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Islam, how much do you really know about it?


That is not true.
All both of you have is speculation.
Atheist: just because you see the road does not mean you know the destination
Religionist: just because you have been given a map does not mean you have not been swindled, or that you know which way is north.
Yeah, but I do believe my map works, and I was given the directions accordingly, and thats my fact..


non-existential luminary
That is not true.
All any of you have is speculation.
Factualist: just because you see the road does not mean you know the destination
Religionist: just because you have been given a map does not mean you have not been swindled, or that you know which way is north. (What makes your map any better than another's?)


That is not true.
All any of you have is speculation.
Factualist: just because you see the road does not mean you know the destination
Religionist: just because you have been given a map does not mean you have not been swindled, or that you know which way is north. (What makes your map any better than another's?)
Did you just repeat the post?:D

What makes my map better than another's?
That's merely based on my conscience and beliefs


non-existential luminary
The tenents of my submission:

1. God does not play dice with the universe

Nothing surpasses the holiness of those who have learnt perfect acceptance of everything that is.

In the game of cards called life one plays the had one is dealt to the best of one's ability.

Those who insist on playing, not the hand they were given but the one they insist they should have been dealt
-these are life's failures.

We are not asked if we will play. That is not an option. Play we must
The option is how.

2. What do we know?

A Guru promised a scholar a revelation of greater consequence than anything contained in the scriptures.
When the scholar eagerly asked for it, the Guru said, “Go out into the rain and raise your head and arms heavenward. That will bring you the first revelation.”
The next day the scholar came to report: “I followed your advice and water flowed down my neck—and I felt like a perfect fool!”
“Well,” said the Guru, “for the first day that’s quite a revelation, isn’t it?”

3. All is speculation

A man got into a bus and found himself sitting next to a youngster who was obviously a hippy. He was wearing only one shoe.
"You've evidently lost a shoe, son."
"No man," came the reply, "I found one."

-it is evident to me
that does not mean it is true.

4. Progress leads to realization

The Sufi Bayazid Bistami describes his progress in the art of prayer: "The first time i visited the Kaaba at Mecca, i saw the Kaaba. The second time i saw the Lord of the Kaaba. The third time i saw neither the Kaaba nor the Lord of the Kaaba."

5. Certainty is the culprit

All the philosophers, divines, and doctors of the law were assembled in court for the trial of Mullah Nasruddin. The accusation was a serious one; he had been going from town to town saying, “Your so-called religious leaders are ignorant and confused!” So he was charged with heresy, the penalty for which was death.
“You may speak first,” said the Caliph.
The Mullah was perfectly self-possessed. “Have paper and pens brought in,” he said, “and give them to the ten wisest men in this august assembly.”
To Nasruddin’s amusement, a great squabble broke out among the holy men as to who was the wisest among them. When the contention died down and each of the chosen ten was equipped with paper and pen, the Mullah said,”Have each of them write down the answer to the following question: WHAT IS MATTER MADE OF?”
The answers were written down and handed to the Caliph who read them out. One said, “it is made of nothing.” Another said, “Molecules.” Yet another, “Energy.” Others, “Light,” “I do not know,” “Metaphysical Being” and so on.
Said Nasruddin to the Caliph, “When they come to an agreement on what matter is, they will be fit to judge questions of the spirit. Is it not strange that they cannot agree on something that they themselves are made of, yet they shall be unanimous in their verdict that I am a heretic?”

-It is not the diversity of our dogmas
But our dogmatism itself
That does the damage.
Thus, if each of us did what we are firmly persuaded
Is the will of God
The result would be utter chaos.
Certainty is the culprit.
The spiritual person knows uncertainty-
A state of mind unknown to the religious fanatic.


Veteran Member
Does Islam mandate a non-belief in evolution, dinosaurs and a 4+ billion year old earth?

according to our teachings earth is billions years old. but we do not believe creatures turned into other creatures in time. we believe each creature created originally by God. only changing process we would name as evolution is internal, when someone turns his vices of ego into virtues of Spirit by purifying ego.



This is a lie, and it should be obvious to everyone that it is a lie.

In fact, the Bahai teachings uphold the right of property ownership (but with voluntary sharing), and the strictest standards of chastity.
i apologize , i found that it is wrong information
may be it is a lie but it is not me who made it
i did as some people here do, i just speak about what i think or hear
not what is true
i apologize again
but that don't mean i believe in bahais ,i still don't believe with it
and now i know that a lot of people here watch and don''t talk
i hope all of them join us in this discusssion

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
That is not true.
All any of you have is speculation.
Factualist: just because you see the road does not mean you know the destination
Religionist: just because you have been given a map does not mean you have not been swindled, or that you know which way is north. (What makes your map any better than another's?)

Some cannot see the road or destination and only see the vehicle they are in and the faith it will get them there.


Jesus in me
dear i m not BAhai ,i m SIKH , fifth largest religion of the world .

the executed ppls in the following links are SIKHS bcoz they they didnot accepted that MOHAMMAD AS LAST PROPHET AND ISLAM THE ONLY TRUE RELIGION

Untitled Document

Islam (Obedience to God) is the only true religion but Muslims have a way of equating that with the Qu'ran and in some cases the Ha'dith. As a Christian Islam means something entirely different since our book is the Bible. For a Sikh Islam is found in the Granth.

I thought the first martyr made a perfectly acceptable Islamic statement of faith.

Not only that but it appears the murderers were acting contrary to the Qu'ran and in opposition to the will of Allah.
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non-existential luminary
Islam (Obedience to God) is the only true religion but Muslims have a way of equating that with the Qu'ran and in some cases the Ha'dith. As a Christian Islam means something entirely different since our book is the Bible. For a Sikh Islam is found in the Granth.

I thought the first martyr made a perfectly acceptable Islamic statement of faith.

Not only that but it appears the murderers were acting contrary to the Qu'ran and in opposition to the will of Allah.
I have stated the tenets of my submission to God over and over and over. I do not put my faith is books or other's words.
It is a prime Buddhist teaching that Books are worthless in the end and one's religion should be Agnosticism. I am as Illuminated and the story goes as such:

The devil, transformed into an angel of light, appeared to one of the holy Fathers of the Desert and said, "I am the Angel Gabriel and I have been sent to thee by the Almighty."
The monk replied, "Think again. You must have been sent to someone else. I have done nothing to derserve hte visit of an angel."
With that the devil vanished and never again dared come anywhere near the monk.