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Islam will dominate!


Well-Known Member
This I do believe is a condition in which therapy should be sought if the person is unable to control such urges. The same goes for child molesters. Urges are controllable, and while usually unhealthy to bottle up such urges, however in this situation the well being of a child is at stake, so the urges must be controlled.

How about the three dogs? do not they have animal rights? where is their therapy and their counciling of their pshycological truma?

She used to be a pro-wrestler, and the reality was was that most of the men in the locker room were scared of her.

Is it a plane? is it a bird? No it is a sheman isn't she.Beam up' scotty this is a madworld. :yes:

Did you here somkeless indica? you gona have to hit the road on ya bike. dont forget to take a towel, bottle of water and a bottle of correct steroids. Otherwise I end up calling you boneless indica. :D


Well-Known Member
It has a governing law therefore it is a system. Every system in both creation or man-made has a governing law. Othewise it will become a chocolate factory. Oh even a chocolate factory has a system and rules and regulations.

Do not fool us. We are not that stupid.:yes: We are men with intellect and beauty of harts that has eyes that sees.:yes:

YouTube - Secular Law

Your noble heros are mentioned here and referenced to.:D
No, secularism cannot be described as a governing law. And I never tried to fool you, I am not a dishonest man.


Well-Known Member
Is it a plane? is it a bird? No it is a sheman isn't she.Beam up' scotty this is a madworld. :yes:

Did you here somkeless indica? you gona have to hit the road on ya bike. dont forget to take a towel, bottle of water and a bottle of correct steroids. Otherwise I end up calling you boneless indica. :D
I have trained martial arts since I was 13. From my own experience, women are not defenseless or weaker then men. It is just a stupid stereotype.
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Active Member
I am really happy it all went well upon reaching their final destination. I was really worried that their life path has not crossed the path of psychopath:

I didn't worry, she's made it to being retired, somewhere around 55 years old, secular society must be a reasonably safe place to live if she can make it to that old and still be healthy.

Luke 25:12
Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life [ Or single cubit to his height] ?

Just had a thought, since you are worrying so much about people living in secular states. Here are some interesting statistics on Average Lifespans of people in various countries from the World Bank.

Pakistan, Average life span, 65 years old.
Iran, Average life span, 71 years old.
Saudi Arabia, Average life span, 73 years old.
Yemen, Average life span, 63 years old.

Australia, Average life span, 81 years old.
United States, Average life span, 78 years old.
Germany, Average life span 80 years old.
United Kingdom, Average life span, 80 years old.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
301 I find it funny how you pick and choose what you want to debate, and you do not offer any actual evidence when requested to. For example, when asked for statistics showing secular men are more weak minded than non-secular, you only provided the definition of weak minded. If you really are as smart as you claim, then you should know better than to ever think that passes as evidence or statistics. You ignore any statements that you can't rebuttal, or you just offer a lame excuse for why you can't or an idea that isn't even remotely plausible to counter. You have completely ignored historical fact while offering but isolated incidents and occurrences that have been shown to not be the cause of secularism, but rather a deeper psychological issue, and yet you do not acknowledge these. You are showing to have problems with things you do not understand, and that you do not want to understand them. And you are giving a bad name to you fellow Muslims by showing a blatant disregard for anything of a sound mind, replacing it with hypothetical theories and ideas that, as the well educated man you claim to be, you should know that such things just do not hold up when actually put to the test. You have repeatedly broken the very first rule of any form of science, especially psychology in that correlation does not mean causation. Because of these short comings and failures, no one is buying your gimmick, rather we are trying to reason with you on why your claims are simply preposterous, but you seem to not care.
And by the way, the picture of that woman is posted is 100% woman. And this term "sheman" is such a disgusting and derogative term.


Well-Known Member
Exactly. Frankly, I think that 301's fixation on aspects of our society that he finds repugnant tells us more about 301 than it does about our societies. So far, we have not seen him provide any serious interaction with those who question his thinking. That too, is very telling. In some ways, it's like sitting on MEMRITV.ORG for a month, looking at every video and concluding that all Muslims must be insane. The reality is that not even the loopier than bat droppings ones are actually crazy, though I am sure that many, just like in secular societies, DO have issues.

I'd like to get into that....

Rule No.1

When you loose a debate do not try to re-direct attention at the personality of the opposite debater. It only makes you look worse.

Again. Nothing in comparison, irrelevant, conjugted falsehood and out of context.


Well-Known Member
Ok. I will define what a weak mind is and if you agree I shall move on with it if not I will still move on with it. :yes:

  • Having or exhibiting a lack of judgment or conviction.
  • Foolish; silly.
  • Of less than normal intellect. Not in scientific use.
weak-mindedness weak'-mind'ed·ness n.

Do you agree?

Since everyone is scared to answer me if the above defination is spot on, therefore will move on.

Secular Laws says do not do this and do not do that but the secular weak minded are so foolish still after repeated warnings not to CROSS THE LINE still cross it:

Adults prosecuted (per capita) (most recent) by country:

# 1 United States: 48.029 per 1,000 people
# 2 Finland: 31.6349 per 1,000 people
# 3 New Zealand: 31.059 per 1,000 people
# 4 Turkey: 29.5727 per 1,000 people
# 5 United Kingdom: 24.8958 per 1,000 people
Adults prosecuted (per capita) by country. Definition, graph and map..

