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Islam will dominate!


Well-Known Member
This probably true, that it might affect some men's behavior, although i would question to what extent. Or in other words like it have been said, i don't think it can change a man's behavior that drastically, so it's probably already there, and he just needs an excuse of the simplest form.

Yes. It all depends on the weaknesses of their personality, brain functioning and behaviour. You will have planty of that type numbering in the millions.

Also, since not all women who suffer from men's jealousy and things like that dress that way, i don't think it could be concluded that this dressing fashion is a leading factor for such behavior. So, its blaming men's behavior on women basically.

It could be both. The secular dress code is the provoker and the first instigator of oppression and finally exterme abuse and/or murder.

And since not all women dress that way in secular countries, and since forcing women to wear something is not an option, and since this dressing fashion isn't exclusive to secular countries, this can't be blamed on secularism in anyway.

Yes it does, It is the global exporter of these ideals. The rest are just followers in the same footsteps. Monkey see Monkey do attitudes.

In christendom and caliphate both have the social responsiblity to protect its subjects from this dress code as well as the hundereds of other contributing factors of woman sexualisation and opression.

Dont have information on the superstate christendom but in the superstate caliphate there was I think a 40 KM radius of enforcing modest dress code on forigners refuges/migrant/student, etc. Not hijab or anything like that but a modest dress code.
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Well-Known Member
Jealousy is based on insecurities, not on dress.

Actually the dress code increases these insecurities and provoks the jealousy. If the male is twisted or the female is twisted then you have a disaster in the making.

A man described as a "jealous thug" by police has been jailed for life after being found guilty of strangling his girlfriend to death.

Jason Marley killed Michelle Greenwood after they left a nightclub in Thorne, South Yorkshire, last October.

BBC NEWS | UK | England | South Yorkshire | Woman killed by jealous boyfriend


Husband killed after his wife set his penis on fire:
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Well-Known Member
Greetings! :)

I can. The methods used to obtain such journeys are mystical methods, and they are the same methods that other mystics from other religions use. I have had my share of mystical night journeys. My experiences are not nearly as profound as those of your Prophet. I am only an egg. But the difference between your Prophet and other mystics from other cultures, like me, is that of degree not kind,

Yes if you know how. I heard also from people going around the Kaaba in makkah recieving such mystical energy. As they go around praising the glorifying the creator in a clockwise fashion. The universe, the galaxcies also rotate in this clockwise fasion.

It is also authentically narrated that this same place is also exists in the outermost reaches of the heavens where groups of 70,000 angles made out of light are also going around in this clockwise fashion in any given period of time. glorifying and praising the creator's names.

It might be a good idea for you take a trip to experience this mystical positive energy but before you go you might need to learn to say the declaration of faith before being issued a visa and also you will need a signed letter from your Imam to confirm your revertion. You need to check.

Enjoy the trip. :)
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Old-School Member
Yes if you know how. I heard also from people going around the Kaaba in makkah recieving such mystical energy. As they go around praising the glorifying the creator in a clockwise fashion. The universe, the galaxcies also rotate in this clockwise fasion.

Just to be technical for the sake of being technical. The direction of the Galaxy's rotation depends on your perspective.

Viewed from above (What would be north on Earth) the Milky Way spins counter-clockwise. From the other side (Earth's south) it's spinning clockwise. However, there is no reason to use Earth's north as a universal standard.

Now, in order to judge which way the Universe is rotating, we would need a stationary point outside of the Universe to use as a point of reference. No such point exists, nor (as far as I know) is there any evidence that the Universe is rotating at all.
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Student of X

Paradigm Shifter
It might be a good idea for you take a trip to experience this mystical positive energy but before you go you might need to learn to say the declaration of faith before being issued a visa and also you will need a signed letter from your Imam to confirm your revertion. You need to check.

I can take a trip to experience mystical positive energy right in my own home and I don't need an Imam or a Priest or a guru to do it.

Enjoy the trip. :)

Thank you.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Yes. I am not qualified but I had good economics education as I am a commodities trader. Part of this education there is optional subjects which inculded social economics trends, Market psychology, etc and a fair amount of secondary social sciences.

That is why I said only a person with higher qualification and has good years working knowledge in social applied sciences.
About what I expected. So, in other words, you don't really know what you are talking about.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
It could be both. The secular dress code is the provoker and the first instigator of oppression and finally exterme abuse and/or murder.

Here is one part i can't understand, why do you consider there to be a dress code? Nobody is forced to wear anything. Everybody wears what they want. In most countries, secular and others. Except for example the only thing that is enforced, is that you can't walk around naked.

Yes it does, It is the global exporter of these ideals. The rest are just followers in the same footsteps. Monkey see Monkey do attitudes.

Which ideals are you referring to? The part about how women dress or something else? In either case, i'm pretty sure these ideals existed even before secularism did. However, may be some advertise bad behavior, sure that happens, but every where.

