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Islam will dominate!


Its only a Label
Friend .lava,

just for the record; i disagree
Just for the RECORD; there is nothing as ying or yang; they are mere perceptions which a mind wrongly perceives as truth and that is what is called illusion/maya and this same mind that perceives needs to be transcended and doing so is what religion is all about!

Love & rgds


Well-Known Member

Also find friend xkatz's pointers towards muslims atrocities.
Besides all the recent attacks on twin towers, USA, Taj Hotel, India etc are pointers towards the same story.

Love & rgds

Iraq, Afghannistan, Palastine, chechnya, wazirstan, somalia, Xching china, Philipines, bosnia, gujurat, lebenon, Kashmir and.....

burkina faso.

pointers towards the war on islam and muslims.

Lovely Love 301.


Well-Known Member
Iraq, Afghannistan, Palastine, chechnya, wazirstan, somalia, Xching china, Philipines, bosnia, gujurat, lebenon, Kashmir and.....

burkina faso.

pointers towards the war on islam and muslims.

Lovely Love 301.

We are not saying that Muslims are to blame or that they are the "bad guys" so to say. The point is these atrocities happen because of religion, beliefs and religious differences. Many of these incidents would not happen if people were not so dogmatic and narrow-minded.


Plodding Along
We, the people here are more interested in religion than most others. It is difficult to even discuss religion with most other people in the world outside, and so we come to the internet to discuss it with eagerness here. It is easy to forget that. But religion does not necessarily grip most people with the same--fervor--that it does the participants on this forum.

People who take religious ideals to the extreme, they are not particularly liked, in any society. It is difficult to forget that, because we fixate on their religion, and associate them with their religion.

It is interesting, because I would think that we are much more like them than most others. :areyoucra


Well-Known Member
Iraq, Afghannistan, Palastine, chechnya, wazirstan, somalia, Xching china, Philipines, bosnia, gujurat, lebenon, Kashmir and.....

burkina faso.

pointers towards the war on islam and muslims.

Lovely Love 301.

Burkina faso? why did I inculde faso? it must have sounded funny in arabic.

faso faso faso faso faso. :D


Guardian of Asgaard
Iraq, Afghannistan, Palastine, chechnya, wazirstan, somalia, Xching china, Philipines, bosnia, gujurat, lebenon, Kashmir and.....

burkina faso.

pointers towards the war on islam and muslims.

Lovely Love 301.

Don't take it personally. Its not the worlds fault that extremists love to multiply in muslim countries.

I wish all western countries would leave muslims kill each other instead of intervening, but somehow the Yanks have convinced my idiotic government to send our troops.

However, even if we left all those countries, it would only get worse because muslim countries don't bother trying to control extremism.


Well-Known Member
Friend 301ouncer,

Since you are an expert at finding the source of websites, kindly inform the source of this one:

MUSLIM violence against HINDUS in India (WARNING: Graphic Images) « Bare Naked Islam's Weblog

Love & rgds


Could you kindly clearify to me this blind hatered displayed towards the chard bodies of babies and your suppossed links of being muslim atrocities?

Therefore in reality they are not happy with of falsely accusing the muslims of these barbaric acts but also without knowingly you used the following:

1. sources of Burning the bodies of families and their babies
3. Labling them as hindu babies
3. Use the charad bodies of these muslim babies against their own religion.
4. Help in orcaistrating the next muslim genocide.

Four fold misery and anguish for these families, babies, and their future generations.

Lovely love 301.
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Well-Known Member
lol it sounds quite funny in Turkish too


Muwhahahahahah. Does not it. :D

Sorry for laughing like this. Seriously sister I look left I laugh. I look right I cry. I look left I laugh with you. I look right I see chard bodies of muslim babies.


Well-Known Member


You know this how? Of course Islam would come out and deny this.

I know this because I am special and was told by the BBC that these babies were burned alive at a village near Godhra. populated by muslims..

Of course blind hatered consticted the vision and the mind too.

