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Islam, how much do you really know about it?


Allah splits the seed and kernel. He brings forth the living from the dead, and produces the dead out of the living. That is Allah, so how are you misguided? (Qur'an, 6:95)

As shown in the diagram, dead plants and animals are broken down by bacteria and transformed into minerals. This organic waste absorbed into the soil constitutes the basic foodstuff of plants. This nutritional cycle is therefore of vital importance for all living things.​
In the above verse, our attention is drawn to a food cycle of which people at the time of the Qur'an's revelation could have known nothing.
When a living thing dies, micro-organisms quickly cause it to decompose. The dead body is thus divided up into organic molecules that mix with the soil and form the basic source of food for plants, animals, and, ultimately, humanity. Were it not for this nutritional cycle, life would not be possible.
Bacteria are responsible for meeting all living things' mineral and food needs. Plants and some animals, which remain almost dead (hibernation) throughout the winter, revive in the summer and meet all of their mineral and food requirements through the activities of bacteria during the winter. Throughout the winter, bacteria separate organic wastes (i.e., dead plants and animals) and turn them into minerals.162 Thus, when living things reawaken in spring, they find food ready and waiting for them. Thanks to bacteria, a "spring cleaning" has been carried out in their environment and the necessary amount of food has been prepared for nature as it returns to life in the spring.
As we have seen, dead creatures play a vital role in the emergence of new ones. This transition, indicated in the Qur'an as "He brings forth the living from the dead, and produces the dead out of the living," is carried out in the most perfect manner. This is one of the proofs that the Qur'an is the Word of Allah.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
He has only forbidden you carrion, blood and pork and what has been consecrated to other than Allah. But anyone who is forced to eat it-without desiring it or going to excess in it-commits no crime. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Qur'an, 2:173)

Eating pork is harmful to health in a great many regards. This harm still persists today, despite all the precautions that are taken. First and foremost, no matter how clean the farms and environments on which it is raised may be, the pig is not by nature a clean-living animal. It often plays in, and even eats, its own excrement. Due to this and its biological structure, the pig produces much higher levels of antibodies in its body than other animals. In addition, far higher levels of growth hormone are produced in the pig compared to those in other animals and human beings. Naturally, these high levels of antibodies and growth hormone pass across to and collect in the pig's muscle tissue. Pork meat also contains high levels of cholesterol and lipids. It has been scientifically proven that these significant amounts of antibodies, hormones, cholesterol and lipids in pork represent a serious threat to human health.
The existence of above-average numbers of obese individuals in the populations of countries such as the USA and Germany, in which large quantities of pork are consumed, is now well-known. When exposed to excessive quantities of growth hormone as a result of a pork-based diet, the human body first puts on excessive weight and then suffers physical deformations.
Another harmful substance in pork is the "trichina" worm. This is frequently found in pork and when it enters the human body, it settles directly in the muscles of the heart and represents a possibly fatal threat. Even though it is now technically possible to identify pigs that are infected with trichina, no such methods were known in earlier centuries. That means that everyone who ate pork risked infection by trichina and possible death.
All these reasons are just a part of the wisdom in our Lord's prohibition on the consumption of pork. Moreover, this commandment of our Lord's provides complete protection from the harmful effects of pork under any conditions.
Until the 20th century, it was impossible to be aware of the danger posed to human health by pork. The fact that the Qur'an, revealed fourteen centuries ago, warns against this harm which has been incontrovertibly revealed with modern medical equipment and biological tests, is one of the miracles demonstrating that the Qur'an is the revelation of Allah, the Omniscient. Despite all the precautionary measures and inspections that take place in modern-day pig rearing, the fact that pork is physiologically incompatible with the human body and is a variety of meat harmful to human health has not altered.

