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Islam, how much do you really know about it?

Alla Prima

Well-Known Member
if what you are saying is truth and free people in the free world become moslems
why don't they leave islam after they know the truth
you will say because they will got killed
who will killed them ,no Islamic authority in the west
can't they ask for the protection of their government
this don't happen because the bad side in some people mind not in islam

you explain what you think , not what is truly in quran
and don't accept what moslems say
you are not here to discuses you here to attack with no knowledge

I post for all to see what is in the Koran so it is more than what I think. Let others make up their own mind.

I am not here simply to accept what you say about Islam just because you are a Muslim. Maybe others will accept. I won't. I am here to debate. I believe my view will prevail. You believe yours will. Let others decide.


Hostis humani generis
Here's an idea. :)
Get the Arabic (plus transliteration) - and get the words which you would like to debate and translate the key words - this way we can discover 'truth' as well as noting when the words have double-meanings.


Get over yourself. Crusades ended long ago. Honestly, I'm starting to think that Islam cannot survive without an enemy, and without fear of attack - as these things are so frequently mentioned. Crusades this, oppression this, Zionism that.
i didn't speak about crusades i speak about invaders ,your religion order you to fight invaders

also search about this information
when general gudo the french leader invaded Syria and entered demsacus
the first thing he did,he went to salah eldin tomb and say we back salah eldin
Because Israel doesn't persecute them and kill them off.
in alot of arab countries bahais live and no one killed them
it was apolitical fight some of them were killed because they involved in assassination of sultan naser eldin elkagery
and it is the same isreal want moslems to be like them
Ahhh defamation.
i don't have a site but i say i read that in book,so i would be tricking ,no site under my hand now what can i do

I'll have to ask for a better explanation.
ask them

If Isa and the Mahdi do come, I wonder how Islam will be.

What constitutes as 'true' Islam. And who is practising it? If you ask me, it seems to vary from person to person.
if i died now god won't ask me are you waiting for mahdi
god will ask me did you practice islam, did you do orders
so every one just be judged according his action
one should do good things and ask god to accept
for example here may be some do a lot of good things and god don't accept it from him
because he didn't do it for god ,he do it to make people say that man do good things


Here's an idea. :)
Get the Arabic (plus transliteration) - and get the words which you would like to debate and translate the key words - this way we can discover 'truth' as well as noting when the words have double-meanings.
me or him who you suggest doing that ?


Hostis humani generis
i didn't speak about crusades i speak about invaders ,your religion order you to fight invaders
My religion?

also search about this information
when general gudo the french leader invaded Syria and entered demsacus
the first thing he did,he went to salah eldin tomb and say we back salah eldin

in alot of arab countries bahais live and no one killed them
it was apolitical fight some of them were killed because they involved in assassination of sultan naser eldin elkagery
Within Egypt they are not allowed to have their religion registered - so they are discriminated against. In the majority of Muslim countries, at least the ones that are not secular and claim to be doing God's law, then they will not allow a religion like Baha'i. A lot of Baha'is live in Arab countries, yes - but to say "no one killed them" is a downright lie.

and it is the same isreal want moslems to be like them
No they don't. They don't want to be killed off.

i don't have a site but i say i read that in book,so i would be tricking ,no site under my hand now what can i do
Find it or stop spreading lies around. Because all you have said is a lie regarding the Baha'is.

Inshallah, as a Muslim would say. ;) I will, but I already know the answer.

if i died now god won't ask me are you waiting for mahdi
god will ask me did you practice islam, did you do orders
so every one just be judged according his action
one should do good things and ask god to accept
for example here may be some do a lot of good things and god don't accept it from him
because he didn't do it for god ,he do it to make people say that man do good things
Fair enough.
So I can believe in any other monotheistic (tawhid) religion and go to Muslim heaven? :p Didn't think so...


My religion?
i was talking as amoslem ,i didn't mean you,

Within Egypt they are not allowed to have their religion registered - so they are discriminated against. In the majority of Muslim countries, at least the ones that are not secular and claim to be doing God's law, then they will not allow a religion like Baha'i. A lot of Baha'is live in Arab countries, yes - but to say "no one killed them" is a downright lie.
fortunately i'am Egyptian is that what is the media told you?
it is not like that the problem is the law say in the id written moslem ,chrstian, jewish, other
the id was renew and other was canceled
so they couldn't write it
so they went to court that is all
it is not because they are bahais
any other religion face the same problem, it is legal problem not religion problem

No they don't. They don't want to be killed off.
read and understand why isreal support bahias and ahmedians
Find it or stop spreading lies around. Because all you have said is a lie regarding the Baha'is.
i have arabic sites , may be they say we don't but the fact they did that in ekka
Inshallah, as a Muslim would say. ;) I will, but I already know the answer.
no you don't because god don't enter in human bodies
Fair enough.
So I can believe in any other monotheistic (tawhid) religion and go to Muslim heaven? :p Didn't think so...
there are no thing called moslems heaven it is god heaven
where do you think followers of adam or nouh will be
it is one place
but in earth now ,tawhid religion is just islam


Hostis humani generis
i was talking as amoslem ,i didn't mean you,
Okay, nevermind then. :p

fortunately i'am Egyptian is that what is the media told you?
No, an Egyptian Baha'i who since left the country. :foot:

it is not like that the problem is the law say in the id written moslem ,chrstian, jewish, other
the id was renew and other was canceled
so they couldn't write it
so they went to court that is all
it is not because they are bahais
any other religion face the same problem, it is legal problem not religion problem
With basis in religion.

read and understand why isreal support bahias and ahmedians
You mean propaganda? Explain to me.

i have arabic sites , may be they say we don't but the fact they did that in ekka

no you don't because god don't enter in human bodies
I don't believe God does enters human bodies, either. :rolleyes: Otherwise I would without a doubt be a Trinitarian Christian.

there are no thing called moslems heaven it is god heaven
where do you think followers of adam or nouh will be
it is one place
I'll see you in Heaven, then? :cool:

but in earth now ,tawhid religion is just islam

Judaism, Sikhism. Deism. Unitarian Christianity (not Trinitarian) are all tawhid.


