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Is Woke a religion?


Active Member
Neo-Marxism is by definition a philosophical school of thought that is opposed to all forms of government. Obviously you are wrong about woke in this case.

Woke means to be aware of racism and it's effects and by proxy to be aware of any sort of discrimination.

Those who disagree are racists homophobes, misogynists, anti-Semites and bigots in general. Standing up to such people isn't silencing them it is objecting to their opinion. People have every right to hate other people based on skin color or orientation or religion but they don't have the right to discriminate or or promote hatred

you mean publicizing bigoted and hate based statements?

What of conservatives use of violence perpetrated by Christian nationalists and gay bashers and the like?

It asks people to be aware

How does applying the norms of equality and legal rights for everyone destroy those norms?

Is western culture racist?

Woke people aren't the ones forcing schools to teach falsehoods about the civil war.

I'm sorry you lost your job and have to live in fear because of all the death threats you receive.
the Woke are secular fundamentalists. Like the fundamentalist the woke deny science, the fundamentalist deny existence of fossils and the age of the earth while the Woke deny the basic biological differences of male and female. In denial of scientific fact both fundamentalism and Woke culture make war on reality itself — a deliberate denial of the existence of any objective truths about ourselves or the world around us. They seek to replace objective reality with social constructionist theories denying physical biology and all scientific evidence showing how our species developed and has been shaped over millennia into what we are today: that is people with certain innate qualities related to our race or sex (gender). The renunciation of scientific fact is unashamedly, overtly promoted by the both the fundamentalist and woke.


Active Member
the Woke are secular fundamentalists. Like the fundamentalist the woke deny science, the fundamentalist deny existence of fossils and the age of the earth while the Woke deny the basic biological differences of male and female. In denial of scientific fact both fundamentalism and Woke culture make war on reality itself — a deliberate denial of the existence of any objective truths about ourselves or the world around us. They seek to replace objective reality with social constructionist theories denying physical biology and all scientific evidence showing how our species developed and has been shaped over millennia into what we are today: that is people with certain innate qualities related to our race or sex (gender). The renunciation of scientific fact is unashamedly, overtly promoted by the both the fundamentalist and woke.
Let me add, Past societal ills resurrected ad nausium to stimulate false dilemmas about victim/oppressors is a propaganda ploy by demagogues craving power, historically an old stratagem employed by autocrats for centuries, and now this old tactic is brazenly employed by the woke mob. The manufacturing of a threat, a tactic of totalitarians, assertions of an enemy, seen or not seen, real or unreal as justification of parasitic governments demanding ever increasing power to crush oppressors a maneuver used by demagogues for centuries. History displays over and over without exception the ceding of power to despotic leaders leads fosters totalitarianism. For the woke a continual menace from an oppressive power must exist or the entire woke narrative collapses. For the woke the menace of phobes-haters-bigots-fascists must be kept alive, endlessly promoted as a real existential threat resulting in the need to generate ever-more government power to combat the perils of phobes-haters-bigots-fascists, meaning all not...them.


Active Member
If the proletariat are out of the equation, then what you have is not Marxism, cultural or otherwise.
Again, Past societal ills resurrected ad nausium to stimulate false dilemmas about victim/oppressors is a propaganda ploy by demagogues craving power, historically an old stratagem employed by autocrats for centuries, and now this old tactic is brazenly employed by the woke mob. The manufacturing of a threat, a tactic of totalitarians, assertions of an enemy, seen or not seen, real or unreal as justification of parasitic governments demanding ever increasing power to crush oppressors a maneuver used by demagogues for centuries. History displays over and over without exception the ceding of power to despotic leaders leads fosters totalitarianism. For the woke a continual menace from an oppressive power must exist or the entire woke narrative collapses. For the woke the menace of phobes-haters-bigots-fascists must be kept alive, endlessly promoted as a real existential threat resulting in the need to generate ever-more government power to combat the perils of phobes-haters-bigots-fascists, meaning all not...them.


