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Islam, how much do you really know about it?


you told me before you can answer what you wish and i will replay with what i want

I think what ThereIsNoSpoon is trying to point out is exactly what you have basically admitted to above. You're not actually going to answer questions, or reply to all of the obvious mythical inaccuracies that can also be found in your religious text, you're going to purposefully focus in on anything that actually does match up to science or make sense, ignore everything else, and then say "look it's right!"... which is just plain (sorry, I couldn't think of a more appropriate word) dumb.

I think what you should do to help validate your posts is at the end of each,post a sort of disclaimer... something like "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!"


Hostis humani generis

Claim: Pouring Coca-Cola onto a piece of raw pork will cause worms to come crawling out of the meat.

Status: False.
snopes.com: Pork and Coke
:) As well as...

Why if you pour coke on pork the pork will have maggots in two hours or a little more?

The only way to birth maggots on your pork is to leave it outside. Coke has nothing to do with this urban legend. I have preformed such experiments in controlled environments and can confirm maggots do not develop due to the introduction of Coke. What you might see is:
1. Residue from the carbonation that has coagulated the protein structure of the pork.
2. Acids that have started to cook the pork and brought out amino acids that were inside the pork.
3. Maggots!
WikiAnswers - Why if you pour coke on pork the pork will have maggots in two hours or a little more

Here you go :)
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Could you please stop spaming around ?
Your copy paste of known articles from known bogus sites is rather boring.
Can't You write something on your own ?

Why dont you copy the text that the earth was created in 6 days and tell me how science prooved that too ? Or how about the stars that were created to drive away devils ?
Did Allah create the earth first or the heavens ? Did he at all start with this solar system ?
And why would the heavens fall down on earth ?
Mountains that have been set on earth ... everything created in pairs ....fishs swallowing men, people living almost a 1000 years .....the sun sets near a murky pool of water .... pharaos cruxifying people (i thought the romans invented that;) )... a floating sun, animals created with either no, two or 4 legs ...
Oh my this is sooo scientific....

PS: Yeah you told me to "check" nasa.... well my friend, how about a link ? ;)
some of what you say is in quran like god created earth in 6 days
since didn't proof that
some things you say is not in quran
but some thing you say science proof it
everything created in pairs 51:49
science proof that
if you have a shoes is left is male and right is female
no but it is pairs
for example Paramecium it is 1 cell no single male or female
the question how another one come from it?
the answer is with a process called Congugation where 2 stick to get anew 1
also viruses inside it 2 lines contain DNA and RNA they spread then back to make anew 1
champginon there are + and -
there are different between pairs and male and female
it is - and +
- and + gather to get a new 1
that is what since say


I think what ThereIsNoSpoon is trying to point out is exactly what you have basically admitted to above. You're not actually going to answer questions, or reply to all of the obvious mythical inaccuracies that can also be found in your religious text, you're going to purposefully focus in on anything that actually does match up to science or make sense, ignore everything else, and then say "look it's right!"... which is just plain (sorry, I couldn't think of a more appropriate word) dumb.

I think what you should do to help validate your posts is at the end of each,post a sort of disclaimer... something like "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!"
i didn't say i can answer every thing
no one have informations about every thing
when some 1 ask me aquestion i try to answer
but when i ask about some thing no one try to answer
that was his words not mine
check my questions did any one answer it
even when is say some thing science proved it is true you don't belive it just because you don't belive quran is abook from god
also you you i chose some things matched with science cool
and things don't match i deny it
did any one here prove with science that some thing i say is wrong?
check my last post about pairs
he say it is wrong
science proof it is right
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Jesus in me
i have posted this thread because i recon that many non muslims have no idea about islam and what sort of religion it is, well appart from the lies that are shown on tv, so i though i would give you a chance to make any questions that you want, and inshallah i will answer them , but i do not have limmitlesknowledge and so in some parts i may not be able to give good answers i hope no one would mind about that.
so who ever wishe to make a start please do so and i well get back to you as soon as possible.

all the best wishes

I have read the entire Qu'ran and have it on my desktop along with a Bible version.
I have entered into discussions on islamic web sites. I don't remember anything negative about Islam in the media other than the results of radical Islam. But then that is the nature of news reporting, to report that which is negative.

