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Jesus Christ: the greatest story ever told?


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Not according to the New Testament and I think I could find what I call Messianic prophecies in the Tanakh which have this Son speak.
As a Jew, the New Testament is not authoritative. It is no different than the quran, or book of mormon, or vedas.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
It does not go against those verses since they do not say that God cannot become a man.
And now the Jews have kicked Jesus out and He has been taken up by the Gentiles and not the Jews say that Jesus is a gentile god.
I'm not saying God cannot. I'm saying that according to the tanakh, he DOES not.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
The Son did not become the Son when He became a man. The Son has always been the Son. The Son was sent to become a human, the Messiah, and accomplish the Messianic work that He would do at that time.
"hear O Israel, the Lord your God, the Lord is ONE" not three in one.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
In life any human who argues lies.

A human isn't another humans argument or thesis. Legal advice already made that claim by hypocrite man.

Written in books as science was written in books to false preach. By humans and choice only.

High priest science rich man satanist human position. Destroyer. First a mans choice to act upon only.

By machine purpose and not God.

Just a baby man never our father who was spiritual. Father not a lying theist as his human son.


Knew his human mother's ovary only was first thought about. In his bio life baby man. Women human own a changed ovary cell converted back into a man baby. Is what he lied about.

An ovary is a baby forming with sperm. Sex type inconsequential.

A very fake theism.

In science cosmic theism was never ever a human theism. He said infinite space womb held all of creation.

As a God the planet was held. In infinite womb. A God.

As an abominated God it was a sun.

Pretty basic I think but I don't own it.... as a man liar.

The Theist

A story + a thinker....to add caused T is the body Cross sacrificed. Addition lied first.

To add up in human theory what you never owned first. Mass.

Mass and energy.

You then minused - + the addition. Without owning anything first. It was a formula.

T heist you said. Human scientists are criminals as they stole as men from gods body. By cross. + .

N position gone. T. Body above.
Dome or half of time gone. T. Symbolism themed teaching. Letters.

By the cross + false adding.

Anything a rich greedy man desired as a means to a man's title.....human king. O removed from the O whole.

Is the teaching.

Which you all happen to ignore.

A human telling another human your human chosen evil behaviours. Past and present are the same. Evolution causes it again. Behaviour.

Was a human living to be sacrificed?



We live to live. When any one self dies consciousness living as one self only stops.

You cannot discuss death in life.

As human death says bio body still present the same. In death it stops breathing. Heart stops.

Is not a scientific thesis it's meaning by definition is what is termed absolute.

Owning no argument by topic and subject.

In human science no created thesis exists first. In human presence.

The theist takes the dust. By factoring converts his Alchemy dusts.

In the converting to gain a molten metal out of earths natural law he raises the metal up and out of cold earth mass pressure and in fact reheats cold metal mass that already existed.

In dust converting position. Puts dust mass into mass metal gain.

In thesis I raised metal a dead cold mass out of the earth seam position natural pressure of a metal with God.

Is his thesis how I raised earths dead myself into an alight gas Alchemy spirit to build a machine.

Ignored as the terms of a human scientific Theist. Describing how he built metal machines first.

Is as ignorant as you've always been.


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
It's truly a bizarre story, in my opinion. Here we have a powerful creator god who creates flawed human beings and then decides to blame his creations for having been created flawed. This creator god then decides to send itself down to Earth in order to sacrifice itself to itself in order to wipe the slate clean.
It’s “truly a bizarre story,” if you make Jesus, God. (John 17:3, in Jesus’ own words, negates that interpretation IMO.) But otherwise, him being sent by God, it’s a very touching story.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
It’s “truly a bizarre story,” if you make Jesus, God. (John 17:3, in Jesus’ own words, negates that interpretation IMO.) But otherwise, him being sent by God, it’s a very touching story.
A liar theist man never owned mass of the heavens...ever.

In his sick theist head he said O pi a circle owned a number.

Where is it ignoramus?

In his head only he would quote. Oh so around your man head was a circle? No...I was only thinking about it actually.

Oh so it can't be the heavens first then...body of is just a mass? As all the spirits as lots of water and gases!

No says arrogant man ignorant man's life partner.

The theist. Just a human.


