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Islam, how much do you really know about it?


Guardian of Asgaard
How brave

That spurs us to fight. Then we turn around and watch a gunman dressed as a woman pull out an AK-47 and pump 15 soldiers and civilians. Our soldiers went in to die to save Iraq from terrorism. These days it appears as though the srtupid beggers would like terrorism instead of democracy, torture instead of jail time. I used to support the war, but its a joke. We die because the Muslim people hate us. They're so backward they still consider us the enemy.
Why do our soldiers die for Iraqees who would shoot the soldiers if they had the chance. What ingrates, should we shoot them all now instead of waiting for one to pull a gun on a soldier who's feeding their starving children?

What a horrible world we live in.


let me tell you what i see;

Western nations are fighting in Iraq with Iraqis.
Western nations are fighting Afghanistan with Afghan people.
if they ever start war in Iran they would be fighting Iranian people.
i do not personally know Taliban. i am not witness of any of their actions. you're not either but you call them terrorists.


Hello Lava thats an interesting point of view, here is mine

Western Nations are in Iraq training Iraqi security forces to defend the new democratically elected government when they are able to defend Iraq from insurgents they leave ,British forces are intending to leave next year.

Western Nations are in Afghanistan fighting Taliban and their allies.

Western nations have no intention of fighting in Iran

the Taliban are a terrible blight on the Afghan people, they are ruthless and would stop at nothing to attain power.

Your defense of people in the ummah is commendable Lava but and its a big but the Taliban are not peace loving Muslims being victimized.

Women who took on the Taliban – and lost - Asia, World - The Independent
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How do we know that?

I'd also like to say that science wasn't exactly in infancy at that time, you know. I wouldn't be surprised at all if other civilizations, such as the Greeks (who proved that the world was round thousands of years before Columbus) had already figured out those scientific aspects that appear in the Qur'an.
ok if they prove that eartth was round and a human write quran
and take that information from old civilization ,how would he know that is the truth
i think he must be lucky and what he wrote was the truth
ok let's not speak about what old civilizations say let's speak about what modern civilization say
i will ask you a question
how many planets in the solar system ?
until 2006 all over the world we study that there are 9 planets
today how many planets in the solar system?
according to the the International Astronomical Union IAU there are 11
mercury,venus,earth,mars,jupiter,saturn,uranus,neptune,pluto,ceres,2003 ub
in quran : yousef (12:4)
إِذْ قَالَ يُوسُفُ لِأَبِيهِ يَا أَبتِ إِنِّي رَأَيْتُ أَحَدَ عَشَرَ كَوْكَبًا وَالشَّمْسَ وَالْقَمَرَ رَأَيْتُهُمْ لِي سَاجِدِينَ
yousef told his father i have seen eleven planet ,sun and the moon kneel for me

so if ahuman write that how did he know there are 11 planet
and don't tell me old civilzations know that
that is only 1 thing about quran there alot of things like that
i have abook talken about medical in quran
things just was discovered very soon
it is very big science every day we discover new things in quran
you can search for miracles in quran and you will find alot of topics


England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
That spurs us to fight. Then we turn around and watch a gunman dressed as a woman pull out an AK-47 and pump 15 soldiers and civilians. Our soldiers went in to die to save Iraq from terrorism. These days it appears as though the srtupid beggers would like terrorism instead of democracy, torture instead of jail time. I used to support the war, but its a joke. We die because the Muslim people hate us. They're so backward they still consider us the enemy.
Why do our soldiers die for Iraqees who would shoot the soldiers if they had the chance. What ingrates, should we shoot them all now instead of waiting for one to pull a gun on a soldier who's feeding their starving children?

What a horrible world we live in.

