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Islam, how much do you really know about it?


There are many scholars and historians who disagree with your interpretation. Are you a scholar or historian?
i'am not scholar or historian
and i don't take my religion from books of history
that is orders of islam
you can find that in books like
explanation for elkortoby,elmota for imam malek,rules for ahl elzema for ibn elkim
and alot of other books if you want i can give you more
also i mention 2 of a the very reputed historian
adam metz in his book islamic civilization
will diorant in his book story of civilization
but you didn't comment or gave me name of a reputed historian who say as you say
also check elbokhari as you like to get from it
prophet mohamed say who ever harm one of dhmii i will be his enemy on the crack of doom
also i give you this story
mongols attack moslems countery (syria) in the 8 hygreian centeury and capture alot of people moslems,chrstians and jews
when ibn timia went to negotiate for their release the mongol leader (prince katolshah) gave him just moslems prisoners
ibn timia say that is not accepted we want all of them ,for them what is for us and on them on is on us
so that prince release them all
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What it is saying is if one does not submit to Allah then he will lose all spiritual good for afterlife. I'm understanding this to mean he'll be in Hell.

So the message is Allah or Hell. All who reject Allah will have no happiness in afterlife. Allah hates other religions and denigrates those who reject Islam as 'unclean'. So I am unclean because I am an 'unbeliever' according to Islam. And note that all who reject Islam are labeled 'Unbelievers' or worse 'Kafirs'. Not Hindus or Shinto or Buddhists or Jains or Sikhs but 'Unbelievers'. You're either with us or you're against us. Believers or Unbelievers. Has it occurred to Muslims that Hindus are believers? That Buddhists are believers? No you only see others from your Islamocentric ideology.
simply we believe that there are one religion god sent
it is islam which mean submission
so prophet adam is amoslem , prophet moses is amoslem, prophet jesus is amoslem
all of them and other prophets came with one message which is god is one
also in quran god say that every nation have prophets come to them and that prophet was one of them
also what is mean of believers ,what are they believe in?
they believe in god
are hindus and buddiest belive in god
no they worship buda who was ahuman
or worship monuments refer to 3 gods
for sure god sent them prophets but did they take the message as it or modified it?
they modified it so they are not believers any more


Veteran Member
The verse says the vilest of animals in Allah's sight are those who disbelieve. It does not differenciate. Show me where it makes the distinction you've indicated here?

as all the believers are not equal, not all the disbelievers could be equal either and they are not. i gave you two examples to explain. God would forgive most of humanity except for very small number of people who happen to be source of evil on Earth. considering that because of those people war occurs, people hate and kill each other, because of their lies people can not live in a peaceful world..



Worship the Buddha?
Well, I never knew that. Thanks for telling me something about my old religion I didn't know. :cool:
ِsorry wrong information
why did you left it
i replayed for the left hand that you ask
what do you think
what else you don't like in islam?

Alla Prima

Well-Known Member
as all the believers are not equal, not all the disbelievers could be equal either and they are not. i gave you two examples to explain. God would forgive most of humanity except for very small number of people who happen to be source of evil on Earth. considering that because of those people war occurs, people hate and kill each other, because of their lies people can not live in a peaceful world..

That is vague beyond belief. Show me the distinction you made in the verse.


Hostis humani generis
ِsorry wrong information
why did you left it
i replayed for the left hand that you ask
what do you think
what else you don't like in islam?
It's ok, don't worry about it :)
Why did I leave it? Long story. :D

Hmm, well, I would prefer to eat with my left hand.
I don't see why I -need- to believe in hell if I believe in heaven. :shrug:

Another question is - why so much infighting between Sunni and Shi'a?

Alla Prima

Well-Known Member
simply we believe that there are one religion god sent
it is islam which mean submission
so prophet adam is amoslem , prophet moses is amoslem, prophet jesus is amoslem
all of them and other prophets came with one message which is god is one
also in quran god say that every nation have prophets come to them and that prophet was one of them
also what is mean of believers ,what are they believe in?
they believe in god
are hindus and buddiest belive in god
no they worship buda who was ahuman
or worship monuments refer to 3 gods
for sure god sent them prophets but did they take the message as it or modified it?
they modified it so they are not believers any more

Buddhists believe in the Buddha and the Dharma. That makes them believers does it not? It's obvious that Islam is saying nothing is good but Islam and in fact Christianity's prophet was a Muslim. :eek: But Christianity does not say Jesus was a Muslim. Are you going to say Buddhists were born Muslim?


chardi kla
i asked this question already , but none tried to answer !

m asking again

" why there are seven HEAVENS ? or any thing related to that MENTIONED IN HOLY QURAN .

is there different rating/ranking of these heavens ?



It's ok, don't worry about it :)
Why did I leave it? Long story. :D

Hmm, well, I would prefer to eat with my left hand.
I don't see why I -need- to believe in hell if I believe in heaven. :shrug:

Another question is - why so much infighting between Sunni and Shi'a?
if you believe that good people will go to heaven so where will the bad one's go
it is not fair to put who lived for good in the same place with the one who lived with bad
sunni and shia that need a different topic because it is very long story


Veteran Member
That is vague beyond belief. Show me the distinction you made in the verse.

i'll try...i am not willing to translate Qur'an therfor i would quote from the same website.

3:81 And when Allah made a covenant through the prophets: Certainly what I have given you of Book and wisdom-- then an messenger comes to you verifying that which is with you, you must believe in him, and you must aid him. He said: Do you affirm and accept My compact in this (matter)? They said: We do affirm. He said: Then bear witness, and I (too) am of the bearers of witness with you.