No, an Egyptian Baha'i who since left the country. :foot:
and what was the religion in his passport
With basis in religion.
they used to have id with religion before that
You mean propaganda? Explain to me.
because israel wanted moslems to be like them
bahais and ahmdians are out from moslems line
isreal hope all moslems to be like them
because they know the final battle will be with moslems
so they hope no real moslems be there at that time
prophet mohamed say before end of days when the battel happen between moslems and jews ,even the rocks and trees will speak and say to moslems jews hide here
except tree called elkrkad which is Lycium Shawii
for your information isreal plant it alot now
they shared wives in akka,they say it is rumors and we don't do that but the fact they did that in akka
I don't believe God does enters human bodies, either. :rolleyes: Otherwise I would without a doubt be a Trinitarian Christian.
that what bahaians say

I'll see you in Heaven, then? :cool:
i don't know if i will be there or not

Judaism, Sikhism. Deism. Unitarian Christianity (not Trinitarian) are all tawhid.
is it as god sent it exactly
yes all of them are tawhid
but is it not edited by humans
i will go now
c u
Last edited:

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
i don't know where is the problem is
they are humans lived on earth
your problem that no script they left say we worship god
it is no script was found,not no script at all
do you think we know every thing about them except did they worship god or didn't they?
4:164(Of some apostles We have already told thee the story; of others We have not)
so god didn't mention all prophets names in quran
you will sure ask why didn't god mention all the prophets
because as god say ,every nation have it is prophets ,more than one
how many nation were in earth ?
a lot ,so if every prophet was mentioned that wouldn't be a holly book it would be a telephone guide
the aim of quran is sending god orders to humans

My point is there is no explanation of evolution,even if you took Darwin out of the equation it is there before your eyes,Dinosaurs,Neanderthals,Cro-Magna Man


Hostis humani generis
and what was the religion in his passport
I don't know, I don't tend to respond with, "Show me your passport". :D

they used to have id with religion before that
because israel wanted moslems to be like them
Or not to fire missiles onto people?
Not to use suicide bombers?
You'll have to be more specific. What is "be like them"?

bahais and ahmdians are out from moslems line
isreal hope all moslems to be like them
because they know the final battle will be with moslems
Does there HAVE to be a "final battle"? :run:

so they hope no real moslems be there at that time
prophet mohamed say before end of days when the battel happen between moslems and jews ,even the rocks and trees will speak and say to moslems jews hide here
except tree called elkrkad which is Lycium Shawii
for your information isreal plant it alot now
That's bordering on bigotry if I ever saw it.. no offence. But with that kind of end times ideas, there will never be peace.

they shared wives in akka,they say it is rumors and we don't do that but the fact they did that in akka
Fact? Were you there? I don't believe it. Not for a second.
that what bahaians say
For example?

i don't know if i will be there or not
Aw, don't be like that. :kissbette

is it as god sent it exactly
yes all of them are tawhid
but is it not edited
The gurus wrote their own holy scripture. More than be said for Muhammad, Jesus, any. As for Jewish things, no, they've not been edited - they've been kept for a long long time the way they are, complete with contradictions. :cool:

About the closest change they've had is adding vowels and markers - the same as Arabic.

i will go now
c u
Bye!! :)

Alla Prima

Well-Known Member
here you say islam call unbelievers worst of creatures
1- are this verse talk about all unbelievers ?
2-so who is that verse talk about ?

It does not matter. The Koran denigrates people for their beliefs. For not submitting to Allah and his words.


Veteran Member
above statement is illogical and absurd ,

it is not quite right to say Islam is final religion because it was always the one and only religion. Sharia in Bible and sharia in Torah were the same with sharia in Qur'an but they were changed by men.

42:13 He has made plain to you of the religion what He enjoined upon Nuh and that which We have revealed to you and that which We enjoined upon Ibrahim and Musa and Isa that keep to obedience and be not divided therein; hard to the unbelievers is that which you call them to; Allah chooses for Himself whom He pleases, and guides to Himself him who turns (to Him), frequently.

Abraham (PBUH) lived before three major Prophets and he was Islam.

3:67 Ibrahim was not a Jew nor a Christian but he was (an) upright (man), a Muslim, and he was not one of the polytheists.

Qur'an is not final version of religion of God but no more books would be given with sharia.


Alla Prima

Well-Known Member
If Islam claims to be the one and only religion this is further proof of it's arrogance and it's desire for domination.

"I was ordered to fight all men until they say `There is no god but Allah`"

al-Waqidi "Kitab alTarikh wa al-Maghazi"


Veteran Member
after years of torture and murder of >Muslim, God commanded Muslims to fight back. wars Mohammad (PBUH) joined was self defense.

4:90 Except those who reach a people between whom and you there is an alliance, or who come to you, their hearts shrinking from fighting you or fighting their own people; and if Allah had pleased, He would have given them power over you, so that they should have certainly fought you; therefore if they withdraw from you and do not fight you and offer you peace, then Allah has not given you a way against them.



non-existential luminary
Islam was invented by Muhammad. After Judaism and Christianity. He said he 'fixed' them to what they were. But Judaism and Christianity not first religions either. first religions were polythiest/spiritualist.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Islam was invented by Muhammad. After Judaism and Christianity. He said he 'fixed' them to what they were. But Judaism and Christianity not first religions either. first religions were polythiest/spiritualist.

I have mentioned this before but it did'nt get me very far,good luck