My question is: How can Islam earn respect from the Christian community if it doesn't show respect for the Christian community?


I have read the entire Qu'ran and have it on my desktop along with a Bible version.
I have entered into discussions on islamic web sites. I don't remember anything negative about Islam in the media other than the results of radical Islam. But then that is the nature of news reporting, to report that which is negative.

My question is: How can Islam earn respect from the Christian community if it doesn't show respect for the Christian community?
لَا يَنْهَاكُمُ اللهُ عَنِ الَّذِينَ لَمْ يُقَاتِلُوكُمْ فِي الدِّينِ وَلَمْ يُخْرِجُوكُمْ مِنْ دِيَارِكُمْ أَنْ تَبَرُّوهُمْ وَتُقْسِطُوا إِلَيْهِمْ إِنَّ اللهَ يُحِبُّ المُقْسِطِين
good don't prevent you from having aconnection with people who didn't fight you or get you out of your homes and be friends with them

can you tell me how islam don't respect christian community
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England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
i will give you example there are 2 egyptian doctors in jail now in saudia arabia
they were accused of drug selling
the judge say the punish is 15 years and lashing for 1500 time
in islam there are no punishment like that at all
but saudi claims it is islamic state
so when some one like you hear about that he will say that is the islam
which is very far away from the truth
and i will give you important information
there are no islamic state use the real islamic law
you speak about democracy ok
i will gave you example
let is be about election
when prophet mohamed died he didn't say who will the leader of moslems after him
what did moslems did
they did what is in quran
and what is quran ?
a full chapter called elshora wish mean consulting
وَالَّذِينَ اسْتَجَابُوا لِرَبِّهِمْ وَأَقَامُوا الصَّلَاةَ وَأَمْرُهُمْ شُورَى بَيْنَهُمْ وَمِمَّا رَزَقْنَاهُمْ يُنْفِقُونَ
people who did orders of god and pray and they consult each other and from what we gave them they spend )
so they elected a man by voting
and that last for 4 times ,they elected leaders
then some one make a war and be the leader and make the leadership just in his family
so kingdom system is not in islam
the leader must be elected
so what do you think it is islamic state and the system is kingdom is doing some thing against islam orders
is that make the problem with islam or with the people who don't follow the order of it

About 500 BC Athens were a Democracy so the Greeks were quite advanced.
I agree with you about Islamic states not being the right system as they are bad.
I will say this though,when i have spoken with a Muslim from one of these countries they say that Muslims must live like them or they are not Muslims,i myself do not tar everyone with the same brush so i do not think all Muslims are bad.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Many diverse subjects are mentioned in the Qur'an while also inviting people to believe. Sometimes the heavens, sometimes animals, and sometimes plants are mentioned as evidence of Allah's existence. In many of these verses, people are called upon to consider their own creation. They are often reminded how man came into the world, which stages he has passed through, and what his essence is:
It is We Who have created you. Why, then, do you not accept the truth? Have you ever considered that [seed] which you emit? Is it you who create it? Or are We the Creator? (Qur'an, 56:57-59)

The miracle of man's creation is emphasised in many verses. Some of the information within these verses is so detailed that it was impossible for anyone living in the 7th century to have known it. Examples of these are as follows:
1. Man is not created from the entire semen, but only a very small portion of it (sperm).
2. It is the male that determines the sex of the baby.
3. The human embryo adheres to the mother's uterus like a leech.
4. The embryo develops in three dark regions in the uterus.
The items of information just quoted were far above the level of learning of the people living at that time. The discovery of these facts could only become possible by the technology attained in the 20th century.
Now, let us examine these items one at a time.
A Drop of Semen


In the picture to the left, we see semen ejected into the uterus. Only very few sperms out of 250 million sperms emitted from the male can make it to the ovum. The sperm that will fertilise the egg is the only one out of a thousand sperms that have managed to survive.