Conclusion: Yes they are weak minded in that they can not use their judgment in NOT to disobey the laws but still foolish enough to disobey it.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Adults prosecuted (per capita) (most recent) by country:
Well that just goes to show you aren't looking for actual cause. The reason why America has so many arrests is because of the war on drugs. We actually lock up people for using marijuana, magic mushrooms, and peyote. Mostly pot though, but the facts remain that we have way too many non-violent "criminals" in jail because we have so many pot heads in jail, and that you have not been actually researching things.
And sometimes laws must be broken. Look at Susan B. Anthony. She broke the law by voting, but it was a "crime" that was a major step in the women's rights movement.

Since everyone is scared to answer me if the above defination is spot on, therefore will move on.
Are we scared of you? You have largely ignored most of what has been shown to you. But to answer your question, no, the definition does not fit.


Well-Known Member
Pakistan, Average life span, 65 years old.
Iran, Average life span, 71 years old.
Saudi Arabia, Average life span, 73 years old.
Yemen, Average life span, 63 years old.

Australia, Average life span, 81 years old.
United States, Average life span, 78 years old.
Germany, Average life span 80 years old.
United Kingdom, Average life span, 80 years old.

Where is africa in that list? It looks very truncated.

What can I say? the masses in capitalistic secular socities from the east and the west are very un-sharing, Impose dictatorships, and suck the blood from their tender bodies that leaves them lifeless.

Have you heared of the phrase " what comes around goes around"?

Suicide rates in ages above 75 (most recent) by country

Suicide rates in ages 65-74 by country. Definition, graph and map.

Suicide rates in ages 55-64 statistics - countries compared - NationMaster

Suicide rates in ages 45-54 statistics - countries compared - NationMaster

Suicide rates in ages 35-44 by country. Definition, graph and map.

Suicide rates in ages 25-34 (most recent) by country

Suicide rates in ages 15-24 by country. Definition, graph and map.


Well-Known Member
Well that just goes to show you aren't looking for actual cause. The reason why America has so many arrests is because of the war on drugs.

I am not really nitpicking any particular country it is the overall overview of the statstics I look at. I am not that shallow.


Well-Known Member
That's horrible. If only the murderer had seen the light of Islam -- he'd have known how to strap a bomb to himself and blow up everybody in sight.

Still nothing in comparsion, Irrelevant and out of context or has it is reactionary causes.

This thread is really looking at the Evolution of Morality that is slowly but surely heading back to where the origins of Morality and Mannerisim has originated from:

YouTube - Monkey finger sniff

I told you many times no such monkey business was known in neither Christendom nor the Caliphate :p
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Done here.
I told you many times no such monkey business was known in neither Christendom nor the Caliphate :p

Nothing like those good old-fashioned morals, for sure. Do you mean the early Caliphs who murdered the Prophet's family, or the Ottoman Caliphs who, on coming to the throne, murdered their own brothers?


Well-Known Member
I have to give you credit, 301. You are a nugget.

Thank you but I prefer Canadian maple leafs over Aussis Nuggets.

Something tell me it is alot more honest then Nuggets.

I take a maple leaf anyday over a nugget just because the canadians are not arrogant and seem to be the only state treating their Muslims with respect and mutual peace and friendship.


Keep your nuggets. Really sorry not interested. :p therefore do follow the yellow brick road to reclaiming your lost secular kingdom.

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
Ok. I will define what a weak mind is and if you agree I shall move on with it if not I will still move on with it. :yes:

  • Having or exhibiting a lack of judgment or conviction.
  • Foolish; silly.
  • Of less than normal intellect. Not in scientific use.
weak-mindedness weak'-mind'ed·ness n.

Do you agree?

Does the dictionary you cited have a picture of you beside the definition, 301?

No disrespect intended, of course.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
I take a maple leaf anyday over a nugget just because the canadians are not arrogant and seem to be the only state treating their Muslims with respect and mutual peace and friendship.
Muslims only comprise 2.5% of the populations, so, for the most part, we just ignore them.

From Wackypedia (and having lived in Canada all my life I will vouch for the accuracy of the article):

As the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees freedom of religious expression, Canadian Muslims face no official religious discrimination. Under Section 2(a) of the Charter, the wearing of the hijab is permitted in schools and places of work, although Quebec has ruled that the niqab or a burka are not welcome in Schools or Medical facilities with other provinces considering a similar ban[7]. Religious holidays and dietary restrictions are also respected, but outside major urban areas it may be difficult to find halal food. It is also often difficult to observe Islamic rules against usury. Muslims in some parts of Canada have asked to have family dispute courts to oversee small family cases, such as the ones available to Jews, but were faced with rigorous opposition from traditional groups, Pro-Israel lobbies and liberal Muslim groups, labelling the request as a move towards imposing a 'Sharia' Law. These proposal was opposed by the Muslim Canadian Congress, the Canadian Council of Muslim Women and non-Muslim women's groups.[8][9] In light of publicity, Muslims in Canada have elected to put the subject to rest.

I think the thing you are missing 301 is the simple fact that most Canadians are not even remotely interested in Islam.
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Well-Known Member
Still nothing in comparsion, Irrelevant and out of context or has it is reactionary causes.
I find this rather ironic, considering you are rather good at doing this :p.

This thread is really looking at the Evolution of Morality that is slowly but surely heading back to where the origins of Morality and Mannerisim has originated from:

YouTube - Monkey finger sniff

I told you many times no such monkey business was known in neither Christendom nor the Caliphate :p