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Islam, how much do you really know about it?


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Let us first begin by admitting that we are not gods nor do we possess all knowledge. It is also necessary to remove from our minds and hearts any prejudices and prior notions of how everything came into being and how it is being sustained and perpetuated. This is the critical first step to gaining any true knowledge and establishing facts based on proof.

Think about this:

If there is a creation, there must be a Creator.

If there is a Creator, He must be the Sustainer.

The Creator Cannot Create Himself.

If He is the sole Creator/Sustainer -- He must be ONE.

God must be one. Otherwise we would see great differences and competition between the gods if there were one -- Alone.

Do we agree that this is a creation? Or do we accept that nothing came out of nothing to form this entire universe?
This is a very clear message from Allah, in the Quran. Something does not come out of nothing. So, there must be something in existence already which created all that we know to exist. And that "something" needs to be called upon in times of need and thanksgiving.
As Allah has said in His Book: "I only created you all to worship Me Alone."He also says that we are all being tested by Him with regard to our wealth, families, children and social status

"Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; it can only change forms."

Basic scientific principle, and this applies to matter as well.

It is also quite well known that we are all made of Stardust. That when the Sun was formed, what was left of the remains became the planets, moons, and the rest became space rocks. These leftovers were the original building blocks needed to create life.

And Stars are made of Stardust of other Stars that went nova.

Nothing did come from nothing. Even before the Big Bang, all that Exists now existed back then as well. I suspect there are theories that before the Big Bang, there was a universe like our own, that collapsed into a crunch and then exploded outward. There are also theories that the Big Bang was not the moment of creation, but merely a gigantic supernova by an incredibly massive star. (this is because scientists have found stars that appear to be older than the Big Bang)

Is all of this pure chance? Honestly, I doubt it.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Why oh why are Muslims not content with their religion being what it is,a belief which is different from a fact and more personal instead of going over the same ground.


"Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; it can only change forms."

Basic scientific principle, and this applies to matter as well.

It is also quite well known that we are all made of Stardust. That when the Sun was formed, what was left of the remains became the planets, moons, and the rest became space rocks. These leftovers were the original building blocks needed to create life.

And Stars are made of Stardust of other Stars that went nova.

Nothing did come from nothing. Even before the Big Bang, all that Exists now existed back then as well. I suspect there are theories that before the Big Bang, there was a universe like our own, that collapsed into a crunch and then exploded outward. There are also theories that the Big Bang was not the moment of creation, but merely a gigantic supernova by an incredibly massive star. (this is because scientists have found stars that appear to be older than the Big Bang)

Is all of this pure chance? Honestly, I doubt it.

maybe not all pure chance a bit mixed into what could well be a "process" that just goes on. and you have me intregued is there really evidence that some stars could be older than the big bang? it could that big bangs go on all over and at all differtent times and we are just in the middle of our particular one.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
There are many sciences,science has no need of religion it can survive without it.

I'm going to go with .lava on this subject.

In the Baha'i scriptures, there is a statement that science without religion is gross materialism, while religion without science is mere superstition.

I'd also like to point out that religion is far more than mythology. One can have a religion without having a mythology.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
maybe not all pure chance a bit mixed into what could well be a "process" that just goes on. and you have me intregued is there really evidence that some stars could be older than the big bang? it could that big bangs go on all over and at all differtent times and we are just in the middle of our particular one.

To tell you the truth, I only heard that theory from a BBC article. I my math really sucks, so when it comes to astronomy, I really have no choice but to take scientists at their word. (for now, anyway)

Then again, everything we 'know' about the universe is pure theory based on physics that we know about.


To tell you the truth, I only heard that theory from a BBC article. I my math really sucks, so when it comes to astronomy, I really have no choice but to take scientists at their word. (for now, anyway)

Then again, everything we 'know' about the universe is pure theory based on physics that we know about.

OK but thanks it will lead me into looking into that fascinating subject a little deeper


Veteran Member
There are many sciences,science has no need of religion it can survive without it.

science exists thanks to material, thanks to creation. without religion, of course people can explain how this physical world functions. if you're satisfied with what you know, then fine. i am not satisfied with some questions being answered. because i would also like to know what makes me ask questions and everything that is there that cause all the questions. science without religion is like a man who's talking about furniture in a house, but he never thinks about who built that house. on the other hand (on our side, i mean) religion explains this world and how it functions. not just physical world. it also explains metaphysical stuff. religion gives meaning to facts that science without religion offers with a lack of meaning, significance. if there is no meaning in what i know, then what i know is raw and i am some kind of a machine.


