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Islam, how much do you really know about it?


Veteran Member
Imagining or not, they're still warning people in advance, TRYING to minimize casualties. The Israelis are in an impossible position - you say that ringing them is not enough, but if they didn't and they were killing even more civilians, you would be even angrier.

Do you think for a minute though that Israel will just lie down as an enemy shoots missiles at them? If people started bombing Turkey, would you let them do as they please?

if another nation called our homes and tell us we have 5 minutes to leave then we would question who gave them right to do that?



Hostis humani generis
if another nation called our homes and tell us we have 5 minutes to leave then we would question who gave them right to do that?

Let's say Turkey had been shooting rockets at them for months.
Would you blame them for shooting missiles near your home if you lived in an area where the leaders of the people shooting the rockets was there?

If PKK became, unofficially, the "Voice of the Kurds" that 80% of Kurds in Turkey supported them, and their views are "to destroy Turkey", and start shooting rockets at Istanbul for 6 months or longer, would you just ignore it?


Veteran Member
Let's say Turkey had been shooting rockets at them for months.
Would you blame them for shooting missiles near your home if you lived in an area where the leaders of the people shooting the rockets was there?

If PKK became, unofficially, the "Voice of the Kurds" that 80% of Kurds in Turkey supported them, and their views are "to destroy Turkey", and start shooting rockets at Istanbul for 6 months or longer, would you just ignore it?

well pkk is bombing civilians for 30 years. nope it is not ignored. we would not ignore anyone who wants to divide us just to weaken power of oneness. but Hamas and pkk are not similar. Palestinian and Israeli are not living together. Turks and Kurds are living together. they vote together. they join the same army. Palestine is living in siege therefor i do not see how pkk and Hamas are alike.



Hostis humani generis
Kurds have a legitimate reason for wanting separation from Turkey. I am so glad I am not a Kurd in Turkey. Turkey is forcing assimilation into Turkish society, and making life hell for those who are not and are "harming Turkishness".

If PKK continued to attack Turkey all the time, and Turkey made that area difficult to get into, and took away a Kurd's ability to serve in the army.

There is little difference between Hamas and the PKK, and Israel and Turkey. Both are putting their wills onto another group, and both are fighting them off.


Let's say Turkey had been shooting rockets at them for months.
Would you blame them for shooting missiles near your home if you lived in an area where the leaders of the people shooting the rockets was there?

If PKK became, unofficially, the "Voice of the Kurds" that 80% of Kurds in Turkey supported them, and their views are "to destroy Turkey", and start shooting rockets at Istanbul for 6 months or longer, would you just ignore it?
it is not the same condition
because there were an agreement between israel and hamas
and before that one there were more than one which isreal break at every time
but that time the agreement was over so hamas attacked
i belief that was wrong
but they couldn't have an agreement
hamas want prisoners out and isreal want asolider called shaleet
isreal don't want to trade
that is the problem


Hostis humani generis
I can understand why.

1. Palestinians have a soldier
2. Those whom Israel have as prisoners are "suspected terrorists".
3. Israel will not trade, because they think they have terrorists
4. They also see Hamas as a terrorist organization

I'm not saying I support them, just I can understand why they are doing things.


I can understand why.

1. Palestinians have a soldier
2. Those whom Israel have as prisoners are "suspected terrorists".
3. Israel will not trade, because they think they have terrorists
4. They also see Hamas as a terrorist organization

I'm not saying I support them, just I can understand why they are doing things.
most of them not hamas members
for example some of them were arrested because they faced israel troops that was knocking down their houses and take their land to build isreal wall
they didn't have guns just they face troops
and isreal judged them as they are terrorists
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Hostis humani generis
most of them not hamas members
for example some of them were arrested because they faced israel troops that was knocking down their houses and take their land to build isreal
they didn't have guns just they face troops
and isreal judged them as they are terrorists
Hmmmm, that's terrible. :(
Thank you for sharing, though.


