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Islam, how much do you really know about it?


I want Khilafah back
Easy answer: "No, but it would be better if she would"

dear fried i did ask you once if you are a muslim and you didn't answer, so i will ask you again, are you or aren't you, if you aren't then please do not asnwer questions directed to islam, if you do not know about it, but if you do then please go aheand i too might learn something from you.

it's funny how sometimes i consider you a muslim nd sometimes not, i would like to know if you really are


Well-Known Member
wel it is not that the previous revelations to the other prophets needed updating, but instead the main faith was lost, the last true beleiver died and there was no one else to spread the message, so other propets were chosen, like i said there are information in the kur'an that are also in the torah and the bible, but the last true beeivers of the real message died, so a new messenger was sent and muhammed is the last because muslims will eixist untill the end of time itself on this world, the kur'an will remain unchanged untill then too, unlike the other scriptures. so it is not that and actual uptade was needed, but isntead a new face you could say.
Okay, I see what you are saying. I have a question though. I am neither Christian nor Jewish, but when I talk to either one of these religions, they seem to be pretty sure they are true believers, very similar in the way you say you are a true believer of Islam. So I am not sure what you mean that the last true believers died so new prophets (or faces) were needed? What do you mean by that?


I want Khilafah back
Okay, I see what you are saying. I have a question though. I am neither Christian nor Jewish, but when I talk to either one of these religions, they seem to be pretty sure they are true believers, very similar in the way you say you are a true believer of Islam. So I am not sure what you mean that the last true believers died so new prophets (or faces) were needed? What do you mean by that?

ok look if i am the last musim and i die, then there will be no source for others to know about the true religion, so Allah send another chosen one, to whom he speaks through the angel Gabriel (as). there are no more muslims after me, so if Allah doesn't send another messenger to tell them about him, then they would end up in hell for not knowing about the truth, and if someone died without ever knowing about the truth then it is not his fault for dying as a non beleiver but it would be gods fault for not sending an advissor (messenger) to that person, so alsong as the true beleivers are along,fulfilling their duties (letting people know about the true religion) then god does not need to send another prophet.


Well-Known Member
ok look if i am the last musim and i die, then there will be no source for others to know about the true religion, so Allah send another chosen one, to whom he speaks through the angel Gabriel (as). there are no more muslims after me, so if Allah doesn't send another messenger to tell them about him, then they would end up in hell for not knowing about the truth, and if someone died without ever knowing about the truth then it is not his fault for dying as a non beleiver but it would be gods fault for not sending an advissor (messenger) to that person, so alsong as the true beleivers are along,fulfilling their duties (letting people know about the true religion) then god does not need to send another prophet.
Okay, I get what you're saying. You are saying that because all the true believers of Christianity and Judaism are dead, Mohammed was necessary. But what about the Christians and Jews that still exist? And how about the Baha'i who believe their prophet is the most recent. Does that mean they think there are no more true believers for Islam anymore and that is why they had a new prophet (or face) to keep the continued message of Allah alive?


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
...(he was illiterate by the way),...

How do we know that?

I'd also like to say that science wasn't exactly in infancy at that time, you know. I wouldn't be surprised at all if other civilizations, such as the Greeks (who proved that the world was round thousands of years before Columbus) had already figured out those scientific aspects that appear in the Qur'an.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
...it is Allah who makes one a muslim not me, no matter what i say to you if he doesn't soften your heart and make my arguments likened within you them there is nothing that i can do.

So God is the one who decides who becomes Muslim and who doesn't? A person doesn't decide of his or her own volition?

I thought it was up to us to soften our own hearts.


Active Member
yes thats my persepctive, as a human, not from an muslim perspecive, just to be clear.

yes that is correct, if you want to know something read books about it, wether it is science or religion, don't take the word of people who have no knowledge on a topic or an issue, (don't ask a scientist for religion and vise versa, sort of thing)
Ok ... let me summarize this:
1) You state people become less smart
2) You state that people should or must read books about topics in order to understand, thus asking people to get educated.
3) You state that you yourself have not read any books apart of islamic ones or ones that are pro islamic.