England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
science exists thanks to material, thanks to creation. without religion, of course people can explain how this physical world functions. if you're satisfied with what you know, then fine. i am not satisfied with some questions being answered. because i would also like to know what makes me ask questions and everything that is there that cause all the questions. science without religion is like a man who's talking about furniture in a house, but he never thinks about who built that house. on the other hand (on our side, i mean) religion explains this world and how it functions. not just physical world. it also explains metaphysical stuff. religion gives meaning to facts that science without religion offers with a lack of meaning, significance. if there is no meaning in what i know, then what i know is raw and i am some kind of a machine.


Building is a kind of science and when i build i do not think of religion purely because IMVHO religion is man made and has little to do with God,when i use OHMS law to work out a circuit or engineering to complete a project there is no religion.


Veteran Member
Building is a kind of science and when i build i do not think of religion purely because IMVHO religion is man made and has little to do with God,when i use OHMS law to work out a circuit or engineering to complete a project there is no religion.

and i get that. science is numbers. if it is only numbers then there is no meaning. who are you going to admire for that material you use? nobody? they all just came out of nowhere on their own?

do doctors save lives? you know, one of the most ignorant thing i've ever heard in this world is some people who kill doctors because their relative died during surgery. a doctor does the best he can to keep people alive. they know the science of this job. but people die anyway. why? there are some doctors who's depressed when their patient dies. cos they know they did everything to save him but it did not work out. yet it worked with another one. imagine two patients who have the same disease, one survives and other one dies. how could science explain that?


England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
and i get that. science is numbers. if it is only numbers then there is no meaning. who are you going to admire for that material you use? nobody? they all just came out of nowhere on their own?

do doctors save lives? you know, one of the most ignorant thing i've ever heard in this world is some people who kill doctors because their relative died during surgery. a doctor does the best he can to keep people alive. they know the science of this job. but people die anyway. why? there are some doctors who's depressed when their patient dies. cos they know they did everything to save him but it did not work out. yet it worked with another one. imagine two patients who have the same disease, one survives and other one dies. how could science explain that?


Science isn't infallible and cannot answer every question,the methods i use are tried and tested and i love using them to build something to be proud of but are not comparable with being a Doctor but i understand what you mean


Veteran Member
Science isn't infallible and cannot answer every question,the methods i use are tried and tested and i love using them to build something to be proud of but are not comparable with being a Doctor but i understand what you mean

i believe i understand you too. my entire family is engineer. my mother decades ago actually built the house she painted when she was teenager. she built the exact same house. i admire that. i also admire human intellect. even without religion intellect is a great tool. but, i can't help wonder why we have intellect for? to build houses? why we mortal beings are able to think about eternity? why do we even need an intellect that's 'able' to understand eternity? what for?


England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
i believe i understand you too. my entire family is engineer. my mother decades ago actually built the house she painted when she was teenager. she built the exact same house. i admire that. i also admire human intellect. even without religion intellect is a great tool. but, i can't help wonder why we have intellect for? to build houses? why we mortal beings are able to think about eternity? why do we even need an intellect that's 'able' to understand eternity? what for?


As Human beings we are curious by nature so why should'nt we ponder about eternity,it is these traits that have brought us to where we are now(i know we are not brilliant)so all the time we try to understand everything,i am a great believer in "necessity is the Mother of invention" the invention of the wheel is a good example and this is where IMO religion is'nt needed,morals yes but religion is a yoke.


"Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; it can only change forms."

Basic scientific principle, and this applies to matter as well.

It is also quite well known that we are all made of Stardust. That when the Sun was formed, what was left of the remains became the planets, moons, and the rest became space rocks. These leftovers were the original building blocks needed to create life.

And Stars are made of Stardust of other Stars that went nova.

Nothing did come from nothing. Even before the Big Bang, all that Exists now existed back then as well. I suspect there are theories that before the Big Bang, there was a universe like our own, that collapsed into a crunch and then exploded outward. There are also theories that the Big Bang was not the moment of creation, but merely a gigantic supernova by an incredibly massive star. (this is because scientists have found stars that appear to be older than the Big Bang)

Is all of this pure chance? Honestly, I doubt it.