Agnostic Pantheist
yes not just in villages also in cities like elkhalil
also villages next to colony kriat shmona
even the UN speak about that especialy in elkhalil and west bank
i 'am talken about the law that if a solider didn't want to participate at evacuate a colony
he can and no one can blame him
Havent you been following the news? why arent you saying anything about Israel evacuating Israeli citizens from the places they lived for decades in order to promote some kind of peace process, while the Hamas response is to fire more rockets.

i hope you enjoy your meal
it been more than an hour
and i'am still waiting for your answer

Hey buddy, you can wait for a whole day, I got a life, and its not on an internet argument.

and by the way how can you work in saturday?
is not that wrong
I hope your joking, are you going to tell me whats wrong and whats right now? you have your own issues in the Islamic world to solve before worrying about Jews designing their own way of life. with the amounts of problems in Muslim lands, one would think that Israel would be the least of your concerns.


Well-Known Member
From what I know of governments, I don't think any of us know what their agendas are. We are left to second guess their words and decisions. Many times I believe we don't hear the truth, only what they want us to believe. However, pictures don't lie and my heart goes out to those who have lost their loved ones and their homes on both sides of this conflict. Love to you all and may there be a way to find some sort of resolution to end the suffering.

Alla Prima

Well-Known Member
i am here to answer about Islam. you think i must watch a movie to do that, well wake up, Islam is written in Qur'an, that is the only source without evil influence. wanna ask, wanna make claims...here you go...wanna discuss movie then find someone who wants to watch movie. i don't and i am not planning to.

thank you.


I think you must watch the movie in order to criticize it otherwise you're just spouting nonsense.

Alla Prima

Well-Known Member
ok man i watched the movie
the director say that movie is critical to isalm
then we must see things moslems do
but what we have seen in that movie
1-women pary ,good
2-she was covering her face, wrong women cant cover her face while she pray
3-she was wearing clothes showing most of her body ,wrong moslem women cant pray while they wear like that
3-a women half naked writen quran on he body, that cant be at all and no moslem can do that or accept that
4-on her body we can notice she was lashed,that is not acceptable for moslem and no think in islam order men to lash women
5-the quran on her body which for sure you don't know what is about speaken about order from god to men ,not to have sex with women while the women in their catamenia period ,that is medically right and i don't know what is wrong with that
6- the women speaks how he family abuse her, that is some thing any women from any where with any religion can say
now is that movie critiacl for islam???????
it is full of things moslems don't do
that is not critical at all, that lies and abuse for islam

Then you know little of Islam. Or you're lying.

Alla Prima

Well-Known Member
or maybe Muslims know Islam better than non-Muslims.


It is telling the different versions of Islam you'll hear from Muslims and Apostates. Muslims know full well the version to preach to unsuspecting Westerners.

If you're buying a used car you don't ask the used car salesmen what shape the vehicle's in.


Veteran Member
it is telling the different versions of islam you'll hear from muslims and apostates. Muslims know full well the version to preach to unsuspecting westerners.

If you're buying a used car you don't ask the used car salesmen what shape the vehicle's in.

Islam is written in Qur'an. There are no versions. There is only one Islam.


Alla Prima

Well-Known Member
nice...use this one two to think wisely. making claims about Islam, talk from Qur'an and we can discuss. if you're not going to talk about Qur'an, stop insulting Islam.


Yes that's the defense Muslims always use whenever Islam is examined. I'm not here to insult Islam but to shed light on Islam's true nature. Any insult is that of those who feel insulted. You'll just have to deal with it.


Veteran Member
Yes that's the defense Muslims always use whenever Islam is examined. I'm not here to insult Islam but to shed light on Islam's true nature. Any insult is that of those who feel insulted. You'll just have to deal with it.

you keep saying name of Islam but you do not talk about it at all. you say Islam is this, Islam is that...i naturally ask you to prove your point. am i more clear now? if you do not want to discuss then it is fine too. but you gotto chose, you know. this is not right to make claims without proving your point. this is a forum where people talk to each other. but we've seen people who came here just to insult religions. they do propaganda and ignore religious people and what they say. they eventually banned.