Let me ask you a simple question:
"By what means, do you think you are in a position to say people are less smart, giving advice on how they could educate themselves better while at the same time admitting that you yourself do not educate yourself in a way consistent with what you ask others to do ?"
Or in other words ... if you do not read any books apart of those that are islamic ... how do you know that you are "smart" while the others are not ?

the evolution deceit has been written by harun yahya, but it is the statements of western scientists that he has used to prove the theory wrong, he hasn't done it from the top of his head, so it is the people who made it up that have proved it wrong, hes has added islamic information in that book, yes, but the theory of evolution is proven wrong by non islamic perspectives. thats why i beleive it
Harun Yahya is a liar and deceiver. His book is a bunch of crap and the supposed statements are mostly quote mining when it comes to real scientists.
IF i were to believe that evolution was wrong i would know far better books that his junk.
Believing in his book is not really a sign of being smart ;)
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England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
well the leaders of afganistan and iraq may be corrupt but who gave the US such an authority. it says in the bible not to attack doesn't it :D. and they werent invited but the leaders of those countries sold their #@#' to the US. but the US is killing innocent people but still they are loosing, too bad i recon they call them self the most advanced nation in the world and they cann't even win against some illiterat afganis, how shamfull is that, don't you recon so.

as for the second part: in judgment day who ever calls himself a muslim but doesn't obey the rules of islam then they will be sent to hell for shaming islam (the religion of Allah) so thats a big sin i recon, i wouldn't want to end up in hell for eternity. would you? Allah doesn't do anything in this world so that they can have a good life while it lasts but the next life is the one that counts.

Check out the news Esalam,the Iraqis are holding elections what a blow for Islam Democracy comes to town despite the efforts of terrorists supplied from Iran an Islamic state.
The British Army could actually be out of Iraq by early summer 2009 and guess where those troops are heading,Afghanistan is the next stop for our boys(unfortunately)but guess why our troops have to go there next ?, well it's easy because another Islamic state that harbours terrorists is preventing peace in Afghanistan.
Pakistan has a lot to answer for as an Islamic state which is going against the Quran for this aggression yet you will still deny it like you actually think the USA carried out the 911 attack.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
i have posted this thread because i recon that many non muslims have no idea about islam and what sort of religion it is, well appart from the lies that are shown on tv, so i though i would give you a chance to make any questions that you want, and inshallah i will answer them , but i do not have limmitlesknowledge and so in some parts i may not be able to give good answers i hope no one would mind about that.
so who ever wishe to make a start please do so and i well get back to you as soon as possible.

all the best wishes

I have a question for you,when Muhammed went to Jerusalem on the winged Horse and was taken up to Heaven by Jibril he had to negotiate the amount of times Muslims must pray a day,apparently it started at 50 times a day but eventually ended up a 5,is this true and can you expand on this.


Veteran Member
Afghanistan is the next stop for our boys(unfortunately)but guess why our troops have to go there next ?, well it's easy because another Islamic state that harbours terrorists is preventing peace in Afghanistan.

and you are witness to that? what's your proof? you are talking about people of that nation who's fighting against soldiers of another nation. they don't give into English government therefor they are terrorists? in every war zone in Middle East western soldiers are actually fighting with Russia but they are so terrible so they make their war in third nation. even if its not enough they blame natives for being terrorist. don't expect any Afghan to believe English or American are there to bring peace. they are there for their self interest only and they announce anyone who fights against this looting, killing and stealing terrorist. all the Muslims who betrayal their own people are friends of nations who invade Iraq and Afghanistan. no humane reason exist for English to fight on the other side of the world in a nation where nobody wants them there. it is their right to have Islamic state if they want. unlike English they love Islam therefor they are Muslims. western nations who raised with what they gained through colonizations need to stop playing global cops. because they announce every Muslim who wants freedom for their nations TERRORIST!


England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
and you are witness to that? what's your proof? you are talking about people of that nation who's fighting against soldiers of another nation. they don't give into English government therefor they are terrorists? in every war zone in Middle East western soldiers are actually fighting with Russia but they are so terrible so they make their war in third nation. even if its not enough they blame natives for being terrorist. don't expect any Afghan to believe English or American are there to bring peace. they are there for their self interest only and they announce anyone who fights against this looting, killing and stealing terrorist. all the Muslims who betrayal their own people are friends of nations who invade Iraq and Afghanistan. no humane reason exist for English to fight on the other side of the world in a nation where nobody wants them there. it is their right to have Islamic state if they want. unlike English they love Islam therefor they are Muslims. western nations who raised with what they gained through colonizations need to stop playing global cops. because they announce every Muslim who wants freedom for their nations TERRORIST!


The reason we are in Afghanistan is because we were asked to help fight against the Taliban most of which are not even Afghanies as for looting this is almost laughable.
You are either very badly informred or very naieve or just blind because we are not fighting Russia and we are not fighting the Taliban because they are easier to fight,your statement is frankly ludicrous.
As for freedom in their own countries i have a question for you ,if the Taliban were allowed to control Afghanistan how much freedom would there be for Afghanistan?.
I am not a terrorist as i do not kill innocent unarmed people.