The fact that man is made not from the entire semen—but only a small part of it—is related in the Qur'an with the expression, "a drop of ejected semen."​

Sperm undertake a journey into the mother's body until they reach the ovum. Only a thousand out of 250 million sperm succeed in reaching the ovum. At the end of this five-minute race, the ovum, half the size of a grain of salt, will let only one of the sperms in. That is, the substance of man is not the whole semen, but only a small part of it. This is explained in the Surat al-Qiyama as follows:
Does man reckon he will be left uncontrolled [without purpose]? Was he not once a drop of ejected semen? (Qur'an, 75:36-37)

As we have seen, the Qur'an informs us that man is made not from the entire semen, but only a small part of it. That the particular emphasis in this verse announces a fact only discovered by modern science is evidence that the Qur'an is the Word of Allah.

You say this proves the Quran and that people would not have known these things
but if you consider the Greeks for examle: Archemides(Mathematician),Hyppocrates(father of Medicine),Aristotle(Mathematician,Astrologer) and many more we can see that people knew lots of things a 1000 years before the Quran.


Well-Known Member
I dont want to post in the Islam DIR, so Ill post my response to Hyperborean's thread here. I think its interesting to see how supposedly peace-loving followers of religion can spend so much time and energy trying to goad others into a fight, so you can engage them in argument, rather than just live and let live side by side in harmony.

If paganism is so bad/deluded, why is it that after islam came the middle east became the most violent place in the world? Why must followers of islam (like Hyperborean) feel the need to attack every other religion and claim that Islam is superior to them all?

Can you not see that this makes everyone else mad and hate islam?

I would think that people who love Islam would hate those people within it who try and attack all other religions, thus bringing so much hatred and bigotry towards Islam.


Well-Known Member
I dont want to post in the Islam DIR, so Ill post my response to Hyperborean's thread here. I think its interesting to see how supposedly peace-loving followers of religion can spend so much time and energy trying to goad others into a fight, so you can engage them in argument, rather than just live and let live side by side in harmony.

If paganism is so bad/deluded, why is it that after islam came the middle east became the most violent place in the world? Why must followers of islam (like Hyperborean) feel the need to attack every other religion and claim that Islam is superior to them all?

Can you not see that this makes everyone else mad and hate islam?

I would think that people who love Islam would hate those people within it who try and attack all other religions, thus bringing so much hatred and bigotry towards Islam.
I agree totally. It certainly does not inspire me to become a follower of Islam when such outright contempt for other faiths is so blatant. Makes one wonder the percentage of Islam that thinks the same way...

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
I dont want to post in the Islam DIR, so Ill post my response to Hyperborean's thread here. I think its interesting to see how supposedly peace-loving followers of religion can spend so much time and energy trying to goad others into a fight, so you can engage them in argument, rather than just live and let live side by side in harmony.

If paganism is so bad/deluded, why is it that after islam came the middle east became the most violent place in the world? Why must followers of islam (like Hyperborean) feel the need to attack every other religion and claim that Islam is superior to them all?

Can you not see that this makes everyone else mad and hate islam?

I would think that people who love Islam would hate those people within it who try and attack all other religions, thus bringing so much hatred and bigotry towards Islam.

Muslims are taught that Islam is the one true faith and there are no others is a great foundation for people like Hyperborean,i have absolutely no problem with any religion although i do not follow one myself but i dislike a holier than thou attitude from anyone and the rhetoric dished out by some is unbelievable


Well-Known Member
I dont want to post in the Islam DIR, so Ill post my response to Hyperborean's thread here. I think its interesting to see how supposedly peace-loving followers of religion can spend so much time and energy trying to goad others into a fight, so you can engage them in argument, rather than just live and let live side by side in harmony.

If paganism is so bad/deluded, why is it that after islam came the middle east became the most violent place in the world? Why must followers of islam (like Hyperborean) feel the need to attack every other religion and claim that Islam is superior to them all?

Can you not see that this makes everyone else mad and hate islam?