Jews do not eat pork either


It is Allah Who created the seven heavens and of the earth the same number, the Command descending down through all of them, so that you might know that Allah has power over all things and that Allah encompasses all things in His knowledge. (Qur'an, 65:12)
The information in the above verse is confirmed in scientific sources, wherein it is explained that the Earth consists of seven strata. These, as scientists have identified, are:
1st layer: Lithosphere (water)
2nd layer: Lithosphere (land)
3rd layer: Asthenosphere
4th layer: Upper Mantle
5th layer: Inner Mantle
6th layer: Outer Core
7th layer: Inner Core
The word lithosphere is derived from the Greek word lithos, meaning stone, which is a hard stratum forming the Earth's top layer. It is quite thin in comparison to the other strata. The lithosphere under the oceans is still thinner, and is a region with volcanic activity. Its average thickness is 80 km. It is colder and harder than the other strata, and therefore, forms the earth's shell.
Below the lithosphere is the stratum known as the asthenosphere, from the Greek word for "weak," asthenes. This layer is thinner than the lithosphere and shifts. It was formed of hot, semi-solid substances capable of melting when exposed to high temperatures and pressure over geological time. It is thought that the hard lithosphere floats or moves over the slowly moving asthenosphere.23 Under these layers is a high-temperature layer some 2,900 km thick, made up of semi-solid rock known as the mantle. This contains more iron, magnesium and calcium than the crust, and is also hotter and denser, because temperature and density in the Earth increase with depth.
At the centre of the Earth is the core, approximately twice as dense as the mantle. The reason for that density is that it contains a higher proportion of metals (iron-nickel alloy) than rock. The Earth's core consists of two parts. One is the 2,200 km thick liquid outer core, the other a 1,250 km thick solid inner core. The liquid outer core provides the Earth's magnetic field as the planet rotates.
The truth of this similarity between the sky and the layers of the Earth, only identified by 20th century technology, is without doubt another of the Qur'an's scientific miracles.


From what thing did He create him? From a drop of sperm He created him and proportioned him. Then He eases the way for him. (Qur'an, 80:18-20)
The word "qaddarahu," translated as "proportioned" in the above verse, comes from the Arabic verb "qadare." It translates as "arranging, setting out, planning, programming, seeing the future, the writing of everything in destiny (by Allah)."
When the father's sperm cell fertilises the mother's egg, the parents' genes combine to determine all of the baby's physical characteristics. Each one of these thousands of genes has a specific function. It is the genes which determine the colour of the eyes and hair, height, facial features, skeletal shape and the countless details in the internal organs, brain, nerves and muscles. In addition to all the physical characteristics, thousands of different processes taking place in the cells and body-and indeed the control of the whole system-are recorded in the genes. For example, whether a person's blood pressure is generally high, low or normal depends on the information in his or her genes.
The first cell which forms when the sperm and the egg are joined also forms the first copy of the DNA molecule which will carry the code in every cell of the person's body, right up until death. DNA is a molecule of considerable size. It is carefully protected within the nucleus of the cell and this molecule is an information bank of the human body as it contains the genes we mentioned above. The first cell, the fertilised egg, then divides and multiplies in the light of the program recorded in the DNA. The tissues and organs begin to form: This is the beginning of a human being. The coordination of this complex structuring is brought about by the DNA molecule. This is a molecule consisting of atoms such as carbon, phosphorus, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen.
The information capacity recorded in DNA is of a size which astonishes scientists. There is enough information in a single human DNA molecule to fill a million encyclopaedia pages or 1,000 volumes. To put it another way, the nucleus of a cell contains information, equivalent to that in a 1 million-page encyclopaedia. It serves to control all the functions of the human body. To make a comparison, the 23-volume Encyclopaedia Britannica, one of the largest encyclopaedias in the world, contains a total of 25,000 pages. Yet a single molecule in the nucleus of a cell, and which is so much smaller than that cell, contains a store of information 40 times larger than the world's largest encyclopaedias. That means that what we have here is a 1,000-volume encyclopaedia, the like of which exists nowhere else on Earth. This is a miracle of design and creation within our very own bodies, for which evolutionists and materialists have no answer.
Bearing in mind that the structure of DNA was unravelled by Francis Crick in 1953, it is truly amazing that the Qur'an pointed to the concept of "genetic planning" in an age when, as we have mentioned previously, mankind's knowledge was very limited. Geneticists were unable to discuss until the end of the 19th century and these remarkable facts act again as proofs that the Qur'an is the Word of Allah.


