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Islam, how much do you really know about it?


Guardian of Asgaard
I know , but you must understand they dont know what freedom is , they dont understand it and they are constantly told that democracy is evil or against Islam. It will take time.

I just hope you're right. Id hate to see our brave soldiers fight and die for 2 months of democracy followed by the usual social anarchy.
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well not according to scientists at IAU where they say there are now five dwarf planets which means there are 13 in all
ok let it for time and 10 years from now let's see how many one will be planet
it stayed 9 for more than 100 year so let's wait until they finish exploring and decide which one will be a planet
and i will ask you a question
what is percentage of sea and land on the earth?


ok let it for time and 10 years from now let's see how many one will be planet
it stayed 9 for more than 100 year so let's wait until they finish exploring and decide which one will be a planet
and i will ask you a question
what is percentage of sea and land on the earth?

about two thirds sea, i think.


about two thirds sea, i think.
if you searched the web for a numeric percent you will find it
water (on Earth) is 71.11%
land (on Earth) is 28.89%
in quran sea was mentioned 32 times ,land was mentioned 13 times
32+13 =45 , sea+land= 45
45 =the earth
sea/earth = 32/45=71.11%
cool isn't it:)


Unfortunately there are not 11 planets. So the information is wrong. And what will you do now ? Will you now stop being muslim ? I guess not.[/font][/size][/size][/font]
sure not i replied for that let's wait until they finish counting
and we will see how many planet will be there ?


Veteran Member
I and most of the free world witnessed the freedom dished out in Afghanistan,i saw a brave Taliban fighter take a Woman to the sports stadium made her kneel down and shot her,her crime was that she spoke out againt them.

I would like to know your thoughts on what you regard as freedom of Afghanistan to be an Islamic state run by people from another country and what life would be like for the people of Afghanistan under Taliban rule.

imo there is game within game. USA created Taliban. they supplied guns for them. Taliban was used for both drug business and to fight against Russia. just to keep Afghanistan 'free' from Russia, they supported Taliban for years. that's why USA was the first one who accepted Taliban. then balances has changed. as it happened with Saddam, yesterday's useful tool announced as an enemy. my thoughts about freedom is very simple. it is never given. taliban was given freedom by Western nations. now they see when freedom was given, it could also be taken away. Afghan people has to win their freedom. it is not gonna happen with help of England or USA. they help themselves as usual.

I would also like to ask you that if being an Islamic state is so good why are thousands of Muslims migrating to the west and Muslims who live in the west do not want to return to the middle east?.

can you tell me why Palestinian people would not leave a place like Gaza? why would Muslim men leave their home and go Iraq to fight against invaders? there are any kind of people anywhere. i am not saying people who run away from bloodshed are bad. but they fear.

And i would also ask why Muslims who are at peace with the west are considered by you to be traitors?

each government work for its people. this is normal. but if my government were taking orders from yours then i would call them traitors. not because they like your people. i like western people too. i have friends. but politics are different issue. governments are for publics. my government has to work goodness of my people. they have to protect our rights. take oil of Iraq for example. oil of Iraq was supposed to be belong to next generations of Iraqi people. but it is not. USA is not responsible of this. it is Iraqi people who betrayal unborn Iraqis. don't get me wrong about this. there are Muslims who's at peace with anyone but they are not servants of other nations.



Veteran Member
Hello Lava thats an interesting point of view, here is mine

Western Nations are in Iraq training Iraqi security forces to defend the new democratically elected government when they are able to defend Iraq from insurgents they leave ,British forces are intending to leave next year.

democratically chosen government does not need to be defended.

Western Nations are in Afghanistan fighting Taliban and their allies.

every four years our governments change but Taliban remains all the same?? i don't think so.

Western nations have no intention of fighting in Iran

they would, if they could. Iran is nothing like Iraq, Kai. Iran would swallow whoever enters there and they know it. only a few nukes would solve the problem. isn't it why every once in awhile Western media talks about Iran creating nukes?

the Taliban are a terrible blight on the Afghan people, they are ruthless and would stop at nothing to attain power.

they were, thanks to USA who trained them. they were tool now they are useless.

Your defense of people in the ummah is commendable Lava

wait a minute! entire humanity is one ummah. i don't defend Afghan people just because they are Muslims. i am not a robot who was programmed to love certain people.

and its a big but the Taliban are not peace loving Muslims being victimized.

Women who took on the Taliban – and lost - Asia, World - The Independent

here is a robot. i mean your media is a robot. programmed to give ugly news from Middle East. always...



Veteran Member
There is an old saying,you can lead a Horse to water but you can't make him drink which sums up the people of the middle east as you can show them Democracy but they would rather live back in the middle ages.
They are so backward they syill think the Crusaders are comming,they are stuck within the confines of a book and cannot progress but what do we do,wait for them to come to us.

i assure you dear friend, there are things you don't know about your government and they would not come up and say they are vampires and sucking our blood is the democracy they offer.

btw horses do smell water. they don't need to be led to water.


England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
i assure you dear friend, there are things you don't know about your government and they would not come up and say they are vampires and sucking our blood is the democracy they offer.

btw horses do smell water. they don't need to be led to water.