Active Member
If the proletariat are out of the equation, then what you have is not Marxism, cultural or otherwise.
Defining terms,
The Woke mob departs somewhat from the Marxists of the last hundred years, dressing themselves up in slightly different rhetoric replacing economics with race and sex. Having grown up around fundamentalists and now seeing the growth of Woke there is little to differentiate the secular Woke from the fundamentalists, the similarities are in fact striking.

--The Woke have replaced Marx's ‘proletariat’ with ‘marginalized. ’

--Marx's ‘economic struggle’ is now replaced by ‘intersectionality.‘

--Marx’s utopian fantasy, from socialism to communism has been replaced with the woke fantasy of, ’ inclusive equitable society.’ Both fundamentalism and the woke entertain grand fantasies, utopian visions.

-Marx openly hated democracy which he saw as empowering oppressor/ victim, giving more power to the bourgeoisie with greater abilities to exploit the proletariat. The Woke, unlike liberals are not concerned with equality of opportunity but the equality of outcome. The woke, unlike the traditional Marxists see oppressor/victim as primarily racial and sexual with only an omnipotent state structure the means to enforce ‘equity.’ Democratic institutions to the woke are inherently phobe-hater-bigot-fascist, and racist, and, in lockstep with Marxism, as a consequence must be overturned.

---For the Marxist totalitarian the collectivist ideal is the goal, not the individual who must be subservient to the collective ideals, that has stayed the same with the emergence of Woke.

--Both protestant fundamentalism and Woke hold subjectivity above objective facts rendering both religions, their narratives, dogmatically foisted are religious claims.

--A common saying among the Woke faithful is ‘Your truth/my truth’ meaning no objective standard for truth exists. The fundamentalists say they know something is true ‘in their heart,’ further examples of both being religious.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Wokeism demands equity not equality. It seeks to destroy all norms, to redefine words and gender.. and its out to destroy science in order to create a Marxist Utopia.(thus its a religion. )
Being woke just means your aware of societal amd systemic prejudice and discrimination that target and repress minorities (originally more specifically black people but it has grown to include others).
It's not Marxist, it's not religious, it's a nothing more than an awareness. Unless you're guzzling the RW Koolaid amd then it's a bunch of things it's not. Like the Pink Floyd album Dark Side of the Moon having a rainbow, Cracker Barrel serving a vegan sausage patty or Microsoft adding an energy saving feature to tye XBox are not examples of woke even though offended RW snowflake pinheads scream they are.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
Sure, but I'm not saying all liberals are woke. I'm a liberal and I dislike "woke". One common characteristic of the woke are that they place an outsized importance on identity politics. This has led to people like Ibram Kendi getting any sort of air time at all.

My main point is that the term "woke" has become so weaponized and malleable as to be unhelpful more often than not in any serious discourse. Case in point: the way you're using it above seems to me to essentially imply that being "woke" is an inherently negative thing, but that would be the case only if one were to agree with the definition you're using for the term and your assessment of the views you believe fall within that definition.

Again, I think the fight we need to emphasize at this point in time is a class fight. So yes, oligarchs are indeed oppressors, but they don't get anywhere near the bad press they ought to.

That's one perspective, and I certainly won't be stigmatizing it by labeling it "woke" or dismissing it as part of an "oppressor vs. oppressed worldview." I just see it as a different opinion on some social issues.

For months now I've been asking for good, non-circular, useful definitions for "gender" and "gender identity". I'm still waiting.

I have answered both in previous discussions we have had and have also seen others do the same, and I have no interest in revisiting that topic with you at the moment. Good luck if you decide to do so, though.

No, intersectionality is an idea. The o vs. o worldview is an idea. And so on. Of course they all allow for variety, that does not render the terms "loaded".

What constitutes "intersectionality theory" or an "oppressor vs. oppressed worldview" is left vague on your list. Any given person you're talking to may use either term to mean something other than what you have in mind, and this often leads to miscommunication and talking past each other, especially if either of you assumes that the other means the same things you have in mind without asking.

So I'll ask you, do you give credence to intersectionality?

Another case in point: since you haven't specified what you believe falls under the concept of "intersectionality," my answer may not even be about what you have in mind.

This is a summarized definition of "intersectionality" from the Oxford English Dictionary:

Sociology. The interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, and gender, regarded as creating overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage; a theoretical approach based on such a premise.

