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Islam, how much do you really know about it?


Veteran Member
Strange how Islam is only about 1200 years old, yet human history at the very least is 10,000 years old. Where was Islam then?

Islam is as old as Adam (PBUH). three major books say 'religion of God is haneef religion of Abraham(PBUH)'. haneef and Islam means 'submission' in different languages. haneef is also nature of human being. first man who's created had the exact nature of today's people and ever since his existed, the path that leads God always depend on one thing; wishing to reach God. to us, Christianity, Judaism and Islam are not different religions. as long as one wishes to reach God, we share the same path in different names.

here are the verses for you Don:

(2:190) And fight in the way of Allah with those who fight against you but do not commit aggression because AIIah does not like aggressors

(2:191) Fight against them wherever they confront you in combat and drive them out from where they drove you out. Though killing is bad. persecution is worse than killing. Do not fight against them near the Masjid Haram (the kabba) unless they attack you there.

(2:192) And if they attack you first (even in that sacred area), strike them (without any hesitation); this is the due punishment for such disbelievers. If, however, they desist from fighting (you should also do likewise), and know that Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.

(2:193) Go on fighting with them till there is no more a state of tribulation and Allah's way is established instead. Then if they desist from it, there should be no more hostility except against those who had been guilty of cruelty and brutality.

(2:194) A prohibited month is to be respected, if the same is respected (by the enemy), and likewise there is the law of just retribution for the violation of all prohibited things. Therefore, if anyone transgresses a prohibition by attacking you, you may do likewise, but always fear AIIah and bear in mind that Allah is with those who desist from breaking Allah's bounds.

there are many more but it would take me ages to find all of them, but if you want i can post them when i do find them.

It sounds like christian verses. This further shows that the basis of religions are the same, but that people twist words to fit their own agenda. There are good and bad of all races and religions.

Alla Prima

Well-Known Member
Strange how Islam is only about 1200 years old, yet human history at the very least is 10,000 years old. Where was Islam then?

Islam is a bully because it's creator was a bully and will make all manner of claims so as to dominate. Islam insinuates itself into other religions to dominate those religions. That's the nature of a bully. Dominance. Lava's claim that all people are born Islam only supports this. Islam is incapable of recognizing anything other than Islam. Muhammad began inventing the ideology of Islam around 610 CE. Before that Islam did not exist.


Well-Known Member
Islam is a bully because it's creator was a bully and will make all manner of claims so as to dominate. Islam insinuates itself into other religions to dominate those religions. That's the nature of a bully. Dominance. Lava's claim that all people are born Islam only supports this. Islam is incapable of recognizing anything other than Islam. Muhammad began inventing the ideology of Islam around 610 CE. Before that Islam did not exist.
Maybe not, but our desire to understand is ancient. Maybe that is all Islam means to Muslims. A desire to understand and if so everyone of us does want to understand.

Alla Prima

Well-Known Member
Maybe not, but our desire to understand is ancient. Maybe that is all Islam means to Muslims. A desire to understand and if so everyone of us does want to understand.

Islam means submission to Allah. Islam believes we are all born Islam. Some of us find this offensive to say the least.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
I think we could all do with a bit more understanding,i am all for people having a belief system that gives them comfort,really the only problem i have with Islam is things like "you are born a Muslim" or Adam born into Islam,or Islam is the only true religion.
None of these things can be proven and it is only belief,there are many religions in the world that i do no concur with and i can see no evidence that they are any more plausible than being a Druid for example.
There is another thing about Abrahmic religions that is puzzling and the stance on Evolution and the horrid things they say about Darwin,the evidence for TOE is overwhelming yet it is not even considered.
The other thing about Islam is it does IMO seem to have hijacked the other Abrahmic religions and is very simmilar to medaeval Christianity and IMO it seems to be stuck there,i really do try to understand but its not easy,it is simmilar in a way to the Mormons.


