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Islam will dominate!


Well-Known Member
You have yet to show that secularism is responsible for that.

It is infront of my eyes. My eyes does not lie. If my eyes is correct then you are wrong.


Secular woman liberation


My eyes is correct your are totally wrong.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
It is infront of my eyes. My eyes does not lie. If my eyes is correct then you are wrong.


Secular woman liberation


My eyes is correct your are totally wrong.

What are you talking about? Weren't you talking about crimes, what does these pictures mean?


Veteran Member
Islamic Sharia IS a secular system and moral police is invention of men who have no dignity and self confidence



Well-Known Member
Islamic Sharia IS a secular system and moral police is invention of men who have no dignity and self confidence


Can you expand on this my good sister. Maybe you know something I have'nt come across. An example, etc. Sincere in my Quest. ;)

Gok Tashukular idirm. :yes:


Veteran Member
It is infront of my eyes. My eyes does not lie. If my eyes is correct then you are wrong.


Secular woman liberation

oh yeah? so all mothers, all grandmothers, all daughters..etc all females of Western nations equal a prostitute? this is unacceptable



Well-Known Member
oh yeah? so all mothers, all grandmothers, all daughters..etc all females of Western nations equal a prostitute? this is unacceptable


That is way too many words been added to my sentences?

Can you show me where I said all daughters, etc equal a prostitute?

As far as I can remember I said the secular dress code is socially irresponsible to the well being of its femal subjects.

Ofcourse not all are like that. But majorty are like this and I live around it few months of the year for business related visits.

The system promotes such dress code therefore there will be no suprise a large sector of it subjects will adhere to it.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I really recommend you to take a subject on social sciences. You might get a PHD or master in it if you like.

I'm asking you, what does woman dressing up revealingly has to do with secularism, and what crimes does that lead to?

Because this example you shown in this picture would exist in any society that doesn't contain oppression and doesn't enforce a certain dress on women, therefore you pointing at it as a negative in the system, means that you think they should force these women not to dress like that, so that no crimes would occur. Crimes like rape and premarital sex and things like that i would assume, did i get you right?


Veteran Member
That is way too many words been added to my sentences?

Can you show me where I said all daughters, etc equal a prostitute?

As far as I can remember I said the secular dress code is socially irresponsible to the well being of its femal subjects.

Ofcourse not all are like that. But majorty are like this and I live around it few months of the year for business related visits.

The system promotes such dress code therefore there will be no suprise a large sector of it subjects will adhere to it.

if a woman choses to wear like that, i don't mind what she does really. it is her business anyway. but if a woman has to wear like that because she is a prostitute that's a different story and picture you sent does not really look like a crazy pal who's having fun with her existence by showing off her body. i think this is obvious



Active Member
Ok friend 301, unfortunately i cannot speak your first language, you speak English much better than I speak your language. I am forgiving of your misunderstandings, please understand my elaborations.

Does the doctor cure the sickness by getting sick themselves?
Are you saying that I am sick? How logical way of thinking is this?
So Jesus pbuh was sick too? for pointing out all the ills in his socity.
I hope that you will realise that you are not as immune to the sickness/darkness as Jesus was, He could stare in the darkness forever and remain healthy.
John 8:7.
If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.
This is to do with Adultery, however the sin itself is less important than the response to the sin.
Matthew 7:12.
So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.
"In everything", not just minor, not just major - everything. That sums up the Law and the Prophets, it is a summary and relates to everything!
It is to a man's honor to avoid strife,
but every fool is quick to quarrel.
This is not to do with sin, but to do with being a fool, which is Biblical for immoral.
John 1:8
If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.
Read John chapter 1, since you hold scripture highly. You will see that this is to do with the light, not to do with sin.
1 John 1 :: NIV Bible Online Bible Search

I am starting to think peacewise that your own interpretation of the bible is not helping. I am not sure who to solve this as there are no more wise prists left on the face of this earth. who would give you an almost close understanding of Jesus pbuh message.
Quite right, my interpretation of the bible will not help you focus on the darkness, it will reveal the light to you. I hope that the light I reveal is both Christian and Islam, you may need to provide the Koran equivalent of the various Biblical scripture I quote for you, and I note that we have already collaborated well in this for the Matter of Matthew 7:12 and the Koran equivalent,
“Whoever wants to be drawn away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise, let him die while believing in Allaah and the Last Day, and do for the people what he likes them to do for him.”

