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Islam, how much do you really know about it?


non-existential luminary
Timeline of Religion

50,000 BCE
"Humans have evolved the traits associated with modern human behavior. Much of the evidence is from Late Stone Age sites in Africa. Modern human behavior includes abilities such as modern language, abstract thought, symbolism and religion."

3000 BCE
"Indus Valley Civilization begins to mature. A number of religious aspects of this civilization would eventually be incorporated in the Indian religions."

2494-2345 BCE"
The Pyramid Texts arguably the oldest known religious texts in the world are composed."

1367 BCE"
Reign of Akhenaton in Ancient Egypt. He is credited with introducing Monotheism to religion"


Veteran Member

i can not make comment on that. i do not know Indian history and who were those Muslims. but Qur'an tells about some people who say 'we are Muslims' but they do not care for commands of God. they existed in time of last Prophet and they still exist.

9:97 The wandering Arabs are more hard in disbelief and hypocrisy, and more likely to be ignorant of the limits which Allah hath revealed unto His messenger. And Allah is Knower, Wise.

9:101 Certain of the desert Arabs round about you are hypocrites, as well as (desert Arabs) among the Medina folk: they are obstinate in hypocrisy: thou knowest them not: We know them: twice shall We punish them: and in addition shall they be sent to a grievous penalty.



Alla Prima

Well-Known Member

Islam is a hegemony. Anything outside Dar-el- Islam (House of Islam) is Dar-el-harb (House of War).

The idea of Islam is that once the House of Islam is on the rise and gaining power it will exert it's dominance. Once territory is conquered these lands are considered (by Muslims) Muslim lands for all time. Once all the world is under it's control there will be (according to Islam) peace. Islam is spread by peaceful methods but if these don't work violent methods are used. Islam converts (or subjurgates) it's conquered people.


Veteran Member
11:118 And if your Lord had pleased He would certainly have made people a single nation

7:168 And We have sundered them in the earth as (separate) nations.

there might be some wishful thinkers who want to see entire humanity as Muslims but it would never happen. if everyone was on same path, there would not be a test for people. opposites are test to each other. people are here to be tested, not to prove anything.



non-existential luminary
If you really want to go for the original "1 God" religion go for Setianism (Luciferianism) }: P .

"The first monotheist in history seems to be the penultimate Hyksos King of Avaris, named Apophis, who took Sutheck (Set; God of Evil and disorder) to be his sole deity, and enforced this god on the population by means of banning worship of all other gods, and allowing the sacred animals of the Egyptians to be killed. Following the second intermediate period, Akhnaton replicated the monotheism of Apothis but with the Aten disk as the one-god of monotheism (Rah/Amen; God of Sun and Order)"

Akhnaton is taken as the introductor of Monothiesm because Apophis' Setism did not influence the convertion of the Pagan Jews into "1 God" worship of their Sun god YHWH.(infact Setism quickly died out but it is said that Zoroaster was influence by reading about both Setism and Amenism.)
Monotheism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Well-Known Member
If you really want to go for the original "1 God" religion go for Setianism (Luciferianism) }: P .

"The first monotheist in history seems to be the penultimate Hyksos King of Avaris, named Apophis, who took Sutheck (Set; God of Evil and disorder) to be his sole deity, and enforced this god on the population by means of banning worship of all other gods, and allowing the sacred animals of the Egyptians to be killed. Following the second intermediate period, Akhnaton replicated the monotheism of Apothis but with the Aten disk as the one-god of monotheism (Rah/Amen; God of Sun and Order)"

Akhnaton is taken as the introductor of Monothiesm because Apophis' Setism did not influence the convertion of the Pagan Jews into "1 God" worship of their Sun god YHWH.(infact Setism quickly died out but it is said that Zoroaster was influence by reading about both Setism and Amenism.)
Monotheism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yes and many Egyptian scholars believe the Hebrew religion was a twisted misinterpretation of the Egyptian religion with them turning myth into literalacy which defeated the whole meaning behind the Egyptian religion. Then Christianity came along and took more mythical beliefs into literal beliefs and voila, this is what we have today. One God religions that sometimes don't play nice in the sandbox.

Sen McGlinn

bahai say you can share your wife with others if they are bahia too

This is a lie, and it should be obvious to everyone that it is a lie.