Active Member
dear fried i did ask you once if you are a muslim and you didn't answer, so i will ask you again, are you or aren't you, if you aren't then please do not asnwer questions directed to islam, if you do not know about it, but if you do then please go aheand i too might learn something from you.

it's funny how sometimes i consider you a muslim nd sometimes not, i would like to know if you really are
I didn't see any question about my religion but it is irrelevant anyway. Do you have any objection against my response to the one who asked ?


Veteran Member
The reason we are in Afghanistan is because we were asked to help fight against the Taliban most of which are not even Afghanies as for looting this is almost laughable.
You are either very badly informred or very naieve or just blind because we are not fighting Russia and we are not fighting the Taliban because they are easier to fight,your statement is frankly ludicrous.
As for freedom in their own countries i have a question for you ,if the Taliban were allowed to control Afghanistan how much freedom would there be for Afghanistan?.
I am not a terrorist as i do not kill innocent unarmed people.

let me tell you what i see;

Western nations are fighting in Iraq with Iraqis.
Western nations are fighting Afghanistan with Afghan people.
if they ever start war in Iran they would be fighting Iranian people.
i do not personally know Taliban. i am not witness of any of their actions. you're not either but you call them terrorists.



good question, you can marry a non muslim woman, but during her life time she shoud also accept islam. there are some times when you are forced to marry her for bussines reasons,(ie, you parents tell you to marry her to patch things uf financially with another family) there is a reason such as die or do it, etc, but if you would want you kids to grow up muslims then it is best to marry a muslim woman, in islam it is the mothers responsibility to raise the children (men work and women stay at home with the kids) so if you have a christian woman for example then she might teach them about christianity in secret, even though you may have agreed to teach them about islam, so there are a lot of issues that could arise in such a marriege, but it is allowed for a muslim man to marry a non muslim woman, but it is not allowed for a muslim woman to marry a non muslim man, she is allowed to marry him if he becomes a muslim, it is ussually the man that wins over the woman, so thats why.

Dear eslam i hope you stick with islam explanation not your own
here you say
you can marry a non muslim woman, but during her life time she shoud also accept islam.
what do you mean with should accept islam be amoslem or belive that islam is areligion
if the first that is not in islam to make her after marriage convert to islam ,here pepole may think force her,if she become amoslem after marriage according to her well that agood thing for sure
if the second let me ask you aquestion how amoslem from the begining can marry awomen who don't belive that islam is areligion ? he can't
also you said
in islam it is the mothers responsibility to raise the children (men work and women stay at home with the kids)
people here may think that is the rule which is not true
the rule is that the man is the one who support the family
but woman can have here own business and it is not her responsibility to support the family
also there are no rule that women stay at home
that is what most men in the world think it is better for children and i'am one of them
but it is not an islamic rule that women stay at home
i hope if i'am wrong to explain for me


Guardian of Asgaard
The reason we are in Afghanistan is because we were asked to help fight against the Taliban most of which are not even Afghanies as for looting this is almost laughable.
You are either very badly informred or very naieve or just blind because we are not fighting Russia and we are not fighting the Taliban because they are easier to fight,your statement is frankly ludicrous.
As for freedom in their own countries i have a question for you ,if the Taliban were allowed to control Afghanistan how much freedom would there be for Afghanistan?.
I am not a terrorist as i do not kill innocent unarmed people.

Perhaps our brave young soldiers should leave that rotten country and let them handle themselves. If we're the terrorists perhaps the locals need a reminder about what a real terrorist is?
Why do the muslims refuse our help? If we kill 100 terrorists and 1 innocent person, all those parasites called the media do is whinge and whine about the 1 innocent person. We're in a lose lose situation. I know this sounds harsh but given the reaction from a lot of members here, and from what i've seen on t.v (which isn't always accurate), the middle-east does not deserve our help.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
and you are witness to that? what's your proof? you are talking about people of that nation who's fighting against soldiers of another nation. they don't give into English government therefor they are terrorists? in every war zone in Middle East western soldiers are actually fighting with Russia but they are so terrible so they make their war in third nation. even if its not enough they blame natives for being terrorist. don't expect any Afghan to believe English or American are there to bring peace. they are there for their self interest only and they announce anyone who fights against this looting, killing and stealing terrorist. all the Muslims who betrayal their own people are friends of nations who invade Iraq and Afghanistan. no humane reason exist for English to fight on the other side of the world in a nation where nobody wants them there. it is their right to have Islamic state if they want. unlike English they love Islam therefor they are Muslims. western nations who raised with what they gained through colonizations need to stop playing global cops. because they announce every Muslim who wants freedom for their nations TERRORIST!