Do you honestly think all of these cases are fake? Are you so blind that you don't see these factions killing eachother over God? Does society get any worse?

Faked against muslims! how terrible and low that is it can not go any lower then this.

Look again. All the men around are muslims men wearing muslim white hats and shawal kamees. Look again just in case your vision is constricted and your mind too that in the second pic all the men behind the forefront man are muslims with muslim hats in a group crying for their burned babies.
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Its only a Label

Those whose minds do not wish to see light consciously, what can anyone do?
Unconsciousness is akin to darkness, disease, or simply *HELL*.
Those who live in hell can only see the opposite which is *HEAVEN* and that comes by *DOMINATION* and not through *LOVE* and * PEACE* as claimed simply we can see from the posts here that there is no justification of claim to peace or love or or even a remote ray of compassion for humans who could have been charred [even if it is due to one's own karma].
Yes, one thing is certain that since everything is an extension of the very consciousness from which one comes from it will merge back to it at the end of the journey as evolution takes care of even the unconsciousness like the evolution of stones.
It is only the few who understand the journey and cut short their journey consciously which itself is being HERE-NOW!

Love & rgds


Well-Known Member

Those whose minds do not wish to see light consciously, what can anyone do?
Unconsciousness is akin to darkness, disease, or simply *HELL*.
Those who live in hell can only see the opposite which is *HEAVEN* and that comes by *DOMINATION* and not through *LOVE* and * PEACE* as claimed simply we can see from the posts here that there is no justification of claim to peace or love or or even a remote ray of compassion for humans who could have been charred [even if it is due to one's own karma].
Yes, one thing is certain that since everything is an extension of the very consciousness from which one comes from it will merge back to it at the end of the journey as evolution takes care of even the unconsciousness like the evolution of stones.
It is only the few who understand the journey and cut short their journey consciously which itself is being HERE-NOW!

Love & rgds

Whats all this love and peace got to do with my questions I asked you in regards to your utterly exposed lies from your links?

Where is your acknowledgment of your error?

Is it just too much of arrogance to accept your error and do justice to these babies by allowing their families to grieve in peace without having their babies being labled hinuds?

Try again.

Lovely love 301.


Guardian of Asgaard
I know this because I am special and was told by the BBC that these babies were burned alive at a village near Godhra. populated by muslims..

Of course blind hatered consticted the vision and the mind too.

Faked against muslims! how terrible and low that is it can not go any lower then this.

Look again. All the men around are muslims men wearing muslim white hats and shawal kamees. Look again just in case your vision is constricted and your mind too that in the second pic all the men behind the forefront man are muslims with muslim hats in a group crying for their burned babies.

So you're denying that muslims kill hindus?

I'm sure there are reasons why this occurs that are beyond our understanding. No side is innocent here, both are as bad as eachother.


Its only a Label
Friends 301ouncer,

Since the posts made was beyond your mind's comprehension, suggest lets start here:

Can you tell who came first, muslims or humans?
What is religion?
let your claim to world domination come after that.

Love & rgds

Love & rgds


The end of secularisim is so ever closer. The secular culture is in reverse and will never be any longer be sustained. As population decrease so does the culture.
Replace secularism with Judaism, and you sound a lot like Hitler. Just saying... So much for a religion of peace.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
301Ouncer is denying Muslims ever did any wrong to Hindus? India was a peaceful place full of holy ascetics who never had to fear before Islam and Christianity went into India :(


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
301Ouncer is denying Muslims ever did any wrong to Hindus? India was a peaceful place full of holy ascetics who never had to fear before Islam and Christianity went into India :(

Exactly. I do not intend to demonise Muslims, though. Humans like to conquer and being Muslim does not change that human nature. It is obvious why there is violence between religious groups in India now and it started when the Muslim army came to India with force and violence and it continued when the English came with their ethonocentricity and Christianity.

But this topic of violence in India is a distraction from the original topic and accomplishes very little.