Veteran Member
It says God is not a man four times. It is obviously an extrmely important point if it is taught that many times.

Jesus taught that the the Father is the only true God. The Son is not the Father but is in a Father/Son relationship with His Father. Certainly Jesus teaches that God did not become a man. But the New Testament also teaches that the Son has the same nature as His Father, is equal to His Father in that respect.
For a Christian to say that God became a man is not 100% accurate and so a Jew should not use the Tanakh verses about God not being a man to condemn Jesus or Christianity or the Trinity.
So now that you know that,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, stop it.:)


Well-Known Member
That may be what you believe, but it is not what the Tanakh teaches.
I take issue with you here. The Tanakh is full of references to God's presence on earth. The question is whether God would choose to dwell on earth in the frame of a man, and fulfil what is meant by 'lmmanuel' (lsaiah 7:14).


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
I take issue with you here. The Tanakh is full of references to God's presence on earth. The question is whether God would choose to dwell on earth in the frame of a man, and fulfil what is meant by 'lmmanuel' (lsaiah 7:14).
My son's name is emanuel. I doesn't make him God.


Veteran Member
Right. Pual had heard the legends about Jesus.

Paul knew that Jesus was a real character and had heard the stories about Jesus even if he did not believe that Jesus had risen from the dead.
Jews in later history when writing of Jesus do give Him credit for miracles however so Paul may have believed that part, but believing it was sorcery.
From Sanhedrin 43a in the Babylonian Talmud. (500-600 AD)
Jesus was hanged on Passover Eve. Forty days previously the herald had cried, “He is being led out for stoning, because he has practiced sorcery and led Israel astray and enticed them into apostasy. Whosoever has anything to say in his defense, let him come and declare it.” As nothing was brought forward in his defense, he was hanged on Passover Eve.

It's interesting that both hanged and stoning were used in the text and that a legal trial is mentioned with 40 days of heralding, even if Jesus in the gospels did not even arrive in Jerusalem until 5 days before His death.
Jews explained Jesus miracles in the gospel story as Jesus being empowered by Satan. A bit off our topis however is something I find interesting that in the Gospels there seems to be a common acceptance of Satan being evil and against God, and that seems to be reflected in the idea of sorcery in this Talmud quote. How did Judaism get to the point of now saying that Satan is not evil but is an angel doing the Lord's bidding? (if my understanding of current Judaism is correct)


Well-Known Member
Not really.
You quoted the Shema, and so did Jesus. ln Mark 12:28,29 Jesus answers the question posed by the scribes, Which is the greatest commandment? Jesus replied, 'The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord:
And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.
And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandments greater than these'.

So, Jesus was fully aware of the commandments and the belief in one God.


Veteran Member
As a Jew, the New Testament is not authoritative. It is no different than the quran, or book of mormon, or vedas.

Yes I know that, but I said I could find quotes in the Hebrew scriptures which are Messianic imo and which have the Messiah, the Son of God speaking. I was wanting to show that the Messiah is the Son of God and also existed before He became a man, since He is seen speaking in the Hebrew scriptures.


Veteran Member
I'm not saying God cannot. I'm saying that according to the tanakh, he DOES not.

That is an interesting way of reading it.
But as I have said about Jesus in another post. He called the Father the only true God and Himself the Son of God, so technically Jesus was not God who became man even if He is by nature equal to His Father and the Father is in the Son just as the Son is in the Father.


Veteran Member
Your son's name means 'God with us'. This is not an idle use of words!

In lsaiah 7:14, it is the young woman's son who is called lmmanuel.

Who do you think this prophecy refers to?
"God with us" could mean many things..

Almighty God is closer to us than our jugular vein.
A person who has the Holy Spirit "dwelling in them" could be said to have God with them..

These literal readings of scripture only serve to mislead.
One needs knowledge of religion from more than one source .,. more than one "church" / sect, in order to understand more fully.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
You quoted the Shema, and so did Jesus. ln Mark 12:28,29 Jesus answers the question posed by the scribes, Which is the greatest commandment? Jesus replied, 'The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord:
And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.
And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandments greater than these'.

So, Jesus was fully aware of the commandments and the belief in one God.
ALL rabbis teach that all of the commandments can be grouped under either loving God or loving neighbor. Jesus was NOT original in this teaching.