There is an old saying,you can lead a Horse to water but you can't make him drink which sums up the people of the middle east as you can show them Democracy but they would rather live back in the middle ages.
They are so backward they syill think the Crusaders are comming,they are stuck within the confines of a book and cannot progress but what do we do,wait for them to come to us.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
ok if they prove that eartth was round and a human write quran
and take that information from old civilization ,how would he know that is the truth
i think he must be lucky and what he wrote was the truth
ok let's not speak about what old civilizations say let's speak about what modern civilization say
i will ask you a question
how many planets in the solar system ?
until 2006 all over the world we study that there are 9 planets
today how many planets in the solar system?
according to the the International Astronomical Union IAU there are 11
mercury,venus,earth,mars,jupiter,saturn,uranus,neptune,pluto,ceres,2003 ub
in quran : yousef (12:4)
إِذْ قَالَ يُوسُفُ لِأَبِيهِ يَا أَبتِ إِنِّي رَأَيْتُ أَحَدَ عَشَرَ كَوْكَبًا وَالشَّمْسَ وَالْقَمَرَ رَأَيْتُهُمْ لِي سَاجِدِينَ
yousef told his father i have seen eleven planet ,sun and the moon kneel for me

so if ahuman write that how did he know there are 11 planet
and don't tell me old civilzations know that
that is only 1 thing about quran there alot of things like that
i have abook talken about medical in quran
things just was discovered very soon
it is very big science every day we discover new things in quran
you can search for miracles in quran and you will find alot of topics

Check out the Babylonians,Chinese,Greeks


Okay, I get what you're saying. You are saying that because all the true believers of Christianity and Judaism are dead, Mohammed was necessary. But what about the Christians and Jews that still exist? And how about the Baha'i who believe their prophet is the most recent. Does that mean they think there are no more true believers for Islam anymore and that is why they had a new prophet (or face) to keep the continued message of Allah alive?
there are believers of the christianity and judasim until now
but are christianity and judaism today is what jesues and moses came with?
humans changed on them
so the last prophet came
is there is any change in quran which he came with
no because god take the responsibilty of protecting it and didn't let that for humans
who say mohamed is the last prophet?
he say , moses say ,jesues say
so there no more prophets after him
and what did bahais came with
he just take quran and tryied to write abook like it by using copy and paste technique
and he couldn't
what was bahais miracle?
no thing
he lived in the 18 centeury , not avery long time from us
there are no mention for his miracles ,his holy book is just atry to simulate quran
one of the miracle of quran is the language ,quran came for arab who were very profissonal at language and poems and when they read it they tried to write some things like it until now no one could
and they admited that
myself i read bahais book ,when i read it i told myself what is that i can write better than that
that miracle of language any one who can read arabic can feel it
the story of bahis is knowen
in the 18 centeury england wanted to invader the east, the main problem was that moslems will never accepted that and will fight them according to islam principal jihad
and they couldn't convert moslems to christianity so they wanted islam without jihad
and that what baha gave them some thing like islam but with no jihad
baha forbid fighten for your rights
england encourged spreading bahais to convert moslem to bahais and failed on that
try to read about england policy at the 18's centeurty and you wil find i'am saying the truth


There is an old saying,you can lead a Horse to water but you can't make him drink which sums up the people of the middle east as you can show them Democracy but they would rather live back in the middle ages.
They are so backward they syill think the Crusaders are comming,they are stuck within the confines of a book and cannot progress but what do we do,wait for them to come to us.

i think thats a little unfair, if you take Iraqis they have never known freedom ,what we take for granted is alien to them, it took us hundreds of years to get where we are now. they are a fledgling nation and every pshycho and religious nut case from all over have been trying to derail thier advance.

The same with Afghans they are terrified with just cause of the Taliban. Both people misstrust just about everybody and with good cause. give them time and i hope they will be OK.


sorry i don't know where to search
can you please help me and get to me that Babylonians,Chinese,Greeks say that there are 11 planets
because i think that was discovered in 2006

i beleive there are 8 planets and three dwarf planets with possibly hundreds more out there in the The Kuiper Belt, with millions upon millions outside our solar system. a lot depends on who is deciding "what is a planet"