I think that the concept has merit and is useful in some contexts. Two therapists have told me that, during treatment, they keep in mind the intersection of social issues some of their patients may face: for example, they remain mindful of the contribution that both homophobia and misogyny make to certain mental health issues that some LGBT women experience in highly homophobic and sexist societies. Either issue can cause mental health issues by itself, but when they coincide, they can create even more pressure.

One thing I have seen is that some people take perceived or real misuse of a term or concept, such as overly broad application thereof, and dismiss the entire term or concept on that basis. I view that as an act of throwing the baby out with the bathwater.


Active Member
Being woke just means your aware of societal amd systemic prejudice and discrimination that target and repress minorities (originally more specifically black people but it has grown to include others).
It's not Marxist, it's not religious, it's a nothing more than an awareness. Unless you're guzzling the RW Koolaid amd then it's a bunch of things it's not. Like the Pink Floyd album Dark Side of the Moon having a rainbow, Cracker Barrel serving a vegan sausage patty or Microsoft adding an energy saving feature to tye XBox are not examples of woke even though offended RW snowflake pinheads scream they are.
Feelings should, according to the woke replace objective standards. Both the woke and fundamentalists reject objective reality itself. Some woke professors like Jelani Cobb and Ibram X. Kendi call 'objectivity ' itself racist, objectivity a “pillar of white supremacy.” The longstanding American ideal of a mixed marketplaces of contending ideas, open debate and letting the public decide issues for themselves is wholly rejected further indicative of the religiously totalitarian mindset of woke dogma. This totalitarianism nature of woke I see at work in several blue states where they are calling for new laws penalizing hate speech. A woke promoter, Mariam Kendrick speaking of FOX and conservative media stated, “striving to ‘represent all points of view equally’ is absurd as social justice concerns trounce objectivity which serves ‘racism’ and various oppressive phobias. Kendrick stated, “Journalists should exclusively advocate social causes rather than aiming to be balanced.” Decades ago a Marxist dictator named Fidel asserted there was total freedom of speech in his country. The gesturing dictator declared total free speech existed with the exclusion of speech that went ‘against the will of the people’- meaning all speech that disagreed with him. When someone says they are for free speech but against ‘hate speech’ what that means is banning speech they hate, thus quantifiably they are no different from Fidel Castro. The first amendment is ubiquitous, the amendment not protecting love speech, nice speech, friendly speech, happy speech, the first amendment protects FREE speech rendering other considerations irrelevant. Its very religious

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
The Woke mob departs somewhat from the Marxists of the last hundred years, dressing themselves up in slightly different rhetoric replacing economics with race and sex.
Why not try reading Marx? Classic Marxism, especially from Engels, discussed sex so much that feminists were some of the firsts to adopt Marxist ideas. You say it's new, it's not. Engels legit has a reputation as a feminist author. He and Marx took a big neon sign to the reality that we can't afford to financially compensate women for all the labor.


Active Member
Being woke just means your aware of societal amd systemic prejudice and discrimination that target and repress minorities (originally more specifically black people but it has grown to include others).
It's not Marxist, it's not religious, it's a nothing more than an awareness. Unless you're guzzling the RW Koolaid amd then it's a bunch of things it's not. Like the Pink Floyd album Dark Side of the Moon having a rainbow, Cracker Barrel serving a vegan sausage patty or Microsoft adding an energy saving feature to tye XBox are not examples of woke even though offended RW snowflake pinheads scream they are.
Its marxist, its religious. woke are indeed cultural Marxists, the extreme left Woke who label all who disagree phobes-haters-bigots-fascists. Ironically like the fundamentalist, science is held in contempt by the Woke. Empirical science upholds basic biology, which like the fundamentalists also go against subjective narratives of the woke mob. As I encountered the Woksters online I found promoting facts only earn ad hominem comments leading to their blocking of myself and all who dare disagree. In a group with ‘woke mob’ members I, like all others who disagreed were designated as a ‘phobe-hater-bigot-fascist,’ thus all objective facts presented were dismissed amid frantic cyber arm waving. The facts of biology are clear, no amount of drugs, self-mutilation or ideology will alter XX or XY chromosomes. It was openly declared online by the Woke the facts of biology are of no consequence, subjective feelings transcending objective facts. The Woke promoters of gender ideology brazenly state how one subjectively feels is paramount, and is all that matters. To the woke if one wants to declare themselves a pineapple, basketball, Apache helicopter or another gender, that's what they are and you, with the rest of society must accept it or your a phoebe-hater-bigot-fascist. My banning from a woke dominated group resulted from posting that XX and XY chromosomes are not malleable. The old horseshoe theory, that opposites meet is seen in the similarities between the fundamentalists and woke, displaying how woke is very religious


