neither what was good or what was bad. It was only after he had sinned in his refusal to blindly obey his ancestral animal spirit, that God said, “Now the Man has become just like one of us, so drive him out of paradise until the war that rages within him has ceased.” This is the victory that we must win, and learn to follow blindly our indwelling Father and saviour.

I dont know about the rest of you mob, but I am perfect. I wasn't perfect yesterday, but today I have acheived perfection, tomorrow I will have become more perfect than I am today, etc, etc, etc. Before you start talking about perfection, you must first define what perfection is. "I Am Who I Am," is the name of God and he is perfect. If I am content with who I am, is that not perfection, today I became the one I Am, the one that I was yesterday is gone, the one I'll be tomorrow I will be, but today I found, "I Am Who I Am."

Yes, I am who I am and may I never lose sight
Of the fact that I am, 'who I am,' day and night
I'm not who I was, nor who I will be
For "Who I Am," is the name that my God gave to me.
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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Of course there are things wrong with me, physically, mentally, and emotionally. I can admit these. However, these flaws are obstacles that are meant to be torn down. Everyone has flaws. The weak will let these flaws hold them back. The strong will seek to overcome them.
the problem with this approach is it renders any god impotent to correct you. and if a god cannot correct you, it has no power over you. if you're "good enough" from the beginning, then maybe it's not important whether a being who exists outside of the physical realm thinks you are good or bad. maybe it is up to you.

but shrinking gods and limiting their power or jurisdiction still doesn't make them any more likely to exist. so the most parsimonious interpretation is that there are no arbiters poking their heads into your goodness degree and that good/bad are both products of societal structure, not heaven borne adjectives.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
the problem with this approach is it renders any god impotent to correct you. and if a god cannot correct you, it has no power over you. if you're "good enough" from the beginning, then maybe it's not important whether a being who exists outside of the physical realm thinks you are good or bad. maybe it is up to you.

but shrinking gods and limiting their power or jurisdiction still doesn't make them any more likely to exist. so the most parsimonious interpretation is that there are no arbiters poking their heads into your goodness degree and that good/bad are both products of societal structure, not heaven borne adjectives.
Oh, I believe in a form of "God." However, I kneel before no one, be it man or god. I alone shape my own destiny. I do not want, nor need any god to have power over me. Man is a god, but not too many people have realized this, or awakened their potential that a self-godhood brings. I stand alone, and I do not need God for anything. I am perfectly capable of achieving what I must and what I want on my own abilities alone.


Hostis humani generis
I do not believe we are imperfect sinners; I believe we are parts of God (wholly God), but we do have a tendency to do things for our own interests, often at the expense of others, and every action we do has a reaction, and we will reap what fruits we sow.

I see karma as like a machine, like the law of gravity, it is not dished out by a Divine source, but it's an automatic thing - although I DO believe in a form of God. I think we are capable of reaching God without ever believing or worshipping in any form of divinity, but the worship of God, or even one of his forms, makes it easier to shed some of that pesky karma.

That's my $0.02


Being told one is imperfect and flawed drives one to attain perfection.

I get your point and agree with what it is you are trying to say. I think for one to break the habit of this particular thought pattern they were given at childhood, the best thing they can do (but definitely most difficult) is train their minds to redefine what is "perfection." I find more perfect the ones who learn such things as compassion and forgiveness (for self and for others) from their own life experiences, as well as from the listening to the experiences others around them have gone through. To find the good in life is more perfect than the attempt to be something one is not. :yes:


Well-Known Member
There's always been this primitive concept of human hierarchy. For some it works while for others it doesn't.

What is considered sin or a "mistake" is only what the ubber crust who invent such a delusional doctrine consider thus taking on a mass of blind followers and etcetera.