Do you really think our Government is operating some kind of clandestine operation and as for Democracy,isn't it about a voice for all rather than an Islamic state a voice for none.
I think Islamic states such as Iran are scared of Democracy and thats why they are banning western literature and media just in case anyone gets any ideas about rights especially Human rights.
I am well aware that Horses smell water but that isn't the meaning of this saying


Do you really think our Government is operating some kind of clandestine operation and as for Democracy,isn't it about a voice for all rather than an Islamic state a voice for none.
I think Islamic states such as Iran are scared of Democracy and thats why they are banning western literature and media just in case anyone gets any ideas about rights especially Human rights.
I am well aware that Horses smell water but that isn't the meaning of this saying
when iran governed by elshah mohamed reda bahloe in the seventy it was a friend to the west
even the shah and his regime killed about amilion person
there was no democracy and he was the man of the west in the middle east
now there are problem even the iranin regime was elected by people
but his policy is against the west
so is it the democracy or some thing else ??????
also america pay money ,time ,souls of solider's just to spread democracy
great policy indeed ,they must be angels to do all that for free
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Well-Known Member
sorry i don't know where to search
can you please help me and get to me that Babylonians,Chinese,Greeks say that there are 11 planets
because i think that was discovered in 2006
Actually it was the Summarians that first spoke of the outer planets. Try google for Zachariah Sitchen, The 12th Planet. Islam at one point led the world in science and so Mohammed lived in a world where he would have had access to much of the old knowledge and some up to date knowledge too. He was married to a very successful business woman also. I am not saying the Koran is not got good things or accurate things, I'm just pointing out that there were many ways he could have got the information to put in it other than divine guidance.


Well-Known Member
have you watched mickel more movies before ?
and by the way in 19 September 2001 President Bush's say it is a crusaders campaign
and if america know that sadam hussen is killer why they helped hin during his war with iran
have you heared the joke why american sure that sadam have nucelear weapen?
because they have the recipts
every kid know it is war for petrol so stop talken about democracy
also do you know that ben laden is an ex CIA agent who helped them during the war with sovit union in afghanstan
so let's not talk about democracy
it isnt the place for that
is there is any proof that sadam had anuclear weapens ?
no, american there 5 years until now and find nothing
is there is any proof that sadam had aconnection with alqada?
no , they went there after sadam was goen becuse for sure if they go there while he is alife he would kill them
LOL liked your joke about Saddam. It is true that when Iraq and Iran were at war the States provided Saddam with a huge amount of weapons, tanks and helicopters etc.


Actually it was the Summarians that first spoke of the outer planets. Try google for Zachariah Sitchen, The 12th Planet. Islam at one point led the world in science and so Mohammed lived in a world where he would have had access to much of the old knowledge and some up to date knowledge too. He was married to a very successful business woman also. I am not saying the Koran is not got good things or accurate things, I'm just pointing out that there were many ways he could have got the information to put in it other than divine guidance.
first in quran there are mention for 11 not 12
second moslems led the world in science after death of prophet mohamed
third what is the connection with his wife to the solar system
we also think that quran is god words not mohamed words, also have you read what i write about the percentage of land and sea in quran
and i want to ask you aquestion
is there is any mention of how mush the speed of light is in any old civilization
because it is in quran and i can proof that for you all?


Well-Known Member
first in quran there are mention for 11 not 12
second moslems led the world in science after death of prophet mohamed
third what is the connection with his wife to the solar system
we also think that quran is god words not mohamed words, also have you read what i write about the percentage of land and sea in quran
and i want to ask you aquestion
is there is any mention of how mush the speed of light is in any old civilization
because it is in quran and i can proof that for you all?
Well maybe you should read about the Summarians before you make a complete and final judgment. The point is this. While the Koran may have got some things right, it did not get all things right. We all can be right some of the time. That means that the Koran is an important "piece" in figuring things out, but it is not the only "piece" in the puzzle of life. If you believe it is it limits you, puts you in a box, and then you miss the other wonders of the world.


Well maybe you should read about the Summarians before you make a complete and final judgment. The point is this. While the Koran may have got some things right, it did not get all things right. We all can be right some of the time. That means that the Koran is an important "piece" in figuring things out, but it is not the only "piece" in the puzzle of life. If you believe it is it limits you, puts you in a box, and then you miss the other wonders of the world.
i searched for what they say they say there are 12 while quran say 11
is 11= 12 no
if that information was taken from them why in quran it is 11 not 12
our belive that quran is god words and no human change any word on it
and we also belive that there are no limits for quran and no limits for science
both walken in one direction
you didn't read what is write about percentage of land and sea in quran
i hope you read it and gave me your opinion
or do you think also there are an old civlization know that information
also i want to tell you about the mention of speed of light in quran
and i want you to tell me some thing you belive it is not right in quran or against science to discuess about


Well-Known Member
i searched for what they say they say there are 12 while quran say 11
is 11= 12 no
if that information was taken from them why in quran it is 11 not 12
our belive that quran is god words and no human change any word on it
and we also belive that there are no limits for quran and no limits for science
both walken in one direction
you didn't read what is write about percentage of land and sea in quran
i hope you read it and gave me your opinion
or do you think also there are an old civlization know that information
also i want to tell you about the mention of speed of light in quran
and i want you to tell me some thing you belive it is not right in quran or against science to discuess about

There is actually a reason why it's called the 12th planet. You would need to read it to understand what the title means. He is telling the story of what the Summerians believed about the creation of our solar system and it's evolution to what we see today. The asteroid belt between the inner and outer planets etc. It's actually quite interesting. They wrote about Pluto and we in the modern world never knew about it until the '50's or so.

