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I've NEVER been able to get a straight answer on this + it BUGS me!...


New Member
Ok, this has to do with 'religious exclusivity.'

Each religion claims it is the *ONLY* way to salvation?

How can that be?

I cannot join a religion that forces me to believe that all other 'paths' lead to damnation.

That's huberis -- no?

How can a Christian sit down across a table from a Jew -- and get along just fine -- but all the while, between smiles, the Christian is THINKING (about the Jew), "Umm, you're a nice guy -- but you do know you're going straight to hell, right?" (because Christians believe their way is the ***ONLY*** way to salvation) -- and the Jew is thinking the same thing about the Christian (?)

That 'exclusivity' aspect of organized religions is something I CANNOT get past! And it seems to be an integral part of (at least) Christianity. Further, Christianity asks followers to reach out and 'save' others. So, in the above encounter, the Christian would be compeled to 'save' the Jew from himself! -- Because the Jew's religion falls outside the "*ONLY*" correct path (accepting Jesus as one's ONLY savior). In other words, the Jew's beliefs are 'wrong.' Or at least 'misguided.'

I can't bring myself to believe that perspective is correct!

Please advise.

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Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Ok, this has to do with 'religious exclusivity.'

Each religion claims it is the *ONLY* way to salvation?

No. Several don't.

How can that be?

I cannot join a religion that forces me to believe that all other 'paths' lead to damnation.

Then don't.

That's huberis -- no?

How can a Christian sit down across a table from a Jew -- and get along just fine -- but all the while, between smiles, the Christian is THINKING (about the Jew), "Umm, you're a nice guy -- but you do know you're going straight to hell, right?" (because Christians believe their way is the ***ONLY*** way to salvation) -- and the Jew is thinking the same thing about the Christian (?)

No. Several Christians believe Jews are saved, and I think most Jewish sects don't even have a hell-concept. Some Christians don't believe in hell, either; there are sects that believe the alternative to heaven is simple non-existence.

That 'exclusivity' aspect of organized religions is something I CANNOT get past! And it seems to be an integral part of (at least) Christianity. Further, Christianity asks followers to reach out and 'save' others. So, in the about encounter, the Christian would be compeled to 'save' the Jew from himself! -- Because the Jew's religion falls outside the "*ONLY*" correct path (accepting Jesus as one's ONLY savior). In other words, the Jew's beliefs are 'wrong.' Or at least 'misguided.'

While this view can be supported from the Christian Biblical canons, other, non-exclusive, views can equally be supported.

I can't bring myself to believe that perspective is correct!

Then don't believe it.

Please advise.


Follow a path that liberates you.


New Member
Every Christian presentation I've ever seen or heard, contains that 'exclusivity' aspect. In fact it is a featured part of every presentaiton I've seen/heard. An integral part of the message.

Hence my confusion (+ revulsion).


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Every Christian presentation I've ever seen or heard, contains that 'exclusivity' aspect. In fact it is a featured part of every presentaiton I've seen/heard. An integral part of the message.

It's not in the Mormon, Catholic or Orthodox Christian messages.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Every Christian presentation I've ever seen or heard, contains that 'exclusivity' aspect. In fact it is a featured part of every presentaiton I've seen/heard. An integral part of the message.

Hence my confusion (+ revulsion).

Those exclusivists represent the loudest voices, naturally. After all, they each believe that only they have the way to salvation, and the feel that they must save us.

Those who do not believe in religious exclusiveness will naturally not feel the need to proselytize. (That's what it means to "spread" the teachings.)


Done here.
Every Christian presentation I've ever seen or heard, contains that 'exclusivity' aspect. In fact it is a featured part of every presentaiton I've seen/heard. An integral part of the message.

Hence my confusion (+ revulsion).
That's mostly Christianity and Islam. Most other religions don't claim that kind of exclusivity.

Mister Emu

Emu Extraordinaire
Staff member
Premium Member
Each religion claims it is the *ONLY* way to salvation?
As said above, not all do...

How can that be?
Can you further explain what you mean by this question? Are you asking how a religion that preaches exclusivism can be correct?

That's huberis -- no?
Not of necessity, no...

That 'exclusivity' aspect of organized religions is something I CANNOT get past! And it seems to be an integral part of (at least) Christianity.
Well, the largest Christian organization(compromising over a billion members), the Catholic Church, has an allowance for ignorance of the truth in its doctrine...

In other words, the Jew's beliefs are 'wrong.' Or at least 'misguided.'

I can't bring myself to believe that perspective is correct!
So in other words, the fundamentalist Christan's beliefs are 'wrong'. Or at least 'misguided'?


Done here.
It's not in the Mormon, Catholic or Orthodox Christian messages.
Well, although they don't believe you necessarily have to follow their respective religions to be "saved," each of those faiths does teach that it's the only faith with the fullness of truth.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
That's mostly Christianity and Islam. Most other religions don't claim that kind of exclusivity.

Even then:

1. Say: O ye that reject Faith!
2. I worship not that which ye worship,
3. Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
4. And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship,
5. Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
6. To you be your Way, and to me mine.
(Qur'an, Surah 109)


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Well, the largest Christian organization(compromising over a billion members), the Catholic Church, has an allowance for ignorance of the truth in its doctrine...
Isn't also a point of doctrine that the Catholic Church believes that while God instituted the sacraments, he is not bound by them? To me, this leaves room for God to save whoever he wants, baptized or not, Christian or not.

