Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. This post is fricken hilarious,
You make it sound like you knowledgeable about Islam, LOL. So are we now to address you as an expert of the wide range of schools is Islamic Jurisprudence?
What is it about those on the very far left being supportive of an
arch-conservative authoritarian supremacist religion like Islam? It's almost breath-taking.
I practically fell off my chair laughing over this tidbit "Not once have you specified ANY causal relationship between Islam and human rights abuses that would validate your criticism." The examples are legion... how many would you like? How far back in history do you want Icehorsey to go? Your slightly hysterical comment underscores a deep misunderstanding and ignorance of the systemic abuses in the Muslim world throughout history and is almost laughable.
Then there was this goodie, "You haven't quoted the scripture in the Quran and the Hadith as a source of religious authority or defined whether all Muslims conceive of that authority as the same or how much scope of interpretation there is." which blithely ignores IceHorses
continual bleating about the now famous (and quite disturbing) PEW Research Survey of the Muslim world. I can think of no other poster on RF who has relied on that survey more than
Likewise, your suggestion to place questions in the Islamic foxhole wherein rebuttal is considerably muted is ludicrous. I guess it's a good idea if you want a white-washed version of events, sure. Go for it. But in the DIR's you CANNOT argue a given point. If you don't believe me - try it and prove me wrong.