Jews do not eat pork either
so the one who wrote the quran know that the jews don't and order moslems not to eat
or mapy that order came from the same one
and if so you belive that jew religion is true
so what about chrstians ?
no order say don't eat it
and please answer the other things i sent


Well-Known Member
He has only forbidden you carrion, blood and pork and what has been consecrated to other than Allah. But anyone who is forced to eat it-without desiring it or going to excess in it-commits no crime. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Qur'an, 2:173)

Eating pork is harmful to health in a great many regards. This harm still persists today, despite all the precautions that are taken. First and foremost, no matter how clean the farms and environments on which it is raised may be, the pig is not by nature a clean-living animal. It often plays in, and even eats, its own excrement. Due to this and its biological structure, the pig produces much higher levels of antibodies in its body than other animals. In addition, far higher levels of growth hormone are produced in the pig compared to those in other animals and human beings. Naturally, these high levels of antibodies and growth hormone pass across to and collect in the pig's muscle tissue. Pork meat also contains high levels of cholesterol and lipids. It has been scientifically proven that these significant amounts of antibodies, hormones, cholesterol and lipids in pork represent a serious threat to human health.
The existence of above-average numbers of obese individuals in the populations of countries such as the USA and Germany, in which large quantities of pork are consumed, is now well-known. When exposed to excessive quantities of growth hormone as a result of a pork-based diet, the human body first puts on excessive weight and then suffers physical deformations.
Another harmful substance in pork is the "trichina" worm. This is frequently found in pork and when it enters the human body, it settles directly in the muscles of the heart and represents a possibly fatal threat. Even though it is now technically possible to identify pigs that are infected with trichina, no such methods were known in earlier centuries. That means that everyone who ate pork risked infection by trichina and possible death.
All these reasons are just a part of the wisdom in our Lord's prohibition on the consumption of pork. Moreover, this commandment of our Lord's provides complete protection from the harmful effects of pork under any conditions.
Until the 20th century, it was impossible to be aware of the danger posed to human health by pork. The fact that the Qur'an, revealed fourteen centuries ago, warns against this harm which has been incontrovertibly revealed with modern medical equipment and biological tests, is one of the miracles demonstrating that the Qur'an is the revelation of Allah, the Omniscient. Despite all the precautionary measures and inspections that take place in modern-day pig rearing, the fact that pork is physiologically incompatible with the human body and is a variety of meat harmful to human health has not altered.
The pig is maligned here. When they are in conditions where they can keep clean they do and do it quite well. They are also highly intelligent. There meat is considered to be white meat and not as dangerous cholesterol wise as red meat. A bit of info about pork, it is said to be similar in taste to human. In fact cannibals called humans the "long pig". The tradition of not eating pork came from the Jews and it was a religious thing. Archaeologists can determine a Jewish community by the absence of pig bones in their rubbish heaps. However, surrounding communities that were not Jewish had pig bones in their middins and they did not sicken and die from eating pork.

Also did you know that the pig is a fairly close cousin of the human. It shares a great deal of our DNA and there have lately been welcome transplants of skin, heart valves, and kidneys from pigs to humans. Their brain weight ratio is almost as high as dolphins.

Just sharing some interesting facts about pigs. Just out of curiosity, why did you post something about pigs?

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
as you say numbers are not true and any mistake can happen ok
in quran there are order about a condition
the condtion is if a baby have breast milk from women who is not his mother he can't marry any of her sons or daughters
strange isn't it
and we deal with it as order from god and waiting for an answer from science
that was 1400 years ago
according to MediCity Research Laboratory, Institute of Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Turku, Turku, Finland.
they found HPV-16-DNA in the breast milk which transfer from mother to baby and affect on the DNA of the baby
what is the reason for preventing a brother from marrying his sister in any religion?
god order
the brother and sister have a DNA similar to each other and that is the scientific reason
so when some thing affect on the DNA of the baby and make it similiar to other baby through mother milk
that prevent them from marrying
what can you say about that?