My own religion
Its marxist, its religious. woke are indeed cultural Marxists, the extreme left Woke who label all who disagree phobes-haters-bigots-fascists. Ironically like the fundamentalist, science is held in contempt by the Woke. Empirical science upholds basic biology, which like the fundamentalists also go against subjective narratives of the woke mob. As I encountered the Woksters online I found promoting facts only earn ad hominem comments leading to their blocking of myself and all who dare disagree. In a group with ‘woke mob’ members I, like all others who disagreed were designated as a ‘phobe-hater-bigot-fascist,’ thus all objective facts presented were dismissed amid frantic cyber arm waving. The facts of biology are clear, no amount of drugs, self-mutilation or ideology will alter XX or XY chromosomes. It was openly declared online by the Woke the facts of biology are of no consequence, subjective feelings transcending objective facts. The Woke promoters of gender ideology brazenly state how one subjectively feels is paramount, and is all that matters. To the woke if one wants to declare themselves a pineapple, basketball, Apache helicopter or another gender, that's what they are and you, with the rest of society must accept it or your a phoebe-hater-bigot-fascist. My banning from a woke dominated group resulted from posting that XX and XY chromosomes are not malleable. The old horseshoe theory, that opposites meet is seen in the similarities between the fundamentalists and woke, displaying how woke is very religious

Again, how do you do objective standards and truth for morality?


Active Member
The problem is Woke paints things with a very broad biased brush; one size fits all, which is not in touch with tangible reality. This loss of reality drifts them off into their alternate reality; religion. For example, the broad based label of white guilt is too broad of a brush stroke, requiring those who did nothing, to also feel guilty, but not because of their reality deeds or actions, but because of the demands of alternate reality; faith in emotional thinking. Revisionist history is also type of data fudging, where you apply the rules of today to the past and blame the past for breaking the modern rules; mutant original sin schema, so sin can be passed forward in time. Time and space in this alternate reality is also mixed up. It comes from where space-time separates into independent space and time; projected imagination.

You got to hand it to Trump for standing up against the Liberal religion of PC that was running rampart in 2016. PC was a way to shut down the discussion and allow fantasy to reign. Once that game of make believe was challenged and ridiculed, it had to morph again. Woke was part of the new and improved PC, along with trans pronouns, as though a magic sound can make you whole.

Genuine religion is different in that it can stand the test of time, since it is more natural to the brain. It doesn't confuse material and divine, but can separate these two things. This separation gets more confused by secular religions like woke; play god. Maxist heaven on earth is where the material and divine were to merge. Whereas, heaven in genuine religion is a separate space, reached via the inner man; unconscious mind. Heaven is not of this world but can be reached through faith; brain function.

When we read children stories that has talking animals, most children and adults will not confuse real animals with these imaginary animals. With Woke the line is a little more blurred which can make it dangerous as modern history has shown; Communism. When Trump was described as Hitler and going to start WW3, there was more Liberal confusion between fact and fiction due to Liberal religious practices. People with the more natural religions could keep this separate, easier.

