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Islam will dominate!


The Creator
I was not making an excuse to any killings. But I did not have the time to finish what I wanted to say as I got called by wife.

These pics are all fakes and were known many years ago. They were all bodies of Muslims kids and not hindus burned alive. All the men standing around them are muslim men attending to their killed:


This too is faked to being hindus being massacared by muslims. All the men around the dead are muslims attending to their dead kids:


We are not animals. It is well known the muslims got the crushing hand and hatered of the majority cast system.

Again. Love Zen your sources are old news and faked by VJP right wing members. Sorry.

and you have any proof for those childrens are muslims?
if those children are muslims, where is the belongings of those childrens? See the dressings of those muslims, extremely islamic .

On 27 February 2002 at Godhra City in the state of Gujarat, the Sabarmati Express train was forcibly stopped and attacked by a large Muslim mob.[1] As a result, 59 Hindu passengers — mostly women, children and seniors returning from the holy city of Ayodhya — were burned alive.

wikipedia - 2002_Gujarat_violence


The Creator

Could you kindly clearify to me this blind hatered displayed towards the chard bodies of babies and your suppossed links of being muslim atrocities?

Therefore in reality they are not happy with of falsely accusing the muslims of these barbaric acts but also without knowingly you used the following:

1. sources of Burning the bodies of families and their babies
3. Labling them as hindu babies
3. Use the charad bodies of these muslim babies against their own religion.
4. Help in orcaistrating the next muslim genocide.

Four fold misery and anguish for these families, babies, and their future generations.

Lovely love 301.

It happens only in places where the muslim population is either majority or moderate and they are very possessive, outsiders enter those places with so much fear.

and from where did all these started?

On 27 February 2002 at Godhra City in the state of Gujarat, the Sabarmati Express train was forcibly stopped and attacked by a large Muslim mob.[1] As a result, 59 Hindu passengers — mostly women, children and seniors returning from the holy city of Ayodhya — were burned alive.

wikipedia - Gujarat vilonce.

imagine the courage of muslims to do this in a hindu majority country and in reaction to this Hindu extremists attacked muslims (not justifying their action), and now there is peace in those areas. Hindu extremists are still capable to attack muslims but they are not doing as muslims gave up their aggressiveness.

Islam will dominate: India already had enough with that, now you want see the same happening to other nations?
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I love how Islam was dominating a minute ago and now you're the innocent victims... Hey, whatever's convenient to your argument, right?


The Creator
Condition of non-muslims in a Islam dominated country

There are little more than three million Hindus in Pakistan (a nation of 160 million). They are still part of Pakistani life and need to be treated with respect and dignity. According to some sources, at the founding of Pakistan, Hindus comprised nearly 15% of the country's population and now number barely 2%. Many have left, many have been killed, and many have converted to other religions to protect themselves. All in all, a travesty for a state that was created with the intended purpose of protecting minorities.

Guardian.co.uk - Protecting Pakistan's Hindus


Active Member
I have heard that the Prophet said that there will be 72 sects of Islam and only one will survive as the rest will all misinterpret the Islam. I have identified that sect which will survive.... that sect is Sufism. Look at the posts by 301.... guys do you think it is even worth debating with him?



RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
I have heard that the Prophet said that there will be 72 sects of Islam and only one will survive as the rest will all misinterpret the Islam. I have identified that sect which will survive.... that sect is Sufism. Look at the posts by 301.... guys do you think it is even worth debating with him?


I was under the impression that Sufism is dying out gradually, also due to oppression and violence against them. But I cannot remember why I have this idea. Why do you think it will overtake the other sects?


Hostis humani generis
Heh. No. I don't think Islam will dominate, at all.
I've encountered my fair share of Muslim-born apostates. Far more than the number of converts I've met.

Even if Islam did dominate (which would probably be either by high birth rates or, God forbid, force), it would only be temporary. The amount of infighting that would appear would ensure its own destruction. To quote one of the Muslim apostates: "Islam hates others to stop from self-reflection. Its biggest enemy is itself."

My $0.02.


Well-Known Member

and you have any proof for those childrens are muslims?
if those children are muslims, where is the belongings of those childrens? See the dressings of those muslims, extremely islamic .

On 27 February 2002 at Godhra City in the state of Gujarat, the Sabarmati Express train was forcibly stopped and attacked by a large Muslim mob.[1] As a result, 59 Hindu passengers — mostly women, children and seniors returning from the holy city of Ayodhya — were burned alive.

wikipedia - 2002_Gujarat_violence

They are not muslims? They are animals as some has said here some pages ago.

Are you blind or is it hatered that is constricting your vision and mind?
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Well-Known Member
We are not saying that Muslims are to blame or that they are the "bad guys" so to say. The point is these atrocities happen because of religion, beliefs and religious differences. Many of these incidents would not happen if people were not so dogmatic and narrow-minded.