Dont have information on the superstate christendom but in the superstate caliphate there was I think a 40 KM radius of enforcing modest dress code on forigners refuges/migrant/student, etc. Not hijab or anything like that but a modest dress code.

Well, I understand what you are saying. I'm not sure i agree, if you mean that there should be a certain limit to how revealingly someone dresses, both men and women, then i agree. But i think we would differ on the nature of that limit, and how to enforce it.

For example, i saw a video here, about something similar to what you are talking about, which happened in Iran, it was disgusting. You had two stupid women walking around with a police officer, telling women (even women in hijab) that they shouldn't dress that way, and sometimes telling people to come with them into the bus, it was really disgusting. Because in the end you have different opinions on what's appropriate and what's not. But if you mean something different, please bare with me and explain it to me.
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Active Member
progression in education.
We begin by not even being aware of what it is that we do not know. Unconscious incompetent.
We progress to being aware of what it is that we do not know. Conscious incompetent.
We move to having to be conscious of what we do know. Conscious competent.
We are unconscious of our knowledge. Unconscious competent.
Just a quick counter reference to all of 301's links... I can do this also lol :D

Egypt, Crime Timeline, 21st Century
Chain murders of Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
NationMaster - Afghan Crime statistics
NationMaster - Saudi Crime statistics
Pakistan - Crime

Just a few, and don't even get me started on the Vatican...

I guess what I'm getting at is that if there were more non-secular nations, then the amount of crimes of non-secular nations would outweigh the crimes of secular nations. It's basically like this... If there are more cats than dogs in a given area(lets say a room just for good measure), then you would clean up more cat feces than the latter. Likewise, if there are more dogs, you will see more dog feces... Maybe I'm just ranting lol, I'm tired :D

Also probably not the best analogy but again, I'm exhausted.
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God made the devil and gave him so much powers,he was overtaken by pride to the extent he rebelled against GOD.he was defeated and cast out from the presence of the Almighty.Since then, the devil has come with so much fury to deceive mankind.he knows that his time is short.he has so much power that he can present himself as the angel of light,to deceive and lead a stray mankind.As for for me there is only one Mediator between GOD and mankind,the Messanger from heaven born not of man's strenghth but by the power of the Almighty.Only He lived as flesh and didn't sin.only He can stand before the Almighty to bargain for our forgiveness.He died and was ressurected by the Almighty as a justification to all humanity that they that shall listen to His messanger shall also live.

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
Mywa -

First, welcome to the site.
Second, it is against the rules of RF to proselytize. In this case, if you have a point about how Islam will (or won't) dominate, then by all means post it. On the other hand, if you are simply going to quote scripture to us, and preach to us about how your religion is the only way to find eternal happiness, you probably won't last long.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
That is why I said only a person with higher qualification and has good years working knowledge in social applied sciences.
If we are going by dress causing "crimes" in a secular nation, then the years of study is not required. Rather a simple 101 course in psychology can give more than enough insight so that you would know that the way a woman dresses does not make a man act violently. These men are going to act violently regardless of dress. And you honestly cannot tell me in societies where women are covered from head to toe aren't treated any better. At least here, where a girl can were a corset and mini-skirt into public and get raped, the rapist will be charged and penalized, rather than the woman being blamed for the man going astray from his "righteous" path.


Well-Known Member
Actually the dress code increases these insecurities and provoks the jealousy. If the male is twisted or the female is twisted then you have a disaster in the making.

A man described as a "jealous thug" by police has been jailed for life after being found guilty of strangling his girlfriend to death.

Jason Marley killed Michelle Greenwood after they left a nightclub in Thorne, South Yorkshire, last October.

BBC NEWS | UK | England | South Yorkshire | Woman killed by jealous boyfriend


Husband killed after his wife set his penis on fire:
A husband killed after his wife set his penis on fire and the Top 10 vengeful lovers - mirror.co.uk

Actually there is just a tiny bit more to add:

Secular freemixing and flirting also increases the insecurities and ultimatly will provok jeoulsy when all the required ingridients are present.

Flirting becoming so part of the norm that most secular woman I came across in my work find it really ODD that i did not flirt with them.

They kind though by giving me the excuse of being maybe a homosexual. :confused:
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The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
Actually there is just a tiny bit more to add:

Secular freemixing and flirting also increases the insecurities and ultimatly will provok jeoulsy when all the required ingridients are present.

Flirting becoming so part of the norm that most secular woman I came across in my work find it really ODD that i did not flirt with them.

They kind though by giving me the excuse of being maybe a homosexual. :confused:

If there is a sane human being alive that is listening to your psychobabble, I'd be stunned.


Veteran Member
Flirting becoming so part of the norm that most secular woman I came across in my work find it really ODD that i did not flirt with them.

They kind though by giving me the excuse of being maybe a homosexual. :confused:

that's actually not that unexpected. i believe you