Here you have to think about something very important. Let's imagine that you put the pieces of a puzzle randomly inside a balloon. After that, you fill your balloon with air and then suddenly pop it. That is to say the balloon "big banged". What happens to the puzzle's pieces that you had stuffed inside the balloon? Could these pieces form a beautiful villa or an airport-something even you could hardly manage-in the middle of your room? Or would they scatter all over the room? Of course, they would scatter all over your room. You would have to put together the puzzle's pieces for them to form an airport or a house. The big bang occured but why is that the planets so perfectly came into a orbit around the sun,
Everything in the universe is perfect and orderly. Who controlled that energy which you claim cannot be created nor destroyed, someone must have controlled it in order for everything to become perfectly in place. over the billions of years of the universes expansion why do the planets stay in there orbit why dont they just go out of order and crash and smash and destroy this universe.
How Did The Universe Form
follow this link to get your answers.....


"Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; it can only change forms."

Basic scientific principle, and this applies to matter as well.

It is also quite well known that we are all made of Stardust. That when the Sun was formed, what was left of the remains became the planets, moons, and the rest became space rocks. These leftovers were the original building blocks needed to create life.

And Stars are made of Stardust of other Stars that went nova.

Nothing did come from nothing. Even before the Big Bang, all that Exists now existed back then as well. I suspect there are theories that before the Big Bang, there was a universe like our own, that collapsed into a crunch and then exploded outward. There are also theories that the Big Bang was not the moment of creation, but merely a gigantic supernova by an incredibly massive star. (this is because scientists have found stars that appear to be older than the Big Bang)

Is all of this pure chance? Honestly, I doubt it.
and can you please explain how we are made from stardust?


check this out,

Physicist Finds Out Why "We Are Stardust..."

and this

All the elements except hydrogen and helium have been manufactured by nuclear reactions in the interiors of stars. This includes the elements carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen that are critical for life

Why do scientists say we are made of stardust? « Ask an Astrobiologist « NASA Astrobiology

and thats it right, our whole body is composed of dust from stars theres nothing else, and this dust came to form a human being by it self or, was it the energy that forced it to become a human:confused: so what if these elements were realeased from stars, yes they are needed for life but that doesnt mean the stars created us... is this your point?


and thats it right, our whole body is composed of dust from stars theres nothing else, and this dust came to form a human being by it self or, was it the energy that forced it to become a human:confused: so what if these elements were realeased from stars, yes they are needed for life but that doesnt mean the stars created us... is this your point?

no just answering your question, i am no expert but it seems that the elements that we are made of are consistant throughout the universe . kind of like we are not made of something entirely exclusive to us.


no just answering your question, i am no expert but it seems that the elements that we are made of are consistant throughout the universe . kind of like we are not made of something entirely exclusive to us.
so living cells exist in stars and planets,living cells exist in gas and rock, the stars contain sperm or eggs. see how perfect everythig has to be, can nature take care of it self all these things required for survival appeared here?why is the earth and all other planets perfectly round, did the bigbang mould the planets into perfect shape, is the bigbang spining the earth on its access after billions of years. why is the sun perfectly placed away from us so the climate is exacly right for survival?the universe cant move can it does it have life,arms,legs,a heart?

all these are islamic miracles

How Did The Universe Form


so living cells exist in stars and planets,living cells exist in gas and rock, the stars contain sperm or eggs. see how perfect everythig has to be, can nature take care of it self all these things required for survival appeared here?why is the earth and all other planets perfectly round, did the bigbang mould the planets into perfect shape, is the bigbang spining the earth on its access after billions of years. why is the sun perfectly placed away from us so the climate is exacly right for survival?the universe cant move can it does it have life,arms,legs,a heart?

all these are islamic miracles

How Did The Universe Form

If thats what you want to believe then i hope it makes you happy,Rather than saying God did it , which is far to easy an answer for me .I like to delve a little deeper and try and see what is actually going on around me ,I prefer the scientific view of things such as Biology, cosmology,Physics,etc etc. but everyone to their own, its a free country (well mine is anyway)