In fact, the Bahai teachings uphold the right of property ownership (but with voluntary sharing), and the strictest standards of chastity.

Baha'u'llah writes:

They that spread disorder in the land, and lay hands on the property of others, and enter a house without leave of its owner, We, verily, are clear of them, unless they repent and return unto God, the Ever-Forgiving, the Most Merciful."
(Baha'u'llah, Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, p. 23)
Abdu'l Baha writes:

... among the teachings of Bahá'u'lláh is voluntary sharing of one's property with others among mankind. This voluntary sharing is greater than equality, and consists in this, that man should not prefer himself to others, but rather should sacrifice his life and property for others. But this should not be introduced by coercion so that it becomes a law and man is compelled to follow it. Nay, rather, man should voluntarily and of his own choice sacrifice his property and life for others, and spend willingly for the poor, just as is done in Persia among the Bahá'ís.
(Abdu'l-Baha, 'Tablet to the Hague (Peace conference), in Selections from the Writings of Abdu'l-Baha, p. 302)
O Friends of the Pure and Omnipotent God! To be pure and holy in all things is an attribute of the consecrated soul and a necessary characteristic of the unenslaved mind. The best of perfections is immaculacy and the freeing of oneself from every defect. Once the individual is, in every respect, cleansed and purified, then will he become a focal centre reflecting the Manifest Light.

First in a human being's way of life must be purity, then freshness, cleanliness, and independence of spirit. First must the stream bed be cleansed, then may the sweet river waters be led into it. Chaste eyes enjoy the beatific vision of the Lord and know what this encounter meaneth; a pure sense inhaleth the fragrances that blow from the rose gardens of His grace; a burnished heart will mirror forth the comely face of truth.
(Selections from the Writings of Abdu'l-Baha, p. 146)

Alla Prima

Well-Known Member
The Hadith would have us believe we are all born Muslim. The thrust here is to impose Islam on all people which is in keeping with it's goal of domination.

Sahih Bukhari
Volume 2, Book 23, Number 467:

Narrated Abu Huraira:

The Prophet said, "Every child is born with a true faith of Islam (i.e. to worship none but Allah Alone) and his parents convert him to Judaism or Christianity or Magianism, as an animal delivers a perfect baby animal. Do you find it mutilated?"

Sahih Muslim
Book 033, Number 6426:

Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: No babe is born but upon *Fitra. It is his parents who make him a Jew or a Christian or a Polytheist. A person said: Allah's Messenger, what is your opinion if they were to die before that (before reaching the age of adolescence when they can distinguish between right and wrong)? He said: It is Allah alone Who knows what they would be doing.

*According to Islamic theology, human beings are born with an innate knowledge of tawhid http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fitra

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Timeline of Religion

50,000 BCE
"Humans have evolved the traits associated with modern human behavior. Much of the evidence is from Late Stone Age sites in Africa. Modern human behavior includes abilities such as modern language, abstract thought, symbolism and religion."

3000 BCE
"Indus Valley Civilization begins to mature. A number of religious aspects of this civilization would eventually be incorporated in the Indian religions."

2494-2345 BCE"
The Pyramid Texts arguably the oldest known religious texts in the world are composed."

1367 BCE"
Reign of Akhenaton in Ancient Egypt. He is credited with introducing Monotheism to religion"

You omitted one thing,they were all Muslims,well thats what i have been told,you are actually born a Muslim.


non-existential luminary
I was born Agnostic and hope to always remind myself that i am Agnostic. So... Muslims are your Angels Seraphin? what are Jinn? only demons?


Veteran Member
I was born Agnostic and hope to always remind myself that i am Agnostic. So... Muslims are your Angels Seraphin? what are Jinn? only demons?

jinns are like us humans. they could follow any path they want. some obey God, some don't. some follow Satan and become demon.



Veteran Member
so Jinn are angels? what are seraphin?

no, jinns are not angels. jinns have free will too. they are tested by God as well, they are invited to Islam as well. they have families like us. Angels serve God and they are not tested. most do not have free will or ego.

i remember name Seraphin but can't recall what it is. sorry :)



non-existential luminary
No, angles are not jin.
Humans and Jin have free will to obey or disobey God, while angels only obey God and worship Him all the time.
I was talking about the Seraphine. .lava explained quite nice that she as a muslim belives jinn and angels are different and that jinn have free will.