I and most of the free world witnessed the freedom dished out in Afghanistan,i saw a brave Taliban fighter take a Woman to the sports stadium made her kneel down and shot her,her crime was that she spoke out againt them.
I would like to know your thoughts on what you regard as freedom of Afghanistan to be an Islamic state run by people from another country and what life would be like for the people of Afghanistan under Taliban rule.
I would also like to ask you that if being an Islamic state is so good why are thousands of Muslims migrating to the west and Muslims who live in the west do not want to return to the middle east?.
And i would also ask why Muslims who are at peace with the west are considered by you to be traitors?

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Perhaps our brave young soldiers should leave that rotten country and let them handle themselves. If we're the terrorists perhaps the locals need a reminder about what a real terrorist is?
Why do the muslims refuse our help? If we kill 100 terrorists and 1 innocent person, all those parasites called the media do is whinge and whine about the 1 innocent person. We're in a lose lose situation. I know this sounds harsh but given the reaction from a lot of members here, and from what i've seen on t.v (which isn't always accurate), the middle-east does not deserve our help.

I know what you mean and hated my Son fighting there as he has a set of criteria to carry out when in action but those scumbags have none and like you say the middle east does'nt deserve our help.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
let me tell you what i see;

Western nations are fighting in Iraq with Iraqis.
Western nations are fighting Afghanistan with Afghan people.
if they ever start war in Iran they would be fighting Iranian people.
i do not personally know Taliban. i am not witness of any of their actions. you're not either but you call them terrorists.


Western nations and Iraqis are fighting terrorists trained in Iran in Iraq,these terrorists come from all over the world and the latest proof of this is an Iranian defector who has named the training camps.
Western nations and Afghanistan are fighting the Taliban who are from various countries but are based in Pakistan which is common knowledge.
I call anyone a terrorist who kill indesciminatey innocent unarmed people and force them to live in an archaic backward inhuman way,terrorists are like the ones who blew the buses up in London the Twin towers in the USA and thousands of other crimes against humanity.


Hostis humani generis
i do not personally know Taliban. i am not witness of any of their actions. you're not either but you call them terrorists.

If you Google "Taliban Rule", you'll come up with a few things.


This is one of the Taliban's religious police beating a woman in the street. The burqa was compulsory, as well as many restrictions on women that deserve to be called barbaric.
some of the restrictions imposed by Taliban in Afghanistan

They killed innocent people and blew up embassies.

In early August 1998 the Taliban's difficulties in relations with foreign groups became much more serious. After attacking the city of Mazar, Taliban forces killed several thousand civilians and 10 Iranian diplomats and intelligence officers in the Iranian consulate. Alleged radio intercepts indicate Mullah Omar personally approved the killings.[82] The Iranian government was incensed and a "full-blown regional crisis" ensued with Iran mobilizing 200,000 regular troops,[83] though war was averted.
A day before the capture of Mazar, affiliates of Taliban guest Osama bin Laden bombed two U.S. embassies in Africa killing 224 and wounding 4500 mostly African victims. The United States responded by launching cruise missiles attacks on suspected terrorists camps in Afghanistan killing over 20 though failing to kill bin Laden or even many al-Qaeda. Mullah Omar condemned the missile attack and American President Bill Clinton.[84] Saudi Arabia expelled the Taliban envoy in Saudi Arabia in protest over the Taliban's refusal to turn over bin Laden and after Mullah Omar allegedly insulted the Saudi royal family.[85] In mid-October the UN Security Council voted unanimously to ban commercial aircraft flights to and from Afghanistan and freeze its bank accounts world wide.[86]

Source: Taliban - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They starved animals at the zoo, destroyed anything deemed "polytheistic" - including museum pieces. They banned movie theatres, banned New Year, Ashura, and festivity at Eid.

They destroyed the Buddhas of Bamiyan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates responded to their actions as savage, and Pakistan asked them to spare them, as well, but they did not.

They wanted any non-Muslim to wear a yellow patch on their arm.

The regime's isolation grew in March 2001 with the destruction of Afghanistan's most significant archeological treasures, the 1500-year-old giant Buddha statues, (the two largest were 55 and 37 meters high) in Bamiyan. That month the Taliban also issued a decree ordering non-Muslims to wear distinctive yellow patches.

Source: Taliban - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Their "distinctive yellow patches" show a similarity with something from the past.


So in short, they oppressed women, killed innocent people, destroyed cultural heritage and artefacts, and wanted any non-Muslim to wear a patch identifying them.

So, are the Taliban terrorists? Yes.
If they are not, then they are still iconoclasts, sexists, chauvinists, racists (killing of the Hazaras in ethnic cleansing (see below*)) bigots, and murderers. That cannot be dismissed.

*Hazaras in Afghanistan Taliban: AFGHANISTAN
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