There is an old saying,you can lead a Horse to water but you can't make him drink which sums up the people of the middle east as you can show them Democracy but they would rather live back in the middle ages.
They are so backward they syill think the Crusaders are comming,they are stuck within the confines of a book and cannot progress but what do we do,wait for them to come to us.
have you watched mickel more movies before ?
and by the way in 19 September 2001 President Bush's say it is a crusaders campaign
and if america know that sadam hussen is killer why they helped hin during his war with iran
have you heared the joke why american sure that sadam have nucelear weapen?
because they have the recipts
every kid know it is war for petrol so stop talken about democracy
also do you know that ben laden is an ex CIA agent who helped them during the war with sovit union in afghanstan
so let's not talk about democracy
it isnt the place for that
is there is any proof that sadam had anuclear weapens ?
no, american there 5 years until now and find nothing
is there is any proof that sadam had aconnection with alqada?
no , they went there after sadam was goen becuse for sure if they go there while he is alife he would kill them


i beleive there are 8 planets and three dwarf planets with possibly hundreds more out there in the The Kuiper Belt, with millions upon millions outside our solar system. a lot depends on who is deciding "what is a planet"
it doesn't matter what i think or what do you think
neither me nor you is ascientist
the scientists at IAU say there are 11
so they are 11 according to scientific measures in our solar system
and i'am talken about our solar system
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Guardian of Asgaard
i think thats a little unfair, if you take Iraqis they have never known freedom ,what we take for granted is alien to them, it took us hundreds of years to get where we are now. they are a fledgling nation and every pshycho and religious nut case from all over have been trying to derail thier advance.

The same with Afghans they are terrified with just cause of the Taliban. Both people misstrust just about everybody and with good cause. give them time and i hope they will be OK.

How many foreign soldiers have a die for a peace they wont enjoy, if peace is every enjoyed?


In this day and age we should know better, its sad that we don't.

Our soldiers and family men die for what, oil?

thats very true, but no they dont die for oil but freedom, any free nation is a boon to other free nations, i personally am very proud of the role our troops play in securing that freedom from Iraq to Afghanistan to the balkans. I just hope that once we hand over the security to the Iraqis and Afghans that they can hold it.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
have you watched mickel more movies before ?
and by the way in 19 September 2001 President Bush's say it is a crusaders campaign
and if america know that sadam hussen is killer why they helped hin during his war with iran
have you heared the joke why american sure that sadam have nucelear weapen?
because they have the recipts
every kid know it is war for petrol so stop talken about democracy
also do you know that ben laden is an ex CIA agent who helped them during the war with sovit union in afghanstan
so let's not talk about democracy
it isnt the place for that
is there is any proof that sadam had anuclear weapens ?
no, american there 5 years until now and find nothing
is there is any proof that sadam had aconnection with alqada?
no , they went there after sadam was goen becuse for sure if they go there while he is alife he would kill them

I have no idea about mickel movies,as for crusades well my local councillor is on a crusade against litter,Greenpeace are on a crusade against whaling hope you understand.
Saddham was helped by the US to fight Iran,yes there were no WOMD just a load of mass graves of Kurds and political opponents.
Democracy is preferable to oppression try it out


Guardian of Asgaard
thats very true, but no they dont die for oil but freedom, any free nation is a boon to other free nations, i personally am very proud of the role our troops play in securing that freedom from Iraq to Afghanistan to the balkans. I just hope that once we hand over the security to the Iraqis and Afghans that they can hold it.

Im proud of the troops, my cousin is in Afganistan doing reconstruction/peace-keeping. Thats my fear. I think the second we leave there will be anarchy. It appears to me (through violence) that the middle-east is not capable of living the way we do, and the way we want them to.
Whether the Muslim's in this region actually despise our presence or not is concerning. I wonder if democracy will even work, since they most likely do not trust, or do not want a system from the west?


Im proud of the troops, my cousin is in Afganistan doing reconstruction/peace-keeping. Thats my fear. I think the second we leave there will be anarchy. It appears to me (through violence) that the middle-east is not capable of living the way we do, and the way we want them to.
Whether the Muslim's in this region actually despise our presence or not is concerning. I wonder if democracy will even work, since they most likely do not trust, or do not want a system from the west?

I know , but you must understand they dont know what freedom is , they dont understand it and they are constantly told that democracy is evil or against Islam. It will take time.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
i think thats a little unfair, if you take Iraqis they have never known freedom ,what we take for granted is alien to them, it took us hundreds of years to get where we are now. they are a fledgling nation and every pshycho and religious nut case from all over have been trying to derail thier advance.

The same with Afghans they are terrified with just cause of the Taliban. Both people misstrust just about everybody and with good cause. give them time and i hope they will be OK.

Your right,hopefully the Iraqis can hold on to there new found freedom it will spread and i am proud of our Army for what they do other than fighting