3:82 Whoever therefore turns back after this, these it is that are the transgressors.

3:82: Fe men tevellâ ba’de zâlike fe ulâike humul fâsikûn(fâsikûne).

3:83 Is it then other than Allah's religion that they seek (to follow), and to Him submits whoever is in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly, and to Him shall they be returned.

3:84 Say: We believe in Allah and what has been revealed to us, and what was revealed to Ibrahim and Ismail and Ishaq and Yaqoub and the tribes, and what was given to Musa and Isa and to the prophets from their Lord; we do not make any distinction between any of them, and to Him do we submit

3:85 And whoever desires a religion other than Islam, it shall not be accepted from him, and in the hereafter he shall be one of the losers.

these verses talk about people who Qur'an name as FASIK (Fasikun), it is translated as transgrassors. you do not know what Fasik means. you are a disbeliever but you probably not a FASIK. because FASIK people are the ones who witness messenger of God, they see sign clearly, they believe he is truly messenger of God, they know he is messenger of God. even though they know it they fight against him and they try to keep people away from the truth they personally know. this is what FASIK people do.



non-existential luminary
What it is saying is if one does not submit to Allah then he will lose all spiritual good for afterlife. I'm understanding this to mean he'll be in Hell.

So the message is Allah or Hell. All who reject Allah will have no happiness in afterlife. Allah hates other religions and denigrates those who reject Islam as 'unclean'. So I am unclean because I am an 'unbeliever' according to Islam. And note that all who reject Islam are labeled 'Unbelievers' or worse 'Kafirs'. Not Hindus or Shinto or Buddhists or Jains or Sikhs but 'Unbelievers'. You're either with us or you're against us. Believers or Unbelievers. Has it occurred to Muslims that Hindus are believers? That Buddhists are believers? No you only see others from your Islamocentric ideology.
:cool:: No, it says that if you're not Muslim then you are a total loser.
What i don't get is why God loved Jocob more than Essau.
If it is Allahs will, then let 'Him' enforce it.
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Veteran Member
i asked this question already , but none tried to answer !

m asking again

" why there are seven HEAVENS ? or any thing related to that MENTIONED IN HOLY QURAN .

is there different rating/ranking of these heavens ?


number seven is very significant. there are seven layers in the sky, seven colours in rainbow...there are seven heavens and there are seven levels of hell. each level both in heaven and hell are for those who earn them. people who wish to reach God earns 1st level of heaven, people who became student of a real teacher earn 2nd level, people who (by certain practices) return his Spirit back to God earns 3rd...it goes on. 7th level of heaven is for people who did the most difficult thing on Earth, submitting free will to God.

similar with hell. first two levels are for people who did not deserve curse. the rest of hell is for people who's cursed by other people (religious leaders who led people to hell would be cursed by other people for example) God and angels.



Buddhists believe in the Buddha and the Dharma. That makes them believers does it not? It's obvious that Islam is saying nothing is good but Islam and in fact Christianity's prophet was a Muslim. :eek: But Christianity does not say Jesus was a Muslim. Are you going to say Buddhists were born Muslim?
some times i don't think you even read
as i say before , believers what do they believe?
they believe in god the only, the creator
so believing in any thing else make them not submitted to god
and for the hundred time when we say islam that include all religions and prophets because god sent one religion to earth the aim of it is worshiping the only god
all prophets came to say that ,worship the only god
so any one believe that god is the only ,the creator is amoslem which mean submitted to god
and every one is born submitted to god then he chose his way


non-existential luminary
i asked this question already , but none tried to answer !

m asking again

" why there are seven HEAVENS ? or any thing related to that MENTIONED IN HOLY QURAN .

is there different rating/ranking of these heavens ?

The Pangan religion of the Arabs was tied to that of the Hindus.


chardi kla
number seven is very significant. there are seven layers in the sky, seven colours in rainbow...there are seven heavens and there are seven levels of hell. each level both in heaven and hell are for those who earn them. people who wish to reach God earns 1st level of heaven, people who became student of a real teacher earn 2nd level, people who (by certain practices) return his Spirit back to God earns 3rd...it goes on. 7th level of heaven is for people who did the most difficult thing on Earth, submitting free will to God.

similar with hell. first two levels are for people who did not deserve curse. the rest of hell is for people who's cursed by other people (religious leaders who led people to hell would be cursed by other people for example) God and angels.


thanx bro ,

can you provide any link /source of that


i asked this question already , but none tried to answer !

m asking again

" why there are seven HEAVENS ? or any thing related to that MENTIONED IN HOLY QURAN .

is there different rating/ranking of these heavens ?

sorry i didn't see your question before
there are one heaven but it have different names ,7 were mentioned in quran
every name refer to one of it is describtion


non-existential luminary
some times i don't think you even read
as i say before , believers what do they believe?
they believe in god the only, the creator
so believing in any thing else make them not submitted to god
and for the hundred time when we say islam that include all religions and prophets because god sent one religion to earth the aim of it is worshiping the only god
all prophets came to say that ,worship the only god
so any one believe that god is the only ,the creator is amoslem which mean submitted to god
and every one is born submitted to god then he chose his way
the strict definition of the word believer is one who believes (anything or other). God didn't send one religion to Earth. People makeup and decide upon their religions. The begining of Muhammadist Islam is sort of like the begining of Joshephidian Mormonism, though with a little less seclution/shunning by society and a little bit more war.