As far as the Koran goes, it is an interesting read. I do have problems with it though. It still puts forward the belief in a judgmental God, that sends people to hell and wants people to kill in his name all justified of course because it is in his name. These beliefs contribute to strife between people in this world. Therefore it cannot be true because a true god would never instigate division let alone killing. Having said that, don't take this personally because I don't agree with the Bible or Torah either. If they are taken literally they are pretty crude books full of blood, gore and genocide. Symbolically they are of some value. Again, another piece to the puzzle of life. Those are my beliefs.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
when iran governed by elshah mohamed reda bahloe in the seventy it was a friend to the west
even the shah and his regime killed about amilion person
there was no democracy and he was the man of the west in the middle east
now there are problem even the iranin regime was elected by people
but his policy is against the west
so is it the democracy or some thing else ??????
also america pay money ,time ,souls of solider's just to spread democracy
great policy indeed ,they must be angels to do all that for free

He was a freind to the west and he also had his country at heart,he tried to bring it to parity with the west unfortunately for the world we now have religious nutcases running Iran


There is actually a reason why it's called the 12th planet. You would need to read it to understand what the title means. He is telling the story of what the Summerians believed about the creation of our solar system and it's evolution to what we see today. The asteroid belt between the inner and outer planets etc. It's actually quite interesting. They wrote about Pluto and we in the modern world never knew about it until the '50's or so.

As far as the Koran goes, it is an interesting read. I do have problems with it though. It still puts forward the belief in a judgmental God, that sends people to hell and wants people to kill in his name all justified of course because it is in his name. These beliefs contribute to strife between people in this world. Therefore it cannot be true because a true god would never instigate division let alone killing. Having said that, don't take this personally because I don't agree with the Bible or Torah either. If they are taken literally they are pretty crude books full of blood, gore and genocide. Symbolically they are of some value. Again, another piece to the puzzle of life. Those are my beliefs.
dear challup
i hope you replay for all what i say and please read what i asked you to read and to give me your opinion
first i would like to know if you belive there is agod or no
if there is one asked you to be good and don't do any thing bad
and there are another man do every bad thing
at the end who will go to hell
the good, the bad ,the ugly :p
we belive 100% that good will go to heaven
but what about the bad is it 100% that he will go to hell?
the answer is no
we belive that god forgive any thing except one thing which is saying there is no god
and about killing for his name
you misunderstand the meaning of that is not killing it is fighting
in earth there are preople with devil side and other with god side
and this is from the begining until the end
you must fight yourself to prevent devil from controling of it
also i want to ask you aquestion
what if some one break into your house and you are alone and he wants to kill you
what you are going to do?
in islam you must fight him and don't stop until you win or die
some thing like live free or die hard
is that bad
that is waht quran say
and in islam you can't kill children,women, old people ,unarmed men
you cant destrory any building for whorshiping for religions even it is not islam
if your enemey want peace you must gave him peace
if you met some one who don't belive in god you have order and that is in quran to tell him who is god and to take him to his place where he feel safe
all what you read about kiling and fighting in quran have acondition
which is if some one who don't belive in god fight you you must fight him until you win or die
i hope you get to me more questions

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
dear challup
i hope you replay for all what i say and please read what i asked you to read and to give me your opinion
first i would like to know if you belive there is agod or no
if there is one asked you to be good and don't do any thing bad
and there are another man do every bad thing
at the end who will go to hell
the good, the bad ,the ugly :p
we belive 100% that good will go to heaven
but what about the bad is it 100% that he will go to hell?
the answer is no
we belive that god forgive any thing except one thing which is saying there is no god
and about killing for his name
you misunderstand the meaning of that is not killing it is fighting
in earth there are preople with devil side and other with god side
and this is from the begining until the end
you must fight yourself to prevent devil from controling of it
also i want to ask you aquestion
what if some one break into your house and you are alone and he wants to kill you
what you are going to do?
in islam you must fight him and don't stop until you win or die
some thing like live free or die hard
is that bad
that is waht quran say
and in islam you can't kill children,women, old people ,unarmed men
you cant destrory any building for whorshiping for religions even it is not islam
if your enemey want peace you must gave him peace
if you met some one who don't belive in god you have order and that is in quran to tell him who is god and to take him to his place where he feel safe
all what you read about kiling and fighting in quran have acondition
which is if some one who don't belive in god fight you you must fight him until you win or die
i hope you get to me more questions

So all the Islamic terrorists who kill innocent people like in Mumbai or other parts of the world are going against the Quran,unfortunately they feel it is their duty to kill in the name of Islam yet they read from the same book.