You skipped over the numbers did'nt you i thought it was solid proof


The pig is maligned here. When they are in conditions where they can keep clean they do and do it quite well. They are also highly intelligent. There meat is considered to be white meat and not as dangerous cholesterol wise as red meat. A bit of info about pork, it is said to be similar in taste to human. In fact cannibals called humans the "long pig". The tradition of not eating pork came from the Jews and it was a religious thing. Archaeologists can determine a Jewish community by the absence of pig bones in their rubbish heaps. However, surrounding communities that were not Jewish had pig bones in their middins and they did not sicken and die from eating pork.

Also did you know that the pig is a fairly close cousin of the human. It shares a great deal of our DNA and there have lately been welcome transplants of skin, heart valves, and kidneys from pigs to humans. Their brain weight ratio is almost as high as dolphins.

Just sharing some interesting facts about pigs. Just out of curiosity, why did you post something about pigs?
The pig is the carrier of various helminths, like roundworm, pinworm, hookworm,
and by they the way i wrote before about DNA of animals and the similar with human
you looks don't read just search you will find i wrote about it is true that apes DNA
is 98% like us
but the last search prove that we are not from one family and i wrote the name of the univeristy and the scientist
so please stop saying that we and animals from the same family
and why i speak about pork?
what is wrong with that or do you think pork is bad ?????????
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You skipped over the numbers did'nt you i thought it was solid proof
not at all dear but every one say any one can say that
even all the numbers they got don't have any link with science facts
so i tryied some thing else
i can got you numbers again if you want
just tell me you want and i will get it for you


Well-Known Member
The pig is the carrier of various helminths, like roundworm, pinworm, hookworm,
and by they the way i wrote before about DNA of animals and the similar with human
you looks don't read just search you will find i wrote about it is true that apes DNA
is 98% like us
but the last search prove that we are not from one family and i wrote the name of the univeristy and the scientist
so please stop saying that we and animals from the same family
and why i speak about pork?
what is wrong with that or do you think pork is bad ?????????
No I don't think pork is bad. Just didn't understand how it fit into the thread is all. Also, I was just giving some interesting facts about pork. Also, pork when cooked well (which is commonsense) is not dangerous. One more thing, I wasn't saying we come from the same family as pigs. I said only that we are similar in DNA, big difference. I thought these were interesting facts about pigs. Sorry you didn't.


No I don't think pork is bad. Just didn't understand how it fit into the thread is all. Also, I was just giving some interesting facts about pork. Also, pork when cooked well (which is commonsense) is not dangerous. One more thing, I wasn't saying we come from the same family as pigs. I said only that we are similar in DNA, big difference. I thought these were interesting facts about pigs. Sorry you didn't.
when it is about health it doesn't matter what is human think
what is matter is what doctors know
i say facts about that and you just say i don't think it is bad
ok watch that well cook pork and tell me what do you think
YouTube - تأثير الكولا على Ù„Ø*Ù… الخنزير.. سبØ*ان الله
also you say before that apes are similar to our DNA so they are our ancestors
now you say porks DNA is similar to ours so according to what you say before they also some kind of our ancestors mean family
also you didn't comment about the proof that we are not similar to apes
and i agree that there interesting facts about pigs but i get science words you just say i like it and find no harm on eating it
also i'am not shame of some thing god ordered me not to eat
so i speak about order from god not about pigs
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when it was about numbers every one talk and gave me numbers from books
that is cool indeed
but can any one saw that numbers link that to ascientific issue connected with what the book speak about??????
i gave topics in many fields science prove that is true
but you just speak of how tasty the pig meat is
i hope some one comment on the other things also


Well-Known Member
when it is about health it doesn't matter what is human think
what is matter is what doctors know
i say facts about that and you just say i don't think it is bad
ok watch that well cook pork and tell me what do you think
YouTube - تأثير الكولا على لØ*م الخنزير.. سبØ*ان الله
also you say before that apes are similar to our DNA so they are our ancestors
now you say porks DNA is similar to ours so according to what you say before they also some kind of our ancestors mean family
also you didn't comment about the proof that we are not similar to apes
and i agree that there interesting facts about pigs but i get science words you just say i like it and find no harm on eating it
also i'am not shame of some thing god ordered me not to eat
so i speak about order from god not about pigs
Maggots are fly's eggs. And you are more than welcome to your beliefs about pork. Also, mammals all have a common ancestor so it makes sense that we share similar DNA. Some are more similar than others but these are just interesting facts. Many people in the world don't eat any meat at all for various reasons. I have no problem with that. So, I would expect people don't have problems with those who do eat meat. I don't care if you don't eat pork, that's you're choice. That is thankfully, everyone's choice.