Veteran Member
Islam means submission to Allah. Islam believes we are all born Islam. Some of us find this offensive to say the least.

but that only tells that babies were born innocent. in case a child dies, he goes to heaven. i do not understand what's offensive about it. i keep telling you that not all Muslims are Islam. there people who's Islam among Christians, among Jews, among Hindus, among any group of people for that matter.


Alla Prima

Well-Known Member
but that only tells that babies were born innocent. in case a child dies, he goes to heaven. i do not understand what's offensive about it. i keep telling you that not all Muslims are Islam. there people who's Islam among Christians, among Jews, among Hindus, among any group of people for that matter.


Why not use the the term 'innocent'? By saying 'Islam' you are bringing Allah and the Islamic religion into it.

And which heaven does he go to according to Islam? A Buddhist heaven?
really the only problem i have with Islam is things like......or Islam is the only true religion.

The Pharisees say the same thing about Judaism, thee Jews are the chosen people etc, all gentiles are on the same level as Animals, it is ok to steal from a gentile because he is an animal anyway etc. Bit off topic but its interesting to see that a lot of religions put themselves first above all the rest of the world. Like God chose only one group of people and their decendants to be loved. what a joke.


Veteran Member
Why not use the the term 'innocent'? By saying 'Islam' you are bringing Allah and the Islamic religion into it.

And which heaven does he go to according to Islam? A Buddhist heaven?

i do not think it could be better if children of non Muslims were discriminated.



Active Member
The Pharisees say the same thing about Judaism, thee Jews are the chosen people etc, all gentiles are on the same level as Animals, it is ok to steal from a gentile because he is an animal anyway etc. Bit off topic but its interesting to see that a lot of religions put themselves first above all the rest of the world. Like God chose only one group of people and their decendants to be loved. what a joke.

Exactly, My Dad did this that is one of the big problems I had with his teachings.


Guardian of Asgaard
Islam is as old as Adam (PBUH). three major books say 'religion of God is haneef religion of Abraham(PBUH)'. haneef and Islam means 'submission' in different languages. haneef is also nature of human being. first man who's created had the exact nature of today's people and ever since his existed, the path that leads God always depend on one thing; wishing to reach God. to us, Christianity, Judaism and Islam are not different religions. as long as one wishes to reach God, we share the same path in different names.


If there was proof outside religious texts which all clearly corroborate with eachother then i'd take your claim a little more seriously. The strange thing is that before all abrahamic religions were "created" by some power junkies there is nothing to suggest any of what these books say. The only thing credible about any religious texts is a loose connection to history.

Im sorry lava you're going to do a lot better than that to convince me this is more than arrogance on a religious scale.


Veteran Member
If there was proof outside religious texts which all clearly corroborate with eachother then i'd take your claim a little more seriously. The strange thing is that before all abrahamic religions were "created" by some power junkies there is nothing to suggest any of what these books say. The only thing credible about any religious texts is a loose connection to history.

Im sorry lava you're going to do a lot better than that to convince me this is more than arrogance on a religious scale.

convincing you? well, that would be my version of 'Mission Impossible' lol

you know, just recently i watched an interview. one guy made very interesting claims about return of Jesus (PBUH). he says he would not come back in flesh and bones. he says that it is proven that sounds do not disappear. so if man kind could invent a machine that gets frequencies of past time, we could hear what Jesus (PBUH) said. he says that science would make this happen. they are actually trying to catch singals from space with giant satellite dish today. if sounds remains in space even though time has passed, then who knows, maybe we would witness what ancient ones said, what Jesus (PBUH) or Moses (PBUH) said...that would be very interesting :)



Guardian of Asgaard
convincing you? well, that would be my version of 'Mission Impossible' lol

you know, just recently i watched an interview. one guy made very interesting claims about return of Jesus (PBUH). he says he would not come back in flesh and bones. he says that it is proven that sounds do not disappear. so if man kind could invent a machine that gets frequencies of past time, we could hear what Jesus (PBUH) said. he says that science would make this happen. they are actually trying to catch singals from space with giant satellite dish today. if sounds remains in space even though time has passed, then who knows, maybe we would witness what ancient ones said, what Jesus (PBUH) or Moses (PBUH) said...that would be very interesting :)


As i thought it was nothing more than a claim.