I would think that people who love Islam would hate those people within it who try and attack all other religions, thus bringing so much hatred and bigotry towards Islam.
You know that this can be said about followers of many other religions and thus it brings so much hatred and bigotry towards the religions they follow.
It amazes me how everyone else can criticize whatever religion they want but when it comes to Muslims, "hey look at the peace loving followers", "this is the religion of peace"!!! Every one is able to criticize other religions but man Muslims are forbidden from doing so!!
"Just live and let live" does this mean we are not allowed to utter our thoughts about the different religions? So what are we doing here exactly?
"The problem of Islam"; a recent thread in which the author suggests that Islam and Muslims are a danger and threat to his society, why didn't I hear your sweet voice then? "Just live and let live side by side in harmony"?!!
Why must followers of islam (like Hyperborean) feel the need to attack every other religion and claim that Islam is superior to them all?]
So because you think Hyperborean feels the need to attack every other religion, this can be generalized to "followers of Islam"?!
Just for your info, 1400 years ago, Islam had very harsh battles against paganism (ideological battles I mean). If you don't know that the Qur'an was revealed to show the straight path (the path of Islam) to mankind and to warn us from Shaytan and his paths, then it's your problem. All what you have to do is to open the Qur'an to see how much the Qur'an argued with the pagans, kuffar, christians ...etc about their beliefs. The Qur'an challenged, criticized their beliefs and corrected them.
Always the truth is superior to falsehood and we as Muslims believe that the Qur'an is the truth. I as a Muslim believe that Islam is superior to any other religion and I don't see anything wrong with this. And I completely accept the position of anyone else believes that his religion is superior to mine and my religion is false. It's his right to believe so just as it's my right to believe that Islam is the truth from the Creator.
And I have every single right to disagree and criticize other religions just like anyone else. Heck, is there a religion that is being attacked and insulted like Islam nowadays?!!
If paganism is so bad/deluded, why is it that after islam came the middle east became the most violent place in the world?
So it's a crime to think that paganism is so deluded!!
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Well-Known Member
I am a pagan, so calling my religion deluded is the same as if I call you deluded. I have not. I am open to debate, but its a certainly going to be a wasted argument if the person you are arguing with feels its ok to call the other side "evil" or "insane" or "deluded".

If you can agree that I (or other pagans) could have a valid view point, and that MAYBE God has spoken to us in his own way, and that we have as much right to exist as you, then we can have a good discussion. It is my hope that you and I can agree to that much at least.

But by saying things like the Quran "corrected" the mistakes of christians and pagans, etc. you are saying the others are wrong. For your information, I have studied the Quaran, and it did not convert me to Islam. It is not the path for me. But that does not make me hate it, or hate those who follow it.

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Well-Known Member
I am a pagan, so calling my religion deluded is the same as if I call you deluded. I have not.
I don't have any tiny problem if you think/call my religion "deluded".

If you can agree that I (or other pagans) could have a valid view point, and that MAYBE God has spoken to us in his own way, and that we have as much right to exist as you, then we can have a good discussion. It is my hope that you and I can agree to that much at least.
I do believe that you have much right to exist as me but I don't have to believe that you could have a valid view point or that God might spoke to you in any way. There is a huge difference between the former and the latter. Nor do I think you should believe that I might have a valid view point...etc to have a good discussion with me.
I accept your presence yes but I don't have to accept the validity of your religion or even the possibility of its validity.


Veteran Member
Are you saying Islam has not been put in practice anywhere with success, like democracy? Well, democracy does not claim to be a system that God made, unlike Islam.

Islam was lived before. the last nation who practiced Islam correctly was Ottoman Empire. but today, none of the Muslim nations are practicing it right.



Veteran Member
Democracy is by no means perfect and with it comes responsibility because you have a voice and a vote that counts which determines who will be in power.
You say that Islamic states such as Iran and Saudi are wrong and Islamic Human rights are of the highest quality LOL this i find ridiculous.

each person finds himself in Qur'an. it is our personal responsibility to change your heart by purifying your ego if you don't like what you see in this mirror we call life.



Well-Known Member
But by saying things like the Quran "corrected" the mistakes of christians and pagans, etc. you are saying the others are wrong. For your information, I have studied the Quaran, and it did not convert me to Islam. It is not the path for me. But that does not make me hate it, or hate those who follow it.

I do believe that following any other religion other than Islam is wrong. And since you have studied the Qur'an, you must be familiar with a verse like this: "And whoever desires other than Islām as religion – never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers." َQur'an
it did not convert me to Islam
The Qur'an doesn't covert people but people convert themselves.

Who mentioned hatred here?