Moby Dick:

Chapter One 333 words - half of 666 the mark of evil.

Number of characters - 1586. 1-5=4 - 8=4 - 6=2. 2*333=666

First three lines characters (with spaces) 263. 2*6=12*3=36. 3 sixes = 666

Number of characters with spaces - (page) 1,666

Number of lines - 36. 3 sixes = 666

Last paragraph characters = 312. 3*12=36. 3 sixes = 666

Amazing what you can get from a book
yes sure it is amazing what you can get from abook
you doen the first part of the job
now can you link that numbers to any thing the book speak about
moby dick or the sea or the ship or even people who watched the movie
i got number from words and the result take me back to ascientific fact about that words
now you only got the numbers connect them with words


Maggots are fly's eggs. And you are more than welcome to your beliefs about pork. Also, mammals all have a common ancestor so it makes sense that we share similar DNA. Some are more similar than others but these are just interesting facts. Many people in the world don't eat any meat at all for various reasons. I have no problem with that. So, I would expect people don't have problems with those who do eat meat. I don't care if you don't eat pork, that's you're choice. That is thankfully, everyone's choice.
i didn't tell you stop eating it
it is your choice
the fact eaten pig have side effect is proven by science
you didn't give me aproven science that it is good meat
and who was the mammals common ancestor
can you gave me his name?
or the names of scientists who prove that there was one?
or where did they found his skeleton?
we have the same DNA because god create us from the same source
i'am going to sleep now i will speak about the source later
good night


Well-Known Member
i didn't tell you stop eating it
it is your choice
the fact eaten pig have side effect is proven by science
you didn't give me aproven science that it is good meat
and who was the mammals common ancestor
can you gave me his name?
or the names of scientists who prove that there was one?
or where did they found his skeleton?
we have the same DNA because god create us from the same source
i'am going to sleep now i will speak about the source later
good night
good night!:)


Guardian of Asgaard
until now you didn't got what i mean
for examble NA+SO4=NASO4
when i gave you NASO4 i gave you the result
result came from science basis but i can't teach and just say NASO4
when a book i belive that it is from god tell me the result 1400 ago
and now science say the result of the formula
the result is one
don't that mean it is unnatural book
first you say the scientists don't have adegree
then you say any one can take money to say any thing
how do you know he take money to say that?
you just don't belive so any one will say any thing he will be a liar
the scientist who i told you about is one of the biggeset scientists in france
he was the one who was responsiable for autopsy the mummy of ramses the second when it was sent from egypt to france
why don't you check by yourself about science results in quran?
i'am sure you will say i don't need that because it is alie
you don't want even to look, so what we are going to talk about
easily you will say that is a lie with out even reading what you say it is alie about

There have been many threads on this before with the same devotion. To the rest of us its just wishful thinking because you're telling us you can see things because you know they're there. The rest of us see jumbled words and phrases. Im not saying its a lie, im just saying its a convenient interpretation and may not be the intended meaning.


Veteran Member
Do you really think our Government is operating some kind of clandestine operation and as for Democracy,isn't it about a voice for all rather than an Islamic state a voice for none.

Islam is fair to people and it has the highest quality of Human rights. if a nation follows tradition and call it Islam, then they are doing wrong. real Islamic state is not voice of none. i personally don't know a nation that practices democracy on Earth, not even one! as Iran call its system Islamic but it is not really Islamic, Western call their system democracy but it is not democracy. world leaders are such a bad jokes.

I am well aware that Horses smell water but that isn't the meaning of this saying

OK :) forgive me that i can't see meaning if saying was baseless. i understand your point tough.