I somehow doubt it, if frequencies are not lost how would we change the channel on our tv? It doesn't work like that im afraid.


Veteran Member
As i thought it was nothing more than a claim.

I somehow doubt it, if frequencies are not lost how would we change the channel on our tv? It doesn't work like that im afraid.

it happens to be claim because it is given from one person to another. we are equal. in our lives we ask God if we want to know about things. there are people who witness lives of Prophets. anything is possible. it is possible to ask God for proof. asking another person would never help. because your mind would naturally say that we are equal so you would chose yourself over him which is normal.

i don't know. science is like endless ocean. i do not know how it works but i am open minded about it. i would not agree with what that guy says but i find it interesting.



Guardian of Asgaard
it happens to be claim because it is given from one person to another. we are equal. in our lives we ask God if we want to know about things. there are people who witness lives of Prophets. anything is possible. it is possible to ask God for proof. asking another person would never help. because your mind would naturally say that we are equal so you would chose yourself over him which is normal.

i don't know. science is like endless ocean. i do not know how it works but i am open minded about it. i would not agree with what that guy says but i find it interesting.


I could claim to be a prophet and pass that claim on. That doesn't make it true. I can talk to God as well, but since God is not there to communicate im telling myself what i want to hear. I don't claim to have much spirituality but im a realist, God does not communicate with us. If he did there would be a few billion more muslims than there are now. Neurology can prove whether or not god is communicating with us. If he was im sure we would know about it by now.

Science is an endless ocean yes, but are you aware of how many frequencies exist? The chance of finding one (which is impossible given basic physics principles) is like trying to find a needle randomly placed in this universe.


Veteran Member
I could claim to be a prophet and pass that claim on. That doesn't make it true. I can talk to God as well, but since God is not there to communicate im telling myself what i want to hear. I don't claim to have much spirituality but im a realist, God does not communicate with us. If he did there would be a few billion more muslims than there are now. Neurology can prove whether or not god is communicating with us. If he was im sure we would know about it by now.

Science is an endless ocean yes, but are you aware of how many frequencies exist? The chance of finding one (which is impossible given basic physics principles) is like trying to find a needle randomly placed in this universe.

i am not saying being a Muslim is enough to communicate with divine sources. i wish! i wish it was that easy.

yes, i understand your point. there must be billions of possibilities. i can not even understand how could someone calls me from other side of the world through his cell phone. i do not have a background to understand this stuff. as a proven ignorant of the subject, i keep myself open minded :D



Veteran Member
I don't believe this answered my qustion.

what is your question? you say you find it offensive to call all the babies Islam and i tell you if Islam called babies who were born into Muslim families 'clean' and call babies who were born into non Muslim families 'sinful' then that would be discrimination and that would be offensive. instead they are all called Islam which is something positive. you are all negative about Islam itself therefor you dislike the idea. so what? simply agree to disagree because we would not get anywhere by discussing this issue.


Alla Prima

Well-Known Member
what is your question? you say you find it offensive to call all the babies Islam and i tell you if Islam called babies who were born into Muslim families 'clean' and call babies who were born into non Muslim families 'sinful' then that would be discrimination and that would be offensive. instead they are all called Islam which is something positive. you are all negative about Islam itself therefor you dislike the idea. so what? simply agree to disagree because we would not get anywhere by discussing this issue.


Islam isn't positive to me nor would I think it positive to billions of other people. Muslims can call Muslim babies anything they want as far as I'm concerned but to call non-Muslim babies Islam or sinful is arrogant and insulting.

Now here's what I want you to do. The next time you think about Muslims being insulted by criticisms of Islam from non Muslims you keep that 'agree to disagree' thought in your head. ;)