Well, although they don't believe you necessarily have to follow their respective religions to be "saved," each of those faiths does teach that it's the only faith with the fullness of truth.
Which is different from being the only way to salvation.
This answer is by no means all-encompassing, but I think that in quite a lot of cases reluctancy to point out errors in another's faith, or to suggest that they switch faiths altogether stems from the taboo to criticize religion at all. Much akin to the atheist/skeptic that never asks a theistic friend or relative, "Why do you believe this stuff? Have you have considered the possibility that it's nonsense?" a person of faith may very well keep a button on it about other's faiths out of a fear of social consequences, under the misapprehension that criticizing would be disrespectful.


New Member
@Smoke said...

Well, although they don't believe you necessarily have to follow their respective religions to be "saved," each of those faiths does teach that it's the *only* faith with the fullness of truth.


Well, the largest Christian organization(compromising over a billion members), the Catholic Church, has an allowance for *ignorance of the truth* in its doctrine...


Huh?!?! WOW!

See what I mean.
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New Member

"Are you asking how a religion that preaches exclusivism can be correct?"

I'm not really asking that -- because (according to my own sensibilities) it feels like a religion that preaches exclusivity, cannot possibly 'correct.' It's not just the exclusivity, but the superiority that goes along with it. Like the 'allowance for ingnorance' idea. It's condescending + patronizing. Like, "you don't believe the 'correct' things, but I'll allow for that, because you are just plain ignorant."


Mister Emu

Emu Extraordinaire
Staff member
Premium Member
Isn't also a point of doctrine that the Catholic Church believes that while God instituted the sacraments, he is not bound by them?
Indeed it is...


New Member
@ penguin...

"this leaves room for God to save whoever he wants, baptized or not, Christian or not."

now that makes sense. makes me breathe easier. a large part of the religious 'lobe' of the brain (or part of the heart/soul) to me, is humility. It seems like humility cannot exist in the same room as exclusivity and/or superiority. If my path is leading toward humility, it must be leading away from exclsuivity + superiority -- no?


Veteran Member
Damnation or destruction. Matt 7:13 does not say damnation: but destruction.
Destruction awaits the wicked according to Psalm 92:7; 37:38.
Thankfully judging is in the hands of Christ Jesus, and while there is life we can hope and pray for others because the great crowd of people of Revelation 7:9,10,14 come out of all nations......

As far as those that have lived before us, according to Romans 6:7 death frees or acquits a person from sins. [Only exception: Matthew 12:32; Hebrews 6:4-6.]
Death does not mean innocent, but as a governor can pardon a person meaning the charges no longer stick, so that Jesus, during his 1000-year reign over earth, will resurrect ones to either heaven or earth. -Acts 24:15.

Compelled to save, or at least compelled to proclaim the good news about God's kingdom before the end of all badness on earth comes when Jesus ushers in Peace on Earth toward men of goodwill. -Matthew 24:14; Daniel 7:13,14; 2:44.
Ezekiel 3:18-21 mentions even warning the righteous one.

The righteous ones of Matthew (25:31,32,40,46; 16:27) are alive living on earth at the time Jesus takes action by the words of his mouth (Isaiah 11:4; Rev 19:11,15), and the righteous ones remain alive, or keep right on living into Jesus millennial reign over earth.
The everlasting punishment for the wicked is not damnation, but as 2nd Thess. 1:9 says: everlasting destruction. Even Satan is destroyed according to Hebrews 2:14 B.

As far as going straight to hell.......At death Jesus went straight to hell according to Acts 2:27,31 until God resurrected him. So what is the Bible hell or Biblical hell?
Jesus according to John 11:11-14 believed the dead are in a deep sleep-like state.
Jesus would have learned that idea from being educated in the Hebrew OT Scriptures that state: the dead know nothing at Ecclesiastes 9:5,10. Psalm 6:5 there is no remembrance in death; 13:3 the dead sleep the sleep of death; 115:17 the dead do not praise God; 146:4 No thoughts at death. Daniel (12:2,13) also believed the dead sleep in the dust .

One last thought on Biblical hell or the common grave of mankind. Rev 20:13,14 shows hell [gravedom] will come to an end. After all that are in hell are delivered up, then emptied-out hell dies a symbolic second death of no return. That is why at Rev 21:4 it can state that the time will come when: death will be no more.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
*whisper whisper*

(There's a quote button at the bottom of posts that you can use so we know exactly who you're talking to.)


New Member
Every time I've ventured into a church (or have seen/heard) a precher preaching, the sermon always ends the same way -- asking me (or anyone) to come forward and (basically) agree that accepting Jesus is the *ONLY* way to salvation (and yes, the word ONLY is EMPHASIZED every time).

And every time, I'm sittin' there thinking -- 'nope - no can do -- sorry preacher guy.' I simply will not / cannot agree that the Jesus path is the *ONLY* way to 'salvation.' Because by doing so, I am (basically) saying that the 'other' guys have it all wrong. I cannot agree to that concept. It taints the whole organization.

PS: Thanks for the welcome!