Well-Known Member
Of course there are things wrong with me, physically, mentally, and emotionally. I can admit these. However, these flaws are obstacles that are meant to be torn down. Everyone has flaws. The weak will let these flaws hold them back. The strong will seek to overcome them.
These aren't things wrong with you. These are the lessons you are to learn. When we learn to overcome our challenges, we gain knowledge and strength. This provides us with greater capabilities to learn greater and more complex things. So many times we need to change. When we refuse, we hurt until it is easier to change. This is a result of so many being stubborn. As a child of God, you must see the beauty in you as God does. There is no one in the universe exactly like you. I'd call that pretty special. In time, we will all learn how to overcome the adversities.


Well-Known Member
the problem with this approach is it renders any god impotent to correct you. and if a god cannot correct you, it has no power over you. if you're "good enough" from the beginning, then maybe it's not important whether a being who exists outside of the physical realm thinks you are good or bad. maybe it is up to you.

but shrinking gods and limiting their power or jurisdiction still doesn't make them any more likely to exist. so the most parsimonious interpretation is that there are no arbiters poking their heads into your goodness degree and that good/bad are both products of societal structure, not heaven borne adjectives.
You have no clue into the intelligence of God. God doesn't have to correct anyone. He simply returns your actions back to you. You then understand what your actions mean. This also will teach you how to love unconditionally. If you are not sure whether God exists, shouldn't you be searching. If God exists, then He can be found. Sometime those who search find what they search for. The choices, of course, are always all yours.


Well-Known Member
Oh, I believe in a form of "God." However, I kneel before no one, be it man or god. I alone shape my own destiny. I do not want, nor need any god to have power over me. Man is a god, but not too many people have realized this, or awakened their potential that a self-godhood brings. I stand alone, and I do not need God for anything. I am perfectly capable of achieving what I must and what I want on my own abilities alone.
God is not who mankind tells. God wants you to stand on your own two feet. God is beyond the petty things of mankind like the need to rule or dominate. God's greatest moment is when that light bulb goes off over your head and you understand. God does set the parameters of your life. You make all the choices. You could never ever really learn without total freedom of choice. Believing has never been important to God. Be who you must! It's a part of the plan! God is ahead of us all.


Well-Known Member
that's it, and he/she it will never be through
Eternity has purpose. When you learn all that you can learn, then you will teach. Let's never forget that between lessons we will all know God's unconditional love that heals all hurt. It is something we would do anything for. Who needs hell or a big stick?? It isn't smart. God is very very smart! Love has always been more powerful than hate.


Well-Known Member
I get your point and agree with what it is you are trying to say. I think for one to break the habit of this particular thought pattern they were given at childhood, the best thing they can do (but definitely most difficult) is train their minds to redefine what is "perfection." I find more perfect the ones who learn such things as compassion and forgiveness (for self and for others) from their own life experiences, as well as from the listening to the experiences others around them have gone through. To find the good in life is more perfect than the attempt to be something one is not. :yes:
Nice comments. We do learn from the diversity of others. So many times religion makes people feel superior to others in the name of such things as righeousness. We do all have the choice what we nurture. We can see the beauty in others. We are all children of God. No one is better than anyone else.


Well-Known Member
If you believe there's something wrong with you that you can't fix on your own, then you're in for a tough life.
Problems are meant to be solved. Yes, challenges can make life a bit bumpy. If you absolutely need help, it will show up from somewhere. Of course, sometimes you don't need help like you think you do. You just need to solve the problem. God is never far from anyone's life.


Well-Known Member
There's always been this primitive concept of human hierarchy. For some it works while for others it doesn't.

What is considered sin or a "mistake" is only what the ubber crust who invent such a delusional doctrine consider thus taking on a mass of blind followers and etcetera.
I like your comment. Don't give up hope. Mankind at one time lived in caves. Learning and growing will bring everyone into the light. Sometimes change comes slowly for people can be stubborn to change.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
These aren't things wrong with you.
They indeed are flaws. My knees are so bad a doctor told me I would be lucky to make to my 40's without needing knee replacement. I have bouts of depression. And there are other issues. But I do not let these hold me back. I overcome them, and I do not let them hold me back from achieving my goals.