You can take people out of religion but not religion out of the people since this is a natural part of the human brain. If you apply the principles of evolution, religious behavior has been around since civilization, and always played a very prominent role defying selective advantages in various cultures. Like Mother Nature and natural selection, people were also selected based on their religious fitness. The Human brain evolved this way by selection. You can repress it, but it will come back to be expressed in mutant ways, to gain selective advantage in secular clubs; political power.
On the opposite side of the spectrum are cultural Marxists, the extreme left Woke who label all who disagree phobes-haters-bigots-fascists. Ironically like the fundamentalist, science is held in contempt by the Woke. Empirical science upholds basic biology, which like the fundamentalists also go against subjective narratives of the woke mob. As I encountered the Woksters online I found promoting facts only earn ad hominem comments leading to their blocking of myself and all who dare disagree. In a group with ‘woke mob’ members I, like all others who disagreed were designated as a ‘phobe-hater-bigot-fascist,’ thus all objective facts presented were dismissed amid frantic cyber arm waving. The facts of biology are clear, no amount of drugs, self-mutilation or ideology will alter XX or XY chromosomes. It was openly declared online by the Woke the facts of biology are of no consequence, subjective feelings transcending objective facts. The Woke promoters of gender ideology brazenly state how one subjectively feels is paramount, and is all that matters. To the woke if one wants to declare themselves a pineapple, basketball, Apache helicopter or another gender, that's what they are and you, with the rest of society must accept it or your a phoebe-hater-bigot-fascist. My banning from a woke dominated group resulted from posting that XX and XY chromosomes are not malleable. The old horseshoe theory, that opposites meet is seen in the similarities between the fundamentalists and woke., its secular fundamentalism

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Feelings should, according to the woke replace objective standards. Both the woke and fundamentalists reject objective reality itself. Some woke professors like Jelani Cobb and Ibram X. Kendi call 'objectivity ' itself racist, objectivity a “pillar of white supremacy.” The longstanding American ideal of a mixed marketplaces of contending ideas, open debate and letting the public decide issues for themselves is wholly rejected further indicative of the religiously totalitarian mindset of woke dogma. This totalitarianism nature of woke I see at work in several blue states where they are calling for new laws penalizing hate speech. A woke promoter, Mariam Kendrick speaking of FOX and conservative media stated, “striving to ‘represent all points of view equally’ is absurd as social justice concerns trounce objectivity which serves ‘racism’ and various oppressive phobias. Kendrick stated, “Journalists should exclusively advocate social causes rather than aiming to be balanced.” Decades ago a Marxist dictator named Fidel asserted there was total freedom of speech in his country. The gesturing dictator declared total free speech existed with the exclusion of speech that went ‘against the will of the people’- meaning all speech that disagreed with him. When someone says they are for free speech but against ‘hate speech’ what that means is banning speech they hate, thus quantifiably they are no different from Fidel Castro. The first amendment is ubiquitous, the amendment not protecting love speech, nice speech, friendly speech, happy speech, the first amendment protects FREE speech rendering other considerations irrelevant. Its very religious
Would it be accurate for me to uohold Fred Phelps as the definition and paragon of what Christianity is?


My own religion
On the opposite side of the spectrum are cultural Marxists, the extreme left Woke who label all who disagree phobes-haters-bigots-fascists. Ironically like the fundamentalist, science is held in contempt by the Woke. Empirical science upholds basic biology, which like the fundamentalists also go against subjective narratives of the woke mob. As I encountered the Woksters online I found promoting facts only earn ad hominem comments leading to their blocking of myself and all who dare disagree. In a group with ‘woke mob’ members I, like all others who disagreed were designated as a ‘phobe-hater-bigot-fascist,’ thus all objective facts presented were dismissed amid frantic cyber arm waving. The facts of biology are clear, no amount of drugs, self-mutilation or ideology will alter XX or XY chromosomes. It was openly declared online by the Woke the facts of biology are of no consequence, subjective feelings transcending objective facts. The Woke promoters of gender ideology brazenly state how one subjectively feels is paramount, and is all that matters. To the woke if one wants to declare themselves a pineapple, basketball, Apache helicopter or another gender, that's what they are and you, with the rest of society must accept it or your a phoebe-hater-bigot-fascist. My banning from a woke dominated group resulted from posting that XX and XY chromosomes are not malleable. The old horseshoe theory, that opposites meet is seen in the similarities between the fundamentalists and woke., its secular fundamentalism

Now it makes sense. We are debating gender versus sex. The one is subjective and the other is objctive. Which is which?