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Islam will dominate!


Its only a Label
Friend 301ouncer,

We are not animals. It is well known the muslims got the crushing hand and hatered of the majority cast system.

The MIND plays tricks and it helps one to find ways out of any situation and so if you read the posts and threads wherein have stated that MIND is the SATAN and transcending the MIND is religion. The proof is your own statement above.

Love & rgds

n.b. you are still to respond to the previous posts!


Done here.
No one is forcing you to believe in our system. You can be as you are, a subject of the system. The system is there to protect you and your childeren and family of the evil from people that are all around you.
People who want their religion to conquer the world are among the most evil people in the world.


This is the capital punishment and NOT examples of crimes committed in christendom by christian subjects.

Also is this Alexandrian Christainity or European dark ages PICS? two compelety different christianity.

It's European Dark Ages.. it's called the Dark Ages because the Roman Catholic Church had all the power. Every crime was punished with capital punishment. Sorry, but torturing people for either being a.) witches or b.) blasphemers is a crime in my book.


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
I have never said ever that I hated this group or that group. I hate the system that produce the rotten fruits that many people around the globe are witnessing to. The foundation of secularisim is what I hate and I am justifiably right.

Since you talking about hate. I didn't say I hated Indians or anyone but either way it does not detract from the fact that in India people:

1. marry animals to ward off evil.

2. Unjust Cast system (Which is a fundamental teachings of hinduism) that oppress the poor. It is forbidden for a better cast person to be in anyway involved i.e marriage etc with a lower cast system person.

3. the elevation of animles to holyness status.

4. Any special event that occure. That event is turned into a diety and worshipped by the masses. i.e the infulx of huge number of Monkeys on some southeastern states are automatically turn the monkey into a GOD and statues and offerings are given to.

As for ''Hindus'' ask the VJP why they hate us as they murdered 5000 Muslims on mass in Gujarat over a couple of days...when concidering the muslims in india are the minority.

You see my good friend it is the system in place and in opertion that I abhore and detest and not the subjects of this same system

The violence between Hindus and Muslims is a two-way relationship. The Hindus were a very peaceful people before they were invaded again and again. Before the Partition in India, the religious groups had become quite peaceful. Since then there has been a lot of violence. But even now most people in India do not participate in violent acts against each other.

You do realise that human-animal marriage in India is extremely rare, not part of Hinduism and not lawful?

The unjust caste sytem is more cultural than religious. Caste systems/social heirarchies have existed in many societies.

Only cows are venerated. I wonder if you know why.

What is even the point of all these criticisms of India?


Its only a Label
Friend smoke,

People who want their religion to conquer the world are among the most evil people in the world.

Yes, agree with you and would add the following:
The MIND [satan] who is the driver of those people who are unconscious of their own minds being not in their own control. Humans are nothing but extension of the same consciousness which some have labelled as God or Brahma or Tao or Allah or Ahura Mazda or Yahweh etc. meaning humans are also individual consciousness of that *whole* or universal consciousness and the minds create the illusion /maya which keeps the consciousness hidden from the individual and understanding and realization of this is the path or way or religion each individual follows to merge with that universal consciousness which personal label as the *whole*.

Love & rgds


Done here.
What is even the point of all these criticisms of India?

When you want to strut around talking about how you're going to conquer the world, you need to dehumanize the people you want to conquer so you can justify the atrocities you plan to commit in the process.


Veteran Member
People who want their religion to conquer the world are among the most evil people in the world.

well, at least it is obvious it is not a religious matter since religion is supposed to be bond between God and individual



Its only a Label
Friend .lava,

well, at least it is obvious it is not a religious matter since religion is supposed to be bond between God and individual
For that statement to be true, you need to first establish what *RELIGION* itself means!

Love & rgds


Its only a Label
Friend .lava,

religion is a chosen path to be closer to divine source

Going by your statement it appears that there is no possibility of one ever going back to source as it only brings one closer; is that correct?

Love & rgds


Veteran Member
Friend .lava,

Going by your statement it appears that there is no possibility of one ever going back to source as it only brings one closer; is that correct?

Love & rgds

yea probably very true for the one who makes the claim



Its only a Label
Friend .lava,

yea probably very true for the one who makes the claim

Though am not able to follow what you mean by the statement as the question was put to you and you have responded that religion can only take one closer to the source but never get back to source.
However, when you still agree that it is a chosen path to be closer to the divine source then you also agree that one can choose any path which one is comfortable with?

Love & rgds


Its only a Label
Friend .lava,

what a joke. this is your thought and it is coming from your mind
Yes, it is a joke!
Keep it that way as your mind is not yet ready to comprehend the full text of the post.

Love & rgds


Veteran Member
Friend .lava,

Though am not able to follow what you mean by the statement as the question was put to you and you have responded that religion can only take one closer to the source but never get back to source.
However, when you still agree that it is a chosen path to be closer to the divine source then you also agree that one can choose any path which one is comfortable with?

Love & rgds

no, i haven't said religion can only take one closer to the source. is this how you put words in my mouth? well, don't. i said "religion is a chosen path to be closer to divine source" like any path there are two directions to go. it is up to individual himself to use his intellect, conscience, free will to be closer to it by simply being a better person. whoever loves creation more would be closer to divine and whoever offers hatred would be drifted away from divine as much as his own peaceful state of mind. is that clear now?



Its only a Label
Friend .lava,

yea right, don't bother, i already know how you percieve people

[do not say that loud, other's do not know that]

Yes, about RELIGION you are free to say loudly that one is free to choose his path which only takes him only closer but never back to the divine [which is imaginary?].

LOve & rgds


Veteran Member
Friend .lava,

[do not say that loud, other's do not know that]

Yes, about RELIGION you are free to say loudly that one is free to choose his path which only takes him only closer but never back to the divine [which is imaginary?].

LOve & rgds

i believe even a kid would understand what i just said earlier. but it is OK



Its only a Label
Friend .lava,

i believe even a kid would understand what i just said earlier. but it is OK

Sorry, blame satan for that, as he does not allow that understanding.
Since you are the one with understanding, you could try?

Love & rgds