I thought you said muslims were animals a page ago?

After I exposed those links and that massacare of muslim babies and their families you changed to muslims not to blame.

Can you make up your mind.


Well-Known Member
Mughal Empire. Enough said.

Do you think that I will ever believe whatever you and your comrads say or post about muslims. After this barbaric lie:


or anything from a non-muslim sources? after the lies of turning innocent baby muslims into hindu charad bodies?


Well-Known Member
Friends 301ouncer,

Since the posts made was beyond your mind's comprehension, suggest lets start here:

Can you tell who came first, muslims or humans?
What is religion?
let your claim to world domination come after that.

Love & rgds

Love & rgds

Thank you for answering my questions with unrelated questions?

I shall answer it in similar manner if you do not mind....

Faso faso faso faso faso...........

Lovely love 301


Hostis humani generis
Do you think that I will ever believe whatever you and your comrads say or post about muslims.

Just, wow.


The big bad kuffar are not out to get you. If you can't listen to what the non-Muslims say, then really, there's no point in anyone discussing anything with you as you won't listen. Anything else you say, without you withdrawing this comment beforehand, I shall now consider as proselytising.


President of Chindia
Do you think that I will ever believe whatever you and your comrads say or post about muslims. After this barbaric lie

Bullcrap. That's the equivalent of saying 'why listen to Muslims after 9/11'. I never actually posted that picture, nor condoned it. I am aware of the massive Hindu-Muslim tensions in India/Pakistan, and while I realize that propoganda does exist, it is an undeniable fact that Muslims are killing Hindus. It is also an undeniable fact that Hindus are killing Muslims. It goes both ways, but to portray Islam as a hapless victim is just wrong; equally wrong as portraying Hindus as hapless victims.

In regards to the Mughal Empire, forced conversions were widespread and recorded widely. The Empire executed two Sikh gurus, and killed all four sons of the last Guru. The Emperor Aurangzeb also broke an oath sworn on the Qu'ran in attempting to kill Guru Gobind Singh following the siege of his fortress.


Well-Known Member
Just, wow.


The big bad kuffar are not out to get you. If you can't listen to what the non-Muslims say, then really, there's no point in anyone discussing anything with you as you won't listen. Anything else you say, without you withdrawing this comment beforehand, I shall now consider as proselytising.

I was never having any problems with info presented to me from non-muslims sources on many topics.

But when it comes to india and hindu national parties and supporters I will never believe anything they will say AFTER. AFTER. AFTER:

The barbric lie of turning burned muslim babies into hindus.

PS. Will hindoisim dominate? not changing the subject but just a thought came to me.


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
I was never having any problems with info presented to me from non-muslims sources on many topics.

But when it comes to india and hindu national parties and supporters I will never believe anything they will say AFTER. AFTER. AFTER:

The barbric lie of turning burned muslim babies into hindus.

PS. Will hindoisim dominate? not changing the subject but just a thought came to me.

I wouldn't know what is true in this story. What I do know is that there are similar incidents caused by both parties, both are guilt.
I still don't know why we are arguing about violence in India. It is not related to the OP.


To Islam all religions before it were Islamic, but then somehow got perverted. I find this notion arrogant and narrow-minded myself. Basically they take the teachers from the religions and call them prophets, while rejecting their teachings claiming the religions corrupted it, so what's the point of accepting them as a messager? Like Jesus for example, they don't accept Jesus' teachings because they say the Christians corrupted it, but they accept his was a prophet. So what message from him do they have?


Muslims have to believe in all the previous scriptures revealed through all of God's prophets.There are muslims who believe in the Bible ,the Torah ,Psalms,Vedas etc etc but at the same they do realise that there have been some corruptions or missing parts of these scriptures.These can be easily detected by refering to the Quran.The Quran is the final testament which confirms all previous scriptures.Therefore a sincere Muslim will not reject the Bible ,Torah and the other scriptures as a whole becoz they do realize that a vast portion of them contain the true word of GOD .

[42:15] This is what you shall preach, and steadfastly maintain what you are commanded to do, and do not follow their wishes. And proclaim: "I believe in all the scriptures sent down by GOD. I was commanded to judge among you equitably. GOD is our Lord and your Lord. We have our deeds and you have your deeds. There is no argument between us and you. GOD will gather us all together; to Him is the ultimate destiny."

The Ultimate Reference​
[5:48] Then we revealed to you this scripture, truthfully, confirming previous scriptures, and superseding them. You shall rule among them in accordance with GOD's revelations, and do not follow their wishes if they differ from the truth that came to you. For each of you, we have decreed laws and different rites. Had GOD willed, He could have made you one congregation. But He thus puts you to the test through the revelations He has given each of you. You shall compete in righteousness. To GOD is your final destiny―all of you―then He will inform you of everything you had disputed.