I know you have no just classification in the christendom.
Fair enough, read and understand the passages for yourself and make up your own mind. Those passages will serve you much better than reading the darkness you keep posting, IF it is the light you seek.


A mini-skirt is sexualised in my culture and children do not have the proper cognitive development to be able to adequately understand the risks that come with sexual activity.

Once a child becomes an adult, it is no longer the parent's right to control their lives. Guardianship has effectively come to an end. Additionally, cognitive and emotional development will have increased, thus, the child will be able to make a more informed decision on the matter.

No contempt whatsoever. mr badran only ticked me off by telling me to be respectfull [sic].
What is wrong with being respectful?

Not that he has an iota of knowledge on the subject let alone how to approch it. The universe is run on a system yet does not know what each world system is all about.

You are not angry, yet you all but said he is an "idiot." :sarcastic

I am sorry I am not here to keep people sane from the insanity of this dark and backward system. I tell it like it is with full sincerity.
You mean like Muhammad marrying a 9-year-old (عائشة). :rolleyes:

I am neither here to appease and please my comrads. As I only answer to my creator and not to anyone else. It is not mr bardan nor me who can change anything.
I always thought Divine Command Theory was absurd.

But unfortantily some people think they can change things all by themselves. Pleasing or appeasing will not make much difference.

I prefer the Atheist's Wager:

You should live your life and try to make the world a better place for your being in it, whether or not you believe in god. If there is no god, you have lost nothing and will be remembered fondly by those you left behind. If there is a benevolent god, he will judge you on your merits and not just on whether or not you believed in him.

Student of X

Paradigm Shifter
I am interested in learning more about the mystical experiences of the Prophet Muhammad. Are there any accounts in the Koran of his interacting directly with Allah? Did he meet Allah? What does Allah look like? I believe the Prophet Muhammad took night journeys, correct? Could someone describe them please, and his methods.
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Well-Known Member
What kind of crimes?

How is secularism responsible for it?

I am really sorry but i wish i have the time to go through all Behavioural sciences, Psychology, Sociology, methodologies (quantitative and qualitative techniques), social research, Archaeologycriminology and demography)

I am not kidding only a person with such academia will undestand where I am coming from.

Maybe if you take time off to do a distance study/home study of these applied sciences first, otherwise I will have to without much options speak in to your level of understandings of such systems.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I am really sorry but i wish i have the time to go through all Behavioural sciences, Psychology, Sociology, methodologies (quantitative and qualitative techniques), social research, Archaeologycriminology and demography)

I am not kidding only a person with such academia will undestand where I am coming from.

Maybe if you take time off to do a distance study/home study of these applied sciences first, otherwise I will have to without much options speak in to your level of understandings of such systems.

Well, if you can't go through all that, how do you expect to make your case? or in other words how do you expect people to be convinced, don't you hope for them to get out of this darkness? It's worth putting your effort together to provide a good explanation, don't even address it to me, just post it here for anybody that can understand it.


Well-Known Member
I hope that you will realise that you are not as immune to the sickness/darkness as Jesus was, He could stare in the darkness forever and remain healthy.

Yes without a shadow of doubt that one of the best of noble men had such great qualities.

But since most of the people around him sensed that he is so immune to the surroundings around him. He pbuh said this too:

“Why do you call me good? Only God is good.” This is what our Lord Jesus said to the wealthy young man in today’s gospel lesson. [Matthew 19:16-26]

This is not to do with sin, but to do with being a fool, which is Biblical for immoral.

Again, this is a minor sin. immoral still a sin.

Quite right, my interpretation of the bible will not help you focus on the darkness, it will reveal the light to you. I hope that the light I reveal is both Christian and Islam, you may need to provide the Koran equivalent of the various Biblical scripture I quote for you, and I note that we have already collaborated well in this for the Matter of Matthew 7:12 and the Koran equivalent,
“Whoever wants to be drawn away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise, let him die while believing in Allaah and the Last Day, and do for the people what he likes them to do for him.”

I am sorry but do not have the time to go and do a comprehensive search. There are many common moral grounds between islam and christendom.

Fair enough, read and understand the passages for yourself and make up your own mind. Those passages will serve you much better than reading the darkness you keep posting, IF it is the light you seek.

Jesus pbuh exposed the darkness too. He also spoke of the light that will come out of this darkness once it is removed.
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